Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jul 1921, p. 7

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HOLIDAY | SUGGESTIONS White Flannel Trousers .. ...... -$10.00 | Outing Shirts . 77 7$2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Pure Silk Hose : | cain $1.00 B.V.D: Underwear .......... .. .$1.75 Inside Braces ..... .... iin. B06. Wash Ties +i van 54 500aNd 750, En ate ea AL Se RG George VanHorne's - Phone 362w. 213 Princess Street. ~~ Lemonade ! Sets - Pitcher and Six Glasses at $9.25 set. -Rock Crystal 'Sher- bets--set of six at $4.50. WATER SETS Rock Crystal Pitcher and six Tumblers at $12.00 T is known to all that the enkrgy abounding every- where has the sun as its source and unless the me- chanism of our eyes . are : working correctly so that g 'clear image may be thrown upon the retina-screén of our eye we cannot develop the ambitions of our lives. We will examine in a thoroughly scientific mariner your eye- structures and build for you the glasses that will help you visualize and concentrate. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS STREET a Automobile Repairing ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Phones: Shop 1038. Res. 1537J. 378 BROCK STREET ' 5 "The House of Befter Giasses" Opposite the Post Office Phone 649 * - Kingston »k NT TO RE) In Telegraph Building, SUITE of FOUR GOOD ROOMS, with two brick valuts, Sultable fur pices or will arrange for residence p- ply MR. KIRKPATRICK on Canada is suggested for the Pacific premises. . } parley. A At me A Bm Ai som > "Gifts That Last" - Play It--And You Will Understand NEVER will you get to the bottom of the Phonograph question until you have played the Aeolian-Vocalion. At first glance you receive the impression that here is really a new development of the phono- graph idea, - As the first notes vibrates smoothly, clearly, your impression strengthens. The Vocalion is bringing out all the beauty that is in the record. Vocal tones, instrumental tones, not phonographic tone --it is sounding. = " Then you take the 3Iraduola and play the record yourself--then comes the reve- lation. You need but to play it and you will understand why, ' NINE OUT OF TEN ®. The AEOLIAN- VOCALION IS THE WORLD'S GREATEST PHONOGRAPH R. J. RODGER . 132 Princess St. _ We are offering Men's Oxfords at a very special bargain. --Brown Brogue Oxfords. --Black Kid Oxfords. --Mahogany Calf Oxfords : TO.CLEAR AT ...cs.... S498 Allan M. Reid SHOE STORE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG KINGSTON ROTARY CLUB/CAN MAKE FAR LIVING | Rotarian Harry Breathwaite Gave 'Instructive Address on Pianos. | The members of = Kins.ton Ro- | tdry Club, at their noonday luncheon, In {Neir quarters at the British-Am- jericaip "hotel, on Thursday, -had--the- "Pleasure of listening to a most in- | structive address from Rotarian Harry Breathwaite, who dealt with {the manefacture of pianos, [the members all the details | make-up of a piano from the [start to thé finished product" 'The speaker, | remarks, pointed out that all the | advancement made in the manufac- | ture of pianos had been brought &b- | out within one hundred years, * | It was of interest to know that in {Canada there were turned out 30,- 000 pianos annually, These figures, [of course, had to do with" normal | times, Another interesting fact given | by the speaker was that there were 7,000 different parts of a piano. Par- ticular mention was made of the scale, which must be uniform in tone in the very |and quality. It did not matter how | imuch work was put on a piano, un- fess the scale was right, all the work | would be in vain, { The speaker also told about the "making of the plate 'pattern, a very | delicate part of the manufacture, as [allowance had to be made for shrink | age. Rotarian Breathwaite's Was very much appreciated by address the ymembers and at the e¢lose, on motion | {of Rotarian, Roy Ward ang Harry | Miller, he was tendered a hearty | vote of thanks a | Rotarian M. 8, Grace, who ably presided at the luncheon, statéd that he 'hoped other members of the club | would fall in line and give the club {an address. The members of the club | followed up-their vote of tranks to {the special spcaker of the day by {singing "For He's a Jolly Good Fel- | low." | 'As per usual, a number of fines | were imposed on members who will | persist in violating club rules and | regulations, and Rotarian Harry | Pense, who officiated in the absence |of. Rotarian Matt G at-arms, made several tours around the table, and did not return empty- handed, The singing of the Rotary songs | was good. It certainly takes more than warm weather to keep down the Rotary spirit. The luncheon, served in the club's new quarters, was an excellent one, refiecting great credit American hotel, while the service was splendid. All the members were de- lighted with the menu and the ser- vice, : Warren Spencer, manager of Woolworth's store, at Orillia, 'Ont, Was a guest at the luncheoh, and was introduced by President "Joe' Stew- art. -------------- Were Royally Entertained. The C.P.R. officials who took the trip to Picton on Wednesday were splendidly entertained by the mayor and citizens of Picton. After being given a most delightful tour through Newman gave them a fine dinner at th& Royal - Hotel. The mayor and citizens were certainly very cordial and hospitable during the visit, giving | in his introductory. raham, sergeant- | on the management of the British- | Prince Edward county, Mayor Fred. When Not Able to Carry on at | the Trade He Is Aé¢cus= | tomed To. | | "We do not consider that the | workmen in Kingston are at-all bad | { off" said two members of the build- | Ang-trades-to-a Wigg representative {on Thursday, and added, *All our | | lives we have been umable to keep | employed more than eight months of | the year; bit -knoWifig that we work- | ed and planned so as to tide over tne | remaining four months and grab {somethifg as soon as we possibly {could. This talk of panic' because | | tWo or three plants in Kingston are closed is absolute rot because the men who were employed are just as | capable as any of us in finding soma- | thing useful to do. It.is all in the | attitudé of the individual and it is | {unfortunate that so many people are | { looking to the city and other organiz- | ations to do wHat any man should | do for himselr. Z "It does not follow that 'because | {men are out of work for a few | | months that things are "Boing to tha | {dogs for this has been a permanent i condition in the building trades in | canada. We were equal to the oc- | | casion and we left nothing undone to find something to turn our hand to In| | the 'emergency. There is somethiag {that each man has 8ot to do for nim- ; self and 'a condition like the present {shows what stuff he is made cf. U7 "But thers are men in Kingston who are enterprising. Many.of them | have taken jobs of every sort. One {man,_ an expert carpenter, is drivirg | a truck, another in a cartage busi- | ness, and there is no end to legiti- | | mate aventes of profitable employ- { ment ifthe individual has it in him." | -- nt ee HAD HIS FIRST MISHAP i | IN HALF A CENTURY | { -- } [Capt. Papineau Has Rounded | | Out a Long Marine Service. | { | | | Capt, Papineau, in command of the | | Steamer City of Hamilton, which | | went aground above Iroquois, a week | ago, is another old local mariner, | | who has "been in the service half a | | century, and it is stated that this | | is the 'first mishap he has met with | tn his long service. This is a record | that any mariner might well be proud | of. Capt. Papineau is one of the most | | careful navigatérs on the river and { | lakes. He is well-known and» very | |.pOpular, wena ' | In Hospital for Treatment. Mrs. J. C. ENement, Hornepayne, | is in a Kingston hospital for treat- | ment, Mr. Ellement is engineer on [the C. N. R. at the western divisional point, Aleck LeClair, Almonte, has ii.- vented a two in one general purpose adjustable combination lever wrenca. It can be used as a vise and nail puller and can be opened to fit any | kind of nut. ! It is reported that Rev. Mr. Rich- ards, AngiTean rector of Ashton, has been appointed to succeed Rev. Franklin Clarke, in the parishes of Fitzroy Harbor ard Torbolton, Use of sulphate of ammonia as a fertilizer kills weeds and aids the growth of grass. For the torrid summer afternoon sun Joseph offers a combination mushroom having a leghorn orim and felt crown. trimmed with wreath of flowers. | } 9 & | TWICE TOLD TALES 4! News of Kingston TEN YEARS AGO. The steamer Caspian is on her route to Rochester and is being well patronized, The grain merchants are complain. ing that the vessels carrying this commodity are very slow at the pre- séut time. 'The steamer Norseman was sold by a sheriff's sale for $1,000, and will likely be towed to Montreal and sold as junk. The water in. the St. Lawrence Is Yery low and some of the vessels are Baving much rouble. An endeavor is being made to re- { vive bicycle riding In the eity. Quite a number of old timers are getting on wheels again, oT WENTY.FIVE YEARS AGO. Inspector Glidden is Preparing a brief for four delinquent ' license Lolders. i « The street railway motormen will old an 'excursion to Syracuse on Civic holiday to see the sights. The second metallic chicuit has been completed ween Kingston and ville for the Bell Telephone Doan] James Reid will £0 to Toronto to drive 'the Fawn. - Fred Metcalfe #11 look after" Tomilo, The Ki penitentiary guards continue target practice on Wednes- day and Friday. Cash prizes, aggre- gating $100 have been secured for the winners, NJ IE at Charles Sleeth's, mG Abernethy's Shoe Stor Eee acc Ea ---- SPECIAL CLEARING SALE --Ladies' White Canvas Boots--sizes 2} to 34. . --Girls' White Lace Boots and Roman Sandals. --Children's White Canvas Button and Laced Boots. ALL CLEARING AT 75 CENTS < a -, ~~ Is a much talked of article these days If you enjoy a real good Cup of Tea we have it for you. Ou¥ English Breakfast Tea at 3%¢. per Ib. is the best value in the city at that price We also have Tea up to 80c. per 1b-- it is the Tea that cannot be beat and makes you long for 4he next meal that you might énjoy its refresh- Ing power at the; -- The Unique Grocery and Meat Market, 400 and 492 Prin. cess Street. Phone 530. C. H. Pickering 7 =3 50,000 SAMPLES Dr. Hell's Veterinary Wonder 50.000 one dollar ($1.00) bottles Free to horsemen who glve. the Wonder a fair trial. Guaranteed for Colie, Inflammation of the Lungs, Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers, Distemper etc. Send 2c. for Mailing Package ete. Agents wanted. Write your address plainly. x ' DR. BELL, V.S, KINGSTON, Ont. ee -------- Three hundred thousand Rugsians die daily from starvation and disease BRASS BEDS BEDS--specially priced for this ® Brush or Pfflet Ribbon Brass The Improved Banner MATTRESSES--$15.00 Special Ticking, with Imperial edges in 3-0, Fo continuous posts, and also ball mou nts, 4 Beds--Springs. and Way-Safe Spring. atid BEDDING week. Pretty 'designs in two inth All-Felt Mattresses in Art Blue 4-0, 4-6 sizes while they last. JAMES REID : * Boys' Cotton Jerseys * Good Quality Boys' Braces . . + Big variety Wash Ties Boys' Long Khaki Trousers . . oN - RONEY'S, Princess St. according to despatches. THE LEADING UNDEPT.KERS Phone 147 for Service. ------ , | "eH ates 03 25¢. 25¢. 45c. . $1.99 sees 4 0 Auto Hit Bread Wagon; No Person Was Injured The corner of University avenue and Princess street was the scene of another collision Thursday evening. About six o'clock a Ford runabout, coming up Princess Street, and mak- ing' a short turn at the corner, col- lided with E. Culcheth' bread wag- on, which was standing on the west | side of the road. When the wagon was struck,' the horse became fright- ened and started down the avenue, but was stopped before it had gone many blocks, The car had the fender smashed and the axle bent, as it went up onto the boulevard. The col- lision made quite a crash and sum- moned a large crowd to the street. Fortunately nobody was hurt, Mr. Culcheth was delivering bread at the time. "a ------ Notes from Keelersville, f_Keelersville, July 19.--The recent showers with a lower temperature Was much appreciated after the long Spell of very hot, 'dry weather. Hay- ing is about finis . It was a very light crop. Some grain is being cut. ite a number of tourists are at Horseshoe Lake fishing. Congratula- tions are extended to Miss Louise Clark and Arthur Robb," who were. Successful iw passing the high school entrance examinations. Miss Abbie Mcllroy, Rochester, N.Y., is home visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mcliroy.' Mr. and Mrs, John Robb are visitng friends at Kepler and Sydenham. Miss Gertrude Cott- man, Kingston, and Mr. and Mrs, William . Patterson; Milburn, are at David Sleeth's. Mrs. Joseph EB. horné 'and daughters, Miss Addie rue, Lowell, Mass., and Miss Nel- lie Anglin, Baltersea, were at J. B Anglin's." Miss Bertha Sleeth has ' re- turned home, after spending a week Round Lake, A number from here attende? the 12th of July' celebration 'filmy net ------ NOTICE TO THE Having purchased interest of ner of the Firm of E. McALLISTER. Business McALLISTER & DRAKE, all accounts due previous to July 13th, 1921, will be carried the name of "PRINCESS STREET GARAGE." EDMOND McALLISTER, PROPRIETOR. PUBLIC Victor Drake, formerly part. will be payable to on as usual under ee == : oe S SOLID BRICK HOUSE ON NELSON STREET--all mod- ern improvements: this house will pay to look this Proposition over "FRAME HOUSE--g rooms: This is a real centrally located. is in first class condition. before buying. It Price 3 piece bath: electric lights; good buy. 5 $2,150 M. B. TRUMPOUR 11133 BROCK STRE Wolfe Island Wedding, A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. #nd Mrs, Richard Holi- day, Woife Island, when their sécond eldest daughter, Bessie Mildred, was, united in marriage to James Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. J, Kenny, Wolfe Island. Rev. Mr. Kirkpatrick. per- formed the ceremony, To the strains of the wedding march, played by Miss Gladys Ranouse, the bride, who looked charming in a gown of white satin trimmed with pearls and veil of caught with 'orange bios- soms, entered with her father. After the ceremony a sumptuous wedding breakfast was served, after which the happy couple motored to Kingston, and left on the 3.45 G.T.R. train to Toronto, Winnipeg and other western points. The bride travelled in a suit of navy blue serge with hat to match. PHONE 704 or 1461w. To Be Re i « Peterboro, July 22.--Aeccording to information from a reliable source D. W. Dumble, police magistrate of » this city for thirty-eight years, {8 tc be superannuated, and the jurisdic. tion of 0. A. Langley, Lakefield; ai. Present county police magistrate, is to be extended to include the city. A freripts to verify this from. the office of the attorney-gemeral were unsuccessful. Hon. Mr. Raney. re- fused to conform or deny it, but when asked whether a successor had been appointed replied, "No." : ------, Thé trouble 'with some men whe follow a callmg is that they can't keep up with it. + Grass seldom grows under the fee of the man who keeps on the side walk or in the middle of the street

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