Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Aug 1921, p. 2

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2 -- _-- a From Trapper te Wearer FINE CANADIAN FURS I UR COATS Ses PERSIAN LAMB" HUDSON SEAL ALASKA SEAL . or MINK, MUSKRAT, . . MARMOT, EXCLUSIVE CLOTH COATS Fur trimmed--made to special order. JOHN McKAY, Ltd. 449 to 157, BROCK STREET INCIDENTS OF THE DAY] Racy Local Nows and Items of | General Public Interest. | Try Chadwick's coal. * Prone 67. | Planos tuned. " Phone 1544, C. W. 'lindsay, Limited. "Mr. Swaine, plawo tuner; orders {received at 100 Clergy street Ww. Phone b64w," Sargent will have a picture at the Canadian National exhibition valued at $30,000. Deseronto bowlers were defeated | by Belleville bowlers after a spirited | tussle on Tuesday night. Mrs, Thomas Watson, 243 Earl street, left Wednesday as a delegate to attehd the High Court, I. O, F., Peterboro, po The Kingston fire department has received a cheque for fifty dollars from the Kingston township council, in appreciation of their work at the récent bush fires around Glenburn- ie, There are over 200 pictures in the British art collection at the Canadian National exhibition this year, valued at $260,000. James E. Bishop, who has returned to the city from Gananoque to receive further treatment following the am- | putation of his leg is doing nicely at the Hotel Dieu. William Hutchinson passed away Dance a nsirumen Records for August Smuggles--FKox Trot--The Melody Men Open Arms--Fox Trot~--The Melo dy Men | Cho-Cho-San--TFox Trot--Paul W hitman's Orchestra | Bong of India--Fox Trot--I"aul W hitman"s Orchestra . .. .. Learn to Smile--Fox Trot __Paul Whitman's Orchestra ... 18773 Oh, Me! Ob, My!--Fox Ttot--Pa ul Whitman's Orchestra ..., $1.00 + vie me ances s ojeie nee 18TTL Isle of Paradise--Medley Waltz-- Hawaiian ........ ++ $1.00 Mother Machree--Harp--Alberto Salvi Scherzo in E Flat Minor--Harp-- Alberto Salvi . Canzonetta--Victor IB, QUALLEL £6. sie's smin sunt 1ofsls o's sistas, 18783 In the Forest--Victor Orchestra . ..,. IH Star of the Sea--Florentine Quar tet | Meditation--Florenting Quartet . ...,....... | | 1] | ssne ens ne) 18760 ol (otstosn san & o = FINEST BUTTER BELLEVILLE CREAMERY Quality and price Port Perry Creamery , ,42c, 1b. 75 BAGS PASTRY FLOUR 24s--per bag .....:: $1.85 7 BAGS PASTRY FLOUR 12s=per' bag ........ 65¢. [For Sale $2100--Redan Street; frame; 6 rooms; B. and C.; gas. $8800-- Victoria Street; semi- bungalow; brick; 7 rooms; B. and C.; hot air furnace: electric light! gas; lot 33 x 128, © $4,600--Alice street; cement block; 9 rooms; hardwood floors; hot water furnace; "electric light; gas; good gar- Perfect Beal--quarts $1.69 doz. 'den. | Perfect Seal--pints $1.50 doz. $5,500--Princess street, brick; [|i . Cullen's hot air furnace, gas. GENERAL INSURANCE CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. SEALERS ON SALE The McCamur Agency : R. H. WADDELL Phones 326-806. 86 Broek St. 'WILL YOU BE ONE? Our customers are our best adver- tisements. Every pair of Classes fitted by us sells others. Every Yay some one says: 'Mrs. So-and-So is so well pleased with her Glasses that I thought ] would come to you. ~ We are human--never satisfied. We want to add YOU to our chain. To fit you is to fit your friends in the fus ture. We correct all defects of the human - | eye that glasses will remedy. ° - : Kingston's Registered Optoneiicc 342 KING ST. Phone 1019w. at Portsmouth, on Wednesday, death being due to bronchial-pneumonia. The deceased formerly belonged to Ottawa and his sister came to King- ston and arranged for burial at Cat- araqui cemetery. The Pittsburg quoit club is stil] going strong. At Anthony Rankin's garden party on Tuesday evening, Charles Martin, representing the Joyceville club, and J. J. Barrett, re- presenting Barriefield club, were the winners, with J. Bradden and George Franklin in second place. Forty-five bands from Halifax to Vancouver have applied for informa- tion regarding the band competitions at the Canadian National exhibition. The oiling of the provincial high- way west of Kingston has been com-\ pleted as far as'Westbrooke. One half of the road was first treated and al- lowed to dry before the other side was touched, This made the road passable at all times, and was appre- ciated by the travelling public, The work is contipuing toward Napanee, the large motor ofler doing as fast job, Ls ------------------, i -- ANDLISH Superior EAT emptorist Order RR A Winnipeg, who has Holkd notification of his appoint. ment as consulter and jecretary of the Very Rev. Arthur Caughlan, head of thie Redemptorist Order in Canada. with headquarters in Toronto. Rev. Father McCandlish is one of jhe, est known mission priests of the Wes Gifts for Miss Currie, The Presbyterian Witness of Aug- ust 4th says: "On Friday evening, July 22nd, the W. M. 8. Auxiliary of St. Andrew's church, Sonya, and friends, met for a farewell and pre- sentation to Miss Christina Currie, who is leaving for work in the Kor- ean field. Mrs. Neil Wilkinson pre- sided and Miss Currie told in an ef- fective way the story of her call 10] the work. Mrs. Mason, in the pre- sentation address, told how Miss Currie's grandfather, Rev. Archibald Currie, ministered to St. Andrew's through half a century and ended his days here, his widow stil] being one of the honorary members of the W. M. 8. Her father, Rev." Currie, was raised and trained here ahd is a frequent visitor. The bonds of affec- tion created by the years and also by the earnest, sincere and winning cha- racter of Miss Currie will long be a4 close bond between her and the Sonya congregation. Mrs, Wilkinson buckled on the beautiful wrist watch Land Doris Williamson of the Mission Band presented a bouquet. - ---------- Special Council Meeting. A special meeting of the city coun- cil has been called for Friday even- ing, to considet the report of the finance committee, 'that a sum of $150,000 granted for the construo- tion of an infections disease hospital be placed at the disposal of the build- ing committes, of fhe General Hoe- pital,~and that they be requested to construct the same; the mayor from time to time to represent the coun. cil on the building committee of the hospital." Killed in Auto. Accident, Mrs. Carrie Fills, aged forty-one, wife of Frederick Ellis, Watertown, N.Y., was instantly killed when the auto' dn which she was riding turned turtle near Pamelia, N.Y., onithe Theresa state road. Mrs. Bis was born at Gananoque, but had resided in Watertown for the last nineteen years. She was the daughter of Bd- 'ward Couverette, Gananoque, and 1s survived by three sone and two daughters. + Bome horses can go pretty fast, at a broken ten dollar bill goes fas- er. AD Girls Are Beantitul | G.H.O.T. in Bracebridge Gazette é Some fellow, probably one who was jilted by a pretty girl, sent me a ion-of office girls. This employer is very sore on girls who bleach or bob their hair or powder their noses. He says "Business researches have pro- ven that 90 per cent. of the blondes are useless. AM women who bob their hair are useless. Some say they have cut their hair to avoid the heat, but there are hotter places waiting for them. . I can tolerate the woman who lays aside her corsets. That is omfort." Now I can assure my un- known correspondent that the fore- going opinion does not make any im- pression on me, Girls are good or not quite so good, efficient or ineffi- cient, not according to color of hair or eyes, not on account of bobbed hair or hidden ears, not on account of height or breadth, not because they do or do not wear corsets, but just because they do or do not do their jobs well. If I were a girl in want of a job I would feel more hopeful if I were dressed in the pre- vailing fashion. In a long and ob- servant life I have seen girls dressed in many ways, have even seen them wear more dress than they do now, have seen them with frizzed hair, smooth hair, one long curl; all curls, banged on the forehead and banged fore and aft, shingled hair, crimped hair, rats, ear knobs, Dutch cuts and the presémt-day bobs, and I thought and still think them all beautiful. I have seen them wear skirts short and gradually get longer and longer until they had to be held up in walking; have seen them gradually'shorten and shorten even until now, when Mary clearly shows that though she had a little lamb she has a fair-sized calf, and I thought they always, in all stages, looked beautiful. I have passed through the periods of Grec- fan bends puffed sleeves, hoops and panniers, and thought them all beau- tiful.. I have seen costumes that left much to imagination and some that left but little, and thought them all beautiful. Naturally I never knew whether corsets were worn or not. And at all stages and in all styles I have found girls very willing" work- ers, very honest, very efficient. I would prefer, if 1 were employing office girls, to have them look their prettiest according to the prevalli fashions. I think this is very import- ant in lady school teachers. Even after fifty years I can remember how we little kids used to admire the dainty shoes my first lady teacher were, She used to make us sit on her platform for punishment and we used to sit emd admige her pretty féet all the time we were there. Sure, girls, you will only be young once. All your lives you will be gladder that you kept youreelves sweet and pretty than that you saved two vic- tory bonds. a + Cait i oe LY Kingston Rotary Cluh. The membens of the Kingston Ro- tary Club, at their weekly luncheon held Thursday noon, in their quar- ters, at the British-American hotel, had as their guest Geoffrey O'Hara, who gave a splendid address under the heading "Canadian Copyright," and also delighted the members with a number of French-Canadian songs. rr-------- Moonlight Excursion to Clayton Str. St. Lawrence leaves ferry dock Friday, 7.30 p.m. Music and dancing. Fare 50c¢. "The Hat Store" HALF PRICE Sale of Straws and Panamas You may take your pick now of any Straw or Panama Hat in our big stock for exactly Half Price. Finish the season right with a fresh new Hat. Don't forget that although "it's the last thing you put om, it's the first Now ....... $1.50 to $2.50. Panamas--regular price $8 to $10. Now ... $1.50 to $5.00 clipping -giving- an employer's-opin- |- | public opinion in the islands is they HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY, L0GUST 11, 1921. Nesting Time In a Monastery Garden Love in Lilac Time Peggy O'Neill .. Pucker Up and Whistle I Want You Morning, Noon and Nig ht. . * Angels, We Call Them Mothers Wandering Home Sweet Bells of San Jose ......... u..... Crescent Trio. Hear These Big Numbers on the World's Finest Record - Hager's Orchestra. Gertrude Willey. tasssanssneesveaesss Arthir Pleidh, Nestle in Your Daddy's Arms .......... Hart and Shaw. My Man (Mon Homme . .Green's Novelty Band. Wallace's Orchestra. ] Rega Dance Orchestra. ..Rega Dance Orchestra. ! ..Sam Ash. Elliott Shaw. Crescent Trio. i J i | THE GOLLECE BOOK STORE Res coer prs) IE [-- NOW --- "is a good time to pick out your new FLOOR OILCLOTH, LINOLEUM, CONGOLEUM RUG, FLOOR RUG OR. OTHER FLOOR COVERING Business at present is not overly brisk in these departments, and we can give you the very best of service. The range is complete, and the prices are away down. Newman & Shaw Kingston's Carpet Warehouse : IN MARINE CIRCLES | The steamer Edmonton passed down from Tyronto to Montreal on Wednesday. The steamer Kingston passed down and up on Thursday. The steamer Joyland was expected to pass up from Montreal to Toron- to on Thursday afternoon. No further word had been received Thursday morning of the fate of the barges Condor and Alaska which foundered on Sunday night. Think Canada Should Act. Vancouver, Aug. 11.--H. J. Moore, of the Samoan Islands, formerly own- ed by Germany, referring to the des- patch announcing the inhabitants dissatisfied with the rule of New Zealand, who was given a mandate over them, said here, yesterday, that Lshould be ruled by Canada. Sidney W. Dutton, Englishman, there, also endorsed that view. The ehief grievance of the Samoans Is the drastic prohibition law, Declines Candidacy, London, Aug. 11.--Lady Bonham- Carter, daughter of former Premier Asquith, has refused an invitation to become a candidate for parliament in Westminster, to succeed the late Wil- Ham J. Ashmead Bartlett Burdett- Ooutts, " The fight of Lew Teidler and Ben- ny Leonard, lightweight champion, announced for Philadelphia for Fri- day night, is called" off. The cham- plon dislocated his thumb, Tefdier REAL ESTATE . $6200--Lower Union 8t., Brick. $6700---King 8t., Brick, near City Parke $4000--Mack St., Brick. $2700--Dufferin 8t., Frame and garden. $1650--Russell 8t.,, Frame with barns and half acre good land, $1125--3 Bungalows on Lower Patrick 8t. First one sold we will decorate throughout free of expense. RUllding 1 Lot on Sydenham 8t., near Princess 8t., for Full list at office, E. W. MULLIN & SON Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. - + « Phones 589w and 589J. who has made a close study of the conditions || says he will claim the title and for- felt, Ladies' Fine Shoes | $3.45 THREE SPECIAL LINES AT THIS PRICE® (1)=Black Kid One-Strap Pu mps--plain vamps, sewn ldu- ther soles, Louis heels; one of the season's nowest shoes. (2)==Black Calf Semi-Brogue Oxfords with perforated vamps, sewn leather soles and 16 w heels; an ideal fall shos. (8)~-Brown Calf Semi-Brogue Oxfords with perforated tips; heavy sewn leather soles and low heels with rubber heel on top. > ALL SIZES IN EACH LINE-- ANY PAIR popes sa $3.45 S. J. MARTIN 189 Princess Street Phone 2314,

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