' WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1921, . T H E 1 DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : . 4 Tr Make It Snappy With a Few Snaps | In the World of Sport CE HEMLOCK Our stock of Hemlock is large and well nN TTT | iy You'll enjoy that fishing trip far more if you take an ANSCO CAMERA along. The Ansco a SHAN aT HORSE . : . When Slack "of . England Defeated | The. Very. Successful - Work of FE: | that kind of a.Camera that is just suitable for the | a ior poy au) Dele Delehanty. -- - : "outing trips and the sure-to-be knocks. Drivers Murphy and Knight| Carpentier was not the mrstd "Speaking of home rans" writes x : Find 8hifts Very Ex- Frenchman to have .the honor of | Walter Turnbull, and then he con- Our line is complete and you'll be able to pur- pensive competing and of being defeated In | jinues to write as follaws: "When- . . bald a world's boxing championship | #ver circuit clouts become the sab- chase just the size Camera that suits you the best. BOXING EVENT OF 1751 BABE RUTH PLEASE COPY TTT of I assorted, and our prices are right. Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042 . . . . Victoria Street match, French staticlans have dis- |Ject of conversation some fan always covered since the knockout adminis- | refgrs to the time that Ed. Delehanty tered to Georges by Dempsey. made four home runs and a single "On July 28th, 1751, a Frenchman | out of five times at bat. It certainly named Petit, weighing 260 pounds | Was a remarkable feat when every- A little change in the rigging of a horse prior to or during a race usu- {ally resplts in a defeat or a bad per- formance. In 1912 W. H. Knight declined an : 3 > thing is considered. The Phillies offer of $10,000 for Fair Virginia the and standing six feet four, met Jack 3 == i COME IN AND SEE A REAL "Kentucky Futurity | SI3c% of Boland, then ihe undie | were playin on the Wet sudo |S AE 7 oo ARERR ii nt I night before the Kentucky Futurity puted champion of the world. The |8rounds in Chicago. Adonis Bil LINE OF CAMERAS, FILMS, was trotted. She was fast and had purse was $500. Terry was pitching for the windy perfect manners, Petit, a combination of-wrestler | ¢Ity team, and that was back-in 1897, The next morning Chandler took hen T 4. Th u EMICALS. WE H V and boxer, jumped in the centre of | When Terry was good. ie Phillies AND CH E A E Fair Sirzivla to the chop. He had |. grass ring as soon as the word | made only eight hits off him, and FOR SALE THEM ALL. 2 EH on the hind ones. Tn the fires bers Ct | "0" was given and seizing Slack by | Of theso Delehanty got five. On his J the throat with his left hand, began | rst trip to- the plate the big right 8 R the race Fair Virginia went away (1 0%, oo 8 ih vont Tien | banded batter lifted the ball fntg the | goied Brick House ou Frostenas Strest, ness Vietotla A 3 r Park; newly decorated throughout; new hardwood floors. Pose _-- stilty. upon various' parts of Slack's ana- [left fleld bleachers. His second time She made-a break--something she tomy. History does not record why |&t bat produced a home run to right session at once. Price $5,600. never did before--at the three-quar- the Harry Ertle of the time did not field. On his next time at bat he al- 2 ter pole, and was distanced. immediately disqualify the French- | 0st took Bill Dahlen's hands off | KIN 1 N A mi LET'S ALL GO FISHING BOYS 5 In 1919 MUrDSY Santed Direct C. man but goes on to relate that with a line drive. Dahlen checked e ' urnett at North Randal] with one | ,, ~ the ball enough to hold it to a single. | ; v x a mighty right int { . O. HUTTON. ROBERTSO! blind on his bridle. He acted like a roa bib Bolles i) 8d that | Ed. then added a little variety by 3.0.8 N Bs G R > . : : : £ | horse with a brainstorm and delayed ; walloping a home run to deep centre. Phone 708 . 67 Clarence Street. While some people get discouraged quickly, if |} 1s alplonh wt the Frenchman went down writhing | JAlISRNE & home run ta J sep venti, * you use the right bait, you'te sure to get the Fish. | Atter one heat he was drawn, The | Pain. the first ball pitched to the roof of money that was bet on him was burn-| When he Sonia Summon slough the clubhouse in left centre and ed up. The next morning the blind | S'TeP&th to regain his feet, he imme- was removed Burnett worked per- diately used one of them to send a fectly, and followed it with eleven | Well directed kick into Slack's shin. : Yay rq. . . . hy 5 The Briton then swung right and left Don t be disappointed ! ! Victories, to the chin and the Frenchman was ---------------- walked around the bases. All in all, that was a good day's work. Babe Ruth please copy." : t cold ' i hy . NAIL-STUDDED BAT out £0 ¢. j FRED MITCHELL'S BRAVES Get all your Tackle here, and | (ie ; AGAINST THE RULES | a Hy Were sland grins dings GETTING GOOD PITCHING Imported Tobacco, | n a game of the recent big series ¥ ' : » be the possessor of that happy rE between the rival first place claim- | concludes the historian, Much is heard these days about the Long Filler. ; A : ji y ants of the American league--Cleve- i Hn lively ball, but it there is any such NO SCRAPS 1 smile by catching the big ones. Nb land and New York---Chick Fewster Five Years or Ten? thing in the major leagues the case NO CUTTINGS I of the Yankees came up in the fifth | Carpentier suggests that Dempsey | cannot be proved by the Boston iy! Aa! ; inning with a bat which wouldn't {will not be beaten inside of five | Braves. Some clubs are continually REMEMBER ! You can go i pass inspection by the umpire. Um- | years. One guess here is as good as |running up high scores or having '3: . ) od pire Owens discovered that it was |another. Jeffries stopped Fitzsim- [Righ scores run up against them- elsewhere and be disappointed. reinforced at its batting end with [mons in 1898, and it was-1910 before | %eIves, but the Braves go on day after g numerous small nails, and made Few- | he was dropped by Johnson. But |day winning most of their games ster get another bat. Jeffries retired around 1905, and so | Without doing much in the line of The one Fewster had to discard is | had not chance to be overthrown in |run making. Naturally the other LD SPORTING the one which he made four hits in | battle, . clubs 'are doing less or the Braves a game in Detroit. It was weather Dempsey is now twenty-six. He | Would not be winning; worn, and his reason for nailing it |should retain his speed, strength and On their first western trip the GOODS CO up was to preserve the bat, rather stamina until a least he is thirty-two | Braves first showed signs of having ® than any intention of resorting to |or thirty-three. Leading a well con- [the best pitching staff in the majors. BICYCLES--FISHING TACKLE--PHONOGRAPHS--CAMERAS. illegal means tg help his batting ac- | ditioned existence he should be as|Then they came home and slumped a 88 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 529. cording to the New York team. good as ever for at least four or five | bit after their highly successtu] tour. "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" more years. If his throne is to be | But they quickly regained their pre- ip . successfully invaded in the mean-|vious form, and in a match of B d Iro Beds Vb EEE EE LT paettE Y f Advice For Back-ache time, the invader will have tg be 30 | twenty games only one club was able rass an n S A er rr aT, When stooping hurts, when lifting [or 40 per cent above any display of | to get more than four runs off the - A and bending causes distress that's talent now on the market. ,At least | Boston pitchers. S d M tt = the time to rub in lots of '"Nervi- | that. te prin $s an a resses line." Usually a couple of applica-| The mad desire of Jess Willard to tions brings grateful relief. No lini- | take another running dive at Demp- Weapons and Range. ment more soothing, more certain to | sey seemed to have cooled off one or "Is it true," asks R.K.F., "that kill muscular, rheumatic, or sciatic |two degrees since last winter when Babe Ruth's bat is six or eight ounces pains, Thousands of homes rely on |the big Kansan tracked Dempsey's above the others in: weight?" good Old Nerviline for cramps, colle, | spoor as far as New York. Or could Ruth employs a weapon that varies dysentry, and external muscular it merely have been one final yearn from fifty-two to fifty-four ounces. pains. Large 35 cent bottles for sale|to see the old nameplate engraved Fifty-four ounces is his top limit. ; * everywhere. in the headlines agaig? | The next heaviest mace swung in big league warfare ie handled by Tyler For Rochester. Severeid, of St. Louis, who manipul- The Chicago Nationals last week | ates a forty-four ounce bludgeon. gave Pitcher George Tyler and Coach (These are the only two weapons we a an J Oscar Duggy unconditional releases. | know of beyond forty ounces in S . . : : & As for Tyler, the one time famous | weight. Cobb and Speaker handle pecial prices on Felt Mattresses, Ban- me southpaw. in spite of every effort | pats that weigh around thirty-eight ner S rin » Dealer in Furs only, could not come back. He had his arm | ounces, hardly more than two-thirds P gs. 1 h h : : vay Worked oy iu Yee bY tens of the hickory weight that Ruth M A RSHALL MATTRESS --the best swings against a ball. The average as a pitcher he probably is done, | pat weight is around thirty-eight and only venti thotigh Stallings of Rochester, who | ounces. Only a physical giant of y tilated Mattress on the market. has taken him on, evidently doesn't | "Babe's" heroic mould could wield f ® - Gourdier's Skin enw ot vesh TR ini R. J. Reid . The mother St he soune husband Jemile Xpeell. - THE LEADING UNDERTAKER \ y went to the bridal nest and found her " BROCK STREET, For: énjo e fill daughter-in-law in tears. Corns, Warts, Bunions, 230-234 PRINCESS STREET "My child," she gasped, "what is P : 1 1 R d ---- RSI. i : ? ainiessly mnemove . your pipe with T & B | the matter? Has anything happened Dow't Ing uy Jaber. dons sob 2 --- : to George?" NG + i fer another hour from corns. The " g "No," gobbed the young wife; "but | 5)3est remedy and the best, the one my heart is b-b-breaking. He's taken that for fifty years has proved a true / : 2 to stopping out late at night!" success, will lift out your corns in a . \ : "What, already!" said his mother, hurry. 'Putnam's Painless Corn and , i a. : In consternation." "It doesn't seem | Wart Extractor is the one remedy to : : possible. How late does he stop out, (use. Refuse a substitute. 26e., dear--very late?" $verywhere. : "Well," said the bride, 'you know | he usually leaves his office at half- BREAKS ALL PRICE RECORDS past ve. The night before: tas |f Furie --iieigti--Raggage he didn't get home till half-past six, : Wl [and last night," she sobbed bitterly, Phone 1 776J . , . . h 'last night it was a quarter to seven! Children's White Outing Shoes ... .ia 10 1101001 + vo01 ve stern; $1.19 What shall I do?" : SWHITRMAN Youths' and Misses' Outing Shoes ........a.: icicieie ter tes seins $1.49 ae | py Boys' Outing Shoes * sis ss ass u's atelalatoletal aToie elatol foel0ioles status} $1.59 Town Topic, Londen. 'ora > ~ pre Men's and Women's Outing Shoes, sielelelelot foloisiolatal fafelales ots otal $1 98 oa Jor Sots What oad to mey CEMENT C Ii d d q 6 1 th . } gals ling to his clerk for sympathy. ; inders ground and fitted with oversize Hundreds of bargains being shown every day. Th ery TOC B U 1 L D 1 NG y grow) : clerk, "'an' I was surprised yer didn't Pis on i o i ins 1 essary. think of it first. You must be losin' tons and Rings Piston Pins if hex. Tys THE VI CT ORY SH OE STORE Eee 5 B LOCKS | i Prices on 'Application, : perfect throw which would haws re- a; : : Hose Theives fms he Batre wir 0 a on | sms, oars; woven, wre. (| Automotive Grinders 'Where I Jo. rs Bri I heir ue titled to a hit. \ - roved process terial > : ng y The loss of population in France | °F ? « Ma ad Yelke R. M. due to the war has been osymated - are right. at 4,000,000. 827 Princess Street, corner Alfred CAMPBELL, srner of Queen and Wellington Streets, " ie rere "at ny Williamson & Wellwood BRINGING UP FATHER 1 1 =u id ow 1 * m WELL AS LONG AS - | THIS OUGHT TO PLE 5 Custo Tailors . MACLE WONT L887 MAGGIE. AN' MAYBE Shek AY WILL You stop. Own Material Made Up. : = 2 oo cin aur § LETUME co out LATER > Pe THAT CONFOUNDED Prices sigh, a : MORK TO KILL TIME Se # o & NOISE~ YoU KNow 30 MONTREAL STREET : ? : ] WL. 3 I'M TRYIN' 70 Taka Two doers from King Kdward Theatre : ; A NARYS! 2 FOR SALE oat & i | CL Good second - hand CW > A, | vol 5 "Lumber, Corrugated & na, | Sheet Steel and other + building materials. ~~. LCohen& Co. - 275 Ontario St. Phone 837.