Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Aug 1921, p. 12

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THE DAJLY RRITISH WHIG. T NEXT FALL ® Low Price Prevails right now on all LIVINGSTON'S BLUE SERGE SUITS ready-to-wear. Blue Serge is the Suit of a gentle- man anywhere. No other fabric has as many uses or gives as much service. The good old-fashioned Serge all wool, fast dye, at good, old-fashioned prices-- $35.00, $40.0 $45.00 OUR FINEST SUITS MUST GO Choice of any Blue Suit in store (Ready-to-wear) $45.00 Livingston's 75-77 BROCK STREET Founded 1847. "If Off Your Route It'Pays to Walk" « & Anderson Bros. Limited GROCERY DEPT. FRIDAY 1,000 lbs. Choice RICE. 150 24-1b. Sacks FAMILY FLOUR .$1.40 HAME TABLE BISCUITS-- Variety 5 kinds. Special . ....20e. Ib. PICKLES Monarch Brand-- Quarts: Mixed, 45c.; Chow, 50c. POULTRY and FISH. ~ SPRING CHICKENS YEARLING FOWL YOUNG DUCKS FISH Fresh caught--White 'Fish, Lake Trout, Pike, Pickerel. Parsley free with orders. =} 2 BEST GREEN CORN-- 'Golden Giant, American Market; Phones 458-459. Wholesale 1767, | * R » | Tonto, C. D. McCreary, skipper, A. | EGATTA'S SOCIAL SIDE! Ryding, L. Forsythe, F. C. ¥ | A W. O. Bovdrd, F. Ryan, P. Rathbun, |; i A. B. Massey; Patricia of Toronto, || Mewil- || H. || Col: {| | There Was a Fine Tea and a | Real Smart Dance on | | Wednesday. | | The Yacht Club was neevr in more | | festive array than on Wednesday | the L. Y. R. A. regatta participated | in the pleasures planned by the local yacht club officers. In the afterneon a number of the members of the club took part in an impromptu swimming and diving meet which was much en- | Joyed by the spectators who had | gathered on the galleries. The events were exceptionally clever and the lo- cal participants as well as the visi- | tors accomplished the difficult feats | with rare grace. Afterwards tea was served in the ladies' room and was enjoyed by ev- eryone, The tea table was presided over by Mrs. W. B. Dalton, Sr., who was assisted by Mrs. Segsworth, To- ronto, Mrs, R. Waldron, Mrs. San- ford Calvin, Mrs. William Casey, Mrs. R. Bruce Taylor, and Mrs. R. J. Gardiner. In addition to many members of the younger set, the guests included Mrs. G, Stephens, Mrs. -B. Robertson, Mrs. J: Carson, Mrs. G. A. Robinson, Mrs. G. Ma- hood, Mrs. G. Reid, Walkerville, Mrs. W. H. Rankin, Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Mrs. John M, Hughes, Mrs. Harold Hugh- es, Mrs. Hugh Welch, Mrs. T. 8. Scott, Mrs. Fraser, Toronto, Mrs. C. Liv-1 ingston, Mrs. Ross Livingston, Mrs. C. W. Livingston, Toronto, Mrs. J. L. Gurd, Mrs. J. S. Smith, Mrs. Manly B. Baker, Mrs. C. A. Morrison, Mrs. A. C. Neish, Mrs. H. F. Price, Mrs. S. Roughton, Mrs. T. L. Best, Mrs. Stuart Robertson, Mrs. George Em- ery, Mrs. McKay, Mrs. W. Kent Mac- nee, Mrs. M. Waldron, Mrs. W. B. Dalton, Jr., Mrs. W. R. Givens, Mrs. W. Hobart Dyde, Miss McLeod, To- ronto, Mrs. Joseph Elliott, Mrs. Har- old Davis, Miss Eunice Polson, Mon- freal, Mrs. C. E, Taylor, Miss M. Sel- lery, Toronto, Mrs. W. G. Simons, Mrs. G. H, Dawson, Mrs, W, Gibson, Mrs. John Nicolle, Mrs, Townsend, Mrs. R. J. Rodger, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Ira Kipp, New York, Mra. E. Sparks, Mrs. Garnett Lockett, Miss Madele Wilson, New York, Miss Gildersleeve, Mrs. Boomer, Toronto, Mrs. Birdsall, Mrs. W. J. Fair, Mrs, W. J. Mitch- ell. |The evening was perfect for the first of the week's dances. A light breeze was blowing and it was not too cool to sit on the verandah. Con- trary to expectations the room was not too crowded for dancing, and the visiting gentlemen were treated roy- ally "Hy their hosts. Kingston is famed far and wide for its pretty girls and they never 1Boked more charming than at the dance on Wednesday ev- ening. The dance was continued un- til one o'clock and the members of Ted Treneer's novelty orchestra ex- celled themselves with their music. Registered at The Club: The following visitors have been registered at the yacht club during the regatta week: Wesley Muhlbeyer and Dr. Paul Lalonde of the yacht "Cheeta", Rochester; F. McKelvey Bell, New York; Leicester Hayes, Londen, BEng - J+ E.- wirdy- New York, F. Neary Schilling, Charles H. Jones, Fred P. Kern and Alfred Sheridan, of the cruiser Catherine V, Oswego, N.Y.; Miss Diana. Miller, Na- panee; J. E. Schuster and Miss Schuster, Belleville; Miss Winnifred Hay and Lewis Hay, Campbellford; John L. Gower, Toronto; HI: F. Farncomb and R. S. Keachie, To- ronto; A. T. Smith, L.. S. Wallace and C. E. Fanner, of the Royal Can- adian Yacht Club, Toronto; A. Mus- ;son, Toronto; R. H. Partridge, To- ronto; Jeremy Taylor, Detroit: Schuyler Adams, Crescent Yacht Club, Watertown; Miss Jane Cowan, Miss Ella Richardson, Joseph Acton and Ross Richardson, Gananoque; B. Van Winckle, R. J. Farquharson, and F. W. Jenkins, Qugen City = Yacht Club, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. M. Jel- lett, Toronto; J. Clifford Reynolds, Toronto; and George Stanley, Cleve- land. Visitors for the Regatta. The following from Watertown are attending the regatta: Lyndon Hart, C. Mack, Thomas Hooker, Edward McKinstry, Charles Olley, Floy1i Reeves, .H. L. Vincent, Robert JX. Hart, Leon W. Quick, F. L. Massey Capt. R. J. Ryan, W. 1. Howard, Mrs. R. S. Lansing, Mr. and Mrs F. H. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hanna, Commodore » Wallace DB, Sloat, Thomas Adams, Monte Cough- lin, William Adams, Schuyler Adams, Paul Chambers, Wyatt Uhlein, Sey-' mour Jones, Stuart D. Lansing, Mrs. Lansitg and Miss Sabine Lansing, T, Eyck, C. 8. Lansing, F. H. Herrick and George Lince, Harry Hubbard, James R. Sexsmith, Harold Brancha Among those attending the regat- ta from Rochester are Frank Chris- tie, Avery Mohr, Harold Christie, Elmer McFarland, George Littlefield, Avery Serth, John Van Morse, Ji, Bugene Brennan, vice-president of the Buffalo, Rochester burgs Raliroad. ' Members of the Crews. 'The members of the crews of some of the boats attending the regatta are: Ontario of Watertown, H. Hub- bard, skipper, R. Sexsmith, H. Branche, William Knessack; Nir- wana of Toronto, J. Morrow, skip- | Thompson, Keith Fiskin, S. H. Rob- J Roy Cockburn; Zorays of To-| per, C. V. Grantham, W. Burnside; Alice of Watertown, Commodore S. 4 D. Lansing, skipper, A. T. E. Sabine, Dr. Horn, C. 8S. Lansing, F. H. Her- rick; Bernice of Toronto, Norman K. H. F. Farncourt, J. L. Dower, H. E. Boulter; Latonka TI of Watertown, D. Borden, skipper, Dr. D. L. Bord- en, Richard Hart, Howard Hart; Nutmeg of Toronto, A. P. Hayward, | skipper, E. C. Thompson, C. H. A s [1ace, A, G. Smith, R. |-r-witen the-'many visitors In town TOTTI. de O. Smith, B. and Pitis- | Feeney, T. K. Wade, P. Pont, J. liams, E. McRae, C. Vincent, Mercer; Scrapper 6f Toronto, W. Windeyer, skipper, J. Rowat, J. Townshend; Temeraire of Toronto, C. E. Bourne, skipper, F. G. Wal- "R. Boyd; Ednita of Watertown, LW, Quick, skipper, F. Massey; D. | Monet, R. J. Ryan; Haswell of To- || ronto, Aemilius Jarvis, skipper, J. S. || 8. Jarvis | A. Dunstan, Jerry Snider; Iroquois | Christie, skip- || per, Harold Christie, George Little- || M¢Farlana, || Avery Serth, J. || Brennan; Hoyden of Watertown, F. || E. Reeves, skipper, R. F. Hart, H. || L. Vincent; Whirl, N. M. Robertson, || McMurray, H. A. Moore, of Rochester, F. C. field, John Mogre, E. Jan Van Vooris, skipper, J. A. Robertson, Ww. Miles, J. Stevens. B. CEFF R FEB EFIEP EIN * % ORANGE GATHERING IN KINGSTON IN 1922 At a meeting of the South "+ Frontenac Orange ladge, it was # decided to hold a big demon- #% stration in Kingston on July #% 12th, 1922, and invite all dis- # trict lodges to participate. + % P + STOCK MARKETS. Ryerson & (6), 237 Bagot Street. New York Stocks. Atlantic Gulf General Asphalt ... Am. LOCO. ... +44 AI, SUBAr .. .. vs Am, Inter. Corp. ... Cosden Ofl".. .. ., Baldwin Loco. .. .. Beth. Steel "B" ... CQRR. oi cu ue, Central Leather .. . Crucible Steel .. Inter. Paper Mex.Petroleum 108 Money .. .. .. .. 51% 6 Northern Pacific ... 785% Pierce Arrow .. 143g U.S. Rubber .. . 54 Royal Dutch (N.Y.) 521 Southern Pacific ... 79% Studebaker .. ,. .. 79% Texas Pacific : 251% U.S. Steel ., ...... 75% Canadian Stocks 23% B. 24A. ..Sold at 221 52B. 491% B. 158. Sold at 91 53B. 5314 A. 48B. 49A. 53B, 73B. .e 72%B. .. 24 84 34% 56 300 ~3 oD ¢ Jb obs ope EST] Brazilian Brompton .... .. Can, Cement ,, .. . Can. Steamship pfd. Cons. Smelters General Blectric Nat. Breweries Steel of Canada ... Spanish River .. Mackay Toronto Ry. 50A. R. J. Elliott Re-instated, Postmaster James Stewart Thursday morning received notifica- tion from Ottawa to re-instate R. J. Elliott, ag Totter -carrier. Mr. Elliott was retired on July 31st, owing to age, but he is too active a man to be placed on the shelf. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS MARKET SQUARE,. KINGSTON. BORN. KIMMERLY--At Napanee, on July 31 to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kimmeriy. a son. SMITH--At Napanee, on July 31st, to Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Smith, a son. nt MARRIED. ARCHIBALD--TIMMBERMAN--On Wed- nesday, August 3rd. 1921, at 'the home of "Mrs. N. Timmerman, 569 Princess street, Kingston, by Rev J. A. Waddell, Anna Mae Tim- merman to Walter Norman, son of Mr and Mrs. J. BB. Archibald, Belle- ville. a DIED. DAWSEON---At Wilton, on August 3rd, + 1921, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clara Lapum, Sarah I. Breden, wife of the late James F. Dawson: Funeral on Friday, August 5th, at 1 0' clock (standard time). WOOD--In Kingston, Aug. 4th, Abby Ann Nicholson, widow of the late Dennis Wood, in her 86th vear. Funeral from her daughter's residencsa, Mrs. Elmer Lawernson, 385 Prin- cess street, Saturday afternoon, at 2.30 to Cataraqui Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances respectfully inyited to attend. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Elizabeth O'Brien wishes to thank the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, for thelr very pro t pay- ment of the policy in the abé¥e com P. Keachie, | fe fe de ole ele de le boBB PPEFFFLL PEI H ERB Quotations Furnished by Bongard, || Opening. Closing. || 54% || 6614 || 28 8 | 785 51% { 115% || 33% 523% || on || 1921, | WHEN EVERYBODY' ® | Knitting Sweater Coats "Tis well to remember that t he following makes of Yarns ~ are extra good for the purpose and may be had in all the fashionable and standard col ors, MONARCH FLOSS ONE OUNCE BALL 25c¢ COLORS IN STOCK:--Flamingo, Turquoise, Purple, Buff, Spring-Green Copenhagen, Tob acco Brown, Jade, Oriental Blue, Strawberry, Nile, Lemon, Orchid, Rose, Sky Blue, Gold, Ameri- can Beauty, Camel, Golden Brc wn, Pink, Maroon, Lavender, Marigold, Black, White. 7 \ MONARCH BUTTERFLY Silk and Wool Two Ounce Balls Colors in stock -- Camel, Turquoise and White, Grey, Rose and White, Black and Gold, Emerald and White, Pink and White, Cherry and White, Lavender and White, Oriental and White, Navy and Emerald, Black and White, Nile, Turquoise, American Beauty, Gobelin, Black, White. MONARCH DOVE One Ounce Balls . . ... 25¢c. Colors in stock-- Lavender: Marigold, Pink, Cardinal, Gold, Camel, Golden Brown, Purple, Orchid Rose, Old Rose, Sky Blue, Turquoise, Maroon, Navy, . American Beauty, Oriental Blue, No. | Heather, Orange, Cherry, Buff, Copen, Mist, Steel Grey, Lemon, Sand, Jade, Nile, Black, White. : MONARCH DOWN Two Oune Balls Colors in stock: --Mist, Or- chid, Copenhagen, Oriental Blue, Purple, Melrose, Navy, Grey, Camel, Pink, No. | Heather,.Sand, Rose, Flam- ingo, Nile, Emerald, Ma- roon, Buff, Tobacco Brown, Cardinal, Lavender, Old Rose, Turquoise, Black and White. BALDWIN'S BEEHIVE 3,4 and S ply . . .30c. Skein 3 PLY--Black, White. 4 PLY Black, White, Nat- ural, Camel, Light Grey, Light Blue, Navy, Grey, Dark Grey, Green Heather, Brown Heather, Brown. 5 PLY--Black, White. SPECIAL 'SHETLAND FLOSS One Ounce Ball--P rice Regular 25¢. FRIDAY 2 BALLS FOR 25c¢ COLORS: --Brown, Rose, Rose Pink, Pink, Reseda, Emerald, Purple, Orange, Turquoise, Sky, Black, White. \ IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE WEHAVE MANY OTHER STANDARD YARNS IN ALL THE DE- SIRABLE COLORS-- MODERATELY PRICED. & a | Son, Limited John Laidlaw" Amin = any, 'held by her step-son, the atrick J. O'Brien, and also Mr. H. A Millar, the local superintendent,.and the agents of the company, for their kind-4 ness and courtesy as well as prompt. ness in making the necessary returns, more especially as thig policy had been in force less than one year. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers. 254 and 236 PRINCESS STREET, Ambul.:nce. Phene 147 for ROBERT J. REID The Undert.uker Phone 577. 230 Prince... Stree: M. P. KEYES Onderta_.er and Embalmer. Undertaking Parlors, 228 Princess St. Ambular:e Phone 183y, ° JOHN CORNELIUS -- late | I. RONAN Undertaker Embalmer 36. eget Strost. . - an night and day promptly v A SUMMER'S SMARTEST SHOES ON SALE ALL THIS WEEK 20% OFF ALL TRUNKS and BAGS _LOCKETT'S gt i. em ep

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