Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jul 1921, p. 5

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{ * x Ve THE DAILY BRITIS SH WHIG. INLSDAY, ares 2%, 1021. | WELCOME RELIEF FROM ECZEMA Complete Treatment That Gives rating Results es: wo YEAS, OWE, to or ha d an "attack of Weeping | 'Eczema so bad that my clothes would be wet théough at times. CHOICE :STERN MEATS and OKED MEATS cGEEIN'S | Phone ny and Vicinity 1 Drain Tn Gey Tile for drain ing fren lands. some excitement among a number cfbetter see to it that their pr are residents residing near the corner cf taken care of. The common is dried | Princess and Division streets about up and the horses are about famish- | miduight Saturday. @wing to the led. One has been shot on the order many robberies of late the people of | of the humane society, and thi¥ will | ao | the neighborhood had an. idea that |be the fate of others it their owners | "Plainfield Has Bank. Fsotmothing Was about to Happen; Bet 40 Hot-enre=tor-them: Ila postive. A branch of the Standard Bank of | such was not the case. iy cruel tp pasture horses and cat- | | Canada, has been opened at Pl«in- tle on land that will not yield them | A report was recelved from Odes- to the effect that Frank Smith his "automobile stolen from his last Friday morning. | " Had Car Stolen: | | sa > i 1182 82 Princess Street EE -- rm Pg | FOR MOVING OF | Furnitiiré, Safes, Pianos and age of every description-- ston Transfer . Co. 153 Wellington Street. | ! DAVID SCOTT | Plumber ing and Gas Work a special. 11 work guaranteed. Address rontenac Street. Phong 1277. | A.W. WINNETT D.ANTAL SURGEON. of Johnsun and Wellington Phone 364 Waugh * Vellington St. Phone 236. ' . | rove's Repairs Talking Machines, Bileycles, | \rriages, Lawn Mowers, ete. We Ke work right and guarantee tl on. v WELLINGTON STRENT VATITS People's Florist 77 Wellington street. flowers and plants daily 'al designs, and wedding jets to order. Phone 1763. 1137. R McRae & Co. \oicest quality of Scranton + No other kind sold by JIOOTH & CO. 'e-lan Xard Phone 138 EDUCED | PRICES 'IONUMENTS AND CEME- TERY LETTERING » E. Mullen { FRONTENAC STREET Phone 1417. vals Ginge: siarmalade, staf' Piseapple Marmaiade, hie Bramble Jelly. Also have rh gull line . of } Fevabie ma mas Jam and Jemer' fur seis on Marche Grocery i Tor four taonths, Isulfered terribly, I could get no relief mntil I tried "Fruit-a-tives" and "Sootha.Salva". Altogether, IT have used three boxes of "'Zootha-Salva" and two of "Fruit-a-tiyes", and am entirely well." G. W. HALL. Both these favorite remedies are sold by dealers at 850c. a box, 6 for | 32.50, or sent on receipt of price by I Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. | v "Fruit-a-tives" is also put upin a trial size which sells for 25c. BUILDING ? KEPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son | 21 2! Nain Street. Phone 1670. Dr. Nash's DENTAL PARLORS: 188 PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON, ONTARIO | We specialize on:--Painless Extrac- | | tion, Latest Treatment of "Pyorrhea, X-Ray work, | : ae ~e | 1 Portsmouth Gasoline |jf| Service Station ul | | {ll BEST GrADES OF O1L8 AND ||| | GREASES | 1 / | | f | / 1 | George Granger | Phone-120. | Ireeem----------) ' YouShould | Take Care feusecoy largely a matter of Good Digestion. A wise person should use Beecham"s Pills to relieve digestive ills and correct stomachic disorders. On ac- count of theif service and reputation for reliability -TAKE BEECHAM'S | wz PILLS in Canada, Largest Sale of any Medicine in the World See Our Window % FOR PIPE BARGAINS One Dollar Briars This SAREE A aE 60 cents Jack F. Elder 269 PRINCESS STREET Phone 1283F. THE BUSY CIGAR STORE of digestion-- Regular week at Dr.J.D.KeLLOGG's AsTHMAREMEDY THE CHOKING, SUFFOCATING EFFECTS OF ASTHMA ARE GREATLY MITIGATED BY THIS EFFECTIVE AGENT. A TRIAL 18 SUFFICIENT TO CONVINCE YOU OF IT8 RELIABILITY, --~-- R. H. JONES Auto Tops repaired, re ed; slip dovors; all kinds of cushions repaired. BOAT CUBAUTIONS made all sizes: with KAPOK filling. 390 PRINCESS STREET Phone 1352. PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 840 Princess St. "OR RENT f'room dwelling. I Apply N. H. GODWIN bo &- SON, +. ent cats and Insure Street. Phone 424. Lake Ontario Trout ------ field. There are branches at Fox- The Tug Abandoned. | [ ville and Shannonville, | | Repairing King Street West, | ceiving much needed attention of the | boro, Melrose, Point Anne, Redplers- ------ba i A- piece of roadway, which is re- road gang, is that on King strest | west near the breakwater. Parts of the road were in very bad condition. Both Would Profit. Fred Hepburn, Picton, is of opin- fon that if the C.P.R. would co-Oper- ate with Mr. Campbell in moving freight by boat between Kingston and Picton both the railway and + Prince Edward 'would profit. To Visit Kingston, It is expected 100 Ottawa Kiwan- fans in twenty-five cars. will make a The tug Mary P. Hall, which want ashore while helping to release ine steamer City 'of Hamilton. at Iroquois 1sst week, has been abandoned. The Underwriters' Association does not consider it worth while trying to te- lease the vessel, which is partly sunk and lying on its starboard side. Tha tug has been stripped of its valuables and will likely have to be blown up. A New Letter Box. Following a petition received by business men on Princess street be- tween Wellington and Bagot strest, a letter box has been placed on Princess street, in front of the store of George Mills & Company, and the new box will be much appreciated, To-day a letter box was placed at the entrance to the Hotel Dieu and | has known, both for intensity and | duration, { marked as he moppe |ating the post-office has been com- | pleted and the offices now present a | stone wall has also been retouched. | we will sell for less than wholesale | prices, sizes 14 to 16 1-2. The regu- this box will also be a great conven- ience, 5 trip to Kingston on July 30th, re- maining over till Monday. There will be a basebal] game on Saturday and a luncheon at noon on Monday. Warmest Ever. John McKelvey who has gpent a goodly number of years in this kind- ly old world says that the heat of this summer has exceeded anything he Long Time In Business. Pérth has several merchants who haye been continuously in business for over half a century, Mrs. J. Laurie is perhaps one who has the 'honor of being the next in business in Perth. G. B. Farmer 'has 49 years to his credit, having started in Perth, July 3rd, 1872, Meighen Bros, of course, ness since 1848. "It is a gorker,'* he re- his brow: Post Office Redecorated. -------- The work of painting and redecor- Cruelty To Horses, Owners of horses that have besn pasturing on Barriefleld common hail ad Do net i] PILES: if FLA nt wi ay LE BE wiih | very neat appearance. The post of fice inside and out has been given a thorough overhauling, while the A Rea] Bargain, We have received about thirty dozen of Tooke's colored shirts which lar price of these shirts was $2.50 and) $3.00; your choice, while they last, $1.50 each--Prgvost, Brock i er Cuticura Before He Tries Free Samples a Night Prowlers Again. A couple of night prowlers caused THE DAY DREAMS OF YOUTH By CHARLES GRANT MILLER (Copyright, 1921. All Rights Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) The president of a leading college for girls, at the commendement the other day used these words: "The material condition of the college we can, with your 'help, create for you; but the'spiritual and intellectial life that is lived in'the college buildings, and the dreams and thoughts "that afe yours as you walk under the avenues of mapies, aré of infinitely greater import. Here we are dealing with forces beyond the control of any of us; and. upon the thoughts you think here will dépend your Hsefulness in after life; and the sum of these thoughts, thesé emotions, will constitute the college idea" " Here Ig some good sense, cleafly expressed, which applies not only to college girls, but to all of us in whatever walks or conditions of life. Our day dreams are not the filmy nothings we sometimes deem them. | They are the stars that guide our destinies. Set high in the heavens ahd undimmed and unchanged by earthly conditions, those dream-stars of ours smile upon us in our adversities and failures, holding uf to fixity of purpose and to' continued hope and effort. The ' day dream " is the seed-gertn of purpose. Shakespeare made no more figure of speech when he said we are such stuff as dreams are made of. The stuff that is in our day dreams is the warp and woof of our lives. The youth who, through thé days that are long-spun threads of gold, dreams of military glory and turns aM things into toy soldiers, becomes at the first bugle call to real battle, a seasoned veteran, It was not Arcole, Marengo, and Austerlitz that made Napoleon. He was a trained soldier before he ever stood in battle line. He had conquered Europe while yet his baby hamd could flourish only a wooden sword. The great battles in which he brought Europe to 'her knees only" taught the world to knew hjm; he had kmown himself long before in the day dreams of his boyhood. é 5 . When we frame our ideals and keep them constantly before us, when we feel and think for ourselves, we lay the main stones of the firmest foundation upon which any life can be builded, -_-- x an 1] T LE 1 tL 1! es IT] FE EEE] yor i - of business end dem pode, poptinsluly prepared EEE NO MORE TIRE TROUBLE Fe BARGHASE va ia, RL ATE ork gu arateed. } BASTERY CA £ANADA, Ax AX pine on" ©€0. A. NEAL Phone 2050. : Annotinces the opeRing of a few P and Heating Satnbianmant | ay PRINCESS STREET PPOSHE ANDERSON BROS. Prices on contracting and al kinds Sen York fusisties, Give us a call Phone have béen in busi-| "| ed ihaterial will not cost more thah 'lof an' attack upon E. Howley, who sufficient for sustenance. Will Move to Ottawa, | Et-Mayor Oravelle, Renfrew, who | ha: just retired from 'he Rotel busi- | ness, has decided to take up his resi- | dence in Gitawa, where he has all- ready estahiished an office, and will | soon move with his family to that | o'ty. Mr. Gravelle also has a branch | office in Montreal and will divide his time between the two cities. Bring Many Excursionists, The Island Belle is bringing excuf- | sions here four days of the week and | carrying large crowds pf Awerican | excursionists to the city. The trips are made Monday, Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday, starting from Alex- andria Bay and calling at river points on the way up the river. These visitors are seen on the strgets dur- ing the afternoon and take a great interest in the war. trophies on eéx- hibit in the parks. Old Home Week, The Clayton, N.Y., Women's eivie | club is planning tor old home week beginning July 28th. Many eveats are being. planned for entertaining the old home folks during that week. Among them, an address of welcome by May Irwin, the famous actppss with-solos by Madanmte Eleanora de Cisneros, the grand opera singer, Calumet, near Clayton. P- Hold-up Story Reported Untrue. holiday that an attempt had been made to hold up a Glenburnie farm- er near QGlenburnie, on Friday night 'last. The Whig called up Glenburiie and the report was denied. The story was. to the effect that the hold-up man wis in an autd and he used his auto to block the road- way, but that when the farmer came along he took to the side of tie road and made his escape. Women's Liberal Association: The formation of the Prince Ed- ward County Women's Liberal As- sociation has been effected. The of- ficers are: Joint honorary presidents«--Mrs, J. . Platt, Mrs. H. B. Bristol. J President-----Mrs. Thomas Woods. First vice-president--Mrs. (Dr.) Currie. Second V. Pettat. Third vice-president--Mrs. fhan Talcott. Secretary---Misgs Mary Graves. Treasuter-=Miss Aghes Kearse. er cd i, bd Joyceville Visitors, Mr. and Mrs. James Hanley and son, Dr. Robert; Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Cochrane and little daughter, Rose Mary; Mr. and Mrs. H. Ormstin; 'Mr. and Mrs. U. McCorey 'and son, Joseph, and Master Danle Thomp- son, all of Kingston; Mr. and Mra. T. R. Ollmann and children, Hamil- toh; Mr. and Mrs, T. McNulty and children, Oswego, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. M. O'Neill and little daughter, Mr. and Mrs. D. O'Hearn,. Bouth Lake; Mrs. Murphy and Miss Evelyn, Joyceville, were Sunday visitors at Mrs. D. McCaréy"s. Jolin Jennings, Glendower, and U. Keyes, Joyceville, at C. Milpe's; T. McClary at Gana- noque. vice-president--Mrs. w. Jona- Use Up Own Wool. "The old practise of having farm- ers' wool made into clothing for the use of the farmer's own family is be- ing revived in Hastings," stated A. D. Mcintosh, of Stirling, agriculture tepresentative for the country, "How extensive the revival is was brought home to me when I took my o wool to a local mill for this purpose And was told that there were so many othér farmers ahead of me that I would pve to walt two weeks before my work could be touched. We pur- pose having our own wool made into blankets and cloth for over- coating for the children, This finish half present prices and it will be of vastly better quality than goods purchased in the ordinary way." To E. Howley: 4 A letter signed by Herbert Saun- ders, formerly of the Bedfordshira regiment, Imperial service, has been received by the Whig. It is a long, and venomous epistle, and consists wrote to the Whig on July 20th. The writer declares that Mr. How- ley was not a captain. He challenges him to again wear the Class "A™ Canadian service button, which he says he has been wearing, He de- clares that Sergt. H. Howley was of- ficially reported killed. Mr. Saunders intimates that Mr. Howley. secured $225 from the Canadian government on the strength of a false claim, and that Ottawa is trying to secure tae return of this money. He asks if it is not a fact that B. Howley borrow- ed the discharge and button of his son, H. Howley, and flourished these a8 his own. ------------ Teachers Resign. The Pembroke board of education Rose and Miss Rutledge from, the high school staff. Both teachers had who spends her summers at Little A report reached the Whig on the | has received the resignation; of Miss | (3 ANGLIN & co. Woodworking Factory acd Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streéts, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. AN SA Try our Restaurant for Sour Dinner during the hot weather, You will find it cool and every- thing to make you comfortable, Choice Meats and Deserts cook« ed and made to your order. Our prices are reasonable. Grand Cafe ROP. Two Doors Above Opera House PROVINCE OF MANITOBA | 6%-20 Year Bonds PETER LEE, 222 Princess Street Interest June and December Price 97.17. Yied 6.25. | Bongard, Ryerson & Co. vahe Mome of Good Investments." 287 BAGOT STREET. 835 Bay Street, Toronto. Tg, PHONE 1738, cn iii We're Ready for Spring With a Large, New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at TWEDDELL'S *. ~~ 131 Princess St, (One door below Randolph Hotel) Madeira Hand Embroidered and Real French Clunley Lace at Very Special Prices Doylies, Tray Covers, Centre Pieces, Runners, Table Covers, and many other useful pieces from 25¢. to $25. \ W. N. Linton & Co.. Phone 191, The Waldron Store. # ntial increases in salary, so that their resignations came as a sur- prise, putting the local board in an awkward position for securing effis- fent teachers to fill the vacancies at ed contracts for next year, with.® - te, however, in procuring Miss {for nine years and will be greatly garet Millar, -Pembroke, as tes missed. Miss Rutiedge has been oa cher of moderns at a salary of $2, [the staff tor only, the past year. She 000 as Miss Rose's successor. Miss hal aceoptcd a» position at Kenors, this iste date. They have been for Jos has been in charge of the 4puod- | while Miss Rose's appointment is to department at the nigh school | the Brampton high school.

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