Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jul 1921, p. 11

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. : WEDNESDAY, JOLY 27, 1921. JHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | M. Campbell, 14 to 12.' The rakes SPORTIN NE S S. Driver, F. Conway, J. McFar- | lane, M. Manshan, skip. | | J. H. Hoppes, H. F. Price. W. H. | Theatrical At the Allen. , Action is the keynote of the second | Katherine Newlin Burt photoplay, "Snowblind," which 1s being shown is week at the Allen Theatre Canapian PaciFic FARM LABORERS WANTED "Fare Returning" --$20 from WINNIPES. ! 34 cont par mile starting point to Winnipeg. [NEWS OFF THE WIRES IN CONDENSED FORM {Tidings From Places Far and Near' Are Briefly Recounted. BASEBALL ON- TUESDAY, Wormwith, C. C. Hodgins, skip. -- Dr. Knapp, G. A. Bateman, W. Hi International League. Dyde, Dr. R. F. Sparks, skip. Toronto 5, Syracuse 3. D. A. Shaw, C. Sleeth, J. Chatter- { ? eading 7, Jersey City 0. ton, J. J. Baker, skip. | Mayor Chureh laig ene Corner Reais 2, td 2 (first W.. Chapman, G: Brownlee, Al stone on the New Lisle Stock Arena, | same) Treadgold, W. Linton, skip. ike the author's previous picture Toroute, W elnesday tank aepn | Newark 4, Baltimore 0 W. Duncan, J. Angrove, J. Newell, | ie find" heese sales: . Woodstock, 1,366 basin . WM ORE Skip: oe y 7 te Banding Iron, Snowblind Gardai 5: F-4c-Did--no-saten; Jr Eames: eam . v Meats with--peopls Who Hive: close (0 ? ae Te N Buffalo at pad a. 700 t 20 13-16¢; | ithe oil, this time in the Canadian Feenal Rue Ei 5 paases, North-West, and know none of the |" Er { Cart jrand Trunk rail- | ofter sentiments with which city aries a July show | P1D8S). i oi regulate their lives. ~ \ariast déireace : 20 tar hid Brooklyn 3, Chicago 0 : Bi AiG : : Boston at Cincinnati (rai From this story Reginald Barker month. 'The falling-off amounted to ati (rain) dias made a powerful photoplay at 1 . Philadelphia 8, St. Louis 7 (10 ir- | ue. Staff's team is compdsed of a col- a Goldwyn andlor With o pikes $497,419, or 20.8 per gent t slgn- | PINES). ee of sncppy little ball players 'cast that includes such sterling act-| Justice Idington has not yet sign- i 'ors as Russell Simpson, Pauline ed. an order-in-council, with regard | $Btarke, Mary Alden and Cullen Lan- {to the appeal for clemency for Roy, dis, "Snowblind" is ome of the best | Hetrum and William McFadden, To- Ne rt ronto men, under sentence of death-- 3 tes Yioloplayy that Goldwyn has Circassian bandits appeared Wed- "Snowblind" is, in substance. a 'nesday' in Karnabogha, on the Sea (second | x mr v Rochester (rafn). New York 9, Pittsburgh 8 (10 in- This Evening's Game, Tonight Staff Hammond's team. the Kingston A. A. A, holds forth at | the cricket field against the Stars of | | Deseronto in the Bay of Quinte leag-! "Fare Going "'--$15 to WINNIPEG. 14 cont per mile Winnipsg te dastination. TERRITORY American League, ers in the baseball world. Their ma. and From Stations Kingston to Renfrew Junction, inclusive, Cleveland 8, Boston 2 and is making this last trial. The an AUQUST 22. GOING DATES = From Stations in Oatario. Smith's Falls to and including Toronto on Lake Ontario e Line who all have the ear marks of com- AUGUST 8, |. and Havelock-Peterboro Line. . AUGUST 17 From Stations en Terohto-Sudbury direct line, between Toronto and Parry Sound, inclusive. nager has not been able to get a _"* {Prom Stations Dranoel to Port McNicoll and Burketon, to Bobcaygeon, inclusive, +decent gate from Kingston fans yet AUGUS From Stations h and West of Toronto to and including Hamilton and Windsor, Ont. AUQUST 1 o, From 1) CR bi Orangeville. Tecawater, Elora, ieerbindy Goderich, St. Mary's, y St. Tho e ' Detroit 3, Philadelphia 3 (game [team deserves every support and part Butwell, sad 51 Eo called In tenth, rain) those who attend gen be sure of see- From Stations Toronto and Narth to Bolton, inclusive. ' tory of first love in the wilderness hich leads to the regeneration of a pian whose entire [ite has been spent Bin evading the law. How the fugi- ive, who previously had recognized o 'authority but that of his own strength, {s made to realize the gower of a great love, makes a 'heau- [@iful and stirring story. It-bas been f Lsplendidly directed by Reginald Parker and lavishly produced by Goldwyn.--Advt, STILT " Late Mrs. Alexander Keays. On Tuesday the death occurred in ane General Hospital of Lena Eliza- ib eth, wife of Alexander Keays, Perth, at the age of fifty-three years. he late Mrs. Keays had been ill the hospital for the past Jharee 8. She is survived by her hus- » three sons and five daughters, of whom reside in Perth. The re- ins were transferred to Perth on uesday afternoon for interment. Charleston Tidings, Charleston July 26--A great many | rom here attended the flower carni- | al and street fair at Athens on Wed- | headay, also the concert in the even- | hg. Mr. and Mrs. W: Shaw; Buffalo, | rs, Laffan and son, Rochester, Mr. id Mrs, W. Annell, Cardinal; Mr nd Mrs. F. Slack, Lyn, were recent tors here. The boys at Camp Vega | lay baseball in M. J. Johnson's field ear his/ cottage. A game between Pelta and Camp Vega is to take place In Thursday. W. Slack is being con- jratulated on his success at the high jehool entrance examinations. Pr. Bnd Mrs. A. Slack and children, Del #8, were Sunday visitors here. Miss ary Burns, Syracuse, is visiting Mr. d Mrs: R. Hoster at Cedar Park. Had a Pleasant Visit. Felix Cavanagh, formerly of igston, after an absence of twen- y-three years, paid a visit to his other, Mrs, Johf Scanlan, and his jjister, Miss Rita, who now resides jdn Toronto. After a pleasant time th relatives and friends for three weeks, Mr. Cavanagh left for his I ome in Fort Hancock, N.J., on Sunday afternoon. . ) Hurt in Runaway. Belleville, July 27.--Harold Shoe. bridle, of Sidney, owner of an an ex- tensive milk routs, was seriously i urt in a runaway acéident on Tues- jjaay morning, when the wagon upset ion him and he was dragged some dis- tance. He is recovering. . Two United States aviators, Lieut. arl Derby Gunther, Frankfort, Ind., and Corporal L. 0, Rogers, Hillsboro, proxas, were killed on Tuesday when heir aeroplane crashed at Weissen- Aurm, in Germany. Mr, and Mrs. Freflerick Maughie, Qronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. . E. Hunt, Alfred street, Your Nose Plugged? Have You Catarrh? if Bubject To Colds, Here is Real Good Advice Don't load your stomach - with pough syrups. Send healing medica- bh through the nestrils--sond it in- 10 the passages that, are subject to Molds and. Catarrh, y 'to do this th Catarrhosone, which helps a Id in ten minutes. Even to the goes the healin: vapor of Ca- hogone---all through the bron- RIAL tubes, nostrilé and air pas- { rywhere a t of diseaso mins will Catarrhozon® follow. u'll not ave 'colds, nor will you fer from saiffles, bronchitis, or roat trouble if Catarrhozone is d- Get it to-day, but beware of hgerous substitutes meant to d:- ve you for genuius Catarrhozone. rge sise, two pt . $1.00; small sige 60c. e 6, 266. All dealers or the - hozone Co.; M " A po IT; 3 FR th a RE SY ---- ET -------- lon July 15th, after forty-four years' the Club, their quarters at the British-Ameri- ean hotel on Thursday nooy. He will deliver of Marmora, thirty-five miles east of Gallipoli, raiding the town, and kill- ed the Turkish governor apd com- mander of the general armiés. Norman T, 'Hillary has been ap- pointed Ontario supervisor of bran- ches for the Royal Bank of Canada, in succession to Stuart Strathy, who retired from the servige of the bank service in banking. . A communication from Tokio, be- lieved go contain the formal acoep- | tance by Japan of President Hard- | ing's Invitation to participate in the | international discussion of the Far Eastern question reached the state department Wednesday, Judge Hugo Friend informed the state attorneys at Chicago that he would direct t. e jury to return a ver- diet of not guilty In the cases of Buck Weaver and Happy Felsch, for- mer White Sox players, and Carl Zork of St, Louis, unless further evi- dence was introduced against these men. Russian Land Forts Fire on German Fleet Berlin, July 27.--The German mines sweeping fleet, which has been operating in Kolabight on the Northern Russian coast, is reported in a despatch from Varde, Norway, to have been fired on by Russian land forts. turned the fire, but no damage is re- ported on either side. A SPEED Henry Carr: What's that steam rolier bak of us whistling for? Lizzie Car: Perhaps they want us to turn out and let them pass, EFFECTIVE MEASURES Miss Quizzer; You know, Gladys Goodsole married Jack Gayboy to reform him. | wonder if she ever succeeded. Mr, Whizzer: Th roughly. She spent all "his money in two months and left him flat broke so he had to refori PUBLICITY Patron: Has the crusade against wet cabarets affected your business mueh? Proprietor: Sure thing! We've fad hundreds of new customers he never knew where to gc "fore DAZZLING Jack: My! isn't the seaside "glare terrible at this resort? | can't see any reason for spending one's vacation here. Bill: You should ola Yeu smoked Sr ------ J. Thorpe Blyth, Ottawa, will Be guest of the Kingstoy Rotary at their weekly dgneheon in an address on "Some Thoughts of Rotary." The German fleet ve-| 8t. Louls at New York (rain). Bowling Games. At the evening the following skips won Manahan from C. bowling green Tuesday CASTORIA For Infants and Children InUse For Over 30 Years SCNT 97 the Signature of ing good basebali. Hydro Suifl Ths It! Brockville, Ont., July 27.--Be- M. | cause the power load here has not | . Hodgins, 19 to [reached expectations, 1: RP Sparks/from J. J. Baker, 16 to 12, and W. Linton from W. the creased th¢' rate per from $45.19 to $55. The rate is, however, still below that in force before Hydro took over the local | plant.~ | ---------- W. 8. Beaver, for forty years post master at Port Arthur, is retiring on superannuation at the first of August. He will be succeeded by George Russell, now assistant post- BA AAA A AAA At eee et at dA rg emma master at Fort William. Hydro- | | Electric Power Commission has in- horsepower | Particulars and tickets from F. Ceomway, C.PF.A, SPECIAL TRAINS FROM TORONTO ,, City Ticket Office, 180 Wellington Street. Phone 1197. A Wes'port Personals. Westport, July 25.--Mr. and Mrs. L. McCann and Mr. and Mrs. Sayers returned to Watertown on Satarday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McCann. F. Herrick, Tam- worth, is spending a few days in town. Miss Phyllls Harten, Prescott, is the guest of Miss Annie McDonald, Misses Florence and Helen McCann, Ottawa, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew McNally, returned home on Monday. W. B, Jeacle, South Porcupine, spent a few days in town the guest of his mother, Mrs. George Jeacle. Miss Phyllis McCann, nurse- In-training, Ogdensburg, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McCann: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Norse, Watertown, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Fredenburgh. ----------y er Resident Dies. Cape Vingent, N.Y, July 27.--Mrs. Walker, a former resident of this village, died at Buffalo on Saturday. Her remains were brought here Mon- ~~ Et a DC, day and the funeral was held from the Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. E. Pratt conducted the services. Two daughters survive, Mrs. Mary Mason and Mrs. Gideon Kelsey, of James street, this village. Interment 'was made in the Sgmetery in Markeét street. " i -------------- Shipping men in London who have inspected the burned steamship Mauretania, declare it will be {mpos sible to place her again in services within six to ten months, if then. = J 30-3; & Norn-skid "Dominion" "Chain" or "Grooved" 3 € : > - Dominion "Nobby" be - Why purchase "seconds" doubtful mileage," when you can buy these superior tires at the above prices? Your dealer can supply you with Dominion Tires at these prices:-- CN 16.50 18.75 | 20.00 or "firsts of

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