Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Aug 1921, p. 9

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x TUESDAY, AUG. 8, 1091, » Camping? Yes! Wid THEN YOU'LL NEED A FLASHLIGHT No more hidden terrors for you when you wake up in the dark. Just flash an Eveready around and see what is making ' "that noise." Our assortment is complete. A FEW SUMMER SUPPLIES YOU WILL NEED ERSEYS. TS. BOOTS (light and heavy soles). FLAGS. GOLF, TENNIS and BASE- BALL, SUPPLIES. CAMERAS. RAZORS. FISHING TACKLE. When you want something in the sporting line in a hurry, come to us. We'll probably have it. STILL GOING BIG! Columbia Récords . 69c. TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. BICYCLES--FISHING TACKLE---~PHONOGRAPHS--CAMERAS. 88 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 529. "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" NUENERRRNENARAMRNEEAREERE ee "heen {ly evenly, FURS Dealer in Furs only. Gourdier's BROCK STREET Ia THE DAILY BRITIS H WHIG. PAS | In the World of Sport { HILLCRESTS DEFEATED" 5-4 PONIES WON Y Tearns. About the 8ame Calibre Gallagher and Murphy sr we -- | Ponies showed a little tighter base- | ball last evening when they defeated | Toronto Hillcrests, champions of the | Western League in that city by one run, final count giving ° to 4 for the | local nine. ° The game was close | | throughout with honors divided fair- | The team from up the | line is a snappy little "aggregation of about the same calibre as the local team and a good game was the nat- ura] result, Saunders redeemed himself with | the fans by brilliant fielding and a wicked willow at the plate. Two or | three times he picked hot ones that | looked like sure hits and at the bat drove out two nice hits and romped home with one of the five tallies. Cherry sized up alongside him at the plate with two out of four as also did | Bill Bvans with one out of two. | Gallagher was steady as usual, | with a slight leaning to the walk list, five getting free tickets. Eight hits | were taken from him and nine walk- | ed the strikeout plank. | Murphy threw a neat game for the | visitors. Ponies touched him Yor nine hits and four walks with none | striking out. Murphy's support was | good and there might have been a | different story hgd it cracked. | Two or three good plays were made by the locals which call for mention i Daley drifted a homer to centre the | first time up, sending in Johnny Evans before him and giving the Ponies the two-run lead that pulled them out winners, and Thompson grabbed a hot one in thé fifth. Tomorrow evening these teams meet again, and {t will likely be Derry's job. to hold them down, It is likely that Lancaster will be his opponent and the battle should prove interesting. The teams: Hillerests-- Waldron ss, Hennessy ¢, Batstone 3b, Samuels 1b, Pete Ir- | For Stiff Neck And Sore Throat Immediate relief comes from rub- bing Nerviline over the chest and lower part of the netk. Rub in deeply--Ilots of rubbing helps. Nervi- line reaches the congested parts at once, relieves tightness, takes out the soreness. A bottle of Nerviline | in thie home relieves a hundred ills, , internal and external. Used for nearly half a century, as a general household remedy. Large bottles 36¢., at all dealers. "Canada's Staple Cigars" HABANA Club Selections SIZE 2 for 25c¢ "A QUALITY CIGAR." Williamson & Wellwood ESTERDAY 2 {Coyne Hf: "1°¢. The scoring: Twirling. | CLEARED FOR AGTION; | month as the time [th | win If, Lancaster 2b, Atwood cf, B. | Irwin rf, Murphy p. < Ponies--Thompson rf, J. Evans c, Daley 1b, Saunders. 2b, Cherry cf, lagher p, Twigg 3b, W. Evans ss, ik « 8 RB | Hillerests ....000010800--4 § | Ponies 20000300x--5 9 Umpire--George Sullivan, -------- E 2 4 SOON UNDER WAY Privileges For Subscribers-- That $75,000 Rink Already Beginning to Take Definite Shape. With the -- second week in this set for 'canvassing the committee in charge he funds for the new Jock k at Queen's {ig getting this city, of raising t Harty Rin | decks cleared for action and prepara- [tions are being made to sh ove the drive over the top with a bang. Of the $75,000 needed, $560,000 will be raised outside and the remainder mn Kingston. That $25,000 section is what we are all particularly interest- ed in, The Athletic Board of Contro] of the university has decided to hold out some special inducements to sub- seribers to the fund. All those local parties contributing $50 or over will be privileged to secure two tickets to any hockey match taking place in the rink, one day before the seating plan is open to the general public." Those who follow hockey know Just what a privilege this is. The fact of being able to secure good seats, the seats they want, and that without any trouble, by making this contribution for such a worthy purpose wil] cause many hockey lovers to exert their purses fifty dollars' worth. The general plans and sketches of e new building are now to be seen In the windows of the local news- papers. A glance at them will con- vince any possible skeptics that this new building will be a boon to. the city generally, and to sport in the city very particularly. It is spacious and pleasing to the eye and will be a credit to those by whose efforts it will be constructed. The outlook from outside circles is becoming surprisingly better every day. Enquiries from graduates and others interested in Queen's are com- ing in dally, to find out how much money is needed and where dona- tions should be sent. The committee expects to be able to announce two or three very substantial donations in a few days. Meanwhile, start gather- ing yours together. ° -------- K. C. I. Girls Won. The K. C. IL girls easily won out by a score of 30-16 in the baseball game played on the lower campus last evening between Queen's sum- mer school ladies' team and the K, C. I. team. The game was exciting and very close until towards the last of the game, when K. C. 1. walked away with nineteen runs in one inning. For the first five innings both teams played close ball but in the sixth and seventh the girls were hitting the pitchers more freely, and as a re- sult were able to score the runs. A large crowd was on the sidelines and were loud in their praise of the good plays. The teams: K. C. I.--Misses Kennedy, Vince (pitcher), Gibson, Synder, Ada, Lyt- ' | le, Bearance, Kelly, Phillips. Q. 8. 8. A.--Misses Corneil, Baird, Martin, Banks, Peck, Scott, Wil- loughby, Outram, Cattanach (pitch- er.) -- "Ted." Saunders gets a groan one game and a'wheer the next. So far the cheers are far in the lead. it is the way with old-timers, When they're off they sure are punk, but when they're on they can't be beaten. 'Shag' may "be able to do some- thing with the Syracuse Stars. If there is anything in them "Shag" will cuss it out, all other methods | failing. ! By winning the senior quarter-mile singles at the Canadian Henley. Bob Dibble retains his calling title, We'll 500u be able to call Bob, the "grand old man" of sculling, "Alex" Romeril is slated to man- age Granites, Frank Carrol to coach the same team and "Jerry" Laflamme to retire. "Duke" McCurry has returned to Timmins, where he will play hockey BRINGING UP FATHER next winter, | TONIGHT. This evening at the ericket fietd | Toronto HiHerests and Ponies mee once more, t Those Who saw the game last evening thoroughly enjoyed fit | : fea the-one coming today should be equally as good, Fans may have an opportunity of seefng Artie Lancas- | ter, of whom we have heard much these past few weeks, in the box for i the visitors, and Derry will likely | oppose him. The battle %ill be good to watch. STANDING OF THE (OLUBS, Internationa] League. Won, Lost. 79 27 63 44 65 _46 54 49 46 59 42 58 61 71 P.C. L746 .588 | ..545 .524 .438 | - 420 | .408 .324 | Baltimore Buffalo : Rochester Toronto Newark Jersey City Syracuse Reading ¢ American League. Won. Lost. P.C. | 35 .639 35 .624! 48 .525| 51 .485 1 50 .468 52 447 54 .438 60 .376 Cleveland New York .. Washington Detroit St. Louis Boston t Chicago Philadelphia National League. Won. Lost. P.C. 35 .632 31 ..619 .582 .500 .500 .432 .427 .309 Pittsburgh New York Boston Brooklyn St. Louis Chicago Cincinnati Philadelphia 53 . 49 47 . 41 41 His druggist sold him a cheap Acid corn remedy, instead of giving him good old reliable Putnam's Corn Extractor, which has been for fifty years the standard remover of corns and warts. "Putnam's' never fails, it is always a success. 25c. every- where. Refuse a substitute. f { 1 wl WARE His Flesh Horribly Burnt : | 0 EASTERN SPRUCE Our present stock of Spruce is supplied by some of the largest and best mills in Que- bec and New Brunswick. Customers are thus assured of sound stock and first-class milling; ot i Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042 Victoria Street TT a, HHI: prams HANH \ - - - il Brass and Iron Beds Springs and Mattresses Special prices on Felt Mattresses, Bari- ner Springs. : MARSHALL MATTRESS--the best and only ventilated Mattress on the market. R. J. Reid THE LEADING UNDERTAKER '230-234 PRINCESS STREET | Koster, former De la Salle C.L goal-keeper, is said to be in Timmins, where he will play for the N.O.H.A. senior team, "Babe" Dye will likely be soid by Brantford tosthe Boston Americans. Still The Most For The Money - Enjoy Its Lingering Flavor ~ Custom Tailors § Own Material Made Up. A Prices right. . 80 MONTREAL STREET Two doors from King Edward Theatre UP-| | NEVER, KIN DO 1] WHAT WANT. {ig - FOR SAREE + Good second - hand Lumber, Corrugated Sheet Steel and other * building materials. ~ L Cohen & Co, 275 Ontario St. Phone 837, - TS ------ # LISTEN | WANT YOU TO SHUT OF LISTEN- Sic a a ------------ i Ss ho YES AN" I'M SKK OF TRYIN TO TALK DADDY. TELL ME - MARRIED PEDPLE UNHABRY? ARE ALL

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