THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1921, Theatrical ------ At Griffin's, Anyone desiring. to take part in a thrilling tale of travel, adventure, conspiracy and romance is invited to the Griffin Theatre today, Friday and Saturday, where "The Empir, 8, <a ~Lerenes PE¥Fet: Path feature, is showing. Mr. Per- ret gathered together an internation- al cast, and actually filmed this ad- aptation of Valentin Mandelstamm's novel in New York, London, Paris, Monte Carlo, Nige, and along the Riviera, This js the first™time such a tremendous feat has béen under- taken and the results, pictorially, artistically ang dramatically, have made the care ang expense worth while. A big attraction on the same bill is Van's performing ponies and dogs which come to Kingston well recommended. They have just finigh- ed a successful engagement at the Allen's $1,000,000 theatre, Montreal. Everybody should take advantage of this opportunity and not miss seeing "these wonderful animal performers, They wil appear at matinees and ev- enings today, Friday ang Saturday. | Harold Lloyd will appear in one of his new comedies, rounding out a . Splendid bill for the whole family, -- Advt, At the Allen. He had motor cars, bull dogs, diamond rings and pendants for the girl he thought he wanted, but he lacked happiness. His vision was clouded by a surfeit of things with- out real mental value. And strange- ly enough a blind man opened his eyes. Such in brief is the theme of "The Man Who Had Everything." Goldwyn's newest feature presenting the favorite screen star, Jack Pick- ford. In the role of the profligate son Jack gives one of hig best por- trayals. See 'The Man Who Haq Everything" at the Allen Thursday, Friday and Saturday.--Advt. ------ I o£ ut July 28.--The steamer Missisquot made a ramble among the islands in this vicinity yesterday afternoon, and was liberally patronized. Mrs. Hannah ©, Hanscombe, River street, purchased this week from Cedric Gibson the old George Jack- 80n store on Main street, recently oe cupied by J. C. H. Mcintyre. Under the auspices of the Gananoque Canoe and Motor Boat Association, another of their series of dances was held 'n the assembly hall at thelr club house Tuesday evening. Robert G. Thomson, Brockville, a former resident of this town for many years, was in town yesterday for a short visit with relatives. Dr. and Mrs. Walkey and family, Lomond, Alta., motored here recent- ly and are spending a few weeks with the latter's mother, Mrs. Richard J. Wilson, Brock street. Willlam Pratt, King street west, who has been spending the - past month with relatives in Minto, Man., returned to town this week. Mrs. Walsh ana family, Kingston, are visiting here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Byron, William street, Miss Mildred Berry, Charles street, is spending a short time ville, the guest of her sister, Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Clow and family are enjoying a few weeks in camp at Lindsay's Point. Mrs. ------ The war department in England Bas 3,000 unclaimed military war crosses, Horlick's N Original "Malted Milk Upbuilds and sustains the body No Cooking or Milk ired Used for 35 of re Cost YOU Same Price in Belle- | In the day it was threshed, We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils. 'We carry a'sapply of parts. Prompt service, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. INEws OFF THE WIRES | Tidings From Places Far and | Near Are Briefly Recounted. | ------ | "Sir Henry Drayton, minister finance, announces that the $15,000,- 000 loan due in New York én August | 12; be paid without any furthery 1st will | government borrowing | It is expected that over one hund- | red publishers of weekly newspapers will attend the special course in Journalism to be held at the Univer- sity of Toronto from September 12th | to 17th, Jules J. Jusserand, French ambas- sador to the United States, saiied from New York on Wednesday for France on leave of absence and said | he would return in October with the French delegates to the disarmameant conference Proposed by President Harding. Mayor John p. Hylan, who was | wept into office on a Tammany hall tidal wave in 1918, following a split in the Republican ang ranks, is a candidate to succeed him- gelf in New York in September. So far, no Tammany opposition to him has appeared, ---- | - FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD Bales Made at 22 3.4 Lents on Board Thursday, At the meeting of the Frontenae cheese board on Th there were boarded eighty boxes of white cheese and 305 boxes of col- ored. The entire offgring, with the exception of thirty boxes of colored sold at 22 3-4 factories boarded:, White--Wolfe Island 50, Ontario 30, 1 Colored--Desert 2 25, Lake 25, Thousand Islands 36. Silver 35, Sunbury 25. At 22 3-4 cents, George bought the offering of Desert Gilt Edge, Hows Island, Ontario, Parham, Silver Springs, ' Thousand Islands and Wolfe Island, Glenburn- ie and Sunbury, EE ------------------ Lake, GEO. D. PORTER been appointed as special attached DR. Who has lecturer on to the depar: to University, ars, he has been secretary of the National Ar taciationt for the prevention of tuber. Culosis, ---- Mrs. Joseph Edgar, Pittsburg, Meets Death in Accident Mrs. Joseph Edgar, who resided in the lower end of Pittsburg township, was killed on Tuesday near her home, when a buggy, in which she was driving, struck a hole in the road and pitched forward. Mrs. Kd- gar was thrown backwards from the vehicle, striking her head. She was picked up and placed In a chair but did not regain consciousness. The funeral took place on Thursday af. ternoon. -------- -- 8oclety Man Mysteriously Killed In New York ---- 'New York, July 28.--Harry H. Duryea of No. 144 East 55th streat, & member of one of New York's best known families, was found dead in his private office on the eighteenth floor of No. 347 Madison avenue yes- terday afternoon, from a pistol wound in the heart. The police reported the case as one of stricide. Later it was stated at the office of the medical examiner that Mr. Duryea had shot himself ace:- dentally, Field Wheat One Day, *. Biscuits the Next 5 S-- Ingersoll, July 28.--a record in which the harvester, the miller and the baker figured was established a tew days ago at Thamesford. On Thursday at 3 o'clock wheat Was standing in the field, Later drawn to the grist mill at Thamesford and ground into floyr, : On Friday forenoon biscuits of ex- cellent quality Were made and placed on the table for dinner. 3 : -- We have more patience 'with the end seat hog on a street car than we have with the boob Who takes your shoulder for an upper berth on a hot Hot red and green sweet green Peppers at The anly watering people can afford to summer are the public tains. Peppers and Carnovsky's, Plage some 80 to In the drinking fonn- Plekling onions at Carnovsky's. Eternal youth evide; eam, but we farnal ybuths nightmares, Some of our 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, Ha modern young ladies being covered J would even object to ith. 4 Jantle af shacitrans | IN CONDENSED Form | Sp ORTING \: of | from"C } | W. White, B. Jolinston | ee Bowling Games, Wednesday evening was a busy € at the bowling green, when the following skips wom: M. Manahan Crozier, 12 to 10; J. M. EiI- | liott from R. C. Cartwright, 13 to W. Linton from A Turcotte, 14 10-1 25~F--Crozier--trom J 3 Baker, 7 to 15, and E. Green from F, 8. Evanson, 14 to 12. Se In the doubles, series A, J... F | McMillan won from Ww. M. Campbell by a score of 16 to 13. The rinks: |. 8. Driver, F. Conway, J. | lane, M. Manahan, skip. J. Asselstine, J. McDonald, E. Walsh, C, Crozier, skip. McFar- W. Inman, H. Angrove, W. H. | Montgomery, J. M. Elliott, skip. , H.Munsie, Pr. R.C Cartwright, skip, W. Chapman, G. Brownlee, A. | Treadgold, W. Linton, skip, coalition ! W. Cook, Ww. Frizzell, ©. Wil- | lamson, A. Turcotte, skip. | | » | blocks - resounded from the cents. The following bowling green on Wednesday even- Gilt | president, J. F. Edge 34; Howe Island 25, Parham | Watson, the dad Springs, 65, Latimer 35, Glenburnie (2 sparkling reply on Smith | echo. C. 8. Creer, R. N. McFarlane, G. VanHorne, F, Crozier, skip. D. A. Shaw, C. Sleeth, J. Chatter- tom, J. J. Baker. skip. C. Warwick, J. H. Blakeley, J. Newman, E. Green, zkip. T. Lambert, R. Stevenson, GG. ursday afternoon, Lawes, F. 8, Evanson, skip. Bowling Prizes Presented, Cheers that could be heard for Queen's ing when the prizes won in the tournament on Monday were pre- sented to the winners by the vice- McMillan. Dr. Johh dy of them all, and Popular with every one, delivered behalf of the heered to the Dr. Watson and J, Angrove were the winners of the doubles matches, and thd win proved most popular with 'thf members of the club. er winners, and he was ¢ Next Week's Regatta. Final preparations are being made for the L.Y.R.A. regatta to be held at the Yacht Club next week. Blue- prints of the course have been post. ed at the clubhouse. Timers have been secured to be on duty day and night from Sunday onwards, until the completion of the long-distance race from Hamilton. Searchlights are also being installed so that there will be no difficulty in reaching the Yacht Club, Arrangements are being made for the excursion trip down the river on Thursday and it is expected that there will be dinner served and a ddnce enjoyed at one of the Alex- andria Bay hotels. The local yachts are being made ship-shape by busy Crews every day now, and paint. brishes are being used with good effect on a number of the boats. To Stay Wich McGill, Frank Shaughnessy, who has been offered the position of manager of the Syracuse Stars in the Interna. tional Baseball League, will not ac- cept the position unless he can leave the team in time to coach MaGill University football team in the fall. Staff and Students Play. The staff and students of Queen's summer school met in a fast Same of FAIRYLAND. You ask me where is Fairyland; How can'I tell whether it be In ancient woods or "neath the sea, Or far beyond the desert sand? . But this I knbw, a kindly hand, A welcome smile, a tender heart, A lover's song, a thing of art-- All lead the way to Fairyland, You ask me where is Fairyland; If it's the place where the Tobins go When winter comes; where stream. lets flow Along the trail of a gypsy band? With all the knowledge I command, I know but this: A chirping bird, A baby's laugh, a gentle word-- Are signs that point to Fairylana. FL --Herschelle Bek. ---- Egg plant at Carnovky's. Ninety per cent, of the police of Boston are veterans of the world war, . ¢ aM NEWS ball on the lower campus," Wednes- day evening, and although the stud. €nty emerged victorious by a score of 12 to 52 the game was interesting favorites Although turned from the ordinary routine the students "showing the profes sors" a few of t game, the losers took it. all-in 'PETE and If another game ed might make a comeback. Tae winners laid by their lead at the first of the game, and then added a few more to make the Bame interes: ingtrom their standpoint. Prot. J. PF is arrang- sors and Lowry and Teagle for the winners. The teams were Students--Norris ¢. 12h, W, J. Brown 1b, Carruthers ss, | Runnings) 2b, Vokes it, Slater cf, J. | Brown 88, Robinson rf, Teax'e p, Staff--Jemmett c, R. Q, Jolifte 1b, Matheson 2b, MT It, G. M. Mac- la. | donald cf, MacIntosh 88, Ballard 2b, MacClemn- | | | J. M. Macdonald rPW.T ent rf, H. C. White ss. Score by innings: | Students 110403300--17 | Stam 002000291-- 5 ------ The Eastview Park Series. | Another very enjoyable game was | ran off in the Eastview serics on Wednesd | the Ladies of the camp met their | Henpecked Husbands and | resulted in a tie. much fun for the whole camp gentlemen were forced to play with only one hand™and, as some of the ladies are no mean bail players, (his meant some hustling, was impartial but very yu | smT~eaugnt all the | along With. some of the regul. | things. All the old dodges to sou Park baseball 2Y evening when The irre Taritios base, were known to him and nothin got over, being planned. This Evening's Game, Lakeviews and Parham prbvide the big game at the ericket field this j evening, staging a series game of the | Inter-County League. The Kingston team has been rather low in the list this year but has been picking up lately and intends to make this game Ole of the steps up the ladder. All teams representing Kingston in bona fide leagues deserve the support of the local fans and a good turnout should greet to-night's game, --~---- * Depot Rangers Win, A lively game of baseball was played at the Fair Grounds Wednes- day evening between the Depot Ran- Bers and the Live Wires, the former winning out by a score of 2 to 1; Loose ball was entirely absent, the both teams playing well all the way through. Live Wires opened the scoring, but McDermott "held them down to one tally, pulling a sensa- tional play by winning his own game with a home run in the fifth. It was good ball all round. t BASEBALL WEDNESDAY -- International League, Syracuse 7; Toronto 6. Rochester 13; Buffalo 7 (first.) Rochester 2; Buffalo 1 (second.) Jersey City 8; Reading 7 (first.) Reading 11; Jersey City 7 (sec- ond.) Baltimore-Newark (not scheduled) American League, Boston 5; Cleveland 4. St. Louis 7; New York 5. Washington 5; Chicago 4. MAKING " MOONSHINE » IN « TORONTO THE GOOD." throjghout. A large crowd of spec- | tators was on hand to root for the the tables were | | Lowry p, Scott the score | The game provided | The umpire ! nrgasonab!la, i A return game is ra \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG { { WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FR IEND he fine points of the | gout + | | Macdonald pitched for the profes. | | | | h ps FRA es 'qn [, [1 Pr 18 b EI ! wily WinNT we 5 A HO ans SAND Mil ON DoLLARS Detroft 4; Philadelphia 1. P---- National League. . New York 4; Pittsburgh 1, Brooklyn 10; Chicago 2. Cincinnati 2; Boston 0 (first.) Cincinnati 4; Boston 3 (second.) St. Louis 5; Philadelphia 1. Government Likely to Contest North Oxford Toronto, July 28.--Although no official statement. has been made, the Drury government is expected to con- test the riding of North Oxford, a seat made vacant by the death of John Calder, M.P.P. Mr. Calder, at the last election, carried the seat for the Liberals with a good majority, obtaining 5,369 votes against R. E. Buller's 3,056 votes and John Scott's 2,852 votes. + em-- Seventy-five per cent. of the nie- kel of the world comes from Cana- dian mines, NIN iy Cup = Hamilton, July 28. ~--Nirwana; the Hamilton defender of the George ¢up, retained her hold on the trophy yesterday afternoon In the first of three races by the narrow margin of 25 seconds. Shi beat Husky of Cres- cent yacht club, Watertown, N.Y. Just by that scant margin. boat, Scrapper, Royal Canadian Y. to, would probably but she met with ] leading for the first six miles of race. It was admitted that the ae- cident cost her the race, -- Many of the families Who have pever been able to afford a bear skin for their homes now have plenty of bare skins to display fo the callers, The eel has two hearts. times a separate One beats 69, the other 160 mindte. \ * Spanish onions at Carnovaky's. La wl L NEW BRICK HOUSE ON VICTORIA STREET--7 ROOMS. electric lights; 3 piece bath; fyrnace; floors British Co- lumbia fir. This is a real. nice home in good location. M. B. TRUMPOUR 111% BROCK STREET " Boys' Khaki Long Trousers Ages 10 to 16. THE CLUB Phone 510 = =.= 212 Princess Street is what is meant by not' having your tires properly repaired by our system of tire repairing--any size, any kind, any style, any tread. We have machines and moulds for them all and our service is second to none. : IF WE CAN'T DO IT, IT'S ! NO GOOD