Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jul 1921, p. 20

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Li THE DAILY RRITISH WHIG. POLCEHAD © | "™ SOCIAL NOTES =] William J. McGall, 14 West 51st |} ' Y | T { ROW street, New York, who has"=pent the |p Jf . . past two weeks with his mother, left ||P | . . : € » Thursday for Rochester, N.Y., on a if | 5 v . | visit before returning to New York. ] Shot Gun and Revolver Figure | pening iB : Gx . in Lively Scrap on | Miss Katte Ryan, Kingston, is vi- | i J . Stephen Street. { siting her uacle, Mr® Ain, Westport. | ; ; . J - ---- | Mrs. J. HA H. Coleman and Miss | ! : --.§-4F A .32 shot gun and a revolver fig- 'Frances, Napange: are spending a HoH { ured in a family row on Stephen | week at St. Ola. Ont. | Saturda N : ht {was fined $15 and costs or one | 'Mrs. RW. Prevost. Westport, an- || : ! . y dg . or . And this 1s why: There 1s no shortage month, and his brother was remdand- jnounces the ésgagement of her eld-|(p Hi : s | ed until Tuesday ; est daughter, Edna "Evelyn to Wil-|{R |i ( 0 : of either wool or labor and the present J! The police were given a 'call to {liam' Ambrose Lyons, Toronto. The | Sale 30 olond | # street, on Satanrday morning, and it Miss Essie Jakes, Merrickville, is} 1s-the quality as good as a few years resulted in Harry Howley and John |in Kingston to spend a couple of {(b | *® ; ht Howley, brothers, being arraigned | weeks. She will be a guest at the' | 'M 3 'ago? Our answer: Yes!" ro | before Magistrate Farell, on charge homes of Mrs. Day and Mrs. Hag- || PE | of carrying firearms. John Howley | gard. iH i | ! 1 i | i | i | the Howley home about 9.15 o'clock {marriage is to take place quietly in | 7 30 ' li o 0 ClocC competition for business by cloth- jon Saturday morning, where it was | Holy Trinity church, Toronto, early . p [ stated, a lively row was in progress. |in August. makers has caused them to see to 1t | Sergeant Marshall Armstrong and | ss = a | . | Constable Vernon Campbell respond- | © Miss Ella Quigley, William street, || that the quality of to-day has never fed to the call, and-it is stated that on [left Tuesday to visit Mrs. H. Tooby, ||P | | their arrival they found the two sons | Westmount, and will also visit if oo . " been better. | Sutside the house, one armed with a | friends in Sherbrooke, Ques before | We have grouped a number of ve ry special offerings for Saturday | rifle .and the other with a revolver. | returning home. BLUE BOTANY WOOL SUITS | A danggrous looking cudsel was also | * Miss fea McClelland has re. || night shoppers. Each and every number being a rare bargain, found_in their possession, so it is al- | turned to her home in Picton. and every woman will be well ad vised to take advantage of the d t I di D . leged. The 'officers took possession | Miss Eleanor Holland returned. to- |{ . h . »s . ready-to-wear, naigo ye guaran- | ot the weapons and brought the two |day from Lacona, N.Y., where she saving t ese timely opportunities bring. . | men to the police station. It is [spent the past month Miss Tesse $35.00 up to $45.00 | claimed that the revolver was loaded. | Cole accompanied her home. { | The father of the two young men ! Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Mace, Winni- FANCY TWEED and WORSTED | declarea to the police that the Boys jpeg, are with their daughter, Mrs. 20 WOOL PULLOVERS had fired shots at he, Whereupon John Mair, Villa St. Claire Apart- LADIES® BLACK LISLE . 1 | the sons claimed that the father had | ments. » 4 SUITS-- ready-to-wear; choice pat- | fired at them = | Miss Thelma Haffner, who is in [1B Regular value $5 to $6. STOCKINGS . 3 : . > Harry Howley kicked up a big fuss [training at the Montreal General Hos. | terns; beautiful fabrics in the police court room, whije the | pital, has returned to Montreal, Ka) To-night . . . .. ies' : v $25 00 up to $37 50 case was'in progress. He made an at- [ter visiting her parents here. J 1 g Ladies fine Lisle Thread : Safad sn nnn n 0. . P . | tempt to attack his father, and' had Miss Helene Corrigan is home from || All wool pullovers with round Stockings with double t and to be overpowered by Constable | the Ursuline Academy of Music. | k Vv k i Il h : | Camabeil, ~ : "ss 1 Necks or V necks, sailor collars heels--second lity --bl k = a Nis. Murdaret: Timmde : : --8 quality ac Straw Hats $1.50 Silk Sox Bh ee ee Tap 4 and in all the latest shades: -- nounces the engagement of her dau- . for 95c¢c. i BELGIUM FEELS HURT ghter, Anna Mae, to Walter Norman {| only. Regular 75¢. parr. 1 Price | ie, -- i wg | Archibald, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. || Rose and Turquoise, Oriental T. ik oe 2 Grey and Blue, | Strongly Urges Participation in U.S. {Archibald, Belleville, Marriage to and Maize urquoise and o-might ......... 45c. pair. i Black and White Paris Ta Bolgiua. gov take place early in August. | B F d q : v | ernment 'has instructed Baron de | tos tes rte ee en uft, Ja e and Mist, Copen, Athletic . . | Cartier de Marchienne, Belgian am | * ttre : 3 Melon, Nile. All sizes Special Outing | bassador to tLe United States, to|& war smi THINKS OF MES 2 || . Underwear Shirts {present strongly the reasons why ly WHLL SHE'S ALL WRONG & |i - | Belgium should paiticipate in the |g . dd - ~ Collar attached | conference on disarmament in Wash- |e Folkestond, Eng., July 23 --%|| $1.50 $2.50 [|| mana covsenpongent a mrt ht | & Every womdn knows that men, . i By pon h = 2rus O14 "though interesting creatures, the Echo de Paris, to-day. + 4 are tiresome, hard to control, | ye Putinans declares that the Bel { and are prone to seek their own { 8lan' sensibilities have been some- way 'in spite of warning," ac- | what hurt by President Harding's cording to Mrs. H. A. L. Fisher, { phrase in his call for the conference. 3 | the "principal Allied and Associated |; »i1¢ Of the president of the a v British National Board of Edu- ®e eo Tine eo Be: 9 [powers Which the Belgians consil- cation. She told an audience at . | er reduces Belgium to a lower rank , Sere ; | . the Royal Sanitary Institute { than that which the correspondent Congress that most men become says Belgium feels it has attained by | Eress ¢ : | its part in the war. 'The Belgian in- f 75-77 BROCK STREET | terests in the far east are described ill entirely through faults of their own, and "sow seeds of {as being of real importance, notably : the Kai-Ping mines to the northeast Founded 1847. [ot Tien: Tsin, the railways in China, BOYS' JERSEY SUITS | Boys' Cotton Jersey Suits-- 10 Wool Lace PULLOVERS | just the thing for the 'small Regular value $11.50, $12.50, boys playing and romping » and $13.50. around. The colors are: Saxe Your pick Blue, Brown, Navy. Sizes Wool Lace Pullovers-- round Neo. 3, 4, 5. y or V neck, with tassel trim- Tonight ..... ...... $1.00 2424424442402 0 004 mings. -The colors are;--Old trouble for themselves by eating too much, eating (he wrong {and also numerous Belgian national | bank enterprises. Rose, Oriental, Buff, Nile. Al} things, drinking too much, be- The Belgian government considers - y 7 i A IE 1 K { ing lazy, keeping late hours, or sizes, D S' LONG SI * its national dignity assailed, M. Pu:t- 3 living in hermatically seale@~#% it t rooms." ' "> y GLOVES S| mans asserts, especially if Holland is | $ $+ $4 4940 440s 00000 ff | GIRLS WHITE LISLE . | Ladies' Long Silk Gloves--12 =F] The Belgians consider alse. thar tas | The Kingston Masons who attend- [Ip [| SOCKS and 16 button length.--all have " | question of disarmament vitally con- ed the grand lodge session at Ottawa corns them 8 they BOW are vart of pave setursed, Righe Wormmpta 1. i Girls' fine Lisle Thread Socks, reinforced finger tips. Colors: e- bloc of western powers. grand master, is receiveing congratu- " roll tops, white only. Sizes 5} Black, Navy, Mastic, Grey and lations upon his electipn to the high- ! d I Nn B KING CAN JOIN THEM. est district office. 2 to 8. . " White. : S : 0S. | "Nothing To Stop You," Said Cleve- | ~ pany memorasovm. |b i : i Priced ....... $1.50t0 $2.50 ETT ! land Rotarian. Where to go Monday--A.O.H. picnic, . * | London, July 23.--The reputa- Brophy's Point. | Tickets 35c. Limited | tion which Americans have of blunt | speaking even in the face of, royal- HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR | | mark that passed between King : J \ | ty, is likely to be enhanced by a re- | ; : . . | George and Mr. Klump, Cleveland, i RINTERS ( IER' Sl K ST C ] I: a ' = {O., on the occasion of the Rotar- Cw > aaa . ' 1 HINK A 1 | ians'~ reception at Buckingham Pal. | MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. | ( ) i" > = | by - z i * | ace, the other day. King George, | affably said to Mr. Klump that he RETOsirs BORN. Sub Cieni Il i STD-- {ingston, uly 22nd, 21, | . . . . 06, (would like to hecome 3 Retar- | REID Eingsiiu ub July Z2ng, 192k 18 10 You will need cool Hosiery for this warm weather, We v ian, "I don't see what is to stop Bagot street, a son, (nee Hilda Lay- | i 0 ' [ : MINU { E you," said Mr. Klump. zell). Bll have a wide range ofSilk Stocki ngs In pretty colors and all are |, - : IN MEMORIAM. (RH In_ever Joxing mematy of - 4 | ately priced. Thecolors' are: -- AT SATURDAY'S MARKET Dunne. Who died suddenty on July oth |p | moderately p > __ "In perfect rest hoover 5 | rey. --Palm Beach. -- WE STUDY the best methods for our. cus- Little Change To he} rices Over Last dearer missed by his loving wize and f Grey Haather Navy. i tomers in servjee and delivery, with horses There was a good-sized market IN MEMORIAM. RM : : : : ' : Saturday Tning, and the prices In loving memory at Livrg R. Bax. | | -- Brown. --Beaver. ~--Purple. Ue 1 showed little change from those of ter, Who passed, away July 1th, 1 20. I : ' : and motor trucks used only-for this purpose. ego in Lipa Rd fe Bd nadie LE but in order to make the service more satis- ing of eggs, Si? at 40 cents per | One year haé passed since that sad day, | | dozen. New potatd®s were offered at | God called the one we loved away, | | | PRICED. .. Nae NT 81 50 Bl WHITEandBLACK ...........convi vs 00st ron $100 up Forget him, no, we never will, ol} 3 3 60 cents a peck,/and apples at 30 Lc | Ac 61 s re love hi till. factory, for those wanting their goods de- So cents « peck, 'and apples at 30 lo | £5"dnle rol." Yo Tove him sean. | - - . : thers. | > 3 ' quality and size. Corn made its ap- { livered on the first deliveries leaving at 7.30 SIAN sige. Corn Made its ap. | WN RRGREEE it 1s : o a dozen. Tomatoes were sold at 30 In loving memory of my dear hus- | a.m. it 1s necessary to order goods the after cents for a box and one market gard. | Sam Sod, her 4, lia Fateh | i i ener had several bushels offering | 1810. noon previous. By 50 doing the grocery and them at $7 a bushel. Farewell, dear wife, 'meat orders can be carefully put up and |} : pn gl 1 loveth you , : Had a Garden Party, 52 Jen E as life aug last ;- placed in our sanitary dry coolers, ready for - On Thursday evening the members | But love our childern for ios sake --Sadly missell Uv his wife, daughter |. 3 : : and friends of St. John's Presbyter- early morning delivery. To Ser, Fi ae ble | May and son Fred. Those who follow the above methods will ary: prank grounds for. « garden | CARD OF, THANKS party. From all points of view the Mr. and Mrs. A. Manson and family, 4 e . : . event was a distinct success. The at- | HArrowsmith, wish to thank their find great satisfaction, for as everyone tendance was large. All details in con | Sinesre sym ily Lac Kindness and asin W o t a ~ knowsit is impossible to get the best results Beth GarerOy berate ton aad ad | Hora tribes Eeapgnt Sen for the ° with rush orders, as.it takes time to put [J{srocees were satistactory. rev. 3. | TCARD OF THANKS A. McLean, minister, acted as chair- Miss Gertrude Annie Cooper Wishes fends To : Ny man. Some of the best kn King- | to thank 'them up properly. Those who follow the ie 1 the bust Wutws K the | And Empathy" R wars Soon pene i above suggestion are greatly pleased with surrounding district, delighted the | loss of her mother, ° FSment In the audience. - ; i : : . the result. AEB. tut JAMES : : : William Casey left Saturday with EOE SYNNGHT SPECIAL ©. [ll df sit elit i Pai [| Three Good Saturday Bargains 120 DOZEN BANAMAS .... 40s. DOZgH] fed maaan | RON ; | NEW SHOES AND ALL SIZES ........... . . .. .. . $348 NOTE--Monday holiday, store open until fib » somber of contestants entered ' Black 2-Strap Slipper---the new Saddle Strap Vamp, Mili- 2am,' i lr ten ve: cieb | gM: P. KEYE tary hee | fas fe esac wn ie ag \ + Ladies' Black Kid Tie Slipper --military heel. Si -- he yr a : / Ladies' Black Kid Oxford e--Military heel; all sizes in each im er Joi ER | Se ~~ SATURDAY, ON SALE........$345 : ? Dadian cities Is twenty cents for each |v letter, in addition to ordinary pos- tage 'chirges. The 1 ese x x ee = ¥ A= - -- A +

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