- | CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY Lim fted KINGSTON, ONTARIO.. 0 % EVERYTHING IN LUMBER Lath Shingles Trim OUR SP ECIALTY: Hardwood Flooring ALLAN LUMBER CO. victoria STREET _ - PHONE 1042 THOS. G. BISHOP ENGINEER" A ND MACHINIST Brass and Iron Castings, Electric and Oxy-Acetylene Welding Phone 38 King and Queen Streets he ea ) FEEL HOT AND DUSTY ? So do the rest of the staff. Get that fan now. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. PHONE #4. Corner of King and Princess Street, Now Manufacturing the Automatie Sealed Grave Vanits--Guaranteed KINGSTON rMENT PRODUCTS Eorsied Clarity FAULTY PLUMBING Is Conilty No M fer How Low Our Plumbing is bei being built up on a quality first basis. DAVIE & BARRETT 208 Wellington Street e 998, Waterproof i. F. Nerman, Manager, Patrick Streets. bie 730W. ~~ Automobile and pairs, Gasolirie Engines built and re- paired, dry docking and wood work. ing. -- The Laturney Carriage Works ' 3 HOOPER & SLATER Sashes, Poors, Blinds, Mouldings, ete AN-nthids of Diédwéd and Révgh Luirbeér, 128-132 ONTANIO #7. DAVIS DRY DOCK CoO. Motor Boat Re- Phowe 74. > East End of Wellington Street. Manufictuter BUSINESS WAGGONS AND AUTO BODIES Special designs made to order. '300 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 152. fn MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER 17 Balaclava St. » up to the highest standard, as the mileage records of our Tires that they are unexcelled for endurance and long life. ing a specialty. We also carry a full line of Oils, Grease and Gasoline. rr CANADA CUTLERY CO., Limited h Manefdctarers of POCKET and PEN KNIVES FRONTENAC MATTRESS CO. Renovating a Specialty Phone 2108w. J C. A. Eaton, Geweral Manager Kingston, Ontario. - TIRES, SOLID and PNEUMATIC Tire value must be judged by the service it gives. Ours will measure prove Steam Vulcaniz- UDDABY BROTHERS Corner Queen ab a Watllmuton Streets Phone 1088. Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes w. H. COCKBURN & CO. HARDWARE JA os yoNGass STREET PHONE 216 --y THOMPSON BROS., Launderers, Limited Operating IMPERIAL LAUNDRY .... KINGSTON LAUNDRY ... Phone 302 .Phone 22 serena Lat us prove o:r work, by giving us one KINGSTON'S osx DYERS Dry Cleaning our Specialty PATTON'S . DYE WORKS Phone SAFES)! FOR OFFICE @ AND JOME * J. R. C. DOBBS 41 Clarence Street oy Typewriter headquarters SF AN OBLIGATION ~/ | we have missed youf~same from its - | houses exclusively nreams--the pass- 349 Princess Street. HAVE You SMOKED A DUNHILL ? . WE HAVE THEM. BAKER'§ CIGAR STORE IN THE HOT WEATHER IT ISNO GREAT SIN TO BLOW YOUR- self to a nickel now and then. Take a ride home 0" to work on the Riot cars. It'll be the biggest nickel's worth you ve had in a long me. KINGSTON, PORTSMOUTH and CATARAQUI EL! RAILWAY THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG * SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1921. INDUSTR TO HOME TOWN TO BUY HOME GOODS | Think What Would Happen If Carried to Limit. = Perhaps the best argument for nome town buying is ¢ontained im the 8tOry of the doctor who had just {moved to & new field. Shortly after | hi arrival, he heard from a' céPrain firm in 4 éity some thousand miles | Sway. They wrote: "For some time 8 | placé oni our books. We.would be | delighted to have your orders gzain {placed with us." The doctor had {been Raving his own troubles in a | new. town, bu' his reply did not ine | dicate them. He replied: "For some | time I have missed your name from #68 place om my books. I would be défighted to again have your patrom- age." . "Leyalty to Home. We are all under a heavy oblipa- {tion to our home town. Loyalty {should insist upon the payment ef | that obligation. Few people afé | finty enough to want to crowd out jie town stores, especially in the émdller places, where they have been | community centres for years. Yet if | these stores are not patronized daily, | they must go out of business. For | that is what petronage of outside ing of the smallér stores. For sentimental reasons, if for no other, that would be a pity. Many ot our small fowns were foundéd on faith, on the faith of the customs of | mien for many years t6_trade at the nearest town. TheSe merchants and carpenters and tinsmiths are your neighbors, They have pinned their faith in the town which is your tows. And their sugcess is in your hands. The Inflation Paradox. An observation made thé other day by Mr. Jones of the Bank of Com- meres on his return from Europe, that the country with depreciated currency had certain advantages in being compelled to buy at home or in some nearby country also suffers ing from fufiation, ealls attention to a discussion which has been proceed- ing among economists in Great Bri tain of late, regarding this strange paradox of adjustment days. It seems like one of the delicate balances of nature, for which provision is made for correction when man leaves the arrangement alone, "It sounds Gilbertian," said F. A. Govett to the ZifNé Corporation, i London, recently, "bat there is the solemn fact, that until you can ree- tify the exchange by putting these countries on their feet, and Ly estab« lishing them in norma] relations to ourselves, they are going to take the frade and make the profits, until lat enw: KINGSTON orious country whose credit still is good Is going tq suffer all ths mis ery and poverty of broken trade and unémployment. Sir Alfred Mond expressed much the same view in a debate in parlia- ment earlier in the year, when he stated #t €0 be "the fact which every economist will admit, that the coun- try with an abnormally low exchange is receiving indirectly an emormous subsidy on exports." Meeting/this declaration by citing the largeexpor: trade of the United States, where the currency i: appreci- ated, The Lendon Eco.omist says: "The trade of the world seems to be in the hand., now as always not of those countries which have most vig- orously debased their currencies, but of. those whose organizers and work- ers will work hardest and most effic- fently for the lowest profit and wag- es. If it were merely a question of currency debasement, Russia, Pol- and and Austria would be 6ur most formidable rivals."--Toronte Globe. Canned Goods Although the big canners have stated that theéy will not announce thé price of esaned peas until' Aug- ust 1st, the intimation made in these columns about a month ago that higher canned goods could be looked for this fall is beiag borme out. At that time the withdrawal of price Hsts led the wholesalers to bélieve that an upward revision was in sight, and such was the ¢dse as far as ome independent éompeny at least was concerned. The price for canned peas just received by the wholesalers from the company in question is 10 cents a dosen highe: than the price prevailing & veek ago. All indica tions go to show that thy pack of peas this sammeér will be a small one; in fact, some are of the opinion that it will not be over half of last year's; and possibly less. Peas are the first vegetable to be packed, and then come beans, Corn aud toma toes are the last vegetables to be canned, and it is September before they are put up. The strengthening of tho price for peas had led fo quite a little flarry in the canned good market. Whole salégs are trying hard to secure all thé spot stocks possible in anticipa- tion of the short pack, Elsewhere in canned goods thére is not much change. The strawberry pack is mow completed, and, a8 a result of the lower price of sugar quotations will likely be easiér. Prices now being quoted for canned strawberries are '$1.50 per dosen than those prevailing last year. The hot weather of the past week hag caused & strenuous demand for certain lines, Canned ssimon, sar dines, olives and canned meats, essen- tials for the picnic lunches and eold meals, are having a heavy sale. In faét reports generally go to. show that the grocery business is improv- equilibrium agsin results, while the tng. A prominent wholesaler who | has just finished a survey of both the retail and wholesale scotions of the | trads reports that stoeks at both ends fare low. Retell stores seems to be practically bare of stoeks; in faet, lower than they have been for years. Wholesalers, he also finds, are also at rock bottom, so he anticipates a good fall business. The price trend is gemerally dewnward, buf séems to have reached bottom, except in the cases of sothe erratic commodities such as sugar, which is likely to go still lower, Ontario Leads In Production of Furs The census of raw furs for the season 1919-1920, condueted by the Dominion bureau of statistics, shows the total value of peits of fur-bear- ing animals taken in Canada during that season te be $21,197,372. To this total Ontario contributed $6.- 414,917; Quebee, $4,587, 110; Mans toba, $3,130,627; Saskatchewan, $2,.- 338,761; Alberta, $1,560,009; North- west Territories, $1,118,972; British Columbia, $742,242; PrinSe Edward Jsland, $660,704; Nova tia, $287,- 990; New Brunswick, $225,871; and the Yukon Territory, $140,169. Muskrat led as the principal item of revenue with $5,966,762, being only slightly in advance of beaver with a value of $5,336,067. Marten returned $1,789,940 and mink over the million mark with $1,607,561, Silver fox accounted for $932,602; fisher, $859,178; and in order of im- portance, coyote, white fox, red fox. ermine, skunk, otter, lynx, patéh fox, raccoon, timbér wolf and black bear. THe most significant feafare of ths fut industry in the course of the past year has béen in that of fur market.' ing, a phase previously seriously neg- lected and attended with a corres- ponding 'commercial loss of some magnitude. All indications point to Candda's ascension in the marketing of furs to that place which her prom- inence as' an producer, both as fo quality and quantity, justifies. The initial effort in this endeavor, whieh was attended with the most gratity- ing success, was made in the spring of 1920, when the first Canadian far sale was held at Montreal and more than five million dolfars wbrth of raw skins were disposed of. Buyers were attracted from the 'United States and the British Isles, France, Russia and Japan, and furs for. dis- posal came from as wide an area in- clud¥ig distant Australia. The see- on@ gale, this spring, under condi- tions in which fur prices had suffer- ed a considerable slump, brought in more than two million dollars and evoked the same international in- terest and response, Thirty-five secretaries are required to deal with the Pope's corr ence. Silence is the most substitute for wisdom, ° satisfactory rr - --~ - . Thelmperial Life The Imperial wes the sixteenth Canddian Company to enter the Life Assurance field. In twenty~ two years it has overtaken and passed nine of its competitors, so that there are now only six other Canadian companies that have as large an amount. of assurance in force. Their sages range from twenty-eight to seventy-three years. J.B. COOKE District Manager, Kivgston, Ont. KEELEY'S Eyesight Service Eyes examined weientifically. Over 20 ysary' experience. KEELEY JR, B.0, D.O. 226 Princess Street. Phone 927, THE MecCALLUM GRANITE CO. : Limited MONUMENT BUILDERS 395-807 Pric ss Street. Phone 1031. VINEGARS uaranteed pure-=made from best lected materials. The Wilson Lytle Hadgerow Co. Ltd. + Bagot Stréet THE TOYE B DINING ROOM AND LUNCH * Pry our Speetal Dinne 35¢. con und Egg, 191 PRINU ESS STR SREAD CO., Limited on S PRINCE OF WALES FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN rv from 11.30 a.m. to 7 p.m, Tobie Service--Prices Moderate, Ovemenl or Lor) Flakes, Ham, Da- 2 PRONE 544 rome lent Cakes Tew, "won them. If your grocer does not pound and be convinced. THE W. J. CROTHNERS CO, Limited ARROWROOT ore Have you tried our ARROWROOT BISCUITS? 5 The Kiddies thrive Keep: them ring up the office. Try a al JAS. SWIFT & CO, Limited Importers and Shippers. Dontestie ana Stéam. COAL A. D. HOLTON 260 Princess Street + Phone 09%. S. 8. CORBETT Funérst Director Ambulasics Phode 148, Restdence Phone 218, { Jamms RICHARDSON & N$ Ltd Established oy Kingston, Ont. Head Office - - BRANCHES: Winnipeg Calgary Quebee ntrea eronto 7 We Promote Industry and Build Character by .Menderng Serviee {8 = ». M. Sims Representative 130 Clarence Street Open for charter for S. S§. Pie Call us up and Set a good da reer KINGSTON NAVIGATION CO, Limited $8. 91. LAWRENCE: 350 PASSERNGENS S68. AROCH VILLE 300 PASSENGERS, ley and Excursions n ONE 190 CHEAPER CANDY GRIMM'S POPULAR LINE OF CHOCOLATES NOW SELL AT 50c. per fb. TRY THEM ! .» Jewelers, Limited DIAMONDS, SILVER AND GOLD GOODS - Expert Watch Repairing Established' 1940. #50 ing Steeer THE THOMPSON BOTTLING CO. "Belfast Ginger Ale" OFFICE: 204 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 304 McLaughlin Motor Cars. Michelin Tires, PHONE 567 Gabriel Snubbers. \ Samson Tractors. : _ 3 wfuldm't It'we dida't think thee brands were the dest in their Mune we handle them for ome day. J BLUE GARAGES Limited. THOS, B. ANGROVE, Manager, oIos hit "AND and ota BICYCLES GRO. MULLER, T1378 King Street. Phone 1033w, 3 JOHN MeKAY, Ltd. RUYERS ad | EXPORTERS WOOL, pas: h SINSENG, we for SS ONTARIO DEVELOP YOUR CITY / owning own and besutifying it--Bat. U7 awning 34 Tou a iotctend 72% the mame to. Suilaatururs . property at a profit. New GEO. A. BATEMAN, 158 WELLINGTON STREET McGinnis & O'Connor HIGHWAY ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTOR A " . . Kingston Ice Company : Limited Save fobd by using Ice. Our I¢e Is certified to by Queen's University Laboratories: as belng pure. Telephone orders to 1307. Prompt delivery Is our specialty. Brilliant children, as a rule, have shorter lives than those of less brain power. ' \ he rr Phone 1681J. « LUMBER AND LATH FOR SALE AT BOWEST PRICES THE K. D.. MANUFACTURING CO'Y 670-680 Montreal Street. ' Frank Robbs "TONSORIAL PARLOR" 185 Wellington St. 4 Chaifs------Best of Service Wa Specialize in CHILNREN'S HAIR CUTTING Phone 1318J. home. TH YY D HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY It would pay you to drop into THE HYDRO SHOP Street and have our representative demonstrate types of Vacuum (Cleaners. All kinds of iiectrical Appusuces "E i imwio Re Ves. Sms, on Princess most improved or the the RO sor WILLARD BATTERIES New low price for Willard Service now effective. .L LESSES 19 Brock Street Phone 1340 r = Tugs, Clim "Choice Fruits Of All Kinds Fresh Strawberries daily. 'Imported Fruits a Specialty, Big variety of choice Vegetables Call at the store and see "our big display. M. AMODEO 240 Princess Street Phone 774 The FROST CITY STORAGE Company Cholce Rooms and Spaces in our Storage--ciean, bright ard. dry. 200-305 Queen Street. Pheve 526 ~~ troubles. Phone 410w. VESTA BATTERY CO'Y THE BATTERY WiTHo Place our Vesia Batlery in your car a it is a'real Batiery of service. Whatever you use It ignition, for starting, lor lignting, ete, it will serve you well, A Battery you will recoipmend to your fellow moiofists. REGRETS forget ail your Battery fore=for Gueed snd Maggot Sts, W. MILNE and F. KING €3 BROCK STRERT BOOTH FISHERIES CANADIAN CO. Ltd JOBMERS IN FISH, OYSTERS, GAME AND roluray PHONE $20, - - - WeAre fi In The Market for Scrap Iron, Metals, Rags and Rablors. It will be of benefit to you to ring 2057 or 2060J. We are willing to give 'our best atten- tion to any call, Which may be received through 'phone. ae. M. ROSEN & CO. dived RIDEAU STREET DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED MANUFACTURERS OF: "PRUE COTTONS" MONTREAL 1 TORONTO = WINNIPEG ominations $ EB 100 AND whe! received at jos, atice wherever specified. BONGARD, oh 237 Bagot Street No better Ih, to be bad than your own mail = iu person and ary OF KINGSTON 6% WW YE C1000 ; ACURUED IND eC! a. dei Get ou orders in early. lca- vered © Eisoy 1 | ) PHONE 1728 -- - Wo clarify it first and. then It is clea--it is safe--and can buy. | The Medical Fealth Officer Advised The Boiling Uf All Milk ' Why bot let us do it far you and do it right ? pasteurize it: it is the best and Shaya food yo3 PRICE'S DAIRY 277 Princess Street.