6 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THE- BRITISH WHIG 88TH YEAR. =a Ck ul Ld NEN || [lR rE -- oe Ey PT] crore J. G, Elliott Leman A. Gulla ,. «President Managing-Director TELEFHONRS siness Qffjce . Bins Rooms ob § Oftice SUBSCRIPTION | RATES: One One Edition) © Year, geuverad in in city ..... @ year, n advance .. One year, to United States . OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES Pb Calder, 22 §t. John St, Montreal A Ww. Letters to the EaWNor are published fas 30 ORT, paid to Garal offices. $2.50 ¥ 2 J.8.00 W. Thompson .%, King St. only over the actual name of Year, to United States .....J. (Semi-Weekly Edition) 1,00 1.50 1,60 ear, by mall, gash ..... Jann if not paid in advance or iter. Pane RR in Saale bast or The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABO Audit Bureau of Circulations. Y; pon it the styles _ , Men wouldn't peek didn't pique. Half the year gone. Do Christmas shopping early. your EE --, It is much easier to teach them to love the flag after they are taught to love soap, Patriotism: Love of country that endures when it isn't paying divid- ends. Very rare. " ---------- ~~ Fairy tale No. 4,673: You can keep a flock of hens on the scraps from the kitchen table, The 'thing the tired business man needs to give him a renewed interest in life is a little business. Everlasting life and everlasting peace are much alike. You have to die to get either .of them. mm de Ls Europe sticks to the old ways, «hut Canadians find some new thing to worry about every few days, Businéss will do better ' when it stops expecting' .4manna from the skies and begins to dig for it. Despised and inferior race: Any race that doesn't speak our-language And threatens to undersell us. ---------- Wé& might establish permaneut peace by. using the armament appro- priations for permanent roads. German war criminals are being treated almost as harshly as Secret- ary Denby treated Admiral Sims. In the matter of non-stop flights, the dove of peace is hanging up a record that will be hard to beat. -------- An alr man says the sub chaser 'has seen its day. So, for that mat- ter, has the other: kind of chaser. ' Barbers are beginning to trim hair in a ney style, but they cling to the time-honored methods of trimming a clistomer. eta k Driving a car is good exercise, but nothing compared with the pedes- trian's daily practice of the standing . broad jump. Old-timer: One who can remember the sign that réad: "Five dollars fine «for driving over this bridge faster than a walk." ------------ he feminist movement in Ger- many hasn't progressed so far as to change the Hymn of Hate to the Herr of Hate, : "There is a thorn Just about the time dad gets the girls married off, , the boys come home trom college. ---------------- Poverty has ompenmations. The r man makes no tax returns, nd is thus freg.to lie only when he is in the humor for it. i A ------------------ 'When the children come In with clothes and mother calls them | le darlings," they know therd is about the house. "Government must protect us from. cheap forelgn goods; but our own manufacturers are able to protect LEN _ from cheap domestic goods. "Why worry Just because the whod- 8 en ships are empty and idle?" asks an American exchange. "A lot of 'wooden freight ¢ars are in the same fiz." Let's be thankful that we are aot quite 50 bad off in Canada. | 4 to every rosesy. THE has WAR. prevailed | effect of the | view of one. AN EFFECT OF Much = pessimism | concerning the spiritual { war, but a more cheer! | of-the results of the ec | by a western clgrgyman that the average soldie man for having been in | this he is only reflectir {ion of many 'of us who observe the | former soldier. We know that to mizke general thé stitement that the | war has brought out permanently the | baser human attributes of those who is a better 1e- army. In| g the opin- .| became the defegders of qur coun. The boy we knew'| y try is gross libel. before the war is no worse morall for his experience, and in many in- stances. his character has improved. It seems that there could be no | other logical result. When a lad] severed the home ties, he put himself | into a position where he must ne- cessarily do. some serious thinking about the future. With not ouly the possibility but the probability that he never again would see the ones who loved him and whom he loved, is it not likely that his trend ot thought did not tend toward that which is uplifting and of a kind to develop a strong moral fibre? The clean-d%ing youth who went to war still is as pure as he ever was, with the added experience which makes him more firm in his belief as to which road to follow, and the few others are no worse than they would have been anyway, Aside from physical effects, we must be- lieve that the soldier is a better man for .his. experiences. Let us grant him that, for it is little enough com- pensation. -------- PREVENTING TIMBER WASTE. A number of Bwedish forest ex- perts have recently been on a visit to 2 Canada, and the chief source of niar- vel to them is the tremendous loss of timber in this country through the agency of forest fires. In their own country, which has very large forests and reserves of timber, although not quite immune from forest firés, losses from this source have been practic- | ally reduced to a minimum, A Swed- ish forest authority estimates that the wood lost by fire does not exceed one-half of ofie per cent. in any year, which would give an acreage of not more than 'forty or fifty thousand acres. In Canada the districts an- nualjly burnt are usually calculated sby £he hundred square miles. This great difference is to a small extent due to natural conditions, but the great part of it is due to the fact that the people have long since been educated to & realization of the eco- nomic value of the forests to the life of Sweden, Every man, woman and child is a natura] forest protector, The laws for the protection of the forests against fires are very string- ent, and they are strictly enforced, Promiscuous invasion of the woods by hunting, fishing and camping parties is not allowed, and danger from the, carelessly dropped match and the abandoned gamp-fire is eli- minated. The manner in which whole com- munities, throughout the whole eof Sweden co-operate in preventing for- est fires, is worthy of notice, Many of the forests, especially in- central and southern Sweden, are traversed by good roads. In the state forests the roads are built and maintained by the state. In the private forests the owners are compelled to build and maintain these public roads, often at considerable expense. Small villages, usually consisting of a few families who divide their interest be- tween cultivating small farms and working in the forests, are located at frequent intervals. These agencies all help to reduce the fire h d. Incipient fires are quickly disco e and help is nearly always readily at hand. The law fequires that every citizen between sixteen and sixty must respond to a call to fight a for- est fire, and the Swedish army !s also subject to similar service when re- quired, It is small wonder that the Swedish forest experts marvelléd at Canada's huge fire losses. They believe that adequate fire protective measures are more necessary in this country than' restrictions on cutting, From the experiénce of Sweden, it is certain that the fire losses of this country could be greatly reduced by system- atic effort and good laws, properly enforced, such as have been applied with such good effect by the Swedish government, WOMEN AND BEAUTY. It the 20-year-old Baltimore girl who tried to kill herself because she had not the beauty to hold her lover could be made beautiful a while she might learn how much more men want from women than mere beauty. Mén tire of beauty as quickly as they Aare captured by it Those who have | to do with beauty in wholesale lots-- managers of chorus girls, artists who deal with professional models, judges' in beauty contests--find themselves turnitg from paragons of physical perfection to nice women that they know---not paragons of perfection-- for sheer relief from the boredom of "The woman who despises beauty is wholly is & bigger fool. Beauty is useful to attract, powerless to hold, except when blended with finer, nobler, sterner, more enduring quali ties. Beauty should be the posses TR -- L° But she who trusts to it| sion of the whole race, Its presence here and there is a reminder: from | {above that we were all meant to be | divine, but that we have mislaid the | flict is held | celestial heritage in chasing unbeau- | 10 asserts | tiful things--Iluxury, and ease, and | Dickens, But the possessor of beauty | | often is unable to fulfill the pledge. | soul's | | power, { The body never can meet the | promissory notes. The 'man who marries a beauty sometimes finds ties of @ mental and spiritual bank- rupt. The Woman who lasts in a man's heart is the woman who gave a new lana exquisite meaning to his life. | she allies herself with the sun and {Stars to rivet his imagination in | bonds as ight as the cobweb's gos- | samer threads and as strong as the | bands of steel that hold a battle- "ship together, She is a music that is | always around him, a fragrance that permeates him. Not the weakness and folly that mere. beauty often precipitates, but the health and power flowing from a spirit gently challenging a man to do his best, al- Ways, is to be found in her, With such a woman, love, marriage, home, children--whatever may befall--is but the beginning of a mutual con- Becration. And when life i850, when the love between man and his soul's bride is always a beginning and fis never, never an ending, then the by-products pt it are kinship with all the world, brotherhood with every created thing, duty, service, high ambition. But the Song of Songs melody in lite comes from no eager strumming on the stringy of sense, from no beauty, no fine raiment, no emphasis on place and power, but only from a catching of the harmony' that sings-- all too faintly, all too briefly--in that first moment of awakening = which makes of otherwise commonplace men and women an incarnate longing | for the greater Something that lies back of all beauty, al] art, all musie, al words that send their flam- ing arrows across our leaden skies. For love-is the delight of the spirit in its spirit mate. There is only bit- terness and pain for those who'know it not. What Is Asked. (Bro8klyn Bagle) All the coal operators ask are high prices and low. temperatures, and they will do the rest--of us. -------------------- & | PUBLIC OPINION | nr ---------- Where The Blower Stands. (Jackson Citizen Patriot) Did you ever stop to consider that the man whoeis continually blowing his own horn always remains at the little end? ---------- Stil Going Strong. (Woodstock Sentinel-Review) This is the anniversary of the longest battle in the world's history; tise ttle of the Boyne. - It began in 1690 and has been going strong ever since. Cut At Other End. (Cleveland Plain Dealer) Chicago announces that it is 10,- 000 weddings short on the year up to date. That Is sad-<but think how it will cut down Chicago's heretofore luxuriant divorce crop. - German Eyes Opening. (New York Tribune) Delusion seems at last to be giving way to enlightenment in Berlin. After years of trying to separate Am- erica from the Allies it is slowly be- ginning to dawn upon some of the German people that this policy has been unsuccessful, Repeated at- tempts to bully, bluff, wheedle or bamboozle America into siding with Germany have failed--none so not- ably, perhaps, as the recent endea- vors to make America a mediator on the reparations question, Walt Mason THE POET PHILOJOPHER GREEN OLD AGE. So live that when your head is gray, and you are bent and tired, you're fixed to throw your tools away, and have the rest desired, and let the young men bale the hay, for which they have been. hired, Like many other ancient men, I threw my tools aside; and then I picked them up again--I can't be satisfied with rest- ing, rusting in my den, while toilers und me stride. But if I had to buckle down in these, my wintry years, to earn the shilling and the crown, I'd earn the same in tears, and on my brow a dismal frown would reagh back to my But I could quit my job to-night, und ply Ithe vineyards; buf mina own vingé- | that 'he has underwritten the liabili- | o| church; {ot buzing + 3 plage 1 the country on Tz Seven Beatence Sermon. All days éome that are to be.-- | See to it continually, that what- ever remorse mhy possess you at i the close of any day, it shall not be this: "They made me the -keeper of yard have I not kept."--J. Stuart Holden. : . - - Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self- control, These three alone lead life to sover- eign power. rear. Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.--Shakespeare, * s&s = Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path.--The Palm. ist. Learn that 'to love is one way to know, Of God or man, it is not love received That maketh man to know the inner lite Ot them that love him; his own love . bestowed : Shall do it. ==Jean Iungelow. . . If you want anything in this world you've got to go after it--hard!--Ed- ward Payson Hammond. GALLOPING GUESTS. GaHoping guests from over the sea, England shall ride with you knee to knee, Sharing the green of her emerald June, Clashing the stirrups that clink in tune; Whatever the fate that crowns the day, Playing the game in the English way. Lords of the saddle from over the sea, . Win or lgose--whichever it be-- There shall be skill your skill to meet the driving ball twinkling feet; There shall be strength your strength With and the BATHING SUITS Special BIBBY'S BATHING SUITS Special $1.50 Real Beauties 50c. Special MEN'S | UNDERWEAR make; our special-- ~~ $1.50 MEN'S MEN'S PYJAMAS Summer = weight -- neat patterns -- the $3.50 variety. Our cv. $2.50 Coatless Suspenders Athletic style; Tooke KHAKITROUSERS The better kind--the $3.00 variety. Our special ,..... $2.50 All New Goods at New Prices=Why Not:Save a a Few Dollars 3 NEW HOOK TIES BOYS' TROUSERS Khaki and White Duck--$1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. MEN'S SOFF COLLARS New shapes. Our special .. 4 for $1.00. Sizes 14 to 18. The $3.00 variety. . MEN'S FINE The $4 variety. Our _ $1.50 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Our special $1.98 SHIRTS Special at $2.98 MEN'S HOSE [Pu Fine quality. Lisle Thread --Blue, | Brown, Black and Grey. The 75¢c. va- riety. Our special -- 50c. Something Doing Every Minute in Our Shirt Depart- ment. pri MEN'S . $2.50 White TROUSERS The proper cut and make, Our special-- 1 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS The $2 and $2.50 va- riety. Our special-- $1.48 $45. mts ple SUMMER SUITS "All Going Nicely ! We are simply forc-- ing out our stock of wits to get in for fall Be im Shape the power of eut ta ------------------------ Siits that were made to sell NEW PRICE ee -- Suits that were made to sell for for $48. NEW PRICE SEE OUR BLUE SUIT Pure Wool, re SILK SHIRTS mething good: ces, $35.00, $37.50, $40.00. $28.50 00 and' No. 1974 Indigo Serge for $35.00 to test, O d.untléss Four frome the distant West. |S When the sun goes down on that settling day, When the weary ponies are led away, When, bruised and battered from hip to heel, Vietor and vanquished steel, This be a memory both ean share; "A hard fought game--and a .clean and fair!" --Will H. Ogilvie, in the Field. loose thelr Going to the Ducks. A new story is going around about an old southern negro who was ask- ed hy the proprietor of a store how he 'happened to need credit when he'd such a good crop of cotton, 'De ducks got 'bout all that cot ton, sah," was the mournful reply. "What do you mean--the- ducks got it?" "Well you see," explained the old man, "I sent dat cotton to Memphis an' dey deducts the freight, an' dey || deducts the storage charges, an' they deducts the commission, an' de de- ducts the, taxes--yes, sah, de ducts got about bout all dat cotton an' dats why I'm here". Thoughtful Bricklayer, A man was walking along the street, when he drew near to some laborers, who were engaged in build- ing a house, As he passed the scaffolding a brick accidentally fell, striking him on the shoulder, Looking up to the men who were two stories high, he shouted indig- nantly: . "Hi! up there! . You've Just drop- ped a brick on me!" "81 right!" responded one of the bricklayers. "You needn't trouble to bring #t up!" A ---- A Tobacco Argument. Dr. Charles W. Elliott #* a recent tea was taken inside by a W.C.T.U. leader, "Dr. Elliott," she said, "we want you to join ds in our anti-tobacco ¢rusade." "Humph!" teacher. "You know, Dr. Elliott," the lady went on, "man is the only animal, positively the only animal, that uses tobacco." "Humph!" said Dr. Elliott again. "Man js he only animal that wears clothes." said the veteran The Color That Showed, A southern family had a coal-black cook named Sarah, and when her husband was killed in an ident Sarah appeared on the day of, the funeral dressed in sable outfit except in one respect. "Why, Sarah," said her mistress, "What made you get white gloves?" drew herself up and said in tones of dignity. "Don't you spose I wants dem niggahs to see dat I'se got on 2 Most Protestant Country. Sweden is said to be the most Rro- testant country in the world. - Of the, population of 6,000,000 there are only 2,000-Roman Catholics, the remainder of the population belong- ing almost entirely to the Lutheran a A Start, Anyhow. "1 hear Japboy is thinking : Weeks: "I the instalment McClary's Gas Ranges The finest finished Gas Ranges made in Canada. 7 'different styles carried in stock to choose from. HOT PLATES--1, 2, 3, 4 Burners. BUNT'S HARDWARE is what is meant to none. IF WE: CAN'T MOO your tires properly repaired by our system of tire repairing--any size, any kind, any style, any tread. We have machines and moulds for them all and our service is second 'NO GOOD by not having DO IT, IT'S RE'S x. v. MH STEVENSON ER sad BLalHIMITE, Prices moderate 381 KING STRERT EAST V Purnitnre--Freight--Baggage TRANSFER Phone 1776J | B. WHITEMAN 210 QUEEN STREET - ~ "BUILDING Improved process. Material and price CEMENT BLOCKS SILLS, CAPS, LINTELS, ETC. are 527 Princess Street, corner Alfred smerny FOR SALE A. Ghadvick & Son "New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta Phone 07. plan." Tweeks: "How much has he got towards it, wo far?" Weeks: "I believe he's got a lawn A mower. i The Lord never created a scowl Thirsty? Adanac Water, Pojand® Wa- ter, Radnor, White Rock, Ada- we De a Moe Gurd"i Ginger Ale, Gurd's Dry Ginger Ale, Gurd's Ginger Beer, Gurd's 'Boda Water. Jas, REDDEN & Co. Phone 20 and 990, The Heme wt Sntisiguen for the face of one of his followers. Nr 1--100 acres, about ¥ mile from choose from and g to sult you. T, J. Lockhart? | REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCES Jiffy Baby - Pants Ideal for summer wear for babies. Fits snugly, are of soft, pliable Rubber, eas- ~ ily washed. Dr. Chown"s Drug Store 185 Princess St. Phone 848. | wi aw rile lage of Sydenham; good, frame dwells ing in good rep; ir, good {ehiar nel furnace, new alstern: a with stables in geod ER drive house; new hen hous machine house; new hog pen; a 65 acres und cult vation: 4 black loam and a little 5 fo the balance is tu pasture an lang; about 2 Bored in orchard; Sari pring nes oar : ou FARMS FOR SALE mile from good Xa School; a first class in first class repair, with lar, cistern, furnace and bat ~rook barn 48 feet by 112 feet Bh ment a: box Hine! carrier nd milk the best barns in Bh ar and i ol we e ell from atered a fuel. choice land under ¢ of stone; use x tractor. We have a large lat of ould ba Phone 328J or 37073, B--We ghave bak Suda ce 3% 33 Brock treat, Ki The only Cosl bandied by Crawford! Phone 0. Foot of Queen St. "it's & black business, but wo J trest you white"