SC SR AAA Si pte ati br y . ; on : 8 : : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY, JULY 28, tom, -- --_-- = ------ ie = -- In the Realm of Women-----Some Interesting Features | IS.THE EARTH REALLY ROUND?" By Juanita Hamel a W | Nice Tea for ICED TEA "Prepare in the usual way -- pour the liquor off the leaves and place it on ice as soon as sufficiently cool. To serve, pour into glasses partly filled, with cracked ice. Add lemon and sugar to suit the taste. CHASE & SANBORN . MONTREAL | UPTOWN FISH MARKET WHITE FISH : RED SALMON .-. vi ivi 350 .Oily Kippers . . ... vr resin see. 20. PP. WM. DUNCAN 851 PRINCESS STREET === ASTORIA For Infants and Children. Wy) RR. ad ~~ & BREE Mothers Know That an" MeN Genuine Castoria " A MEAL IN A MOMENT" Cut open the tin--and, Prestol~--you have -a "Delicious Freach Cook- ed Meat Paste" -- all ready to eat. At all Grocers, ha. anal # > A AAA Ar sr Som i DR. MAKTEL'S FEMALE PILLS i FOR WOMEN'S AILMENTS | 25 years Sta d for Delayed and | Painful Menstruation. Sealed Tin package only, all Druggists or direct by Mail. Price $2.00. Knickerbocker Remedy Co., 71 B. Front 8t., To- ronto, Canada. amen Lee Tena "~ Copyright, 1921, by Newsptper Feature Service, lac., As they sit upon a grassy knoll and gaze dreamily off into space, earth really round ?" With the ONLY girl in the world beside him, delectable and altogether delightful WORLD 18 nestling (lose to him AA i a. she looks up into the eyes of her adored one and murmurs--* Is the what cares he whether the world is roupd or square or flat ? His and nothing else really matters to him or to 'HER, : NAA Ai iy h SN ~ CUTICURA FOR THE DAILY TOILET Use Cuticura SUMMER STYLES IN FE LT HATS BY BRADSHAW Cuticura Ointment. The Cuticura Talcum is also ideal for the skin. Soo Te. intment 25 cad $0:. Talewm 25¢. Sold nica. Canadian Dep ot: Limite 4, 340 St. Pani St., W. Montreal. dil ase shaves withoat mug, ren Wale 7 For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA CHARLES EVAPORATED "i LLL brilliant colars are in high #_ vor. fig 35Don Pastel Tints and Neutral Grays as well as Felt hats are much in vogue this Summer, not only for sport wear, but for many other occasions. While Polding the clusters of fruit in place. Dark purple, bright red and black are the colors used and they are en~ The same kind of ribbon is also used Green satin ribbon ig twisted about to bind the brim. This method bt trimming is a noticeable feature on cream left in. -- pp ---- TH po a ER bright colors are apparently Hrefer- |r red in these models, yet soft Jastel tints, neutral grays and beige as wel] as white are also seen. Several charming hats are illus- | ¢ trated. At the extreme left is a shape which suggests a poke Itis devel ed in violet felt and its edge ir out- lined with several rows of stitching in different colored silks. A narrow black satin ribbon is drawn around med creation brims are seen on a great many of iched with russet-colored foliage. The next model is a soft roll-brim- of gray felt Such he smart stvies and they help to give an air of softness to the hat. - | Pheasant's feathers are festooned about the crown of this hat; while the centre front jg defined by a cocarde of blue grosgrain ribbon. A brim which is much wider on t large it for you to any size. COLORING--MOUNTING--COPYING--AMATEUR FINISHING Thomson Photo Specialties 88 PRINCESS STREET--IN TREADGOLD'S "REAL WORK---That's all wo can offer you." . he crown and gives the effect of ¥ . " r J green hat We can enlarge your snaps to life size. Our process is a revela- tion of the best. Bring us that favorite negative and have us -en- the sides than on the back and front distinguishes the fringe-trimmed This model is pictured in the centre of the illustration. The {| fringe is very short so that it.will ROL annoy the eyes of the wearer. At one side a bunch of silver rib- bon is attached to the hat sc that the ends fall a trifle over the brim [ea Moscow Studying Message, Riga, July 28.--The message of Herbert Hoover as head of the Am- erican relliet administration in re- £ponse to the appeal of Maxim Gorky for aid for the starving of soviet Rue- gla, reached Moscow to-day.' Accord- ing to local Bolshevik sources it will receive immediate attention. The number of questions involved, however, it {s thought likely here, will 'require considerable study. In Ee Rr the base of the crown and it ie finigh- ed with a long tassel which is drawn through a fringe-covered ring. Folds of organdie in three shades of flame are set prinily about the crown of the sailor shown at the ex. treme right. These folds are placed one against the other and form a background for the palest shade which is used for the formal bow that is placed in the centre front. The color of the hat ia tangerine, al- though this model is also shown in other shades of felt, To the left of this model is a pale blue felt hat, It follows the line of the mushroom in its brim, while the crown is crushable, Its trimming is wreath of golden barley which en- circles the crown, addition to the condition relative to the release of American prisoners in Russia, some of the other conditions laid down by Mr. Hoover are oked upon here as extremely debatable. ------------------ Oh, well, we would ratier see the girls making a display of themselves than a display of their tempers. A surgeon admits that it is not necessary to use the X-ray to see through a summer girl. ~ nn, Interesting, for it is comprised of a |. many of the most attractive models. Other trimniings which are used with good effect on such models are pheasant heads and novel ostrich pompoms. The former are particu- larly liked because of the beauty of their coloring, CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. BLUE PACKAGE BLACK 1.4. «cn ence ««36c. PER PACKAGH RED PACKAGE BLACK ..... wiasingsee. 306. PER PACKAGE GREEN PACKAGE JAPAN. ,.........30¢c. PER PACKAGE THESE ARE THE BEST VA LUES ON THE MARKET," SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE--McGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY seems to have forgotten his Satu LORD NC OLIFFE " HOLDING HANDS." The boss of the London Ties ail other fight with Lloyd Judi by the above photography; taken on his arrival in New York y on his way to Australia. | Miss Elinor Sears, a Boston society 'girl, English papers George, ng Northeliffe's companion is J. M. Greene Music Co., Limited OF GOOD MUSIC. ur Musical 1 Education For two months (July and August only) we have a. plah that will interest any ambitious person who wants to-learn to. play the Piano or other Justryment. It uvelve Just a little co- tion with and not a cent of outlay. ' ro particulars at once. Remember the opportunity is for July and August only, and the time is short. 166 PRINCESS ST. Stores at Peterboro, Lindsay, Belleville, Kingston, Barrie. |