Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Aug 1921, p. 10

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THE PEOPLE'S FORUM CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: ¥irst insertion, 1c. & word. Each con- secutiv: insertion thereafter, haif cent a word. Min'mum charge for one insertion, 26¢; three insertions, 50 cents. The avove rales are fo when charged they HELP WANTED, MANTED, WAN hotel Appl F cash only, double. AT QUEEN'S A COON, APPLY WITH REFER. Whig. ences to Box C-20, W COOK. APPLY MRS, WALDRON, corner King and Emily streets {UUK, GENERAL, FOR FAMILY OF three.:Apply Miss Hora, ¥ Welling- Lon street. COOK, GENERAL, AND NURSE housemaid. Mrs. Philip Du Mou- lin, 28 Sydenham street. WOMAN FORK PLAIN COOKING, MAY sleep home if preferred; good pay; give referencel Box Q-7, Whig GIRLS WANTED .IN THE ASSEMBL. TEACHERS WANTED, TEACHER FOR 8, 8. NO. 6, Eraesttown Apply, stating experience and sal- ary te T. G. Davison, Odessa, unt ' FOUND | | OF SPECT AC corner of F fon streets owner have same at Whig Office PAIR OF BABY'S SHOES Friday night Owne have same 34 street ONE CROCHETED Union street Th Owner can have same at Whig Office STEPHEN STREET, WED- nesday, bunch of keys and bank book. Owner may have same by applying to 103 Ste- phen street A SIUM OF MONEY ON YORK street. Apply 106 Pine street city. PAIR He A QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACH. | a eck J er for 8. 8. No. 14, Piutsbrgh. Sal-| a $800.09. Apply RK t Whyte Joyceville, Ont, R. R 1 t i be N oN -------------------------------------------------- ---------- ma TEACHER FOR §, 8. NO. 14, TOWN- Division ship Miller. S@lary $500 per annum Duties to commence Sept. 1st. Ap- TAM ON ply to Jos. Ohlmann, Plevna, Ont irsday nignt -- eee -------------------------------------- the QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER for 8. 8. No. 8, Hinchinbrocke, Ap- ply stating experience, qualifica-| 'tions and salary wanted to J. A Canieron, Tichborne, Ont QUALIFIED, PROTESTANT TEACHER for 8. 8. No. 5, liinchinbrooke Ap- ply, stating salary and experience | to Geo. A. Smith, Parham QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER for 8. No. 9, North Fredsburg Salary $700 per annum. Dutles to commence Sept. 1st Apply H W. Huffman, Napanee, R. i 3 3. ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE. ding anything and ccna the owner may reporting the tacts tq The British Whig. The adver tisement will be printed in this FOUND No. ING roam. Apply Froatenac Floor and Wall Tile Coy, Kingston Junc- tion. ~ WANTED A ONC GIRL OR WO- man for general housework. Ap- ply Portsmoutiidotel. Phone 1614, Portsmout | { | ~ GENERAL SERVANT, REFERENCES! must be furnished. Apply to the Manager of the Bank of Nova Sco- tia, Kingston, Ont. GET THAT HOUSE PAINTED BEFORD you try to sell it. You'll get more; for it. I'll make a job of ft. H Ralph, 274 Ontario street | | WORKING HOUSEKEE fo: small hote! near be good cook and have c¢ enc: Apply Box D-20, W MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR GEN-| €ral housework; one In famib neces required. Apply at once rE MoCambridge, 896 Princess' RELIABLE A SALES | ty or territory. Exclusive selling rights; good pay to energetic rep- | resentatives Our agency is valu-| able. Write" Pélnam Nursery Co. ! Toronto, Ont. | RETURNED SOLDIERS -- WE HAVE real positions to offer returned so!- diers who can qualify. Call for per sanal interview between ten an and 2 pm. Mr. Whitehead, Roy: Bank "Chambers (upper floor) Kingston, Ont. THE UNEMPLOYED---MEN WHO have ambition to achieve success| and are willing to put forth the re- | quired effort we have positions that | are worth working for. Call for| interview between 10 am. and « 2 pm. Mr. Whitehead, Royal Bank Jvhambers (upper floog), Kingston, Ont. COME AT ONCE---MEN $6-10 DAILY, special short courses; none month Auto Mechanics' course 350; one month® Gas Tractor Course "$5u, plenty of time to finish for spring rush. Hemp Gass Tractor School W.. Toronto. $5.50 up Boara Call or write. AMBITIOUS MEN "THOSE ABILITY in their present position is not re- cognized, and who aspire to do things in a big way, te such who have been lvoking for a field to fiemonstrate thelr ability, there is how open an opportunity in the largest, most remunerative. most successful field in aM the Domin- ion of Canada. For confidential in- terview, give phone number tv Box h+9, Whig Office, "TORONTO SATURDAY NIGHT" HAS reorganized its entire mechanical staff and isgoperating now under open shop conditions. We have a complete staff in all departments-- composing room, press room and bindery-- but solicit applications for future openings, 'especially from expert job compositors and linotype operators, men or women. Terms. 43 hours, $36.00. Full particulars On request, Saturday Night Pr e "3 Richmond Street, Toronto. GOOD, RELIABLE MAN WANTED TO take orders and deliver the finest line of Teas. Coffees. etc. in Can- ada. Highest commission of any concern in the country paid: ail goods are guarantee i Or money re- funded. Each applicant must be financially responsible. it you are looking for a good, independent, permanent position with unlimited earning possibilities, this is your opportunity.' Quiek action neces- sary. Patricia Blend Tea & Cof- fee, 651 Queen Street East, Taronto, MEDICAL. x DR. CO. H. ELLIOTT, 362 BROCK ST. Ee mS eae sec CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- Tors and moneliars.. 7 .Clarence ings - Cunning- ham, Cyril M. Smith Bins AMBROSE SHEA, BA. BARRISTER a 8 Belicia ew Sitios, eorner of over Royal Bank. Money to loan. Phane 1099. nk You will be glad ply you with Coal. QUALITY-hi when nearly overyone is anxious to get out of the city in a boat or If 'you are going by either route, first see that the an automobile. engine is in first class order. We Come and let us prove it to yo DAVIS DRY East End of Wellington St. | Qt ALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER {PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR S. S| | DR, A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFIC E EE ------ DR. RUPERT PF. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 : ghest always. PRICE--lowest now. James Swift & Co., Limit "1" Foot of Johnson St. t | 4 A NORMAL TRAINED PROTESTANT! teacher for 8. 8.° 15, Eigiaburgh.! Duties to commence September 5th, | Salary $900.00. Apply to C W. | Hughson, Sec -Treas Elginburgh I. R. No. 1. cuiumn free of conarge. Found acvticies" dues pot in- clude lost dogs, cattle, hurses, etc fhese, il lost, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" culumn. | SECOND-CLASS PROFESSIONAL PRO- | = testani teacher for village school, ! Cataraqui Duties to commence Sept. Sth Salary $1,000 pe: an num Apply John Riley, secretar; Cataraqu STERLING SILVER MESH BAG ON Brock street, near Universiiy » containing $20 1o $30. Finder leave at Whig Offic A MAN'S COAT AND tween bath and Kingston return to Dr. G. W. Beil's office, Clarence Street, Kingston for 8. 3. No. 4. Ernesttowr to commence Sept. 1g cording qualifigations siating experience to I. A, \.art- man, Secretary, Collin's Bav, Ont ee eee. Dutt Salary ac-| 110 Apply w GOLD BAR PIN, ONYX AND PEARLS; either-at Yacht Club or on Barrie Brock or University, on Wedfiesday Will finder please return to Whig Office | i No. 2, Leeds township. comnience Sept. 1st $800 a year Write, stating expe rience | and qualifications to tne secretar) ¥ J. Shaw, R. RB. No Gananoque | ont Duties to! Salary BETWEEN BARRIEFIELD AND Me- Graw's corner, a suit case. Findey return .to Mrs. W. A. Van Horne, Route No. 1, Kingston. Phone 2388 r 35. the Str. St. Lawrence, I'riday even- ing, or on Brock, Wellington or Princess streets, as far ag todger's Jewelry Store. Finder please re- turn to Chief Caretaker at the Armouries So ee = moe \ FOUND. HOUND, BROWN AND WHITE, WiTH collar tag with number 4-1919, initials D. T. P. Owner can have same by calling at J. A. R. R. No. 1, Kingston, and paying charges £08 Princess Street. Phone 652w. -- DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, LEN. tists, 139 Wellington street. over Larnovsky's. Phone 346. Princess Street. Phone 1850. Upen evenings by appointment AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE. sumed practice at 92 Princess St, per Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone 1602). DR, ee PAINTING AND PAYER HANGING WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Paperhanging done. drop a card to A. Mounteer. 54 Ach sireet. ERRIS, FOR SALE. 5 NEW, VARNISHED SKIFFS, APPLY Knapp & Sens, Barriefield, Ont A HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE. PHONE 94, between 9 am. and 6 pm. NGS, TENTS, hone 811. F. W. ke. FORD COUPE; STARTER AND lights for $650. Phone 1127 or 2364 r 22. 81 LOWER BAGOT painting, Paperhanging, , decorating and hardwood ing, carefully attended to 21583. AW » FLAGS, CANOES. y. Coo AND PAPER HANGING --y, n, Painter and Decorator. Estimates freely given. Metalli- gold letters for store and office windows. 247 Montreal street Phone 1432 --_--_-- | PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING -- | Peter D. Brown, 12: Markland St. - Ee, PAINTI Fla THRESHING OUTFIT, COMPL H. P. Traction Engine. Mathews, Battersea. Apply Geo. WE HAVE A FEW savings banks each Street. SMALL METAL left. Price' $1.15 Mills Company, 79 Clarence AUTOMOBILE OWNERS LAND SURVEYOR left, right. Chevrolet shock absorbers, Coffield tire protectors, will not blow out. Luggage carrier--fits anv car. Sun visors for wind-shield. 'Windshield cleaner. F. ¥. MILLER, B.Ap., Se. CE, O.L.S, DLS, M.ELC, Napanee, Unt. On- tario Land Surveyor. Kingston Of- tice* Waikem & Walkem, 93 Clar- MASONRY AND CARPENTERING MeCLENNAN ot BATTERSHILL -- brick work, plastering and genera; house repairs by the day. Also painting Satisfaction given 10 Batriek Street. Kingston. Phone 2153 Wood's air tight tubé and valve. Tires and accessories. GEO, A. PALMER Opposite Blue Garage Cor, Bagot and Queen Streets Phone 4104. USED CARS AND TRUCKS, CLEARING SALE All must be sold--$200 up. Ford Touring Cars Chevrolet Roadster 1919. $130 buys a good truck $75 buys Indian Motoreycia $200 buys Harley Motorcycle Chandier Touring 1920 Model cost $5400. First class shape; make 2a of- ler CHIROPRACTIC. WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C., Ph. C,, Cor- ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston Out. Consultation free. Telephone $22J. Hours 9 to 12 a.m. 1 to 6 pm. FANCY GOODS. HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING, AC- cordion. knife and box pleating Hours 9 to 5.30. Mrs. BE. A. Card, 4 Victoria Terrace. Montreal 'St. opposite Artiller Park. These cars are all over-hauled. SIGNs SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK large or Small, Posters, Showeards displays a specialty, by Shaw a Princess Street. GEO. A, PALMER Opposite Blue Garage Cor, Bagot and Queen Streets Vhone 4104, as BARGAINS IN FURNITL RE, ete, Une mahogany upright piano, $175.09 One piano, small size," $65.00 of it if you let us sup- 1 eamera, $x7, with stand, $5.00. 3 walnut parlor suites, $13, $15, $45. 1 mahogany parlor suite, $15.00. Sofas, kitchen cupboards, oilcloth igs, chairs, ete, at very low prices. We buy ail kiads of Furniture. LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP Phoie 104Zw. BATEMANS FO S07 Princess Street. REAL ESTATE, R SALE AME: 4 ROOMS; NEW; and C.; electric lights. B. + C. SEMI-DETACHED; SIX rooms, B. and C.; down towa. ; and C.; electric lights. cae put it in this condition. u. DOCK CO. $5,390--BRICK; 19 ROOMS; LATEST improvements; central. $10,000 -- THREE STONE HOUSE; north end. # -- ICK SEMI-DETACHED; revoms, hot Water heating; side en- trance; right of way. 3 A Reo Truck Sid: seats for 13, 31250.00 cash only. iso § soda water cy- "linders cheap. J. TURK Phone 10 | $2400--BRICK; SEMI-DETACHED; $ ""Yoom: aa ng; side ons trance; right of way. BRICK; © Rooks; th; electric ligh w, and Cypress trimaing; on, easy -- 3 T00---BRICK DWELLING, 7 ROOMS; all import H. W. floors; "right of way. good location, a snap to a quick buyer. HOUSES ---FURN OR 1 as RENT--FURNISHED BATEMANS TE a oo ESTATE er : Auction Sales 1 am the best auctioneer in Kingston. » Make me prove it. BEDFORD The Auctioneer, ; Phone 1721 or 1428. CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT THE C, ARPENTER see James Selby, Contractor, 212 University Avenues. Phone 1538w. ETE 17 | $3,000---FRAME; NEW; 6 ROOMS: 8B. Wilson's | THAT | | | | FOR SALE DODGE TOURING CAR IN dition Telephone 187 mation GOOD S CON- infor- BAY MARE, WEIGHING ABOUT 1,100 ry. 1bs.; good for delive England Bakery, Coll Apply New ngwood © St BOWSER GASOLINE F tank; tank contains 24 1 gal. cap. Apoly UG. A terprise. TWO BRAND NEW ton rugs--3x4 ) tern on bine gr 1d each. Phone 1127 4% 0 Pr } puny Couper Wik- pat- $60.00) No dealers | GENUINE GRAPHONOLA sdb IRN selections; your own cholce, $42.50 Terms §/ cash; §5 per month. C. W, 21 Princess St. Lindsay, Limited, AND | HYSLOP AND CCM, $45 up. Also a fev at reduced prices. 1032w KITCHEN RANGE, hogany wardrobe, ply 10s c.ening Clergy street, | CHINA CABINET, chair and tables, kitch tension ladder, wheelb den seals, coal oll bath, laundry stove. street Kvenings ENG and heater, 'YCLES FOR ladies' bicycles Muller's Bicycle Works, 371-378 King Street, Phone k 3 1 » morning or MA piece solid oak bed oom suite, cheap, Ap- En- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. I TERCENTARY OF _ PILGRIMS' LANDING Mass.--President Harding in Attendance. 4 Plymouth, Mass, Aug. 1.- | tercentary of the landing of piigrims is being celdbrated here to- day. Amunother Mayflower, the pr dential yacht, brought President Harding and an official party. was 'met by 100,000 people inclul- 'ing governors and lesser state of- ficials. A brilliant procession dnclui- ing descendants of the first settiers and friendly Indians, features (he ceremonies. The th WHO KILLED NEVILLE? A Case That is Baffling the Water town, N.Y., Police. Watertown, N.Y., Aug, 1.--Thomas Neville, aged thirty-seven, was shot {through the heart and instantly kill- ed by a bullet, evidently of ber, fired by an unknown as: on Thursday night in a field near the Leray street road near Kelsey creek -- | bridge en table, « DATTOW, Zar- 208 baby's Albert TARLOR SETTES, | John Robinson, aged forty, pal of Neville in Jamaica ginger spree {of several hours preceding the mur- der, is held by the police as the only witness but his mental faculties were a | COKE FOR SUMMER 323; CHEAPEST so benumbed by the liquor that he fuel on the market. livering 1-4 tous at $2.5v; at $4.75, or a rull Phone 111m to We are de- a n at W. C. Bruton tons | fa $9.00.) affair can recall no coherent story of the | Police are still seeking clues and WE SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS OF 2 motive for the killing of the man musical instruments, ing and furniture. Call prices l. Koutbara, street Phone 1723 also and ger our 28¥ Princess cloth- | Of the theories first presented only {one seems creditable as the facts are | developed--the possible presence in | SALE OF MILLINERY GOODS, CON-|the willows about the pasture of one sisting of Malines, Velling, Straw | of the Flowers, Kibbons, Braias, Siraw spapes, and chi Apply 112 Lower Wil am a fev ldren's reet wv i FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF good second slCVes, hand 1ur niture and Any person having stoves "ac furniture to dispose of, we wil; | buy highest prices. 308 Princess street. Po feet deep; for cash incubator, 140 egg, and ers; hot water neated. once. cCawson, ticar Victosia Street. J. Taompson, one 16Juw. GOLD WRIST WATCH, EITHER ON CI'fY LUT, 60 FEET FRONTAGE; 117 | Ou. Also two brooud- e Unly used 248 Concession St MOTOR BICYCLE OUTFIT, cally equipped, ,1921 Bb ton Motor Wheel and Bar Indian Bicycle. best of order. Apply Treadgold's, or VALUABLE Division Street, limits, known ac more or less, now ow Kingston brick and pany. kor guitlcuiars and Terns Wj piy ed suvlicitur B. Walken, TO LET. ro bath, rie Stree PROPERTY within the Farm, containing forty- » ELECTRI- riggs-Strat- new Double Everything in| Owner leaving city | 247 Earl St. | ON the city Murdock ned by the Tile Com- as to price J. eee ---- R TWO WEEKS, TWO ROOMS AND Phone T44w. or call 230 Bar- t | BUILDINGS SUITABLE FOR WARE. | i house; down-town section. to Box 5-29, Whig. Apply | FURNISHED ROOMS WITH PRIVATE | | | i ; GARA Auto direction 'ndicator] shows stop, | family, in good 'locality. Whig. Onicg.. Box Q-I8, SMALL FLAT; ALL CONV rent moderate; Apply tu ENIENCES; possession August 1st. Apply 159 Wellington St. GE, and Hagot A ly D. R. 1, Kingston. pp Phone NEAR CORNEN QUEEN wu. Hay, R 1100 r FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all Improvements; ce Apply trally locat- 243 University Ave. -------------------- ONE DOUBLE AND ONE SINGLE BED- room, furnished; on bat Phone T44w. or call 230 NINE 14€ Montreal 8t; all im Phone 1vyy ring 3. 1st. A Vacaut h-room nat. Barrie St. ROOMED STONE. HOUSE, PrOVEIments. April TWO FL Ns 272 PRINCESS STREET i. room¥-suitabie for business purposes. Wm. Davies Co. offices | | three acres | to the undersign- | ihe company. larence Street. {1:te and erm = couples of and men quent the secluded spot, the likeli- hood that Neville accosted the pair and was shot THE COWES REGATTA STARTED ON MONDAY King and Queen and Duke of Connaught Are in Attendance. Cowes, Isle of Wight, August 1.-- Regatta week started here today. It is expected that five days of racing will rival in brilliancy. anything in pre-war years. The king and queen, Princess Mary, the Duke of York, the Duke of Connaught, and other members of the Royal family are pre- sent. The Britis battleship Reso- the United States dread- nought Utah give the regatta official | dignity, | or | Apply Manager| AT ONCE, A NEW, 7-ROOM HOUSE ON North Albert street ston street. Apply to Route No. 1, Eastview. URN oO! good cellar. No Possession "OUR FURNITUD &iry roocius; you and key 305 Queen St SEVEN ROOMED FRAME Jonnsun street, near A Wood lloors; gas and el ete. Apply su Box R-2 fice near Conces- J. D. boyd ISHED BRICK BUNGALOW; @ x electric ght; all improve children July 1st. 41 ti, CLEAN, r own luck Frost's City storage, 294- Phone 526; res. $3yw HOUSE ON Ibert: -hard- petrie lights 9, Whig Of- MODERN, NINE HOCUED Johnson srreey Lardw hoi wat sung; a neces, £0 Phone 523. HOLSE and bath rdom, firna lights, 3 fire places; a I'ossession Sept. 1st. telephone 1760m. * * ° FURNISHED F floor, suifable for ing; gas for cooki + pussession rooms, city. light Apply to 116 jee reti rt tities i | | | HOUSE, 218 ood floo Ii' conveni- ssession at ounce. Apply | 51 BROCK STREET, § ROOMS ce, eleetrie i | | | good cellar. | Apply housekeep- ny, and lighted, immediately; 3 or 4 Colborne St, by | --| T ON BATH ROOM | | ALL or DRUY FURNISHED BRICK HOUSE TO RENT on Johnson slreet; 8 rooms; elec lights; gas for cooking: close Car lune, rent moderate. on Sept. ist or earlier. Juhnson street. to Possession Apply 364 At FOUR ROOM APAQGTMENT, HARD. wood floors, elecirie S.0ve, heater, refrigera in every way. Apply te light, gas Lor, modern White's In- surance Qmfice, 239 Bagot street. SADENHAW «Street; frigerato vice, McKelvey 4& Birch, FIRST sEPTEM apartments, 133 leases, furnished r; laundry; or ily: adults only; also. Apply Chat King Street. APARTMENTS, BROCK 4 rooms and bath; 8; eleciric; gas stove; re- Janitor Possession June 1st. hara- Apply IN PARK VIEW ing street, yearly unfurnished | housekeeping suites, for small fam- | bachelor quarters eau Belvidere, 141 | ser. | MATRIMONIAL AND Circle. Pamphlets 5c. Remailed sealeq. wood, Ont. HAIR. MO Box PASTIME No stamps 14, Isher. WARTS, TIRTH. marks, skin vancers, scars. ete. re- moved nently. perma glasses fitted and furnish Satisfactory after Goltre removed 33 years' experience. | a Lake, Bye Ear. Nose Throat, Ski | EEE eee ir. Elmes J FU RNITURE FINISHING LL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS. coil, 23 John street trie | ¥. i I 1 We get two full moors month about once in 2 ------n WANTED GENERAL in 1-2 years. one - DRESSMAKING OR OTHER SEWING y the gay. Apply to Box C-iy, W hig. MRS, JOHN CAMERON WISHES TO DO housework by the day, week or month. Apply Box P'-i3, Whig. FARM TO RuNT, ABOUT 200 ACRYS, Ly paalical farner; view 4) pur- caase. Frank deciing, Coleman 0, EB. worvato. ROOF . REPAIRING -- HOW ABOUT ed OUr TOOL? Proes it need repairing | We use Argus Roof-prool. Drop a card to I. CUgventry, o Bdrrack st FURNISHED ROOMS FOR ugnt housekeeping; west of Frin- cess street. Siate location and] price in Hox U-1, Whig Oticg! { Je THREE A YOUNG Cou apartments, suita heeping Apply P. Kingston. FURNISHED for light house QO. Bex 232, ROOMS wi LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- ing privileges wanted, by one or two couples Portsmouth vicinity preferrea. Apply Box T-31, Whig © Uftice: : WANTED TO. RENT Furnished conveni€n' to C.ly, fo. month of summer cottage and | women | hats | whom residents say occasionally fre- than two years' standing | nearly [16th alone grain loading totaled near- {ly 57,000 cars. Farmers are crowding {that in some places there is not suffi- | cient elevator storage space, {an average run this summer. as RAIN ET ere re ry MONDAY, AUG: 1, 1921. | COMFORT A L L E MN -e- TO-DAY a veo, "OUT OF THE STORM" FROM "THE TOWER OF IVORY" BY GERTRU DE ATHERTON A Woman's Past--A\ Man's Car cer--A Great Love ! |THE NEW YORK TIMES | | ISSUES A STATEMENT Says It Was Steed and Not Northcliffe Who Gave Interview. Ask Your Grocer dea FOR WAGSTAFFE'S PURE FRUIT JAMS AND MARMALADE New York, August 1.--The York Times issued' statement, explaining the interview | {with Wickham Steed, editor of the || Soid in 12 and 16 o# Glass Pots London Times, which was published and 2, 4 and 7 1b gold lined tins Monday and which was erroneously pd attributed to Lord Northcliffe ia some newspapers abroad: ! The interview with Wickham Steed, editor of the London Times. published in the New York Times last Monday, was: written by a trust- | worthy reporter, who believes he re- | ported accurately what Mr. Steel WwW. Js MILLAR said. Mr. Steed has since 'told the | g4 Fromilemme Street Ki Times that it contains matter which | A A a it should not have been published. Mr G | S it H it . | Steed did not have an opportu 0 { TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES New | the following! | BOILERS, TANKS, TRACTION AND | THRESHING ENGINES, CONCRETE MIXERS, ETC, REPAIRED. Builders of Tanks. Smoke Stacks Breachings, light structural steel, ete 20 years' experience, Phone 1672 wtos revise the interview. "As reprinted in England --in ono of Lord Northcliffé's own papers, a¢ cording to the cable despatches appears that the interview was correctly attributed to Lord Norih- cliffe himself. Lord Northcliffe has not given to the Times, nor has the Times reported him as giving, any statement of purported conversation between King George V. and Mr David Lloyd George. "Editor The Times." it | Probationers required for Spfinz {-and Fall Clisses. Course three years. One year High School required for entrance. Liberal allowance and maintenance. Apply:-- > Superintendent of Hospital, Lebanon, Pennsylvania. 'W. KENT MACNEE | Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock and King Streets. Phone 701 or 1327). { General Insurance Agency Writing: -- Automebile, Fire, Accident Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary. etc. Representing Only Reliable Companies Baseball CRICKET FIELD Monday, Aug. 1st, 6 p.m. Tues., Aug. 2nd, 6 p.m. HILLCREST Champions Western League, Toronto FARMERS BREAK RECORDS. Five Weeks Shipments of Grain Best of Three Years. Washington, Aug. 1.--Farmers, | first to feel the pinch of the nation- wide economic depression, now are beginning ahead of any other class of business to experienc 1a return of prosperity. ~ One of the greatest grain move- ments in history now is crowding the | facilities of the railroads according to reports received by th: associa- [tion of, railway executives Grain shipments duriag five weeks broke records the last of more Cars loaded with grain totaled 298,000 during June and the first two weeks of July tLe records show. During the week "ended July vs. PONIES This is the best. amateur team in grain to market in such quantities Toronto. Woman Burned to Death, Brockville, Aug. 1.--Mrs. Nelson Lorgway, of Sonth Gower to» nship, was burned to death at her home when her clothing caught fre as she was replenishing the stove with wood, There were no oys-witness of the tragedy, the body of the dead woman being found in the woodshed by her husband and his brother on their return from Kemptville, Al rug, evitiently used in an endeavor to smother the flames, was found near- by. still smouldering, 4 Dif- ficulty in handling grain receipts was reported at Chicago and Galves- ton. Queensland Ex-Premier Dead Melbourne; "Australia, Aug. 1 Hon. Thomas Joseph Ryan, former premier of Queensland, and lately acting leader of the labor party, is dead from pneumonia, following a chill sustained while campaigning for labor in a bye-election. It is announced at Arnprior that the sawmills in that town will make ---------- We must pnt work into our wishes if we expect to attain success ' et crane eh rh at a a rn ANNOUNCEMENT The undersigned taxi drivers have estab- lished the Dominion Taxi Service, and respect- fully solicit your patronage, PHONE 116 DOMINION TAXI SERVICE August VWrite with all par- ticuiars to Box H-26, Whig * . *EP Eres PLUMBING AND HEATING. LE ER EE RE J PLUMBING AND HEATING, REPAIR WOrk prompuly done. A. BE. Shan- ETOW 114 Colborne St, or 75 Gore | Slreei. Phone 22247 ARCHITECT . PAGE AND WARRINGTON, lered architects, ud Yuugs i oronto, REGIS. Birevk FOWER, SUN AND OMEVER, ARCH tects, Mercnants bank .Chambers, corner of Brock ana Welilngton streets. UPHOLSTERING. CARD TO oe Gavine, upholst-rer, 216 Bagot st. W. HAROLD FOR 10UR UP. hulstering and general repairing Leave orderg at or drop a card wo 104 Clergy street. COVERED BUTPONS MADE TO OR- der in all popular shapes and sizes Uphoistering and repairing done. J. Goodridge, 244 University Aveduae { FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. ished; guns, gramaphones, ete. re- paired promptly and guaranteed. Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Prince t. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BEST ing business hotels; vicinity King- ston; general and summer trad Everytning in first class ord Owner reiiring on account of fli- health. Apply Box R-1, Whig. FINANCIAL STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE agents; established in 1369; only the most reliable companies sented. Office 95 Clarence opposite the post office. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society: incorporated 1361. President. W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice- resident, A. B. Cunningham. oney issued on city and farm properties, municipal and county debentuges; mortgages purchased: investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allow R. ol yg " Only large cars used. Finest and quickest services guaranteed. 283 King St. E. British-American Hotel Block 'T. McGALL E. VALLIER L. BIRD K. PIPE JOHN GIBSON E. BAKER R. McILROY The Most Wonderful Car Value On The Market Chevrolet "Baby Grand" Models . . $1595.00 Touring ...................5$1595.00 Touring Special (Cord Tires) ..$1720.00 "Coupe, 4 passenger (cord tires) $2495.00 Sedan (cord tires) ..........$2495.00 All cars completely equipped. 'Government Sales Tax and freight from Qshawa extra. We will be pleased to demonstrate. NEW PRICES Roadster ........ .. CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE 'BAWDEN- & EDWARDS C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clas ence sireel, Kingston. >

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