Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Aug 1921, p. 5

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THULSDAY, AUG. 4, 1971. CHOIC ) WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S | Phone " 1182 282 Princess Street ||, --_-- J FOR MOVING OF I Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and | 21 ee -- or stamps) to pay the cost off Bo _Cartage of every description-- | Foul Company, Ltd., 366-K Adelaide "We Kingston Transfer Co. Plone 877. 153 Wellington Street. | DAVID SCOTT || Plumber Piambiag and Gas Work a Special. ty. All work guaranteed. Addres, 145 Wrontenne Street. Phone 1277 DRAW. WINNETT DINTAL SURGEON. | BUILDING?) KEPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? »., Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son Main Street. W. H. STEVENSON HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Hepalred. Prices moderate .' SST KING STREET EAST Grow Your Hair GET THIS FREE 11 you have dandruff, or if your hale is fall } out, or if you bays = bald spot, you shoul know that legions of persons have overcome these. troubles through a genuine Indians J recipe, which will be proof béx of tha wy =n you free with a ® oint. 19 eta. (silver to ent, Kotalko, if you send op! FOR SALE GOON, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: . Corner Ontario and West Sta. Phone 67, Corner of Johnson and Wéllington' Streets Phone 365 -- a Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. An ] ? R I gr p S . Senles, Tdiking Machines, Bicycles, | Baby Carringes, Lawn Mowers, ete, We | do repair work right aud guarantee | Satisfaction. 197 WELLINGTON STREET Lake Oatario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- dock, Halibut and Cod BOOTH FISHERIES Canadian Co. Phoue -520. Phone 1670. | ap ' » THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | { Kingston and Vicinity | i Passed Examinations. At the recent Toronto Conservat- ory mid-summef examinations, Miss Annie Pollard passed her final vocal | AT.CM. examinations, and Miss | Ruth LaFlair her junior. Both the successtul are | above candidates pupils of Rechab Tandy of this city. | Our made-to-measd¥e suits for | men are of the best material and | workmanship. We guarantee first | class fit. See our range of blue and | black serges, also plain greys and | colored worsted at reduced prices. | Prevost, Brock street. | 1 Lawn Social and Dance. { Will be held under the auspices of the U.F.0. of Glenburnie in R. H. | Fair's grove, Friday evening, Aug. | 5th. Dancing from 8.30 to 12.20 standard time. Treneer's Novelty Five orchestra. $1.00 per "Rouple, extra ladies free. pe The Last Splash of Kummer? The wind and water Both were fresh; I'm froze, my hide Looks like goose fleshy If I continue Thus to freeze, I'll have to doft Muh BVD's, 1 Leave Your Order Now: i Realize $470 at Bazaar, The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Pres- byterian church, Cape Vincent, N.Y., held a very successful garden party and<baZaar- on C. B. Shaffer's lawn Saturday, afternoon and evening. A Morgan is a champion in New York city, and is an expert golfer. Mrs. Morgan played the finals with Mrs W. Newell Bannard, of Imperial -Is- land, Made a Fine Swim. © Leslie Smith, Belleville, on Monday swam from Belleville ty prassussaga Park, a distance of threé miles and a half, in two and a half hours. Les- lie is only sixteen years old and his endurance test is all the more re- markable on that account. Tribute to Late Sergt. Bateson Canon, W. F. FitzGerald paid a warm tribute to the late Police Sergt. James Bateson, at the funeral service held in St. Paul's church en Wednesday afternoon. "We all sym- pathize with the members of the police force and members of the fam- fly, in having béen bereaved of = ~ ASPRIN "Bayer" is only Genuine \. wing! Unless you see the name | 'Bayer' on package or on tablets you | are not, getiing- genuine Aspirin at | atl, In every Bayer package are di-! rections for Colds, Headache, Neural- | cia, Rheumatism, Earache, Tooth- iche, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tabléts cost few cents. Druggisis also sell larger packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin congert was given by an orchestra and the Cape Vincent band. About $470 was realized. Wins Women's N.Y. Championship At Alexandria Bay Mrs. Willism Fellows Morgap, New York and Pa- poose Island, won the women's golf ) good, honorable, faithful and up- | right man," sald Canon FitzGerald. | | A large number of citizens walked in the funeral cortege. Could Not Remoye It. Migs Bessie Ferguson, daughter of A. M. Ferguson, Glen Elbe, is a pat- | ient at the Brockville General hospi- | | tal suffering Irom a painful injury | | received at her home when a needle | ran into her foot. Although located | by the x-ray machine, efforts to re- } I TE ------ move the needle so far have been un- availing. 830,000 Farm It is estimated that to harvest ianis year's crops in Manitoba, Saskatche- | wan and Alberta, it will require ap- proximately 30,000 men. The Carcad- jan Pacific has arranged and is ad- vertising usual special fare of §15.00 to Winnipeg and . will run special trains from Toronto, August 8th and 17th. Special accommodation for wo- men and children.. See any Canadian | Pacific agent for full details, Death of Mrs. Fred Watson, It came as a great shock to the | { many friends of Mrs. Fred Watson to | {learn of her sudden death on July | | 22nd, says the Picton Gazette. The deceasgdghad been im poor health for some time, but was confiaed to her | bed only two weeks, when she peace- fully passed away. She was a loving wile, and a kind and affectionate mother, and was loved by all who tnew her. The deceased was thirty years old and leaves to mourn her loss, a husband and one child four years old, her father, sisters and brothers, Danger of Being Spiked. People who follow the baseball games are watching for the thine when some of the spectators who crowd in on the diamond will be COAL We are not looking for any reduction _ in the price of Coal. Now is a good time to lay ina supply fornext winter, S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 06. Factory . Phone 1415, Laborers, ---------- Picnic Lunches Prepared To Order Grand Cafe PETER LEE, PROP. Two Doors Above Opera House When going for a Boat or Automobile trip let us get your lunch ready. We will make up what you like and the way you would like it. Our prices are reasonable. 222 Princess Street BARGAIN IN TIRES A few more Non-Skid 30x38 1§ --4,000 miles EASTERN CANADA MAX OTIRE RUBBER CO. A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2050. championship at the Thousand I3- is the trade mark (registered in Can- ada), of Bayer Manufacture of Mon- oaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) WATTS People's Florist Kingston's Only Dyer. 177 Wellington street. . Dry Cleani eclalty. Fresh flowers and plants daily i 1) Cleaning a. Sp hy lands Country Club tournament. Mrs er ---------------- CARELESSNESS : By CHARLIS GRANT MILLER | § (Copyright, 1921. Al Rights Heserved by United Feature Syndicate!) One of the things that exert a most treme i= carelessness. inefficiency. ndous influence in life It is more common than stupidity, more disastrous than Funeral designs, and wedding | Phone 214, 849 Princess St. Res., 1187. i : CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS SILLS, CAPS, LINTELS, ETC. -- ny AT TC CEES, OyourService Improved process. Material and price are right. B27 Princess Street, corner Alfred Dr. H. A. Stewart Dental Surgeon 7 Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess 'Streets. Phone 2092. W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phono 138 Everything for the Pickling Season Corks. --Fresh Spices. --Parafin Wax, ~--Preserving Powder, --Red Bottling Wax, --Whole Mixed Spices. . etc, etc. If you get them here, you know they are good. M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist. Phone 82. (Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks always on hand) ar oR Ra 3 = ee REDUC PRICES .- IN MONUMENTS AND CEME- TERY LETTERING J. E. Mullen 161 FRONTENAC STREET Phone 1417. DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstatils Gloge: siarmalade, Wagstai'y Fiseapple Marmalade, Wagstaf's Mrambie Jelly. We also have a full line of other reliable makes of Marmas iauss, JB and Jelhes for sale --- a Bon Marche Grocery COR KI and Karl Streets renne No. BLIT1EY . Yhoue 1844. IN MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS All Wool Blue Serge Suits -- $80.00--835.00 and $40.00 These are all well tailored, latest style, best quality, as good as any $65.00 Made-to- Measure Suits. MEN'S SINGLE PANTS Extra strong ......... $1.78 MEN'S FINE QUALITY PANTS $3.50, $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 MEN'S GOOD STRONG WORK- ING SHIRTS, $1.00 OVERALLS All colors; regular $3.00. . ~ FOR RENT 7 room dwelling. .- Apply + W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Broc!: Street. Phone 424, o The chief of the Pennsylvania bureau of mine reported, that of the 595 lives lost in the past year in the coal mines of that state 282 were lost through carelessness of the victims themselves and 66 through the carelessness of other persons. Analysis of the statistics of railway accidents sh ishing proportion of the deaths and injuries are due to the carelessness of the victims. When the commonness of trepsass and disregard of the | simplest rules of safety are taken into the reckoning the wonder is that so many are killed and injured, but that so many seem miraculo to escape. And yet carelessness to the degree of being killed is rare in com- parison with the carelessness in everyday duties. {The lives. snuffed out through carelessness may be counted but there can be no record of the infinitely greater number of opportunities in life that are lost through it. Carelessness can neutralize talent as oil neutralizes an aeld. Abilities are mighty forces in the world but the finest abilitids ever developed in" a brain may be rendered ineffective and impotent by 'care- lessness. Untold legions of young men; well-trained for their work, industrious and ambitious to' get ahead, fail to rise above the average success. The chances are that if they will make a careful study of themselves they will find that carelessness is affecting the everyday performance of their work as the deadly canker worm affects the growth of a seemingly thrifty plant The carelessness which is most fatal is mot that wh to be killed, Monme's the pity. More disastrous still--more fatal to the real life of this world.-- is the commen carelessness which prevents us all from being always at our best and making the most of our "opportunities. ---- Ss and mining has ows that an aston- not usly ich causes people A COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE spiked when the players are fielding the ball. On Tuesday evening oue boy had his stocking torn off, and was all but spiked when the catcher went into a crowd of lads who were in.on the field. The executive of the clubs do all they can to keep the boys back, but the warnings tall on deaf ears. It is eft to the peopla to take care of themselves and give the players a chance. R.C.H.A. Returns on 20thy The R.C.H.A.,, "A" and "B" bat- teries and the heavy battery, R.C.A., now jn camp at Petawawa, are ex- pected to break camp and return to Kingston on Aug. 29th. An advance party consisting of engineers and R.A.8.C. will probably leave on thn | 27th in order to have Tete du Pont | and Artillery park barracks in readi- ness. It was at first announced that the units would return om Aug. ! 22nd, but a later report gives the | L29th as the earliest date for their | return. The camp this year has | been a great success and the health of all ranks is reported to be excel- lent. A Shortage of Milk, Thére has been a shortage of milk during the past month, dealers being unable to supply the demands of | {customers or grocery stores. This | has had the @redd of sthmulating ths | dairy industry generally, and th's | was observable in the rise in the price of cheese after the decline that took place in June. The patrons of | the cheese factories are looking for- | ward to a profitable season although | the returns will not be quite so high | as last year. The importance of the | chépse Industry to the farmers is ap«| parent when it is stated that last | year's returns for cheese alone ran | from $1,000 to $1,500 on many | farms possessings the average herd | of Holsteins. Co-operative clubs | SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE--}c¢GALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. ' SOWARDS COAL COMPANY : hdve helped much in raising the farmer's profits. An instance of this | was given by a young farmer, who | realized $13 on a calf sold at To- New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at ~$35.00 -- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) ronto for which local drovers offer- ed him $9. Condition of 'Crops, Harvest is already well under way in many localities in the district about Kingston. On Amherst Island, the farmers were taken completely by surprise and had to start their binders going before the hay was'all taken off, so that hayipg and grain- cutting and threshing are going on simultaneously, an' unprecedented condition. This has made heavy de- mands upon the farmérs and they will be found in the fields right up to sun-down. The root crop and corn are not maturing as early as hay and grain, so that there will be no rush to store them. Regarding the yfeld it is stated that only the | hay crop is short, corn, oats and roots heing a good average crop. Much is hoped for from fall rains to bring on the after growth and keep up the milk supply which has ex- perienced a heavy falling off since July 1st, although meny cheese fac- tories are still producing on Saturday nights. -- Would Seize Cars. Writing to the Toronto Mail and Empire, J. B. Walkem, K. C., says: "The many accidents connected with motor cars, which, in I should say ninety cases out of one hundred avise from speeding, for which the speeder gets off usually with a small fine, has suggested my writing you as to al +f method whereby the trouble might be checked, if not stopped altogeth- er. It is this: Seize the car, and have it placed in scme building controlled by the city for a certain period of ong, two or three months or more, according to the gravity or nature of the offer.ce. I would also make an order restricting the driver from driving a car for the same length orf ™ . time that his car Is under restraint. | ones would have to be dealt with in remedies should apply to cases | some other way, but including wpe speeding only as the more serious | penalty I suggest." of Odd Table Cloths _ AT SPECIAL PRICES ~ PURE LINEN PATTERN TABLE CLOTHS | 2, 2} and 3 yards long; all good designs -- specially priced at-- W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. The Waldron Store. A million men are said to have de serted from the Bolshevist army is Russia.

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