Ati Ses eso at Bi iis pv RE THE DAILY BRITISH WHiG. THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1001." From the Cranbgtie | Nemes & Addington ADOLPHUSTOWN. July 25.--The delightful rain last LEO LAKE, July 27.--Most of the farmers ai¢ through haying, and are now employ- 3d taking off their grain. Miss Glad;s Sutherland has'returned home aficr risiting relatives at Watertown, N.Y. Little Miss Vera Stolees, Sacketi's Harbor, N.Y, is visiting at her grand- mother's, Mrs. Xohn Sutherland Miss Edith and Miss Janet Maxwell spent; Sunday last at Sand Bay. 080, "July 26 =Must of tha Tarmers are Susy harvesting. S. C, Bourk, Carle- ion Place, is spending a week with ais brother, Joseph W. Bourk. A aumber of people from a Wistance wok in the 12th at Sharbot Lake and report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Jos- | eph H. Bourk are visiting friends around Oso and Clarendon before go- mg to their home at Sharbot Lake. David Webster had a bee raising his barn, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Warren spent Sunday at J. W. Dourk's: Miss Dora Carr spent Sunday at John Crawford's. DESERT LAKE. July 26.--The farmers have their, harvesting nearly completed. Mrs. J. _N, Abrams is under the doctor's care and unable to be out of her bed. Dr. Soboll and Dr. Carpenter have re- turned to their homes in Uncle Sam's sountry. Mr. Ogborn, Cincinnati, Ohio, has arrived at the Page house. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Page, Irene Page, Dr. Marks, Mr. Bruce, Mr. Og- odorn spent Sunday afternoon at the . International cottage, as the guests of Mr. Lawrence and Alliard. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abrams, Port Hope, were called home, when Mr. Abram's lather was hurt. Tressa Albergson is at Mrs. Edmund Page's. SNOW ROAD. July 25.--Mrs, E. Todd and child- rén, Montreal, are visiting at James Balfour's. Miss Elsie Wilson, Perth, 8 visiting her grandmother, Mrs, F. Trombley, Sr. Miss Sophia Kennedy. Toronto, is holidaying at sher hone here. Master James Palmer and sis- ter, May, have retdrned after spend- Ing a few days at Perth. Charles Ken- nedy has gone to Canonto to work in the lumber mill. Mrs. T. Millar and thildren, Edmonton, are visiting at J. E. Millar's, Miss Bella Trombley, Perth, is spending some time with "her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Ham Millar, Kingston, are visiting friends in this vicinity. BUNKER'S HILL. 'July. 26.--Some of the . farmers have their hay crop off, and it is a very lightone. A large number of our visitors have retuthed home. The dry weather has killed off the berries. There has beén a good deal of sickness in this district, due to the excessive heat. ; July 26.---The weather remains very hot and dry. There will be quite a few blackberries. it rain comes. Mrs. J. J. Wilson still re- mains in very poor health. Miss Btella McGowan invited a "few. of her friends to a supper on her birth- day. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A, ~ Jones, Toronto, at A. B. Hopping', M8o° Mrs. Sloop; Mr. and Mrs. V. a | | ven, { sall; Godfrey, at .C. Bab : visiting Vanlu- Camp- | ck's; Mr. {and Mrs. J. Wagar, Deseronto, at | A. Hopping'. R. Wilson ;is building | a new kiln that will hold 1,000 | bushels of lime. Babcock, Smith's Fa friends here. Mr, 28d Kingstom, and Mrs PERTH RoAD. July -Haying is néarly com- pleted and some have begun harvest- ing. The recent showers have done 23.- { much good. On Saturday Perth base- { ball boys played | service against Bedford Mills team; at the Mills. Mrs. G. Mc- | Glillivray and children, Smith's Falls, are visiting relatives here. Mrs. Wil. liam Ritchie spent 'a couple of days with her sister, Mrs. F. Clough. Miss | Marié Lake and Miss Maggie Camp- | bell are the guests of Mrs. R. R. Rit- | chie. Earl Babcock was successful in the recent entrance examinations beld at Sydenham. Mrs. Miller and little daughters, Kingston, spent a few days with friends here. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Green are the Proud | parents of a fine baby boy. Dr; Cronk; Belleville, is spending a cou- | ple of weeks at Willlam Guthrie's, J. B. Hennigar spent a few days with | his children at J. Guthrie's. Reeve Guthrie attended council at Syden- ham this week. S MOUNT AIN ( GROVE. Jilly 26.--A fine shower arrived | on Tuesday, but more would be wel- come. The local baseball team jour- neyed to Cole Lake on" Friday and played a game with the boys thers, which resulted in favor of Mountair. Grove.. Miss Bessie Price, accom- panied by B. Johnson arrived home from Kingston on Saturday. Mrs. H. Card has also returned home. The in- fant son of E. Thompson passed away in the Hotel Dieu on Tuesday. The remains were brouglit ho, and a | conducted by Rev. Mr. | Buckler, after which it was laid to | rest in the cemetery here. Cail Cox, eldest gon of J. Cox, underwent an operation for appendicitis in Kingston on Friday. 'He is improv- ing. Mrs. H. Kellar, who is seridus- ly ill, has been removed to the Hotel Dieu, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. A. Barr have arrived from the west on a visit to relatives here. W Sander- | son accompanied by friends from | Marlbank spent Sunday at Mrs. M.! W. Price's. Mrs. Sanderson and dau- | ghter, Muriel, Toronto, are also guests of Mrs. M. W, Price. A. Parker and bride, Welland, are visiting at G. Barr's. ST. LAWRENCE. July 25.--The rain of Monday night and Tuesday was -greatly ap- preciated as the gardens and other crops were greatly in need of it. Hay- ing and harvesting are the order of the day. The hay crop is light. Frank Ellery, who has been in the Hotel Dieu with blood poisoning for the past two weeks, is able to be out again. Mrs. Weston, who has been spending the past two weeks at C. Gillespie's has returned to her home at Cataraqui. Mr. and Mrs, B. Smith, Watertown, N.Y., spent last week at D. Bamford's. H. Bernard and daughter, Vera, Napanee, spent last week at J. Niles'. Mrs, E. Breakey, Rochester, N.Y., is visiting friends here. The Misses Louise and Lottie Dixon, Depauville, N.Y., are visiting thelr aunt, Mrs. R. Bamford, Mrs. J. Davis, Kingston, spent last week at A Happy Choice for breakfast or lunch- | LTE : There' a Reason for GrapeNuts Sold by grocers Nadeby Canadian Postum Cereal Cali, Windsor. Ont. 8. Woodmap's. Mrs. Anthony and | visiting at W. Gillesn Allan Harrison is spending | Point. .| mond. {the past few weeks. A baby girl has week refreshed everything nicely. son, ding & {Grain harvest is well along, and Watertown, N.Y; few days 'with Mr. Niles. Mrs. L. Patric are sper and Mrs Ash Is n sr.ent t Bul- s r »€0. | threshing will begin at once. Mr. aad land {Mrs. W. D. Robin entertained about Roy Car . filly guests at a garden party last and family, Marysville, Sunday | Wednesday evening. The financial iat W. Ranou's. Mr. and M F | returns from 'the lawn social held at lis spent Sunday at W. Gillespie { Mr. Platt's on Tuesday night were | most gratifying. Mrs. F. Minaker, Picton, Miss Elizabeth Buchannan, Toronto, are guests of their niece, LANARK Mrs. R. M. Roblin, Mrs. Lawson, \ London, is with her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. Magee. A. Davis, Rochester, -- lat T. N. Davis'; Misses Winnifred FALLBROOK. | and Edith Taverner, Napanee, at B. A heavy down pour of rain accom- | E. Harrison's; Misses M. and E. panied by hail, visited this place Tree Toronto, at W. D. Roblin's, Sunday afternoon, but nq damage | Mrs. H. M. Johnston entertained a {was done. Mr. Balderson and Miss | | large number of friends Friday after- rCurrie have been re- engaged in this | nodh and evening. B. Humphrey school for the coming year, Miss | made a week-end visit In Kingston. Bertie Cammeron, Toronto, is spend- ing her holidays at her home here. VENNACHAR. Miss Gladys Thompson, Smith's | July 23.--The rains during the Falls, spent a week at J. A. Wal- month have saved the grain crops roth's apd Mrs. McDonald" is on the {and roots. Farmers report the high | sick list. The social held on Wednes- {land hay very light and the marshes day evening by fle W. A. of the {a good crop. G. M. Bebee has treated f England was a grand suc- | his family toa Ford car, Mrs. W. J. cess financially and otherwise. Thomson, Miller, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Alexander Johnston. James Connor, Oswego, N.Y., is visit- { . { ing his brother, R. W. Connor, and | Prince Edward renewing acquaintance with old friends and neighbors here. Born to dil Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Johnston, a BONGARD, jon July 25.--Miss Pauline Condor, | BETHEL. Waupoos who has been in attendance | 'July 27--John Galbraith lost at_the summer school at Delinyille, [four milch cows. on the rail: gave an interesting address at te | road. Mr. Grieve lost eleven. This church here on Sunday last. Mrs. J. { makes sixteen killed on the railroad this week | between Curls' Crossing and New- the guest of Mrs. Harry Clark, Pic- i burg in about'a week. Mr. and Mrs. ton, and attending Chautauqua. Mr. | Dodds, Toronto, are holidaying at J. ard Mrs. Cecil Williams, Windsor, | B. Alcombrack's, A large number were guests at Clark MeConnock's | of campers are enjoying themselves on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs R. Hicks, [at Varty Lake. Delbert Sexsmith, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C. { Bicknell Corners, spent Monday Pierce; motored to Doxée's Corners | | here. Miss Viola Hadley and brott and spent Sunday with friends. « ler. Keith, Frankford, are visiting at Harrison is camping at. Hadden's | W. McWilliams and calling on other J. Turner and wife were at | friends. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hylands and Waupoos East on Sunday. Mr. and | fai)y Bicknell's Corners, spent a Mrs,' B. E. Harrison, Picton, were re- | recent Sunday at Fred McWilliam's. cent guests at R. Harrison's. |N. Suttan, Toronto, came down on Mrs, Shepard and family were at | Monday to spend her holidays at her South Bay on Sunday. |old home. Mrs. J. Galbraith spent a day re- | cently with her brother, D. Rogers, | Newburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mec- | Williams and Mrs. Sarah Connelly and Miss Myrtle, Yarker, spent Sun- day at Cataraqui, guests of Mr. and MORTON. Mis. T. Fairbanks. Master George July 25.--Henry Burtch, Peter- boro, is spending a few days at Owen Burtch's. R. Somerville is spending a few days calling on friends. E. Jones, Niagara Falls, is calling on friends in Reid, Sydenham, is holidaying with his sister, Mrs. Walter Day. the village. Robert Kearney has re- turned to his home after spending a few days at J. Kearney's. Miss Von Dean, Seeley's Bay, is visiting her brother, Arthur Dean, William Tidd has returned to his honle at Minetta after spending a week at A. June's. Miss Maude McMachen spent a day recently with her uncle, Cyril Mec- Machen, Briar, Hill. Alexander Bruce motored to Gananoque on Sunday last, WILTON. July 25--The country in this vicin- ity was visited by a fine rain on Mon- day night and Tuesday, and was more than welcome, it béing the first rain in over three weeks. The coun- try was in great n®ed of rain. The pastures and gardens were suffering from rain, The farmers are busy in the hay and report a very light crop of hoth hay and grain. Henry Hutch- inson left for St. Vincent, Minn., to spend the summer with his brother, Alfred Hutchinson. Mrs. Charles Marshall and son, Bruce, Saskatoon, Sask,, are spending some wegks with her sister, Mrs. J. Miller, and broth- er, W. Lake, Odessa. Mr. and Mrs. John §tevenson, Calgary, are with their sister, Mrs, Lathan Clark. Mrs. Wesley Parrott is spending two months with her sister, Mrs. W. Gal- lagher, at her summer home on the Rideau near Portland. Mrs. Elisa Pringle, Vancouver, B.C., Harvey W. CROSBY. July 23,--The camp meetings clos- ed on Wednesday evening. They were a success in every way, Mr. and Mrs. Verner Sexton, Deloraine, Manitoba, are visiting at N. B. Merri- man's. Misses Florenee and Marion Mulville, Westport, are visiting their grandfather, J, A. Proud. Mrs. W. F. Steadman, Clear Lake, and Mrs. Sarah Stant, Winnipeg, are spending a few days with Mrs. .B. Stout. Con- gratulations to Percival Dowsett who passed the entrance examination. Mr. and Mrs, illiam Cooper, Mas- ter Joseph and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Modler, and Miss Grace Lansdowne spent Sunday at W. E. Coopper's. Mrs. Bella Stout, Leon- ard Stout, Mrs. Sarah Stout and Mrs. W. F. Steadman motored t6 Smith's Falls on Thursday last, x LOMBARDY. July 26.--Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes spent Saturday last in Rich- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Der- mady, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gillick, Wate:- town, N.Y., and Miss Gertrude Der- mady, Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting at Stephen Dermady's. Three pupils from the village schools were suc- cessful in passing the recent entrance examination, viz., Ruby Laura Breen, Ruby Covell and Marion Wright. Miss Laura Breen left last 'week to visit friends In Sud- bury and Sauit Ste. Marie. Misses A. B. Dooher and Helen Dooh® are home from Detroit, Mich ,, for a visit. Miss E. Klyne spent the past week in Smith's Falls, Mrs. James Joynt has been visiting friends in Delta, Miss McDonald spent a few days last week in Watertown) N¥ M'INTOSH MILLS. July 24.Mrs. M. O'Neill, Ganaxn- oque, has been a guest of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flood, for come to stay at the home of Mrs. Patsy Droning. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Flood spent Saturday in Brockville. The hay crop in this vicinity has been equal to the average crop in neigh- boring localities. Heartiest congratu- lations are being extended to Miss Olive Anglin under whose tuition the following entire entrance class «of four were suctessfuyl, the first men- tioned having passed with honors: -- Vincent Flood, Geraldine Flood, Cathryn Leeder and Michael Leeder. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Darling, Lil- lies, spent Sunday at Thomas Davis'. Mr. and Mrs. James Fodey, Regina, Sask., spent a few days with the for- mer"s uncle, Michael Anglin. Mrs. 44,16 improving ravid)y. Philip Leeder has returned from Si. Vincent de Paul hospital, Brockville, OW §) va OUR TWO WEEKS SUMMER SALE OF LADIES' OXFORDS 30 pairs Ladies" Kid Oxfords . ..... ............$2.95 30 pairs Ladies' Brown Oxfo rds--Brogue style, fall shoe iis eae cere. 838 15 pairs Ladies' Kid Instep Tie Slipper ..........$2.95 30 pairs Ladies' White Strap and Tie ..........$1 95 Bargains in $10.00 and $12. 00 Fine Shoes -- odds and ends. Big assortnient. LOCKETT'S & THOMAS COPLEY | Telephone 987. Wanting anything done in the carpen. tery line. imates given om all kinds of repairs and mew work: also harde wood floors of all kinds, All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop 2% Queen Street. 8 g your home Juibp in Elebtrie EN ters and Tons--3 rom 00. to Single and Double Hot Plates. Burke lactic Company 74 Princeas Street. | Lapum, San Jose, Cal., Miss Francis Lapum, Santa Aria, Cal, are visit- ing at the home of Robert Lapum. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Bennington and family, Cataraqui, spent Sunday at the honie of J. E. Miller. Anson Davis - and daughter, Miss Marion Davis, Napanee, spent a day at the home of Stuart Simmons. Eldridge Babcock attended the Masonic Lodge in Ottawa last week. generation will have no use for the poem: "I remember, I remember the house 'where 1 was born."® So many of the modern babies dre born either in apartment houses or in hhospitals that we suppose the next A A A A em AA i The Cruise of a Lifetime THROUGH THE FINEST SCENERY ON THE CONTINENT A 'WEEK'S HOLIDAY, ON THE BEAUTIFUL ST. LAWRENCE AND SAGUENAY RIVERS Here's a real vacation--gorg eous scenery "that surpasses even your imagination, cool, comfort, rest ful relaxation for mind and body. No hotel expenses--you live on the boat for a week, stopping 'long enough at places of interest to. enable you to visit on shore or to lounge on deck and revel in the ine omparable scenery. v ' Newport of Canada) in time for af- ternoon tea and the evening dance at the Company's Hotel, Manoir Richelieu, Jpurneying on to quaint old Quebec, you enjoy a band con- cert on Dufferin Terrace, and spend a day exploring the city, visiting the Shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre, the Falls of Montmor- ency, or wherever your fancy leads, Steamer leaves again at 5 p.m. for . Montreal, which is reached Friday noon, in time to make connection with the steamer for Thousand Is- lands, Toronto and points West. ( \ 8.8 "Cape Eternity' leaves Mont-, real every Saturday at 7 p.m., call- ing at Quebec. Then comes a de- lightful day on the lower St. Law- rence, and a wonderful moonlight trip up the mysterious River Sag- uenay to Chicoutimi. The return journey is the same scenery hy daylight, arriving at Tadousac in the evening, where you see. the Government salmon hatcheries, historic church and surrounding - settlements. ; Leaving Tadousac Tuesday morn- ~ ing, we arrive at Murray Bay (the : 'All the length of this route y ou will be living in such comfort as that provided by a fine hotel, for th# boats are floating palaces, with - modern appointments and service u nexcelled. Canada Ste. p Lines, Limited KINGSTON, ONTARIO