THE DAILY RRITISH WHIG. wruansval, Jt LY 27, sUBL. st ee -------- TWO YOUNG GIRLS | py [12 Le ~~ FRACTURE ARMS [JS | Unfortunate Accidents Met by | os hs : Margaret Hanna and = : : : Helen Culcheth. | | 4 : Margaret Hanna, the.young daugh- Iter of Mrs. Hanna, Rochester, N. Y., visiting fn the city, had the misfor- | | , } : . . © : » = [tune to fall off a bicycle which sie | : Hd | g Y - | was riding on Union street Wednes-| | { w i Bl UE - day morning, and fractured her arm 7 ; ! | 4 El : . s at the wrist. She is in the Hotel Dieu. | Tuesday evening, at Lake Ontario | Park, Helen Culcheth, the fourteen- : | Fd 4 . J year-old daughter of F. Culcheth, | ; ; | 2 | Frontenac street, while playing on | 1 : a L , | the slides, fell off, suffering the frac-| | \ 2 ~~ | | ture of her right forearm. She was re- | of 4 | moved to the General Hospital. b re oo 7 SHARPLY REDUCED . : | , JOSEPH BROWNRIDGRE Ready-to-wear--Botany Serge --- all ' }| Who died suadents In Beans, leav: | Wool Indigo D arranted best lin 1 Circuses and. Veterans Pentre von rreutt sadcntideen and] : il T8 At this very attractive prices you ye--w - | er rar : ings and trimmings, f r ny ET won't hesitate a moment to add to REMOVED BY DEATH Am Speaking for the local unit of the | oy anim i , your summer wardrobe the one or Army and Navy Veterang before the | y on Re: me rp : : . : ut Nar oiarans batare the Inte Anna Lamon Revehed the Age le more: spic span Tub F rocks, it is when the council Was considering the | puer. entored nto rest at the AL short, Crisp Organdies, becoming AL Voiles and clever Gaberdine --- {3 ' expediency of granting a permit to-a j residence of her son, W. H. Landon, | carnival company to show in King- | Elizabethtown, one of the oldest resi- | ston, J. G. Evans explained to the | gents of that township, in the pe:- . {ox some suitable for the young miss, | council that Association Ne repre-leon or Mrs, Anna Landon, widow of : | hers charming] ; | sented was to receive a percentage of William Landon. = ot ers charming y styled for the : 501 lees then $800. which he promis-| The deceased was a daughter of |} k mother, and all the very thing for ed would be an unemployment fund! the 1ate William Taylor and was born | . ? ® r* | for relief of unemployed returned |p Hamilton, Ont, on April 30h, 1 80 many occassions, which seem to . . | soldiers, and he further stated that |j3g34 She had lived on the home- | ¢ crowd in SO frequently at the end | he had employment at the show ! stead in the house in which she died || 5 | grounds Jor sixteen returned men as | since 'her marriagh at the age of || : ---- of the season. and { ticket men at the various side shows. {twenty three yea:s, and was a devot- ete. {ed mother to the large family which An appeal of this sort did not pass {she raised. : unheeded by our city council, a num- | "Thore remain to mourn her loss | 15 FROCKS |ber of whom are former soldiers. {three sons and four daughters: W. : | Permission was granted by a vote of'| Herbert, on the homestead; Frank Formerly $16.50 to $25.00 a ® {only 9 to 7, and it may well be that [L. of Olds, Alberta: Fred Q., . of this appeal for the needy veteran was | Whitby; Mrs. Emily McBratney, of || Your Pick the deciding factor in the council's | Swift Current, Sask.; Mrs, Ida Phi!- . ' vote in favor of the carnival. Conse- lips, of Cook's. Mich.; Mrs. C. R. § e last season s $55.00 and $65.00 values quently {t would seem to' be very | Taplin, of Morril, Nebraska, and > '$ J 2 50 . A much the public's rigit to know how | Mrs. A, E. Warren, of North Augus- far the commandant carried out his | ta, Ont., also 15 grandchildren and stipulation to give employment to the | 23 great grandchildren. returned soldier. | The funsral took place from her i The commandant's contributed re-y lat residence to Gosford church and . . . % \ port of his Monday's meeting ddes | cemetery on Monday afternoon. White Gabardine, White Organdie, Comb-white and not contain the information sought, | -- : . . [ . . but states that a detailed accoudt of The K.C.I. Guides' Camp. Mauve Organdie, Comb-blue and White Organdie, Blue Swiss the carnival week will Le given out Will the guides who are interest- : 3 : : 7 3 : : at the next regular weekly meeting. |ed in the U-Auto Camp, Dead Man's Organdie, Pink Voile, Maize V oile, Black and White Voile, ® ® b J Will* it be asking tov® much that |Bay, please communicate with the Blue and Grey Voile--and oth er pleasing models. Sizes from ethe names of the unemployed re- | Commissioner, phone 810w, or the turned soldiers who benefited by car- | Staff Captain, phone 1970j. | 16 to 44. | : nival week be given to the public, | 98.77 BROCK STREET. along with the number of days each| The dredge Frontenac is working | worked and the amount that was |near the lift in the La Salle causs- | Founded 1847. paid to each. We shall await this in- | way. 10 FROCKS formation with interest. Wanton "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk" ; _-- DAILY MEMORANDUN, Formerly $10.00 to $13.95 Let's Go With the Band on the 20th STOCK MARKETS. To Gananoque at 7.30 p.m. Dancing . Scotch Reels. © Music all the time. Your Pick TT reion Ca. 207 "weet | HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR = ~--. |PRINTERS|| $6.95 Opening. Closing. > Atlantic Sugar .. .. 21% 21% MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. AeA nr Am. Sugar .. .. .. 6815 67% BORN. : Am. Sum. Tobacco . 49% 50% FOI Ln De Make your selection from :--Green Organdie, Pink Or- . " NE A Kin on Gener o . . . . . . Baldwin Loco, |. 1 Sen Same | TO un SE SE rth gandie, Mauve Voile, Sky Voile, Pink Spot Voile, Blue or erson °o hy a by nx 33% MARCIHIZN---1n Ringaton Bencral Hos. Mauve Organdie, Flesh, Maize and Black and White Voile and pital, on July 25th, 1921, t My. . . : CPR... -. -. ... HIG 113% and Mrs. D. 0. Marchen, 130 Unfon others not listed. Sizes 16 to 44. 5 3 J Central Leather ... 341, 343 | Street West, a son. : : Limited oiljieentent reper EE RR ami or ie yt ar a Joseph's Hospital, Parry Sound. o General Electric .., 122 123 Ont, to Mr and Mrs. F. Russell Ohl- . k re Ger General Moto a 10 3 10% ne x ertrude M. Thompson), a \ . Inter. Paper i B3 BEY | meme --einacne Bee ' . gy Kennicott Copper .. 191 MARRIED. | : RI 1 S Mex. Petroleum ... 103% ? | RICE--HENDERSON--On Tuesda@he ar S 1 ure Ol c€ , Northern Pacific ... 7414 { 26th July, 1921, at the residence of = » 3 2 -2 3-3 » e 8 @ dps ort © Waa = 'e, of Rock Island. Q Be, { : ' I « Hsateita Sweetiand, siden" datieh: | Regular price $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50°yard FOR THURSDAY Roya Duh, N.Y. i SHUR 108, ena. iredbeth] » . Lawton's, Cherries, Plums, Pears. Tobacco Prod. Passo : ere] ; Totus yacine .. SEIT anit a, uly Ht err a How can we 'say {Hev're' Sead. when| colored ground--all this season's stock and are well worth your PEARS--I 1 quart baskets. , Brazilian .. 19% Lg To liye for evermore.' x Willys-Overland .. . 71% the bride's father, Rev. E. Leroy! Pére Marquette ... 201 ay Rep. Iron & Steel .. 4554 ' Be or i nad | . US. Rubber .. ... 53y DIED. ha THURSDAY, YOUR PICK i 1 ict -- 1 Studebaker .. | * rEa : i From Niagara district -- Raspberries, Pludeaker $l... MEMORIAM. | C ar 8 | Basson and K. Clifton Dr ury who were | PEACHES 11 quart baskets Poy Tacifie.s. o-: 24% Among this special Dress Voile. offering will be found q " United Drug : | Not dedd, ah no--just passed beyond! S ae 1 d 1 d 1 9 d k di d Li h | renee the shades i pots--small an arge aesigns -- on dark, medium an ight PLUMS--11 quart baskets. With ail life's turmoil o'er. | : Can. Cement... ... 5] IN MEMORIAM | inspection. ALE STA Ts 9 CLO : . Can. Steamships Sold tovi Ea Po ol 5 ; ¥ BLACK CURRANTS--selling quart ; Can. Steamships pfd. | ciaeniatiy SAMO of Ju i. Poisen, Beas S R 0 CK or basket. Cons. Smeiters .. .. 13 Two. years has passtd ated: that ian Dom, Steel .... .... 251 A day, CANTELOUPE .......20c. to 25c. |] Genseal Electric ... 7 Forget imi ne oe loved away. Nat. Breweries .. .. 52 2 As Years roll on we love him still. INY. Exch.".., .... 13% i | | | | 2 loved, | . B 3 he A VEGETABLES Riordon .. \ 3 Hela wide" 1ify eh test, said: Spanish River .. .. 481 bl 0 me and rest." \ ~--Father, o € . Wayagamack Cl 3914 39.3% | neve. r, mother, sisters and bro- Tomatoes (for slicing), Butter Beans, Toronto Ralls .... 734B. T8isA. | me ety Green and Hot Peppers, Egg Plant. so SAGINSRII ERE] / --In joving memory 'of our et -- death wife and mother, Eligabeth Won- © Mr. Abrams Badly Hurt. Dacuit Rattey, Who entered into perfeet GREEN CORN--E.vergreen, Golden Mr. 'and Mrs. J. N.' Abrams and | Peace July ith, 1920. . family, Desert Lake, have the sym- Too dearly loved to b Bantam. pathy of the neighborhood in their | 1 C8 e the flower h trouble. Mr, Abrams was badly hurt oy the one ody oad most dearly, The Sn on Thursday. While cleaning his er lonely silent grave. FRESH MEAT SPECIALS horse, it kicked him in the stomach. | Thay oro! er tnd decay, her, e always re He was found some time after by his win % : 'SPRING LAMB a little son, Clifford, lying in the sta- i Sadly missed by hesband ahd child- . ET ble doorway unconscious.' Doctors -------- x Stewing cuts ........ 124¢. Ib. 9 were rushed to his hope and done all v-- Choice Fronts ........ 200. Ib. JH nefoe mare.) JAMESREID Shoulder Ch 30c. Ib ---- 524 od Son Thicke SPRL oulder Lhops ... . ... . . 30e. Ib. Becomes A Canadian Plicne 147 for Ambulnce Certificate of naturalization has COOKED, ROAST and JELLI hom priwas lo Prot 4° 1"cuek | ROBERT J. REID Geting as much us you Queen's University, according to the { Leading Undertaker, can fur your money is MEATS * latest number of the Canada Gazet:s. | Phone 377. 230 Prince. ; Stree. good business; you'll x He took the. oath of allegiance on get it here. ) : May 22nd, 1921, __"M.P. KEYES - : . PICKLES--SAUCES--CATSUPS " Takeworrmn | oageSuicHaer ro Face LADIES' OXFORDS AND STREET PUMPS FOR 2 WEEKS 3? : . od Arriving. daily now. Peaches, i Phone 183§ : > : ST AR I ING THURSDAY' Plums, pears, - blackberries, apples, mie . : : Lio rata Tri: carapveye, el JOHN CORNELIU NELIUS "+ "1,000 pairs of Fine Shoes -- out on tables. Phones 458-459. Wholesale 1767. Re i Phone | 20% off Franks, Suit Cases and Bags. old reliable fruit store on Brock The amount paid for. June power | ww | : : {to the Ontario Hydro-Electrie Com. | ; { LOCKETT? nN] mission by the Kingston Utilities Princess ? "ir ; Gommisstan was $4,035.08. + ddisg and seal Flowers. 4 --