Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Aug 1921, p. 10

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CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: First insertion, lc. & word. . Each con- secutiv« insertion thereafter, half cent a word, Min'mum charge for one Insertion, 48c; three insertions, 50 cents. The above rates are for cash only, . when charged they are double, ' HELP WANTED, TEACHERS WANTED. A QUALIF! AD PROTEST ANY er for §.-8. No. 14, Pit ary $800.00. Apply Ro Joyceviile, Ont, R. R _ a y nate ie QUALIFIED, RROTESTANT rT or 8. 8. No. 5, Hinohubr ply, siat.ng salary and e to Geo. A. Smith, Parham PANTRY GIRL WANTED. APPLY HO- tel Randolph. GUOD GENERAY SERVANT. APPLY James Reld, 254 Princess Strect. VALIFIED TEACHER FUR ¢, Storrington. Apply, stating ex- perience, qualifications und-salary tw D. B. Keeler, dec.-iI'reas; Batter s=2, P. O. "w AT ONCE, A STENOGRAPHER; MUST also be able to play Plano. Apply Song Shop. A WORKING HOUSEKEEPER TO GO to the country, Apply Mrs. Bird- sall, 55 King Street. WOMAN FOR PLAIN COOKING, MAY sleep -home If preferred; good pay, give reference. Box O-7, Whig. GENERAL SERVANT; PLAIN COOK. ust have references. Apply 93 Bagot street west. Two in family GENERAL SERVANT, REFERENCES must be furnished. Apply to Manager of the Bank of Nova Sco- tia, Kingston, Ont. EXPERIENCED FEMALE PANT AND trouser hand for military work. Apply Staff Adjutang, Royal Mili- tary College, Kingston, Ont. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER WANTED for small hotel near Kingston; must be good cook and have city refer. ence. Apply Box D-20, Whig EXPERIENCED GENERAL SERVANT, good wages; references required; family four adults (three men). Ap- ply 69 Albany Ave. Toronto. A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK ~--two in family. Apply in evening to Mrs. A. 8. Ferguson, Elmhurst Apartments, Centre street. Phone 1644). WE WANT A RELIABLE SALES agent for each unrepresented coun» ty or territory. Exclusive selling rights; good pay.to energetic rep- resentatives. Our agency is valu- able. Write Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto, Ont. SALESMEN--WE PAY WEEKLY offer steady employment selling our complete and exclusive lines) of whole-root fresh-dug-to-order| trees and plants. Best stock and service. We teach and equip you free. A money-making opportun- ity. Luke Brothers' Nurseries, of Montreal. AND COME AT ONCE---MEN $6-10 DAILY, special short courses; one month Auto Mechanics' course $50; one month Gas Tractor Course §$5v; plenty of time to finish for the spring rush. Hemphill Bros, Auto Gas Tractor School, 163 King st, .» Toronto, Board and room $8.50 up. Call or write." THE UNEMPLOYED--MEN WHO have ambition to achieve success and are willing to put forth the re- quired effort we have positions that are worth working for. Call for interview between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Mr. Whitehead, Royal Bank ghembers (upper floor), Kingston, nt. GOOD, RELIABLII MAN WANTED TO take orders and deliver the finest line of Teas, Coffees, ete, in Can- ada, Highest commission of any concern in the country paid; all goods are guaranteed or money re- funded. Each applicant must be financially responsible. If you are looking for a good, independent, . permanent position with unlimited earning possibilities, this is your opportunity. Quick action neces- sary, Patricia Blend Tea & Cof-1 foe, 651 Queen 8 Street East, , Tor, POSITION WANTED. BUSINESS CONCERNS NOT WISHING to employ regular bookkeeper, may have their books written up ac- curately and at very moderate rates by experienced bookkeeper. Ad- dr inquiries to Box H-10, Whig. de £5 Ts a En AGENTS WANTED LIVE WIRE SALESMEN WITH SMALL capital, obtain exclusive agencies. Auto necessity of merit. Establish- ed firm, big profits. »tock carried in Canada. Write for agency pro- joules. The Gastine Company, Bridgeton, N. J. FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W.DRIS- coll, 23 John street. "CHIROPRACTIC, WM. A, MARCELIS, D.C, hk. C,, Cor- ner Princess and Bar Tos Streets, 2nd floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone 822J. Hours 9 to 12am. 1 to 6 p.m. DR. GEO, F. LUCY, DR. JENNIE A, Lucy, Chiropractic Specidlists and Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot street. Telephone 943. Hours 9 to 12 a.m, 1 to 6 and 7 to 9 .m., analysis and consultation the | TEACHER OR 8, 8, NO. Duties to commence Sept Apply, siting salary ar ence to J. kK. Irish, Vennachar, Ont. NORMAL TRAINED PROTESTANT Teacher for 8S. 8. No. 9, Bedford. Salary $900; duties to commence on Sept. 1st, 1921. Apply to William A. Steele, Tichborne, Ont 8, DENBIGH, | ist, 1921.1 experi- | -Treas., QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER experienced, for 8. S. No. & Olden. Salary $500. Duties to co ence Sept. 1st. Apply Mrs. John Clark, Mountain, Grove, Ont TEACHER 3, Storrington. Duties to commence Sept. 1st. Salary $00 Apply to Thos. Campbell, Secretary and Treasurer, Sunbury, Ont. QUALIFIED PROTESTANT for 8. 8. No. FOR 8S, 8. NO. 19, RICHMOND, QUALI fied teacher, Protestant preferred Salary $600. Duties to commence Sept. 1st, 1921. Apply to R. W. As- seistine, sec.-trea Marlbank. Ont ---------------------------- -------- eee TEACHER WANTED e 8. 8. No. 10, Hinchinbrooke; must enced Apply stating Herbert McLeod, FOR ECHO Township of bg experi- wages to Echo Lake. a A QUALIFIED TEACHER tant preferred) for S. No. - 14, Wolfe. Island Apply stating ex- perience, salary required, etc, to John Irwin, Sec., Wolfe Isiand, (PROTES- DENTAL. DR, A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE 258 Princess Street. Phone 662w. -- DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, over Carnovsky's. Phone 346. FOUND A CHILD'S PAIR OF SLIPPERS left. on the counter. Owner may have same at Newman & Shaw's. ON BARRIE SYREET NORTH, A parcel of dry goods. Apply 10 34 Quebec streel. A SUM OF MONEY 'ON YORK street. Apply 106 Pine street, city. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE, Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may uo suo by reporting the facts te The British Whig. The adver. tisement will be printed In this column free of charge. "Found articles" does not Iin- clude lost aogs, cattle, horses, etc. These, if lost, may be ad- vertised for In the "Lost" column. WILL THE PARTY WHO FOUND THE leather suit case on July 30th, con- taining boys' clothes, between Bar- wiefleld and Rose HIll Cheese l'ac- "tory, Kindly return same to W. A. Vanhorn, Middle Road and save trouble FOR SALE. FOR SALE NEW, VARNISHED SKIFFS., APPLY] Knapp & Sons, Barriefield, Ont. AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, CANOES. Phone 811. F. W. Cooke. A HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE. PHONE 94, between 9 a.m. and 6 pm. WORMWITH PIANO. IN FIRST CLASS condition. Apply 245 Victoria St TEN CLEVELAND BICYCLES, as new. Geo. Palmer, corner Bagot and Queen. A FORD TON TRUCK, WORM DRIVE, new tires, a snap. Geo. Palmer, cor. of Bagot and Queen BOWSER GASOLINE PUMP AND tank; tank contains 240 gal; pump 1 gal. cap. Apply G. A. Cooper, En- terprise. INE GRAPHONOLA AND. TEN selections; your own choice, $42.50. Terms 34 cash; §5 per month. C. W, Lindsay, Limited. 121 Princess St. HYSLOP AND C.CM, BICYCLES FOR | $45 up. Algo few ladigs' bicycles at reduced prices. Muller's Bicycle| Rok, 371-373 King Street. Phone 1032w. KITCHEN RANGE, ENGLISH MA. hogany wardrobe, and 3 piece solid oak bedroom suite, cheap. Ap- ply 108 Clergy street, morning or evening. GOON of MOFFAT ELECTRIC COOKIN Range; four plates, oven, etc; e cellent condition. Full part iculars Apply A. N. Lee, care of Bank of Montreal. BAY MARE, WEIGHING ABOUT 1,100 1bs.; good for delivery. Apply New England Bakery, Collingwood St, SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS OF musical instruments, aiso cioth- ing and furniture. Call and get our prices. lL. Routbard, 289 Princess street. Phone 1723. WE FORD TOURING CAR IN A1 CONDI- tion; equipped with demountable rims, tire carrier and spare rim and tire. FPantisote top. Apply 3% Ord- nance Street. REO FIVE PASSENGER excellent condition; Owner going to States; ¢ sacritice. $1,200. Ww Clark, Collin"s Bay, TOURING; new tires, rite or phone 1107-15. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Princess Street. Phone 1850. Open evenings by appointment. DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE. sumed practice at 92 Princess St, prep Bank 6f Nova Scotia. Phone 1602 PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING ee eee ENGLISH LADY OFFERS HOME AND Residential calls by appointment. WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Paperhanging done, drop a card to A. Mounteer, 84 Arch sireet. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING J, I'lanagan, Painter and Decorator. Estimates freely given. Metalliz gold letters for store and office windows. 247 Montreal street Phone 1422. WANTED GENERAL I'RIVATE TABLE 7, Rideau Street. BOARDERS Mrs. AT NO, Albertson DRESSMAKING OR OTHER SEWING by the day. .apply to' Box C-13, Whig. BOARD family. e. AND ROOM IN PRIVATE Apply Box K-11, Whig Of- S. JOHN CAMERON WISHES TO DO housework by the day, week or nionth. Apply Box P-28; Whig. ct mn ms r------ FARM TO RuNT, ABDOUT 200 ACRYS, by p.actical. farmer; view ty pur- chase. Frank Herring, Ccleman P. 0, BE. Toronto, WANTED BY THE 18ST OF PTEM- ber small house to rent; ck pres ferred; in west end of the city. Ap- ply Box J-11, Whig. ROOF REPAIRING -- HOW ABOUT your roof? Does It néed repafring? We use Argus Roof-proof, Drop a card to F. Coventry, 5 Barrack St, SINGLE GENTLEMAN room and board; centrally located; would appreciate good home in a private family. Apply to Box L-11, Whig Office. REQU IREY] WANTED TO RENT BY SEPT. 1st, small house, with conveniences Must have electric light-and gas; central location desired. "Reply to Box G-10, Whig Office. A personal care to one or more child: ren (from 2 to § years) for month of September in summer cottage on the St. Lawrencé. Box E-9, Whig Office. ARCHITECT PAGE AND WARR Bares REGIS. tered architects, 199 Yonge Street, Toronto. -- POWER, SON AND OREVER, ARCHI- tects, Merchants Bank, Chambers corner of Brock and Wellington slreets. TO OUR CUSTOMERS WE SAY: Secure your coal at Summer prices Summer is on the wane. James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson St. People Often Tell You To Go Somewhere but if you are in need of Engine or Automobile Repairs you do not - have to be told to go to DAVIS, because everyone knows we do the right kind of work. Try here next. DAVIS DRY East End of Wellington St. DOCK CO. A Reo Truck Side seats ton 18, $1260.00 cash' only. Also § soda water cy- linders cheap. LTRK Phone 705 Auction Sales |" I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove it. BEDFORD The Auctioneer, - ' Phone 1721 or 1438. CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WAN THE CARPENTER see James elby: Jractor | a COKE FOR SUMMER USE; CHEAPEST fuel on the market. We are de- livering 1-4 tons at $2.50; % tons at $4.70, or a full ton at $9.00, Phone 1611m, W. C. Bruton. SALE OF MILLINERY GOODS, CON- sisting of Malines, Velling, Straw Braids, Flowers, Ribbons, a few straw shapes, and children's hats. Apply 112 Lower William Street, CITY LOT, 69 FEET FRONTAGE; 117 feet deep; for cash $225.00, Also incubator, 140 egg, and two brood- ers; hot water heated. Only used once, Cawson, 248 Concession St. near Victoria Street. > DESIRABLE PROPERTY IN TAM. worth--store, with dwelling above, and residence adjacent, with large grounds; good location for busi- ness. ror terms, etc, apply to Mrs, John Sherman, 393 Johnson Street, Kingston. FOR SALE Used Cars, Trucks and Motorcycles Cars from $175 up. Truncks from $100 up. highest bid. Chevrolet Shock Absorbers. Motoreycles, Tire Protectors--will not puncture or blow out. Wood's Air#Tight Valve and Tube -- will not leak. GEO, A, PALMER Opposite Blue Garage Cor. Bagot and Queen Streets Phone 410J, WE HAVE FOR SALI ALL KINDS OF govd second hand 1urniture and BlOVes. Any person having stoves 84a furniture to dispose of, we wii} ry highest prices. J. Thompson, 333 Princess street. Pnone 1sovw. MOTOR BICYCLE OUTFIT; ELECTRI- cally equipped, 1921 briggs-sStrat- ton Motor wheel and new Double Bar Inaian Bicycle. lverything in best of order. Owner leaving city. Apply. Lreadgold's, or 247 lari St BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, ETC, 1 Plano, good shape, $45.00. 1 Plano, small flat, $60.00. 1 Cabinet Grand Mahogany Case Gramaphone, with 10 Records, $75.00. Kitchen utensils, 5c, 10c, 15c. Sideboards, $7 up to $35. Kitchen Cupboards, $4, $586. LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP Phoue 1040w. 0507 Primcess Street, 173 ACRE FARM FOR QUICK SALR, pair horses, tools, 6 cows, full im- plements, vehicles, ete, thrown in; big going farm in productive sec- tion, on improved road, Jefferson County; rich, loamy tillage; 26-cow spring watered, wire-fenced pas- ture; estimated 1,000 cords onedi 200,000 ft. timber; good 2 v b= room house; splendid Views, ry - stantial barn; garage; pther inter- ests demand quick sale -$3,600 gets all, part cash, easy terms. lmme- diate pobsession. Your big Oppor- tunity. Don't miss it. Frank D. Gould, 678 Cooper street, Water- town, N. Y. BATEMANS BEAL ENTATE, FOR 8 $3000--FRAME HOUSE; GOOD CONDI- tion; B. and C.; electric lights; good lot; 'for Quick buyer. $1,700---FOR TWO "FRAME HOUSES; 4 and 5 rooms; lot 66x132. North end. ACRES LAN Dy FRAME aD &ood condition; 2 barns and gravie; ell watered; 14 miles from $2000--FRANE, 4 ROOMS and C.; electric le lights. $ JEW; 0, Cc. SEMI-DETACHE rooms; B. and C.; down mn mx BRICK 0 ROO! improvements; cent ONS; LATEST] $3.400--BRICK; SEMI-DETACHED; § hot water heatin - trance; right of way, © Side 'en $4,300---PRESSED 8B) hot OR 3 plece Rig electric ha i Ww. floors timating; Be easy 28 and Cypress HOUSES ro RENT--FURNISHED unfurnished. 1 oR University Avenue. Phone 1 BATEMANS REAL ESTATE 159 Wellington Street, must sell at} CHINA CABINET, VARLOR SETTES, chair and tables kitchen table tension ladder, wheelbarrow, ga den seats, coal oil heater, baby's bath, laundry stove. 208 Albert street. Eveffings. TRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD furniture, in¢luding dresser, chairs, table, Good Cheer Heater, Kitchen Stove, Ollcloth, Bed and Mattress, | Desk, at 118 Lower Bagot Street in the afternoon and evening. | BRASS BEDSTEAD, ONE WARD- | rbbe, one Happy Thought Stove, one hot water heater, two store] window blinds, all in first class condition; owner leaving city. Ap-| ply Mrs. Pacella, 391 Divisoin St. GARAGE, FULLY EQUIPPED, WITH or without car agency, capacity twenty-five cars; dding a good business. «Town of 12.000 popula- tion. WHI sell or lease building Apply Box A-9, Whig Office. THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY ON Division Street, within the city limits, known as the Murdock | Farm, containing forty-three acres | more Or less, now owned by the | Kingston Brick and Tile Com- | pany. For particulars as to price and terms apply to the undersign. | ed solicitor for the company. J B. Walkem, 93 Clarence Street, { TO LKT. { rss HEATED APARTMENT. APPLY CLAR- | ence Street Garage. 3 SUITABLE FOR LADIES, FURNISHED Bedroom and downstairs front sit- ting room. ME Earl street. GARAGE, NEAR CORNER QUEEN | and Bagot Apply D. G. Hay, R.| R. 1, Kingston one 1100 r 22, FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD;| all Amprovements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 University Ave. NINE ROOMED STONE Housed 146 Montreal St, all improvements Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant April | 1st. | FURNISHED ROOMS FOR, LIC | housekeeping on bath room flat. All| conveniences. Apply Box C-9, W hig | Office. | ROOMS TO LET ON repped floor, suitable for light house-keep- ing; no children. cess street. Apply 396 Prin-| ATFARTMENT TO LET-- FOUR FUR- nished rooms; ground floor; all con- veniences., Apply: 230 Barrie St Telephone T44w. TWO LARC FURNISHED BED- rooms, in central locality, for three or four adults, with board, ~ Apply Box B-9, Whig Office SEPTEMBER ist, BRICK HOUSE, electric light; gas; three piece bath, gaod cellar and lawn and coal shed Apply 104 Upper Charles Street. AT ONCE, A NEW, 7-ROOM HOUSE ox North Alfred street, near Conces- sion "street. Apply to J. UD. Boyd, Route No: 1, Eastview. FURNISHED "BRICK BUNGALOW; © rooms; electric light; all improve- ments; good cellar. No children. 41 Quebec St. Possession July 1st. FOR RENT, SEPT. 15th, A MODERN, partly furnished house; 8 rooms; in desirable localit references re- quired. Address F., 293 Johnson St STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, aiay, alry rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299. 305 Queen St. Phone 526; res. 989w, MODERN, NINE ROOMED HOUSE, 218 Johnson street; hardwood floors; hot water heating; all conveni- ences. Possession at once, Apply Phone 523, T UNFURNISHED BATH ROOM FLAT; 5 rooms; bright and clean, or rooms separate; electric light Also un- furnished parlor downstairs. Ap= ply 465 Albert St. HOUSE: 251 BROCK STREET, 8 ROOMS an ath room, * furnace, electric Light 3 Bre pisces; 4 good Senn 08 on nt. st. Apply y telenh ne 1760m, P BRICK DWELLING, CHATHAM ST. $16 per month, includes water, six rooms, improvements shed, yard, good cellar, Possession Sept. 1st. Apply evenings 276 University Ave. FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, HARD. wood floors, electric light, gas stove, heater, refrigerator, ind in every way. App surance Office, 239 SYDENHAM APARTMENTS, BROCK treet; 4 rooms and bath; hard- wood floors; lectric; gas stove; re- frigerator; ndr, Janitor ser. 'vice. Possession une ist. Apply McKelvey & Birch. + PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING -- Peter D. Brown, 12 Markland St, UPHOLSTERING, CALL OR: DROP A CARD TO WwW. J, Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. holster eral repairing. | tration of act; i trolling | to [1 Mom Comncils PORTLAND. Harrowsmith, August bers all present Minutes 1.--Mem- of last meeting adopted. .A by-law was.pass-| ed fixing the date of taxation, 1921, as follows: County purposes, 17 mills; township purposes, 8 mills; general school rate, 8 mills; making a total levy of 33 mills on the doi- lar. On motion, Campsall-Cowdy, one mill was added for good roads pur- posés. On motion, Storms-Campsall, wages for township work were re- duced to 45 cents per hour, man and team; and 20 cents per hour, man Moved, Cowdy-Revell, that a by-iaw be prepared and read first and sec- ond time at November meeting re purchase of chemical fire truck and by-law be submitted to electors at municipal election in 1922, Carriea. Moved, Revell-Cowdy, that a type- writer be purchased for the clerk's office. Carried. Accounts paid: $9.75, Fred Van Order, bonus 39 rods wire fence $14.50, James McMahon, bonus 53 rods wire fence; $7.50, Fred Martina, bonus 30 rods wire fence; $7.13, C. W. Babcock, bonus 28 1-2 rods wire fence; $62, Fred Truscott, work on Truscott road; $10, M. Loyst, work on crusher, Shimo road; $5, Willian Storms, work, Verona walk; $4.55, E. Curl, work, Verona walk; $1.25, Jeorge Dixon, work,. Verona walk; 2.85, Alfred Bauder, work, Verona ! walk; $3.60, A. Veley, work, Verona walk; $17.50, Wiliam jdtTnett, work, Verona walk, and drawing sand.; $15, W. S. Gordon, wheel barrow; $30.56, Simmons Bros.,, dynamite, fuse, etc.; $10, Thomas Clark, clean- ing ditch in Harrowsmith; 65¢, Wm. Smith, express charges; $8.32, Geo. Babcock, 208 feet plank; $5.15, Cli- max Good Roads Co repairs for crusher; $7.90, James Wilkins, o!l; $20, A. W. Sirrett, grant to school fair; $7.87, John Babcock, eight pieces plank for crusher; 60c¢, G. E. Campsall, freight on drum of oil; $3.87, Workmen's Compensation Board, Portland's share of adminis- $10.58, E. M. Revell, erected in Verona con- speed. Council adjourned meet fi Verona, September 5th, p.m., or. at call of reeve. sign hoards Magistrate Gundy at Windsor rul- i es breweries may legally export beer to the United States. RT. HON. ANDREW FISHER Twice premier of Australia and form- er Australian high eontmissioner in Lendon, who offers to re-enter politics if services are desired by the Labor PERSONAL MATRIMONIAL AND PASTIME ircle, Pamphlets 25c, No stamps Ee s€aléd. Box 14, lsher- wood, Ont, 2 MAIR, "MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH- marks. skin cancers, scars; étc; re- moved permanently. .Satisfactory glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed. . Goitre removed. 35 yvars' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, ®ye, kar. Nose. Throat, Skin. 258 Bagot Street. Phone 301. Cv FANCY GOODS. HEMSTITCHING, «wiordion, knife and box Hours 9 to 5.30. Mrs. E. 4" Vietoria Terrace, opposite Artillery Park. A. Card, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. I HAVE SPENT $1,000.00 TO PROVE A proposition O. K. I needa partner with $1000 more to put it 'on « working basis 1 have facts to show. Over 25% on your money. Box D-9, Whig Office. FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BEST GO- ing business hotels; vicinity King- ston; general and summer trade. Everything In first class order. Owner retiring on account of {li- health. 'Apply Box R-7, Whig. FINANCIAL STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE agents; established: in 1860; only the most reliable companies repre- sented. flice 95 Clarence street, opposite the post office. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soglety; incorporated 1861. President. W. F. Niekls, Ke: vice resident, A. B. unningham, {oney Issued on ty and farm properties, municipal and debentures; mortgages purcha investment bonds for sale; de sits received and interest,allowe R. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- ence street, Kingston. a SIGNS 'SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, large or small, Posters, Showtards, displays a specially, by Shaw at 213 Princess Street. PLUMBING AND HEATING. PLUMBING AN work promptl row, treet. HEATING, REPAIR dome. A. E. Shan- 114 Colborne St. or 76 Gore Phone 22247. and gen Leave orderg at or drop & card to 104 Clergy street. NS MADE 70-O0R- ular ghdpes and sizes. € and repairing done 24 University ITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. paired ' prom and Stanton & eet, 35 Princess St, LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- ers and Solicitors, 79 .Clarence i be Ringaton. A. B Cunning- m, Cyril M. Smith. AMBROSE SHEA, BA. BARRISTER . and Selicitor. Prey office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank Money to loan. Phane 1999. LITVINOFF A PEACEMAKER. Appointment of Maxin Litvinoff, Rus- sian commissar of foreign affairs, as representative of the government in ne- gotiations with the American relief bureau at Riga, gives rise to belief that general negotiations with the United States will be sought. Cocoanut Trade is Threatened. Kingston, Jamaica, Aug. 11. NewS received here that the Ameri- can government proposes taxing Ja- maica bananas two cents a stem and cocoanuts five cents a bag has alarm- ed planters, who believe such a duty would cripple the cocoanut trade es- pecially. Polish bands crossed the uppeg Silesia frontier near Rosenberg but {| were driven back by the police and British troops, The latter suffered some losses, ' Three hundred descendants of Thomas Porter and his wife hold family reunion in Brantford town- ship. Maranda of Montreal won the all- round title at the police games. King Clancy will coach the Ottawa Big Four football team. NOTICE On account of the preval- ence of Dysentery, House- holders are advised to boil the drinking water, until further notice. t (8gd.) A. R. B. Williamson, PI1COT EDGING, AC- | pleating. | Montreal 8t.,| Medical Health Officer. HEI eam lo TAXI FOR HIRE Special prices for out- of-town trips. G. C. MILLARD 30 Main Street Phone 2351w. fhe main hall dewnstairs. $3,850. Phones 68 and 2240m. ve gston 2.00 p.m, Tues Wednerdyy Leave Kingston 10 am. Fare early. Leave Kingston 10 a.m. ay, August 14th-----Regular trip FASHIONED BOY" A Howling Story of the Best Loved Actor on the Screen. Matinee Daily 2.15 Evenings . .. Ask Your Grocer FOR WAGSTAFFE'S PURE FRUIT JAMS AND MARMALADE Sold in 12 and 16 oz. Glass Pots and 2, 4 and 7 1b gold lined tins W. KENT MACNEE Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock and King Streets. Phone 701 or 1327). General Insurance Agency Writing :~--Automobile, Fire, Accident Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, etc. Representing Only Reliable Companies NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Pursuant to the requirements of the Canada Highways Act sealed tendery marked "Tender for Contract No. 470 will be received by the undersigned un til 12 o'clock moon, Thursday, Septem: ber Ist, 1821, for the construction of 8 macadam base on the Provincial High- way in the Township of Yonge and Es- cott. Plans and specifications may be seen on and after Thursday, August 11th 1921, at the office of A L. Baldwin, resi dent engineer, Gananoque, and at the office of the undersigned. A marked cheque for $1,000.00 pay- able to the alinister of Public Work: and Highways or a bid bond must ac company each tender. A bond for 25% of the contract price will be required when the contract is signed. Bonds must be made out on forms furnished by the Department. The lowest or any tender not neces: sarily accepted. W. A. McLEAN Deg aty Minister of Highways Department of Public Highway, Ont. Toronto, August 10th, 1921. WEST END---Brick veneer, semi- bungalow, 7 rooms, 3 piece bath, electric light; gas for cooking, furnace, rooms on both sides of Owner leaving city. NORTH END---Solid brick dwelling, 8 rooms, bath, barn, large verandah and good garden. well built piece of property. Price $5,000. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY PLEASANT WATER TRIPS STR. ST. LAWRENCE Monday, August Sth---Special trip a mong the K Two h ours in Gananoque. ¥, August 9th--Private Excursion to Alexandria Bay. August, 10th--Regular run to Picton and the Sand Banks. Tautedar, August 11th--A.Y.P.A. of Wolfe Island Excursion anron Islands and past Alexandria Bay. Friday, August 12th--Moonlight 'to Clayton. Music and dancing. Fare 50 cents Saturday, August 13th--Regular trip | Dominion | . Taxi Service PHONE 116 24 Hour Day Service Sacrifice price furnace, 3 piece A particularly 56 Brock Street. i Islands to Gahanoque. Fare 50 cents. 75 cents. the Two hours in Gananoque. ome Fare: Adults, 75c. Children, b0c. Leave Kingston 7.30 p.m. to Alexandria Bay, 2.00 p.m, to Alexandria Bay, 2.00 p.m. cellent condition. 39 MONTREAL STREET "490" Chevrolet Touring Car Self Starter-- Electric Lights Thorou hly overhauled and in ex- Tires in good shape. $350 BAWDEN & { . CHEVROLET SALES EDWARDS AND SERVICE PHONE 400, .

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