Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jul 1921, p. 10

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10 5 SEEN ENR NENN NNN NRNEERENENERE | | | In the World of Sport Looking, ~---- Waiting and Asking For } A DROP IN BICYCLE PRICES od We have just received a small shipment of Bicycles--made for export trade-- which sold a few weeks ago for $65.00. Now selling for .. $49.50 The name of the Bicycle--"FALCON"--made by the makers of the famous "Massey" and "Red Bird" at the price. You can purchase on our easy terms. Come in and see them to-day. Bicycles, and guaranteed the best value Pay You'll have one to-morrow, as you ride. _--MONDAY-- w day. This coming Monday means a holiday. Be generally means wash WN NRT NLT prepared for it by buying now ---- you'll want some Fishing Tackle, a Film. Re. member, we have just what you want, Camera or perhaps a LH = 5! ¥ i f Remember us--always. 'rd Storé open Saturdays till 10.30 p.m, bv f . -- TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. BICYCLES--FISHING TACKLE--PHONOGRAPHS--CAMERAS. 88 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 529. - "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" RRR RRR RO SR YT TMH SPRING t FURS hy Dealer in Furs only, i Gourdier's BROCK STREET, | \ two . nm ¥F 1 3 { 5 ~~ Bnthustas Tor sport Is WHITE WEAR THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ENTHUSIASM FOR SPORT AROUSED BY ARMY LIFE, greater in { london this season thah ever before, | asserts the Evening News in an ar- | ticle which declares that 'in and {about the city today, there are 50,- 000 tennis players, 5,000 amateur | cricket teams and 45,000 regular | tootball players. Rejuvenation by five | years of army life is advanced as jone of the reasons for the record | breaking keenness for outdoor gam- es. . Every lawn tennis elub has a long | waiting list, the newspaper states, | Grounds for tennis, cricket and foot- pan are at a prenjium and the space available is hundreds of acres short | of what is required. A tour of thes| | playing fields indicates that ~ there | are tens of thousands who would join | in if room could be found for them. The London Playing Fields Society has 125 tennis courts which accom- | modate 2,000 players, The number of courts is five times that main- tained by 'the organization before the war, yet it could have let them three times over for the present sea- son, There gre 200 clubs in Greater 1 HOME RUN DOPE Sm" 1--Babe Ruth, If., New York Am- ericans (36.) 2--Kenneth Williams, 1f., St. Louis Americans (16.) 3--George Kelly, 1b, Nationals (13.) 4--Robert H.. Veach, 1f., Americans (13.) 6--Emil Meusel, If., Philadelphia Nationals (12.) { 6--Harry Heilman, 1. | Americans (12.) 7--Clarence Walker, If., Philadel- New York Detroit Detroit London affiliated to the Lawn Ten- | nis Association alone » controlling 20,000 players, while 30,000 players are registering at the London County Council courts, The secrefary Counties Cricket Conference, in which there are 270 cluhs from Greater Ld¥don estimates that 5,000 acres are needed inthis sport. He estimates that the clubs now own- ing thelr own grounds number seven hundred. The sports club of one large cater- ing firm has 18,000 members and oc- cuples 70 acres. One of the banks has spent 70,000 pounds on a sports ground in South London. Illustra- tive of the growth of outdoor activi- ties among commercial companies is the fact that there are now 140 firms In the. Business Houses Sports As- sociation compared with §0 in 1910. London is encircled by a great belt .of playing fields. One of the few pieces -of ground still available consists of a 20-acre plot for which a railway company wants 600 pounds an acre, of the Southern NA AA rt wna phia Nationals (9.) 14--Robert Meusel, rf, New York Americans (9.) 156--Tyrus Cobb, cf., Detroit Amer- feans (9.) 16--Joseph Dugan, 3b., phia Americans (9.) Philadel- "Varsity To Have New Rugby Coach in Fall Varsity must seek a new rugby coach, 'Laddie' Cassels, of last year's all-conquering setitor team, has relin- quished the reins of control anc for one year at least will not be able to lend valuable assistance to the blue | phia Americans (11.) 8--Austin B, McHenry, If, Louis Nationals (11.) 9--J. F. Fournier, 1b Nationals (10.) 10--Fred Williams, cf., Philadel- | phia Nationals (10.) IT--James Dykes, 2b., Philadelp- hia Americans (10.) 12--Rogers- Hornsby, 2b., St. Louis Nationals (10.) 13--R. Wrightstone, 3b., Philadel- Select Laxative : Medicine With Great Care In debility and welkness; medicine should be mild and Tar "Teaching. Many pills and purgatives are too hard, are drastic instead of curative. Excessive action is always followed by depression, an knowing this Dr. Hamilton devised his pills of Man- drake and Butternut so as to mildly increase liver and kidney activity, so as to flush out the system by toning and regulating the bowels. Thus do Dr. Hamilton's Pills eliminate poisons from the body, thug do they restore clearness to the skin, thus do they renew health and strength. To keep your system in healthy, good working order, regulate it with Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills. 25c., all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Montreal. Smoke St. , St. Louis Cat Coarse, for Pipe Use Cat Fine, for Cigarettes ORINOCO | " WEEK END SALE . Bargain table full of White F. ootwear--Women's and hildren's sizes sle'ale'al aint uv ay gly bine NOW. _ "CHUMS" for oislefoinile oTe a 0 a sv vn 4 4s the Children. + | . AO.P Se. tests a waa a Girls' and Boys' White Running Boots and Low Shoes . . Women's odd sizes--regular from $2.75 to $5.25. avers wnnsvs $149 raf 99 .. $1.19 . -~ - THE VICTORY SHOE STORE Williamson & Wellwood BRINGING UP FATHER and white. Pressure of business is the sole reason that caused Cassels to decline the position he so capably | filled last fall, when the Varsity play- | ers swept all before them .in their victorious march championship. The university authorities, if re- to the Canadian | ports are true, did not have to look around long for a successor. Dr. Jack Maynard, famous U, of T. backfield star of pre-war days, being the man they have reque.ted to fill Cassels' shoes.. Maynard has - ot definitely accepted, but there is little doubt but that he will be on hand when the lure of the great gridiron pastime is at- tracting the ambitious youths to the hot September practices. Maynard coached Torontos, senior champions of the O.R.F.U., last fall, and there is little doubt but that he i qualified to fll the arduous task of placing a contender 'in the field. : -- ee i Likely to be on Hand. Miss Charlotte Leitch, winner of the British and French open ladies' golf championships, will probfbly attend the Dominion tournament in Ottawa in August, Other noted old country players who will attend the tournament arranged by thé Cana- dian Ladies' Golf Union are Miss Edith Leitch and Miss Doris E, Chambers, English internationalist. ' General Sport ' McGinnity, Brooklyn, holds the major league record for hitting bats- men--forty-one in the 1900 season. The woman's endurance swim- ming record is held by Miss Eileen Lee, London, who swam 36 1-4 miles in ten hours and seventeen minutes. Therd is no rule which prevents a base-runner from sliding into first, Corridon, of the Phillies, is cred- ited with being the first pitcher to use the spitball, "Kid" Willlams is' twenty-seven years. old. His real name is John Gutneko, If when a batter strikes out, a base-runner is thrown out trying to steal, this is scored as a double Play. According to Sir Walter Scott, "golf" is derived from the Low Dutch "Kolfr," meaning a club. On Labor ¥, 1899, two teams of the New England league played five games, the last one sigrting ab- out twilight, ~ "mm, RUDD, TRACK ATHLETE, TRAINS ON BRIAR PIPE Laughs at American Trainers | Who Say' Smoking is Injurious. Bevil Rudd, eaptain of the Oxford- Cambridge track team that meets the Yale-Harvard group in Harvard sta- dium, trains on a pipe. The biz Oxford athlete puffs on a briar almost incessantly, He smokes even on the days when he is slated for gruelling tests on the cinder tracks and laughs at American train- ers who say it will hurt him, | "Why, it helps me a tremendous lot, really," Rudd said yesterday. "Over in Antwerp one of your Am- erican coaches told me to cut it out and see if it didn't help me. I tried it and ran third in the 400 metres. Then I smoked two pipefuls and won my next two events.' 4 Clubs and Distance. Many long hitters, both in baseball and golf, are content to employ light 'weapons. ~ This is especially true of golf. 7 "t BIC PLUG de, cents FQ Oo SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1991, (Ee THE man who smokes Master Mason KNOWS the flavor of good tobacco. He demands the big Master Mason plug, because to the last pipeful it gives him the best for the least money. But it so happens that "Babe'" Ruth swings a fifty-two-ounce bat, while Abe Mitchell revolves a seven- teen-ounce driver and brassie, whera the normal bat is around forty ounces and the normal driver is not above fourteen. And "Babe" and Abe are both record holders. Unusual phy- ical strength is needed to handle a heavy weapon with speed and rhythm, with the timing eft intact through the process of a" crashing blow. Bob McDonald, the big Scot, who is one of the longest drivers in America, uses a light club. * He could undoubtedly get -even greater dis- tance with a heavier club, but his di- rection would suffer. The marvel of Mitchell is that he can manipulate such a heavy weapon and still retain his accuracy and look of ease. He must have enough strength in his fingers, wrists and forearms to twist the head off a rhinocerous, whieh by many is considered the su- preme test, > ------ All nine men on a team are per- mitted to try to put out a base-run- ner, provided they do not block his path, The flyweight boxing limit is 112 pounds, SE ii little TOOKE | Lightwe rl | oll Collar A 0 A i ~ pnd . . FOR THOSE SMOKERS WHO MACDONALD'S curt FINE, OR WHO "ROLL THEIR OWN" Brass and Iron Beds Springs and Mattresses Special prices on Felt Mattresses, Ban- ner Springs. MARSHALL MATTRESS--the best and only ventilated Mattress on the market. -- R. J. Reid THE LEADING UNDERTAKER 230-234 PRINCESS STREET LIVER SALINE We have just received a fr €sh supply of this famous regu- lator for the LIVER AND KIDN EYS. It's solution affords an ideal SALINE MINERAL WATER which is just the proper thing tg take this warm weather, It See our window display! Sargent's 186 PRINCESS STREET. LIKE comes in two sizes--3%e,, and #0c. Drug Store PHONPF 41. (Is Ri Fine Cut & {.™ FEELIN ROTTEN TODAY CLANCY 3 = Custom Tailors Own Material Made Up: Prices right. 30 MONTREAL STREET Twe doors from King Edward Theatre FOR SALE | Good second - hand Lumber, Corrugated *1 Sheet Steel and other building materials. i. Cohen & Co. 2738 Ontario St. Phone 837. 7 MATTER 2 18 Your u WHATS The Di OHNO! | oT COT LIKE THIS AT MUST rrvE BEEN SOME "NO FIGHT AY ALL 1T WOUZ A SWELL PARTY. AN | TOOK: A NOTION TO JUMP THROUGH A BY GEORGE McMANUS WELL - 47 LIKE A C000 1nEA LAST NigHT J DFWEMEQ X.

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