Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jul 1921, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHICG, : CHOKERS Summer prices. NEW FUR COATS, CAPES, STOLES, SCARFS, and Old Furs remade and repaired. Place your order now. JOHN McKAY, Ltd. THE. FUR HOUSE 149 to 157 BROCK STREET / § by the varioits committeas of eer et ae so re at MANY. DELEGATES COMING iVarious Events to Be Held During the Next Two Weeks. Se During. the next two weeks it is | €Xpected that there will be nearly a | tend various Ineetings. ron=Monday yichtsmen from North- | | ern New York and Ontario will come here for the annual regatta of the Lake Yacht Racing Association... It | is belleved that there will be at least | {one hundred yachts, including some | {of the finest on the continent and | | the crews will number over four {undred. The plans for this classic | | event in yacht racing have been laid | the | Club and a splendid ! (time is - assured for the visiting | | Yachtsmen- and ladies. Several | dances are scheduled as well as an { excursion down the river. { On Monday Masons from all over | the province are expected to accept the hospitality of The Ancient St. John's Lodge and will be the guests | of the members during the day. ! According - to present arrangements | there will be a toupsof the efty dur- | ling the afternoon. after they have! | been welcomed by His Worship i Mayor Nickle, and at halt past five | Kingston Yacht ~ Limoges Dinnerware We have just received a'shipment from France of two excellent patterns of Erench China. Dinnerpatis Tea Plates B-B. Plates Cups and Saucers >.0 ee qn ecu. sean Sie aa 48s wa. co....$12.00 doz. vev...$ 9.00doz. .e...$ 7.00 doz. co. .$13.50 doz. Complete Dinner and Tea Set-- ie aS 3 75.00 Estate All kinds of Insur- ance--Fire, Automo- bile, Burglary, Plate | - Glass," Liability, etc. Stocks, Bonds and Investments. The McCann Agency R. H. WADDELL Phones 376-800. 86 Broek St EMMACULINE Buy Sugar SAVE THE DIFFERENCE Granulatéd Sugar . . 10 Ibs. 8Bc. Fhiest Creamery Butter . Ae, 10c. pkg. Catsup (large) ...24c. bottle Picnic Sardines . ...5 tins 285c. Cleaned Currants . . .2 Ibs, 85c. Evaporated Apples . . . . 12c. Ib. Chase & Banborn Coffée-- (18) tins Corn Meal (Gold) ..@ Ibs. 28c. Lemon and Vanila Ext. 9c. bot, Cullen's CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. Removes grease and dirt from your lenses quickly. It is the best lense polisher on the market as well as a dis- enfestant. and is only 36¢ Try abottle. Get it at:-- || menced their decorations || convention. {the visitors will be driven to the | Royal Military College, where they | will be addressed by Sir A. C. Mac- | donell, K.CH, K.C.M.G., D.8.0., | jand, will be conductad through the | various buildings. Ou their return | te the city they will dine with the {local members at Queen's University and in the evening will proceed to the steamer Waubic for a searcalight | Xpursion among the Thousand Is- lafids. This is the second anaual! reunion of the St. John's lodge in | (this jurisdiction and members' will | {come from the thirteen lodges of | Ithat name. It is expected that the, [newly-elected Grand Master of the | Grand Lodge of Canada in the Pro- {vince 62 Ontario, Lleut.-Cal., w, N. ! | Poniton, K.C., Belleville, will address | {the brethren. Col, Ponton is one of | | the most eloquent speakers in Can | | ada and in his exalted position will jJommane the attention of the local | fraternity. | On the following Monday the con- | vention of the Sovereign Great held in the city and will be presid- ed over by Abraham Shaw. This convention will be composed of pro- minent Sir Knights from all parts of Canada and delegates have announc- ed their intention of coming from such distant places as Vancouver, B.C., and St. john. N.B. The con- vention is to be held for three days and the committee in charge of ar- rangements -is being assured of the co-operation of local organizations : private citizens. Opportunities F Knights Templar, is to be to make use of sporting facilities in the city will probably be extended to them and g rare good time is antici- pated, $ On Thursday morning the merch- ants on Princess street, between Bagot and Wellington streets, com- for the At an early hour elec- tric lights were being strung on the poles between the two corners and when the plans in mind have been completed the main street will be in festive array, Every effort is being made to leave a pleasing impression of the Lime- stone City upon the delegates who will be drawn from Dlaces far and near throughout the dominion. Kingston has much of interest to show to the visitors and the merch- ll| ants upon Princess street are de- {| termined to demonstrate that they || are in hearty accord with any plans which will kindle an abiding inter- est ingthe city's welfare. |i commiTTEE FORMED FOR RINK PROJECT Leading Oitizens to Aid the University Athletic - Board : of Control. A meeting of the committee, form- f{ #0 to assist the University Athletic Board of Control in raising money for the Jock Ifarty rink, met in th Board of Trade rooms on Wedpef. i day afternoon. Nobig Bteacy, an in- timate friend of the late Dr| Harty, Waa elected chairman, and 'the fol lowing a members: Mayer Nickle, W. R. QGiveus, Dr, E. Ryan, J. F. Sowards, W, Harty, Harold Davis, Dr. R. J. Gardiner, F J. Hoag. J. M. Campbell, A. B. Cunningham and | Henry Richardson. "Jack" MvKel- vey was present and oxplained tha plans of the University Boatd of Con. trol*to the meeting, There was an 'n« {formal diseussion about the projec: but for the present organisation is in abeyan-e as there is no intention to conflict with the various meetings to be 'held in the city next week and which will take up the attention of many ¢itjzens. § Hinata Guarantee Demanded. Duty on all "express shipments passing from" Canada to the United States. must be fully guarantesd from now on, according to instruc tions received by the local express companies. Orders wers also Te. ceived to strictly enforce the ruling restricting the acceptance of old clothing for transportation to the United States. Because the duty on clothing is 65 per cent., whether worn or new, the companies refusa to assume the risk of handling these regardless of whether or not the duty is guaranteed, » TH A quiet wedding took place on July 27th at the home of Dr. Yeo- mans, Belleville, when his niece, Lauréi Gertrude, .omly daughter of Ww. B Foster, K.C., "Shoreham," Cobourg, was .united in with R. G. Towner, Byron Centre, { Mich. Ss thousand visitors in the city to at-p Beginning... | The wind was quite cool and high | |a week in the city renewing old ac- THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1021, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY Racy Local News and Items of | General Public: Interest. Try Chadwick's coal. * Prone 67. Miss M. Bennett, Darrack. straet, | who has. been ill in hospital, return- ¢d home on Thursday. aid Pianos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W | lindsay, Limited The York road as far as is much like a boulevard. great highway for autoists: Some Napanee farmers, on tho market Thursday, said they had a good rain in that district Wednesday | night. | Kingston did not send any repre- | sentatives to the convention of the | Union of Canadian Municipalities .in Ottawa, Hundreds of ears halt fn Macdon- ald park and enjoy the lake breezes. } Odessa | It is aj last night. Kingston enjoyed a few ligat | showers late on Wednesday night. A | regular downpour would be greatly | appreciated { Col. D. B, Young, C.B.E., of the fisheries department, 1s on a tour of | inspection. Col. Young's sterritory is from Port Hope to Kingston. i John Shaw, Athens, aged eighty- | three years, died on Tuesday. He | was for years a farmor near New- | boro,. One son, J. Cavin Shaw, re- | sides in Kingston. ale Miss H. R, Gough has removed from 72 Earl street to No. 2 Vie- | toria Terrace, oppesite Artillery Park where she will continue dress-mak- | ing. i C. C. McGrail, assistant post office lasts. Open Nights. / Just the thing for the h ome, office, store, ill Weep you in comfort all day. Get one while the stock THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE "As cool as an ocean breeze" 12] inch size ....15¢. ) 20. church. W 15 inch size "en # Phone 91 9. inspector for this district, has left with Mrs, McGrail and family for Ottawa, whence part of the inspec- tor's office has been transferred. R. F. F. Rowan, florist, Sudbury, is. a visitor In the city. It is fiftéen ! years since Mr. Rowan left Kingston and at that time he was employed in the Imperial foundry. . He will spend quaintances. Attorney and Mrs. N. F. Breen, Watertown, N.Y., are on an extended t§1p to the Canadian Northwest, ex- pecting to-return the first week in September. They} left Kingston on Wedensday on the first link of the trip, "JIM » SUTHERLAND VERY MUCH PLEASED » That Queen's Is to Have a Jock Harty Skating . Rink. -- James T. Sutherland, "the father of hockey in Kingston," and ex- president of the O.H.A., is greatly pleased over the fact that Queen's University is to have a skating area and is also pleased to know that jthe rink is to be named after Br. "ide" Harty, who did gg"much to mote hockey in this ji "Jim" says that all over Canada the announcement of the erection of the new rink will be received with enthusiasm. Ho hopes that the eiti- zens of Kingston will be liberal in their applications for' stock. He points out that Kingsten was the birthplace of hockey in Canada, the first game having been played here thirty-four years ago. -- Meeting With Great Success. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Breathwaite, Jr., and daughter, Flint, Mich., who have been visiting his father, at Eastview Park, have returned home: Mr. Breathwaite is a chemist and has been meeting with great success. His many friends in Kingston are pleased to learn of his success, Have Been Made K.C.'s. G. I. Gogo, G. A. Stiles, Cornwall; W. F. Kerr, Cobourg; F. D. Kerr, R. R. Hall, G. W. Hatton, Peterboro. ------n | Mrs. A, Love, Lyndhurst, had the Enlarged and Improved Our Oilcloth Showroom has recently been improv- ed and enlarged, so that it is easily the largest and most modern Oilcloth and Linoleum Department in Eastern Ontario, Our stock has been added to this week, and is now very complete. Drop aroupd and see the display. It will not cost you anything, Newman & Shaw . "THE ALWAYS BUSY. STORE" misfortune to fall down stairs re- cently, bruising herself conslder- ably. George Dufresne, Montreal hockey | player, has moved to Sudbury. ~~ FELL FROM LADDER. Garnet Saunders Injured at the Locomotive Works, While working at the locomotive "The Hat Store" works Wellnesday afternoon, about . 2.45 o'clock, Garnet Saunders, Al- bert street, fell from a ladder and received injuries that were at first thought to. be serious. He was LADIES' > = working near a drop hammer for ithe maintenance department, and HA i . j fell through the ladder, a distance 3 | of some ten feet, landing on the floor on his head and shoulders. Dr. Ho- gart was called, and Mr. Saunders was romoved to the. General Hospi- tal in James Reid's ambulance. Al- though he received injuries about the head and shoulders and a bad | shaking up. . Saunders' condition Was not considered serious and it was expected that he would he re- moved to his home Thursday. Queen's Summer School, Quden's- summer schoo! soft ball team, after defeating the professors, are-anxious to arrange a game with some other teams. They hope to play 3Y MC A aggregation, and will be glad to hear from any one else wanting to meet them. ~The ladies also have a fast team and 'are scheduled to meet the K. C. I team on the lower campus Monday evening. Bo win and a el game is expected. Subscriptionl for the Curtis mem- orial fund are being received from the students. The memorial is to take the form of a scholarship to be aw- arded to students of the school on the basis of genera] merit. AT FURTHER RED UCTIONS ----ee Wiltred Lockett, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Lockett, Sydenham street, lias returned from a trip on the Can- acian Coaster to the West Indies and ) irsless operator on the Cape rally, running. from Montreal to - these teams are -out to | | EVERYONE A BARGAIN $1550--Raglan Road, double frame. $1750---Wellington Street, brick cottage, $1850--Patrick Street--doublé IX. Cast. $1500--Russell Street, frame, barn and 1% acre, $1100--Patrick Street, bungalow. ; $3650--Division Street; brick cottage. $3500--Montreal Street, semi-bungalow. and a complete list wt office. Call and see us. ~ E. W. MULLIN & Buyers and Sellers 4 Real Estate SON ; Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. » « . Phones 580w and 589J. Men's High Grade Boots at $4.95 "1921 SHOES AT 1914 PRICES" Due to several large spec fal purchases, we are this week selling Men's high grade Boots --1lines sold in a regular way at $8.00 and $9.00---at the remar kable low price of ....$4.05. These Shoes are all made with solid leather, Goodyear welted soles; every pair made to fit we ll, and to wear well. Every style, shape and co lor, narrow toes, wide toes, medium toes, in light and hea vy weight soles, "SEE _OUR_ WINDOWS" S.J. MARTIN Ee A ---- apt eevee RR ONE TIRE

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