Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Aug 1921, p. 2

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a = JHE NOW UsEs NEWFUR COATS, CAPES, STOLES, SCARFS, and Brigade Boy at the Headquarters. Week "and . dnecidentally Pressing sympathy, {Russell 'Wilson who Old Furs remade and repaired. Place your order now. {the Veterans building, where four weeks ago. Summer Prices. [especially unfortunate { five feet by two feet, by the stairway. THE FUR HOUSE | hag been for months the | thing or those passing in | {haps injure someone for life. THE DAKLY BRITI CRUTCH GOES oF. Tf A Severe Accident to a Naval | Racy Local News and Items of | | Last Fflday eyening a few of the | service i | Naval Brigade boys 'met their offic- fast CHOKERS . {#18 to discuss going into camp 'this discussed { Lindsay, : | what might be done, in way of ex- 3 for Brigade Boy ad his foot | badly huyt by the toppling over of a ! | large stone in the front entrance of | | brigade has its headquarters, about | The aceldént to young Wilson is The stone in . { question, a block of limestone abou: | : : seven or [retatons | ght inches in thickness and having | Henry - Graben, gd of Boys belonging to the | The county good roads commit. | Saturday morning, but | routine® business. | brigade have loitered here on their : ~ way in and out of the building, and the block of limestone has offered a 149 to 157 BROCK STREET tne too attractive to be resisted. It {Th - regular and out for the building to see boys perched upon this stone, which needed but little to make it fall over and per- General Public Interest. Try Chadwick's coat. Prone 67. Bishop Bidwell will conduct the | Limited. City. Assessor Mooers has ing. 15€ [oaive the | city and especially here for the regatta, j court op Monday morning, Mrs. by the death Plancs tuneq. Phone 1544, C. W The Whig will bg very glad to re- names of visitors in the Metis Beach during Aug- | | com- pleted hig assessment,\and he ang his staff are now engaged tabulat- | | those who are Theré was One case at the police Rorry | Was charged with bein and fined $10 and costs, | g couaty, on Friday last. ' el N le carved coat of arms intended Top nas been bereaved { | placing over the front entrance {her father, Samuel Kennedy, Hal- .J§f| the building, has heen lying 1% | teck's, Leeds b, 8 nearly six months on its edge in ths | : front hallway between tle door ana | renewing acquaintances, tee met on transacted only ere was also a meeting on mission. Resides around | | Division and Johnson streets (men,~who have David Smart, Toronto, is in town Satur- | day of the suburban road area com- | the corner of | say | [ that 4 couple' of suspicious looking | ! been around there | Patrons of the building and mem. |at night, are going to get their heads bers of the association have wonder- {ed when the stone was going to be | put 4n place. The stone was carved | (and is by the way a fine piece of | penitentiary, and de- livered late last winter. Some mem- association were stone work) at the bers of the masons and vith the tender was received, start as soon as weather ------ MRS. SHULTZ DIES AT RIVER ears. Mrs. Louise Shultz, aged idea of EIVI0g | eignty years, widow of the late Cari | employment to such, tenders were in- IH, Shultz, and a summe vited, and we understand that one warmer so as to allow cement to set nearly | | gracked if they continue their antics, | Was A Summer Resident For Fifty SH WHig, DAY g MONDAY, Avg. 1, 1022, Startlingly, Sensational Music Sale While They Last, These Regular 40c, 50¢ and 60c Music, Special 15¢.: 7 for $1.00. - You will find these numbers priced elsewhere in the city at 50c, and 60c. None of these numbers will be sold to dealers. From New York Musical Successes : From "Mary" -- Anything You Want to Do Dear, Waiting, Mary, Tom, Tom, Toddle. From "The Git Behind the Gun"--There's A Light in Your Eyes, The Girl Behind the Man Behind the Gun, Back to the Dear Old Trenches, Some Day Waiting Will End. . ; From "Going Up"--Going Up, If You Look in Her Eyes, The Tickle Toe. From "Linger Longer Letty" Linger, Longer Letty, "Slow Town is Jazz Town, Did You My Boy, Climbing the Ladder of Love, 20th Century Lullaby. From "Ziegfeld Follies" --W here Do the Mosquitoes Go In the intertime, My Midnight Frolic Girl, My Baby's Arms, T ulip Time Fan From "Listen Lester" --Wait ing, I'd Love To, When Shadows all. : 'Watch our windows for othe r titles. for changed list of titles. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Open Nights. Phone 919, See to-morrow's paper -------- r resident of | the Thousand Islands tor the past 650 the work to [venss, died on Friday at the home op- | ---- TANI properly. | month after month passed with noth- | {Ing done until finally the command. {ant told the meeting that if the mat. ter was left in his = ; . became | pogita Point Vivian. She had been iu | : falling health for some time and re- The property committees cently suffered a stroke of paralysis. " at first had charge of the matter, but ' Dance Record of Raised $83,000. There was a meeting of the Cot- | hands he 'would tage hospital extension fund com- | See that the stone was put into place | mittee at Pembroke, and although a regular engineer and without | the time for the campaign is now . 73 jb | Po Cost to the association. . long past, there ig considerable ter- { The accident occured on July 2nd ritory which has not yet been cov- and young Wilson was taken to the O'Niel" ered, and many of the 'old boys' Kingston General hospital with a ~ "AND "VAMPING. ROSE" have not yet been heard from, hence fracture of the arch or instep bone of Played by Ye Melody Men and Van Eps it was decided to "earry on" for an the foot. After remaining there thir- indefinite period. To date about $83,- teen days he was conveyed to his Quartette. His Master's Voice Record Ne. 216314 veenaee $1.00 Let them enjoy their vacation to' the full by wearing a COTTON JERSEY with or with. out sleeves. 'We have White, Navy, with Red; in sizes 22 to 32. Regular 50k. or Navy 000 has been subscribed, and returns home, 365 King street, and is now from some sections are not in, while Just able to 80 about the house With | some other parts have not been work- a crutch. will be some time beforg TUESDAY SPECIAL, . .. 'iv 3G, $ » od at all, and an effort will be made y BOYS' BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR . an he whether bo w toot i | 2, 8010 in ail he maney Dome before bringing the campaign to , | in long or short styles and in sizes 24 to 32, mother, a widow, now Mrs. Pultz, is p deserving of sympathy, as her only Close," TUESDAY SPECIAL a ty other son, Harold Wilson, is a perma- nent invalid from spinal meningitis and goes about on Crutches. He |g employed by Dr. Nash, the dentist. BUFFALO LEAVES Sessa sie veeoite.y FOR THE GUID MAN" Watson's Double Thread Bal briggan Underwear -- Comb'na- tions--in short or long lengths and nearly all sizes from 34 to 44. On sale, TUESDAY SPECIAL titer .$1.50 a Suit MAHOOD BROS, We announce our August 'Sale of - Furs To-day starts our August Fur Sale. It's 'the right time to buy. We invite.you to in. spect our large stock of skins and made-up garments. [t will be an opportunity to get acquainted with the new lower prices on nearly all Furs, [f You are not interest. ed yourself, your friends and visitors from out of town may be, f Swims to Another Island ang Ratise: 18. Rejoin WHITE ORGANDIE ; Received to-day a piece of fine quality Swiss Organdie--white. Just received a shipment of L. adies' White Gabardine Skirts. Ex- vein nik $2.50 Newman & Shaw "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" 81,5008t. Catherine St.; frame, ~ semi-detached; § rooms; closet and electric Mght, gas.* $3100--Tedan street; frame; ¢ rooms; B. and C.; gas. $4200--Rideau street, brick; 7 rooms; II. W. furnace; elec. tric light. $4000 Alice street; cement block; 9 rooms; H.W, flodre; Hw furnace; electric HEht gas. 1 $B500--Princess Street; bricu; 32 | . Story; 8 rooms; B. ana Cc: um [i A. furnace; gas. LARD King Street; s Jill Absolutely pure (Mathews) 18. rick; rooms; W. floors: I avid C.: H. A. furnace; ecleetric light! a. CASH AND CARRY gas. i The McCann Age : ALFRED ana PRINCESS STS. -- who purchased three the Hamilton Darks board, is having Our Tea has quality and flavor, 88c. 1b., 8 Ibs. $1.00 FANCY CAKES 300 1bs. this week, 2 Ibs. 38¢. PEANUT BUTTER Bring your pail ... .g Ibs, 45¢. tra value . YON E vay vi a "eee chase him off the island but the for- mer king of the plains disdaing ait I} their efforts at capture. The Other his- ll | ons ire placidly content on the Ducks | Island, but the other is evidently fl | socially their superior because he re. {| fuses to mix. | "It that man knew the trouble we had getting those beasts on the train he wouldn't ask us for help," {| clared Charles Stewart, secretary -of the Hamilton parks board. The local board can't give any help, the Ham- {iton Spectator adds. The buffaloes in question arrived in Kingston on the night of July 1st by Grand Trunk and were shipped from ck street on a scow to the Ducks Island, where Mt. Cole has guite a number of wild animals, ne a white doe, and the Cana- di -------- a ty IS GETTING ALONG NICELY. --tn Gananoque Lad Who Was Vietim of an) Accident, Mr. and Mrs. John Kidd, Stone street, Gananoque, returned to their home, on Thursday evening last, ac- companied: by their littls son, Cecil, who was brought to the General hos- pital on Monday evening by Dr. J. J. Davis, suffering from injuries Es] Ne : R. H. WADDELL | Phones 336-808. §8 Droex se, dora Pye Sw A NEW BRICK BUNGALOW well located-- (south of Princess Street) with all improvements; deep lot and double 8arage. Possession Sept. 1., for $5,900. A DETACHED FRAME DWELL ING ON DUFFERIN STREET 7 tooms; gas; improvements and garden HOUSES T0 RENT - Best Companies repr esented in Fire Insurance E. W. MULLIN & SON Buyers and Sellers of Meal Estate Insurance of all kinds. : Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. "a Fhones 538w and 5883. ed, it was thought, by a Wagon pas- sing over his body early on Friday morning. On examination being made by: Drs. Mandell and Bogart, it was found that he was suffering totally from shock, affecting his chest and abdomen, caused it is believed, by ERAN government {s interested in his uture. ---- ENTERTAINED AT EASTVIEW, = -- 1 | AH him falling in attempting to get into the wagon, loaded with sand, the nd ALE ; GOING ON : Scores of Hats now going at-- ® o ENGLISH SENNET SAILORS Clearing at | $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 = [8t. John's 'Masonic Orchestiya and -- Choir Guests on Sunday, x The orchestra and choir of The == | Anclent St. John's Lodge, No. 3, A. F. & AM., were the guests of Mr. = and Mrs. P. H. Burke, Eastview = | Camp, on Sunday afy, oon and ev- ening. Campers were elightled with the efforts of the musicians, and a == | Very enjoyable time was pent. WwW. =| J. Christmas acted as leader of the ! orchestra, and Angus Orr, Harold | Singleton: and 'Jolin the Baptist" =| demonstrated that they had lung E| Power to spare when the time for singing came. Three Physicians, Dr. 3 . - W. Mylks, Dr. J. W. Edwards and | notice if Decessary., - - 8. J. Kcpes were in attendance | ==|16st any injurious results should | F or a fty per cent. Come from the singers' efforts, A | : F118 10 be held in sue etey he Cathpers Bought uring, his free until required. Watch our window display for styles and Prices. We make everything in high- grade Furs on short Dance, Joyceville hockey clud will hold a Soefal and dage at Shortell's grove, Wednesday evening, Auguat 3rd. A large crowd is expected from King. ston, GananoRue and strronnding cotiatry. Delco lighted grounds, six- Dlece orchestra, large new platform. f= Admission, $1 5 couple. i wheel bruising his back and left arm. The little fellow is able to be around a portion of each day, but {it will be some time before he is restor- ed to his usual health. Dr. Davig is still attending him, -------- A Pastor's Anniversary. At the first Baptist church Sunday morning and evening, goodly congre- Eations were in attendance gat tha services marking the close of threes years of gervise by the pastor, Rey. J. 8. LaFlalr. In the morning the ord- inance of believers baptism was ad- ministered, whén two adults were re- ceived, and tLis was followed by the ordinance of preached strong sermons; in the morning on the subject, ® "Wellside Ministries," and in the eveping on "Is Lite a Gamble?" Speci | music Was fendered with Miss P. Salsbury, Who has heen supplying tor the sum- mer nonths, at the organ. J. La- Be SADE a solo in the morning and James Marshal] dt the last sétvice. | ------------ The manufacture, sale or keeping | jo stock of matches containing phos- Phates is illegal in Belgium. AUGUST SHOE SALE Featuring fresh new goods st lowest prices, consistent wich high quality "SEE THESE SPECIALS" $8.45--Ladies' Black Somi-Bro gue Oxfords--with wing tips, Sewn leather soles ang low heels. A qual- ity formerly sold at $5. 00. Sizes 2 % to 7. This wéek, any pair 88.05--Men's Black Caif Oxfo rds, neat, last, with solid leather a line formerly sold at Shad Wie annus medium toe goodyear welted soles, $7.00. S. J. MARTIN 180 Princess Street

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