Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Aug 1921, p. 10

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TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1921. -- 'THE PEOPLE'S FORUM ITHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES; "Firdt tnsertion to a word." Bath eodi- secutiv- insertion thereafter, half! cent a word. Min'mum charge for' one insertion, 25¢; taree insertions, ; 60 cents. 4 wh i The above rates are for cash only, when charged they are double. HELP WANTED, oa | CH-| 1, Sal Whyte, QUALIFIED, PROTESTANT TEACHER | for 8. 8. Neo. 5, Hinchinbrooke, A stating salary TEACHERS WaNTED, A QUALIM er for S. 8. $500.00. Apply yceville, "Ont, R. R ID PROTESTANT A No. 14 PANTRY GIRL WANTED, APPLY HO- tel Randolph. 7 GUOD GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY ' James Reid, 264 Princess Street. AT ONCE, A STENOGRAP also be able to play Plano. Song Shop. GH, MUST Apply A WORKING HOLSEKEEPER to the country Apply Mrs. sall, 85 King Street. TO GO Bird- WOMAN FOR CLEANING, ALSO ONE as washerwoman. Apply Matron Orphans' Home. Phone 501. WOMAN FOR PLAIN COOKING, MAY sleep home If preferred good pay; Blve reference. Box O-7, Whig GENERAL SERVANT; PLAIN COOK. Must have references Apply 98 Bagot street west. Two in family GENERAL SERVANT, REFERENCES must be furnished. Apply to the Manager of the Bank of Nova Sco- tia, Kingston, Ont. ONCE, A CAPABLE, RELIABLE woman to take charge of work in Nurses' Home. Apply to Matron of Kingston General Hospital, WORKING HOUSEKEEPER WANTE > for small hotel near Kingston; mu "be good cook and have city refer- | ence. Apply Box D-20, Whig. | | WE WANT A RELIABLE SALES agent for each unrepresented coun- | ty or territory. Kxclusive selling rights; good pay to energetic rep- resentatives. Our agency Is valu- able. Write Pelham Nursery Co, | Toronto, Ont. | SALESMEN--WE PAY WEEKLY AND offer steady employment selling | our complete and exclusive lines | of whole-root fresh-dug-to-order| trees and plants. Best stock and | service. We teach and equip you! free. A money-makin opportun- | ity. Luke Brothers' Nurseries, of| Montreal, COME AT ONCE--MEN $6-10 DAILY, special short courses; one month Auto Mechanics' course $50; month Gas Tractor urse plenty of time to fi fo Spring rush. Hemphill Bros, Auto Gag Tractor School, 163 King st, W., Toronto. Board and room $8.50 up. Call or: write. THE UNEMPLOYED---MEN WHO have ambition to achieve success and are willing' to put forth the re- quired effort we have positions that are worth working for. Call for interview between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Mr. Whijehead, Royal Bank Chambers (uppér floor), Kingston, Ont. GOOD, RELIABLY MAN WANTED TO take orders and deliver the finest line of Teas, Coffees. 'ete., in Can- ada. Highest commission of any concern in the country paid: ail goods are guaranteed or money re- - funded. Each applicant must be financially responsible. If you are looking for a Eood, independent, permanent position with unlimited earning possibilities, this is your opportunity Quick action neces- sary. Patricia Blend Tea & Cof- fee, 651 Queen Street East, Toronto, POSITION WANTED, EXPERIENCED WOMAN COOK DE- sires position at once. Apply to Box X-4, Whig. --_--eeeee--e--e---------- WANTED GENERAL DRESSMAKING 0 . "by the day: Whig. THER SEWING tw Box C-13, MRS. JOHN CAMERON WISHES TO DO housework by the day, week or month. Apply Box P-28, Whig. FARM TO RENT, ABOUT 200 ACRYS, by boactical farmer; view ty gure chase. Frank Herring, Coleman P. O; E. Toronto. ROOF REPAIRING -- HOW ABOUT your roof? Does it need repairing? We use Argus Roof-proof. Prop a card to F. Coventry, 5 Barrack St SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, large or small, Posters, Showcards displays a gpecialty, by Shaw at 213 Princess Street. PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING -- Peter D. Brown, 12 Markland St. PLUMBING AND HEATING. "PLUMBING AND HEATING, REPAIR . work promptly done. A. E. Shan- A. Smith, Pa m | L | S. NO, ferred | wel Con- P. 0, On- CHER ¥ Tr esta ROS. Mic land Apply QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8. 8, NO, 8, Storrington stating ex-| qualifi and sal | Keeler, Sec.-Treas., Batter- oO TEACHER FOR 8, 8. NO. 5, DENBIGH, | Duties to commence Sept. 1st, 1921. | Apply, stating sala and experi- ence to J 5. Irish, _Sec.-Treas Vennachar, Qnt. QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TE CHER, experienced, for 8. 8S. No. 5, Olden. Salary $500. Duties to commence Sept. 1st. Apply Mrs. John Clark, Mountain Grove, Ont QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER or 8. 8. No. 3, Storri 8gton Duties to commence Sept, ist. Salary $900 Apply to Thos Campbell, Secretary and Treasurer, Sunbury, Ont. FOR 8. 8. No. 19, RICHMOND, QUAL FOUND LADY'S UMBRELLSX FOUND IN a car on Friday night. Owner please phone 1536J. NEAR afloat marsh y a canoe. Apply at W TON MILLS, Water near varnished hig Office. K. OF C., €A-H. SILVER PIN, Apply to Mantle Department at Steacy's ON BARRIE STREET NORTH, A parcel of dry goods. Apply to 34 Quebec street. A SUM OF MONEY ON YORK street. Apply 108 Pine street, city. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE, Anyone finding anything and Wishing to reach the owner may uo s0 by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver. tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" does not In- clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, etc. 'These, II lost, may be ,ad- vertised for in the "Lost' columu, ~ fled teacher, Frotestant preferred. Sa ; 0 Duties to comménce 3 21 Apply to RW. As- -treas., Marlbank, Ont, WANTED 8. No. 10, nbrooke; 'experi- Apply wages to Herbert Mc Leod, Echo Lake. FOR Township be ECHO TEACHER 8 of A NORMAL TRAINED PROTESTANT teacher for 8. 8. 15, Elginburgh. EE SSS SATURDAY NIGHT, TAN PURSE, CON- LOST. ON SATURDAY round brooch, Return Reward. MORNING, SMALL circles of pearls. to 143 King street West. and Liberal reward B. C., Whig Office. taining small sum of money three or four Keys. Return to 8S HYSLoOP $45 a A t NEW, VARNISHED SKIFFS, APPLY | Knapp & Sons, Barriefield, Unt | AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, CANOES, Phone 811. ". W. Cooke. | A HAPPY THOUGHT R ANGE. PHONE | 94, between § a.n. and & p.m. TEN CLEVELAND BICYCLES, as pew. 'Geo. Palmer, corn Bagot and Queen GOOD er oO A FORD TON TRUCK, WORM DRIVE, new tires, a snap (eon. Palmer, cor, of Bagot and Queen GAS AND COAL RANGE; PRACTICAL ly new; may be seen at 71 Lower Alfred Street. Phone 1154J. ONE WORK HORSE AND ONE DRIV. ing horse. Very cheap Apply to 30 Plum street or phone 2126J. | | | | | 5 BAY MARE, WEIGHING ABOUT 1,100 1bs.; good for delivery. ~Apply New England Bakery, Collingwood St. BOWSER GASOLINE PUMP AND tank; tank contains 240 gal; pump | 1 gal. cap. Apply G. A. Cooper, En-| terprise. | . SHORT-HORN BULL CALF, WILL sell cheap for an early sale ply to J. H. Watson, Harrowsm Ont. Phone 8-4. | | Ap- | ith, | GENUINE GRAPHONOLA aND TREN | selections; your own cholce, $42 50. | Terms §7 cash; §5 per month. C. W, | Lindsay, Limited. 121 Princess St. | AND C.CM, BICYCI . Also a few .at reduced prices. 's Bicycle Works, 371-373 King Street. Phone 1032w. ~ FOR | MA- | piece Ap- street, morning or KITCHEN RANGE, " ENGLISH hogany wardrobe, :and 3 solid oak bedroom suite, cheap ply 108 Clergy evening. Dutles to commence September jth, Salary $900.00. Apply to C. Ww Hughson, Sec.-Treas., Elginburgh, R..R. No. 1, QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S. 8. No. 8, Clarendon Township, Frontenac County. Salary according to quali- fication and experience Minimum salary $700 a year. Duties to com- mence 1st Sept. A ply, stating qualifications and exper! lence to Er- vin Martin, Sec.-Treas,: Fern- leigh, Qnt. = = ed and reward will be given. ae a TUESDAY LAS A SUMMER Sweater, purple and white, between Collin's Bay and city. Please re- turn to McLeod's Drug Store. IF THE PERSON WHO PICKED UP A package of American currency in| the Bank of Montreal on August | 8th will return same at once to] the bank, no questions will be ask- | { REE FOUND. DENTAL. DR, A. E. KNAPP, DE) 258 Princess Street. -------- ee -- DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, LEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, over Carnovsky's. Phone 346. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Princess Street. Phonuv 1850. Open evenings by appointment. DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE. "IST. OFFICE Phone 652w. A MOFFAT HOUND, BROWN AND W HITE, collar tag with number initials D. T. P. Owner same by calling at J. A. R. R. No. charges. WITH 4-1919, can have Wilson's | 1, Kingston, and paying | | --_-- FOR BALE. | ELECTRIC COOKING | Range; four plates, oven, etc; ex-| cellent condition. Full particulars. | Apply A. N. Lee, care of Bank of | Montreal. sumed practice at 92 Princess St, over Bank of Nova Scotia, Phone 160 ee PAINTING AND PAYER HANGING WE SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS OF musical instruments, also cloth- ing and furniture. Call and get our prices. L. Routbard, 259 Princess street. Plone '1723. WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Paperhanging done, drop a card to A. Mounteer. 84 Arch street. ~-- PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING --J, FORD TOURING CAR IN Al CONDI- tion; equipped with deniountable | rims, tire carrier and spare rim and | tire. PMantisote top. Apply 39 Ord- | nance Street. | Flanagan, Painter and Decorator, Estimates freely Biven. Metallic gold letters for store and office windows. - 247 Montreal street Phone 1432. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BEST Go- | ing business hotels; viginity King- ston; general and summer trade Everything In class order. nt of ill- Arply Box F hig. eT ==] FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS- coll, 23 John street. sme UPHOLSTERING. TALL OR DROP A CARD TO Ww. J Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st. grow, 114 Colborne 8t., or 75 Gore e treet. F. W. HAROLD Fol YOUR UP- holstering and gefiera] repairing Leave orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street. COVERED HUTTONS MADE TO OR- der in all popular shapes and sizes Uphoistering and repairing done E. Goodridge, 244 University Avenue. FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. ished; guns, Bramaphones, etc. re- paired promptly and guaranteed. Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Princess St. ET -- LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, ers and Solicitors, 79. .Clarence street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- ham, Cyril M. Smith. AMBROSE SHEA, B.A. and Solicitor. Law off King and Brock, over Money to loap. BARRIST, BARRISTER ice, corner of Phane 1999, GOOD STEAM a ONE PLACE Where you can get your boat or engine re- condition. paired, and put in good DAVIS DRY East End of Wellington St. For Threshing James Swift & Co., Limited | Foot of Johnson St. RAISING COAL Royal Bank REMAINING DOCK CO. ; 1 A Reo Truck Side seats for 12, 31250.00 cash only. Also 5 soda water ey. linders cheap. 'Auction Sales I am thie best auctioneer in Kingston. - Make me prove it. BEDFORD The Auctioneer, Phone 1721 or 1428. CARPENTERING "HEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER HES James Selby, Coutraétor. 213 University Avenue. Phone 1398w. COKE FOR SUMMER USE; CHEAPEST SALE OF MILLINERY GOODS, CON- MOTOR BICYCLE OUTFIT, ELECTRI- $2,000--FRAME; $2,800--R. C. SEMI.-DETA CHED; $4300--FPRESSED BRI [fuel on the market. We are de- livering 1-4 tons at $2.59; % at $4.75, or a full ton at Phone 1611m. W. C. Bruton. sisting of Malines, Veiling, Straw Braids, lowers, Ribbons, a few straw shapes, and children's hats Apply 112 Lower Wiliiam Street. TY LOT, ¢9 FEET FR TAGE; 117 feet deep; for cash $225.00. Also incubator, 140 egg, and two breod- ers; hot water hedted. Only used CHINA CABINET, I'ARLOR SET chair and tables, kitchen table, tension ladder, wheelbarrow, den seats, coal oil heater, bath, laundry stove. 208 street. Evenings. gar- baby's Albert | GARAGE, FULLY EQUIPPED, WITH or without car agency; capacity twenty-five cars; doing a good business. Town of 12.000 popula- tion. Will sell or lease building. Apply -Box A-9, Whig Office. ONE REO TRUCK WITH STATIONARY top, $1,200; one Ford % 'ton, with] collapsible storm top and box body, $2 Both cars good tires and good running condition. May be | seen at 151 Brock Street. | DESIRABLE PROPERTY IN TAM worth--store, with dwelling above | and residence adjacent, with large | grounds; good ation for busi-| ness. For terms c., apply to Mrs. | John Sherman, 393 Johnson Street, | Kingston. THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY OY Division Street, within the city! limits, known as the Murdock] Farm, containing forty-three acres more or less, now owned by the | Kingston Brick and Tile Com- pany. For particulars as to price! and terms apply to the undersign- ed solicitor for the company. J.| B. Walkem, 93 Clarence Street. i | ACRE FARM FOR QUICK SALE, pair horses, tools, 6 cows, full im- plements, vehicles, etc., thrown in; big going farm in productive sec- tion, on improved road, Jefferson County; rich, loamy tillage; 25-cow spring watered, wire-fenced pas- ture; estimated 1,000 cords wood; 200,000 ft. timbefy good 2-story, 5- room house; splefdid view; sub- stantial barn; garage; other inter- ests demand quick sale; $3,500 gets all, part cash, easy terns... Imme- diate possession. Your big oppor- tunity. Don't, miss it. Frank D Gould, 678 Cooper street, Water- town, N. Y. once. Cawson, 248 Concession St. near Victoria Street. FOR SALE \ A Used Cars, Trucks and Motorcycles TO LET. TWO BED-S ING ROOMS WITH board. Enquire at 318 University or phone 1229w. Cara from $175 up. Truncks from $100 up Motorcycles, highest bid. Chevrolet Shock Absorbers, Tire Protectors--will not puncture or blow out. : . Wood's Alr-Tight Valve and Tube -- will not leak. GEO, A, PALMER Opponite . Blue Garage Cor. Bagot and Queen Streets Phone 410J, WE HAVE FOR SALI ALL KINDS oy Bool second hand turniture ang SUITABLE FOR LADIES, FURNISHED Bedroom and downstairs front sit- ting room. 94 Earl street GARAGE, NEAR and Bagot R. 1. CORNER QUEEN Apply D, G, Hay R Kingston. Phone 1100 r 22. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD: all improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 University Ave. -------- ONE DOUBLE AND ONE SIN room, furnished; Phone T44w. JE BED- on bath-room flat, or call 230 Barrie St. ------ een A NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, 146 Montreal St,, all improvements "Phong 1099 ring 3. Vacant April 1st. N sicves. Any person having stoves 84d 1urniture to dispose of, we wii bay highest prices. J. Thompson, $33 Princess street. Paone 150uw. cally equipped, 1921 briggs-strat- ton Motor Wheel and new bouble Bar Indian Bicycle. Everything in best of order. Owner leaving city. Apply Treadgold's, or 247 luarl st. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, ETC, 1 Plano, good shape, $45.00, 1 Plano, small flat, $60! FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping on bath room flat All| conveniences. Apply Box C-9, Whig Office. | ROOMS TO LET ON BATHROOM floor, suitable for light house-keep- Ing; no chtidren. Apply 396 Prin- cess street APARTMENT TO LET-- FOUR FUR- nished rooms; ground fidor; all con- | veniences. Apply 230 Barrie St.| Telephone 7T44w, TWO LARC FURNISHED raoms, in central Jocaiiiy, for three or four adults. with board Apply | Box B-9, Whig Office | BED. 1 Cabinet Grand Mahogany Case Gramaphone, with 10 Records, $75.00. Kitchen utensils, bc. 10¢., 150. Sideboards, $7. up to 33% Kitchen Cupboards, §4, $6, 86. LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP Phoue 1045w. 507 Princess Street, BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, FOR SALE $7,000-100 ACHES LAND; FRAME house, good condition; 2 barns and Stable; well watered; 14 mileg from Kingston, 4 OOMS; NEW; RB. and C,; electric Boous) i six Fooms; B. and C.; down $3200----FRAME; NEW; and Ci; electric ligh $6,800--BRICK 10 Roo s improvements; co 3: LATHSY town, 8 ROOMS; Bn, is, $3,400--BRIOK SEMI-DETACHED; § rooms; hot water heating; side en- trance; right of way. » hot and CK; o a 3 plece bath; Teleatrre Sant trimming; bh. w. floors ang re on easy terms. Toreas #3, CK DWELLING; 7 Roows, 0 TAN a al port H. W. floors; r way: good location; a an SuL quick buyer. HOUSES TO RENT-FURN A ed. ISHED on N'S REAL EST : 10 W Street, Kingaron, to a AT ONCE, A NEW, 7-RO0OM HOUSE ON Alfred street, near €onces- sion stréet. Apply to J. D. Bovd, Route No. 1. Eastview: 1 FURNISHED BRICK BUNGALOW; ¢ rooms; electric light; all improve- ments; good cellar. No children. 41 Quebec St Possession July 1st. STOHAGE FOR FURNITU RE, CLEAN, atay. alry rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 260- 205 Queen St. Phone 526; res. 989w. MODERN, NINE ROOMED HOUSE, 218 Johnson street; hardwood floors; hot water heating; all conveni- ences. Possession at once. Apply Phone 623 UNFURNISHED BATH ROOM FLAT; 5 rooms; bright and clean, or rooms Beparate; electric ight furnished parlor downstairs. Ap- Bly 465 Albert gt HOUSE, 251 BROCK STREET, § ROOMS and bath room, furnace, electric lights, 3 fire places; a good cellar Possession Sept. 1st. Apply by telephone 1760m. ------------------ FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, HARD- wood floors, electric light, gas stove, heater, refrigerator, modern In every way. Apply to White's In- surance Office, 239 Bagot street. FURNISHED APARTMENTS ON Bathroom floor; 4 rooms and bal- cony; sultable for two gentlemen or married couple, or for Hght bouse- keeping; will give breakfast and evening dinner if desired. Apply 206 Bagot street. CHIROPRACTIC. WN. A, MARCELIS, D.C, Ph. C, Cor. ner Princess and Barrie Streets. Ind floor, Barrie Bt. entrance, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone 822J. Hours § to 12 am. 1 to § p.m. | church is largely due, == 1 25th, 1920." | son. a limited time | Lee and daughter and Mr, and Mrs. | of Switzerville, | Roy Carde, Napanee, spent 'lin and Also un-| nu A MEMORIAL WINDOW Placed in St. Anthony's Church, Yarker, Is Memory of Late B. S. 0. Loughlin. Yarker, . Aug. 8.--A memorial window has been installed in St. Anthony's church, in memory of the late B: 8S. O'Loug' lin, who for many years was a devoted member | of the parish. ; } POR BA dri DAW HE OW eons ists mo they lights containing the , subject of "Our Lord Bil ing Little Children* carved through tme three openings. The following memorial inscriptioa at the bottom: "To the Glory God in loving memory of Bernard | Stuart O'Loughlin, to whose loyalty: and devotion the erection of this Died Feo. The "Rebeckahs held a picnic at Emberly Grove on Wednesday last {and it was a great success. A large crowd was present, amounted to $185. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Irish, on Thursday, Aug. 4th, a Eugene Smith and wife, Odes- The proceeds |sa, and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Smith | have left on a motor trip to Chath- am. Harold Freeman has left on a business trip to Alaska. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dolby, on July 25th, a daughter (Isobel). Another of Yarker's old resident's passed away, in the person of Mrs Arthur Babcock. -- Death came as a surprise, althougn she has been in for some time. The remains wera placed in the®arker cemetery, There are left to mourn her loss, a son, Wallace, at home, Mrs. J.. T Main, Yarker; Mrs.-Brown, Brockville; and | Mrs. Ferguson, of the Unfted States | The 5 Misses Plunkets, Ottawa, were recent visitofs with Mr. and Mrs. Byron Holden. Miss Gladys Down is visiting her brother, in Ottawa, for Mr. and Mrs. Korah Victor Ddgar and son of East, spent Sunday last at Mr. and Mrs. Oray Lee's. Mrs, Charlie Jack- son son, John, are visiting her sts ter, Mrs. Stanley Lee, in Tweed, for sometime. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rich- Camden 8. | ardson and George are spending a week at Beaver Lake. Mrs. Roy | Carde, Napanee, 18 visiting her sister, Mrs. George Curl, for a couple of weeks. Mi Bessie Smith, Enter. prise, is visiting M: Clinton*Smitn. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Smith and Mary, and Mr. and Mrs. Sunday last at George Curl's, Mrs. R. Curls was a recent visitor in Colebrooke at Mr. Lee's, Mr. and Mrs. McLaugh- children, Pontypool, axe visiting Rev. Mr. Down's. Misses Jean and Helen Shibley are at their grandparents, Samuel Winters. Miss Jessie Bell Belleville, 'is visiting a: S. Burgess'. Mr. Paterson, Moscow, a recent caller at Mrs. H. Cambridge. The ladies' aid will hold a lawn social on George Lee's lawn on Aug. 10th. A wonderful worked flint, bearing images gf birds and/animals, and re- cently found in Berkshire, Eng, is estimated to be at least 50,000 years "FOR THE VETERANS BASEBALL GAME CRICKET FIELD Verona vs. Lakeviews Wednesday, August 10 AT 6 P.M. PROCEEDS 'WILL * BE OVER TO THE VETERANS. IN THE MILITARY HOSPITALS. mn A Dominion Taxi Service PHONE 116 24 Hour Day Service PERSONAL MATRIMONIAL AND Circle. Pamphlets 25c. No stamps temalled sealed. Box 14, Isher- woud, Ont HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, WDIRTH. marks, gkin cancers, scars, ete, re- muved permanently. Satisfactory glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed. Goitre removed. 35 ycars' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Hye. Lar, Nose. Throat, Skin, ee FANCY GOODS. HEMSTITCHING, PICOT. EDGING, AC- cordion, knife and: box pleating. Hours § to 5.30. Mrs. BE. A. Card, 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal St. opposite "Artillery Park. a EE ARCHITECT PAGE AND WARRINGTON, REGIS. tered eet 199 Younge Street, 4 Toronto. POWER, SON. AND oREVER, ARCH]. tects, Merchants Bank .Chambers, corner 'of Brock and Wellington slreets FINANCIAL STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE agents; established In 1869; the most reliable companies repre- sented. Office 95 Clarence street, opposite the post office. FRONTENAC LOAX A INVEST- ment Soclety; incorporated 1861. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice- resident, A. B. Cunningham. oney issued: om city apd farm properties, municipal and . county debentures; mortgages purchased: investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed, R. C. Cartwright, maneger, 37 Clar- ence street" Kingston. beautitul | of | | PASTIME teeter te ------------ Evening 7:00 | Matinee 3:15 | | | | There will'be a Band Concert and VETERANS' RALLY on WEDNES- DAY EVENING NEXT, AUGUST 10th, in MACDONALD PARK at 8 p.m, Prominent Veterans. will address the meeting on the subject of AMALGAMATION and other topics of interest to returned soldiers. ALL VETERANS ARE WELCOME. | | | ! FENDERS FOR DREDGING. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Dredging, Belleville, Ontario,' will be received until] 12 o'clock moon, Tuesday, Awvgust 16th, 1921, for dredging requir- ed at Belleville, Ontario. Tenders will not be considered unless made on. the forms supplied by De- partment rand according to conditions set forth therein. ymbined specification and form of tender can be obtained on application to the Secretary, Department of Public Works, Ottawa. Tenders must include the towing of the plant to and from the work. The dredge and other plant which are intended to be used on the work shall have been duly registered in Carada at the time of the filing of the tender With the Department, or shall have been built in Canada after the filing of the tender. Contractors must be ready to begin work within thirty days after the date they have been notified of he accept- ance of thelr tender. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Min- ister of Public Works, for 5 per cent. of the contract price, but no cheque to be for less than fifteen hundred dollars War Loan Bonds of the Dominion wil) also be accepted as security, or war bonds and Fhefjues it required to a huake up an odd ount. DESROCHERS, By order, RR. C. Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, August 6th, 192]. m1 NOTICE Of Application for Lettegs of Gpardian. ship--in the Surrogate Court of the County of Frontenac, In the Matter of the Mary Areta Trueloy fant children of WwW liam Truelove, late of the Townsh of Redford, in the County of Frontenac, Farmer, De- ceased. Application wil he made to the Sur- rogate Court of the County of Frgn- tenac, before the Judge in Chambers at the Court House, in the City of King- ston, in the County of } <ontenac, after the expiration of twenty days from the publication hereof on behalf of Mildred Brash, of the said Township of Bedford, Married Woman, a Natural and Lawful Sister of the sald Infant, for &n arder appointing the said Mildred jrash, Euardien of Mary Areta True- ove, one of the infant childre e said Wiliam Truelove, deceased v1 the aled at Westport, Ontario, 21 day of July, AD, 1921. $8719,:this 230 ED BRASH MILDR By W. M. Ewart, her Solicitor. Westport, Ontario, -- eee Guardianship of one of the in- -- WEST END--Brick veneer, semi- electric light; the main hall 850. NORTH END--Solid brick bath, bah Phones 68 and 2240m. - ALLEN - MON., TUES, WED. ~ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN bungalow, 7 gas for cooking, furnace, rooms on downstairs. Owner leaving city. dwelling, 8 rooms, , large verandah and well built piece of property. Price $5,000. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Kingston's Leading Photoplay House in "The Miracle of Manhattan" A FPhotoplay Such as You Often Wish For But Seldom See ----Ask-Your Grocer FOR - WAGSTAFFE'S PURE FRUIT JAMS AND MARMALADE Sold in 12 and 16 oz. Glass Pots and 2, 4 and 7 1b gold lined tins SEALED TENDEPS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Grading, Paving, Roa ete, R. M. Col- lege, hingston will be received ulitil 12 o'clock noon, Thursday, August INth, 1921, for the construction of Grad. ing, paving, Roads, ete, Educational Block, Royal Military College, King- ston: Plans and Specification can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the oftices of the Chief Architect, Depart- ment of Public Works, Ottaw the district resident Architect, Postal Sta- tion "FI," Toronto, and Power and Drover, Architects, "Kingston, Ont. 2 Tenders will nct be considered untes! made on the fcrmg supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. : Each tender must be accompanied b; an accepted cheque on a chartered ban payable to the order of the Minister of f'ublic Works, equal to 10 p.c. of the aniount of the tender. War Loan Bonds of the Dominion will also be accepted as 'security, or war bonds and cheques if required to make up an odd amount By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department of Publle Works, Ottawa, August 6th, 1921. Notice to Creditors rere. In the Matter of the Estate of Namey Enais, Late of the Village of Batier- sea, in the County of Frontemae, Wi+ dow, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant te Section 56, of the"Trustees Act, R.S.0, 1914, Chap. 121, that al] creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Nancy J Ennis, who died on or about the 14th ~ day of May, 1921, at the Village of Bat- tersea, are required on or before the 29th day of August, to send by post; prepaid, or deliver to Aylesworth Ene nis, administrator of the estate of thq sald deceased, their Christian name: and surnames, addresses and descrip! tions, the full particulars in writing, oi their claims, statement of their G&G. counts, and the nature of the security; it any, held by them. And take notice that after such last mentioned date, the said administratog wili proceed to distribute the assets ol the said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only te the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or per. sons of whose claims, notice shall not have been received by him at the tims of such distribution. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, Bolicitors for the Administrator. Dated at Kingston, this sth day of August. "W. KENT MACNEE Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock and King Streets. Phone 701 or 1327). General Insurance Agency Writing: --Automobile, Fire," 'Accident Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete. Representing Only Reliable Companies rooms, 3 piece bath, both sides of Sacrifice price furnace, 3 piece good garden. A particularly 56 Brock Street. Sirs August Sth---Special trip Monda L ve Kingston 2.00 p.m. Leave Kingston 10 a.m. Fare Thursday, August 11th--A.Y.P.A. Islands and past Alexandria early, Friday, A | Music and dancing. PLEASANT WATER TRIPS STR. ST. LAWRENCE a mong Two h ours in Gananoque Tuesday, August Oth--Private Excur sion to Alexandria Bay. Wednesday, August 10th--Régular r un to the Islands to Gananoque, Fare 50 cents. Picton and the Sand Banks. 76 cents, 2 Wolfe Island Excursion among the ay. Leave Kingsien 10 am. Fare: Adults, 75ex gust 12th-----Moonlight to Clayton. Fare 50 cen ts. Saturday, August 13th--Regular trip to Alexandria Bay, 200 p.m. Sunday, August 14th--Regular trip to Alexandria Bay, 2.00 pm Two hours in Gananoque Children, Leave Kingston 7 Home 50c. 30 pm, cellent condition. --_ A SNAP "490" Chevrolet Touring Car Self Starter--Electric Lights Thoroughly overhauled and in ex- » Tires in good shape. $350 BAWDEN & EDWARDS CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE

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