SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1021- | ------------ ------ 1] s 2. THE. DAILY B PACIFIC SERVICES i ALN RE (UT Newest Notes Of Science | annually in Japan in thé manufac- | | ture of incense, insect puwder and | | mosquito exterminators. | One man can operate a new street | cleaning machine which 'sprinkles a roadway, sweeps the moistened dirt | TO EUROPE | | | f MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW P 2 MONTREAL. TO LIVERPOOL | fly 26iAug. 26i8ept. 23 Melita | ag Plo. Be pti pre 3 20 ,0ct ®na | 1.18 .. . veal srian SC TO LIVERPOO ept: 10 Emp. of Britair +. Emp. of France TO GLASGOW 15 . Tunis . Pretorian NDoN Sicillar 8c On~~Antwerp Corsican d : pt. 10 Oct . 30/0ct. 4 MONTREA Avg. 188ept. 20. Noy Sept. 1{0ct. 6, .. >i ontreal--Southampt 9.0ct. 15 il . Beandinavian July 237 ..... . Monfrea) Montreal--Naples--Genon 24 Aug. & Caserta Combined service Canadian and Navagazione Gengrale Ita MEIGHT oNIY Approximate Salling Dafes MONTREAL--LONDO ¥ eB aN aerate. Bosworth | +. Dunbridge | .- Bolingbroke » Phone Main 6580 | hand lana, | crude nll local agents or-- i . B. umont, Gen. Agt, Pass. Dept. 1 King St. E., Toronto . Adelaide 2105 Canadinm Pyeific Rallway | ic Agents REGULAR SERVICr: MONTREAL--GLASGOW July 23iAug. 27[ Oct. 1 ..... Saturnia | Aug. 6iSept. 10|0Oct. 15 Cassandra | | | * $ 80 ...... N. Y, Liverpool-Gla JUIF BO ......ccccenae urns. Cameronia NEW YORK--LIVERFOOS, - 18[Sept. 10}Oect. 8 +e«.Carmania B. § sob. Vasari - 20/Sept. 27|Nov Albania . 37(Sept. 24{0ct. 28 Caronia 8{Oct. 11|Noy. 15 cythia N. ¥., Cunerbourg, Shipton | y 26/Aug. Sept. 13 ..,. Aquitan'a 11iSept. §!Sept. 29 ... Mauretanin 18/Sept. 22/0ct. 20 .+..Berengaria Boston to Liverpool Au Au Assyria | k, Plymouth, Cherbourg, | fambourg and Danzig Saxonia | N. Y. Ply, anda Hambouryg Sept. 6/Oct. 18/Nov. 29 Saxonia | ¥ Y., HA MBOURG, DA * J AViee ga. A G | Pannonia | Patras, Dubrovnik, Trieste and Fi e . Calabria 23 .*Naples iso pis freight and ferthee to local agents or THE ROBERT REFORDCO., Line GENERAL AGENTS # KING STREET EAST TORONTO, ONT. ---- For particulars apply to--- F. CONWAY | Steamanily Agent--at) in Phone 1197 rs, L 180 Wellington nn es Street, --8teel Poles. ~--Bass Oreno Baits. ~--Pearl Wobblers, Spoons. Everything in Fishin g Tackle at:-- BURN & CO. Street. W. H. COCK Corner Wellington and Princess The Colleg our-year ¢ The spr can be adjusted to A wireless publle, has been ape Fuego, To record the work done by steno- jan | Braphers, | been invented. Pekin univ agricultural station, Fumes of benzine cause me it contai Norway has established a national | Pacific | | domestic science school for girle at | Stavanger, " Awyelectric method has been de- | veloped for extracting the water from For home consumption Great Brit- {ain imports about 30,000,000 | of coffee annually, To enable the blind to aisingy) between the tolors in pictures a G | man has invented a method for em- ------------ GZEMA ment for Eczema and Skin Irrita- tious. all Chase's Oran free if you mention this jill gedlers or Yh il] RalLwaY | AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CP.&T. A, G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont, inna FISHING TACKLE . ~--Reels. ==Canned Minnows. --Minnow Pails, together and loads it into a contain- | e of Hawall has added a | bossing each different hme in a dis tof on the vehicle. | gar fechnology. | tinetive arrangement of dots, nes or | 80 that a motorist can sce that the new baby carringé Crosses, « | tail light on his ear is burning with- The invention of a Massachusetts | oy nie ree is-a-fastener--to' prevent rubbers | has patented a series of. stat *n to thé | slipping from shoes. " | mounted mirrors. d ierra del Most of Japan's pearl divers are |- For use of clothing manufacturers ! women, who begin to jearn the trade {an electric awl has been invented at the age of thirteen or fourteen. | that can penetrate 100 thicknesses ot a typpwriter meter has | Their inventor has patented shoe {cloth at once to make holes in ac- | trees than can be hung, with shoes | cordance with a pattern, i | One of France's most noted avia- j tors has built a passenger carrying | i | plane with two decks, fhe upper for tal that | ing textiles and wallpaper. | twelve first-class paSSengers apd the Rollers on the bottom of a new {lower for sixteen second-class, be | The present annual consumption of oil and oil products throughout the world is estimated at 79,300,000 tons, of which the United States uses about 40,000,000 tons. -------- ------ GUARD BABY'S HEALTH IN THE SUMMER The summer months are the most dangerous to children. The com: | plaints of that season, which are cholera infantum, colic diarrhoea and | dysentry, come on so quickly that | often a little one is beyond aid be- fore the mother realizes he fs fll. The | mother must be on her guard to pre- | vent these troubles, or if they do| come on suddenly to banish them. | No other medicine is of such aid to! mothers during hot weather as is 'Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the stomach and bowels and are ab- solutely safe Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. urse in s 5.0f a any tension desir- suitably | qrsity will establish an | on them, on a closet hook, hot and experiment | In England there has been invent- i ed a photographic process for print. + 5 to glow and heat a new | { automobile dack permit a car to moved after it has been lifted. China's famous grand camal, hail: in 486 B.C,, is to be rebuilt and mod- ernized by American engineers, A motor for transporting munieci- > pal prisoners can carry 60 persons at a time, The floor of a Paris theatre is re- versiblé, one side being used for dancing and. the other holding the seats. An inventor has patented a grip to be slipped over the end of a pneu- matic hammer to ald an operator in guiding it. Aluminum is being considered by Japanese hydro-electric plants to re- place copper on their heavy trans- mission lines. Anchor chains, heretofore made from wrought iron by hand, can be cast in their entirety from steel by a NeW process. . One French railroad is converting 200 of its locomotives into ofl burn- ers and another will experiment with that fuel. An indoor golf game that has been invented includes a plush mat for a tee and a target like pocket to catch the balls. An acetylene generator that re- quires attention only once a month has been invented in Europe for illu- minating road signs. Cuff links that cover the button- holes and are joined around the edges of cuffs have been patented by a Rhode Island inventor, By adding 6 per cent of molybden- um an Englishman - has produced what is claimed to be the hardest tool stee] yet invented. Apparatus has been invented to de- termine the alcoholic content of bev- erages by volume in a few minutes almost automatically. a tank and motor to be mounted on The cork from hundreds of thous- the handlebars and drive the front ands of discarded life preservers in wheel. : England is being removed to .be To my way of thinking, it is as manufactured into linoleum. essential to pay as it is to pray. An electric implement for retouch- a ing photographic negatives enables a : user to do more than twice as much Thinks work as with hand tools. French manufacturers of course textiles are experimenting" with the Afries alfa grass, which has a fibre similar to jute and hemp~ Ink dried in stick form is used in connection with a pen that a New York man has invented, being made warmer, petroleum. nds : » ish er- X0u are BA ex perimant ing when ov use br. ase's Oint- | It relieves at once and grad heals the skin. Sample box Dr. e. 600. a send 2¢, stamp for ta " manson, ¥ s & Co, Ba Ba oronto. +4 0 Lh Fa FAI Paty Great Steeple Climbers, The greatest steeple climber fn England is William Green. He has repaired fifty or more steeples and spires, and is sent for from all parts of the kingdom. His great achieve- ments have been in repairing the spire of Salisbury 'Cathedral which | is 404 feet high; Louth Lincolnghire, | 350 feet; Grantham, 320 feet; and a steeple in Cambridgeshire, 280 feet. --Spare Moments, BONG TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS 100 with Private Baths EUROPEAN P. "About the simplest device yet in- vented for converting an ordinary ee bicycle into a.motoreycle consists of Swearing All Right Yes, providing the provoeation equals the offence of Jones stepping on Smith's sore corns, Far better to use "Putnam's Painless Corn Ex- tractor. It does lift out corns in a hurry. Na corn can last it "Put- nam's" is applied. Refuse a substi- J. P. HANLEY, t leaving his seat an Englishman.) 21 Main Street. Phone 170. RITISH WHIG. Nee > ony BUILDING 7. REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Wishes to announce £ . : that he has resumed of-town trips. 153. PRINCESS. SIREET ¢ his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. --- "w-- » ET For real 5 £1 ad: i A Wo 7 £3 Le ry . BRLLITY Gasoline . Service Station BEST GRADES-OF OILS AND A George Granger R. H. JONES | ib hy Y o Auto Tops $i recovers ed; slip covers; all kinds of cushions repaired. "BOAT CUSMIONS made all sizes with KAPCK filling, "we verselopasti¥ Rh LT Rr THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987, Wanting anything done In the enrpen. tery line. Estimates sivew on all Kinds of repairs and new work' also ard. wood Sloors of all kinds. AN orders Shep will receiv: prompt wttentiom. 28 Queen Street. i alba oni TAXI FOR HIRE | Special prices for out- Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 390 PRINCESS STREET Phone 152. Dr. Nash's 1 DENTAL PARLORS: Dr. H. A. Stewart "Dental Surgeon [a KINGSTON, ONTARIO We specialise on:--Painless Extrac tion, Latest Treatment of Pyorrhea, X-Ray work. --. ---- G. C. MILLARD 30 Main Street {| Phone235tw. | ~ iam aim admit his modesty.= A a, Dr.-H. A. Stewart -- ia Bargain Prices of Used Cars Listed Below = in excellent mechanical condition and. equipped with first-class tires and storage batteries can be purchased on'reasonable terms REO ROADSTER--4 cylinder $1500.00 -CHEVROLET a0 450.00 OAKLAND ............... cena... $ 500.00 ...$ 500.00 co... $ 350.00 COLE--3 passenger touring car . .. FORD--1 ton truck 30x3} NON-SKID TIRES .\....<. :.....:... $16.50 each BOYD'S GARAGE Brock St. tute. 3&er anywhere. ready for use by dipping in water, A variety of sugar cdne 'that is raged in China for chewing in the raw state is kept in good condition for months by burial in the ground. An inventor has patented a mir- ror and electric light, mounted on the end of a rod, to be inserted into vio- Hn body to examine its interior, An Australian is the, inventor of a grain harvester that both reaps and threshes and with which @ man can cut and sack fifteen acres of wheat a day, : To make it more noticeable a new Phone 216. J OF INTEREST TO MOTOR CAR OWNERS "Automotive equipment" wishel to announce equipment purchased can be .i nstalled at once, First-class mechanics. - Automotive Equipment 109 Brock Street i Tourist Bureau, Mfg. Agents, Accessories | railroad crossing danger signal is i1- luminated intermittently by automat- ic mechanism operated by acetylene gas, : * Of Cuban invention is a sugar bow] with four radiating arms, from which its contents are obtained by pressing buttons without Hfting the device. The manufacture of leather from fish skins has béen made commercial- ly possible by the invention by a New York man of a process for preparing the leather, English educators have found that the increase in motion picture thea- ters has been followed by a decrease inthe circulation of cheap literature. For aeroplanes an instrument has that all Phone 818w. I Ford Touring, 1917. 1 Ford Touring, 1914. | McLaughlin D-35. | McLaughlin K-63. . I Chev, 490. Special bargain $395. | Reo ouring. All cars in Al shape, gdod tires and freshly painted, = | VanLuvenBros. 34-38 Princess Sticet. Phone 1609. been invented which enables an avia- tor to know the speed at which he is flying relative to distances fan the ground, ~ One of the largest machines of the kind. in the world has been built in the United States for a Japanese steel plant to roll 180-inéh steel plates. Kansas agricultural experts have found that dynamiting is not benefi- cial to all soils, that in heavy clay | it frequently injures both soll and crops, < The Spanish government wil] per- mit experiments in tobadco cultiva- {tion and will inspect th, seeds and plants and supervise the disposal of the crop. An automatic weighing machine for parcel post packages releases the correct stamps when a package is | laid on a plate and a key for its zone is pressed. English engineers have esiimated that the cost of electrifying the South | African rail\ ays, which will be car- ried out by stages, will exceed $56,- 000,000, An Indianna inventor claims to get more power out of his water wheel with blades alternately curved to the left and tight than with a straight bladed wheel. English scientists are experiment. Ing with two musical tones, sent by a telegraph key and received by a tele- phone, to replace the dot and «dash in telegraphy. \ : Agents of Chicago packers, & menting at a Pennsylvania tannery, 'indve succeeded in making men's tlothing from the hair clipped from slaughtered steers. . It is estimated that about 1.500 tons of \$rethrum flowers are used Smorine ToBAcco - f { . ' * ¥ . | t 1b. packet | Seents , %lbtin80=t: