» ~ . » THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 7 "4 SATURDAY, AUGUST 183, 1921. ---- December; $1.28. Cord--No low, 49¢ to 50¢. Dats--No. 3 ~ ; 30 7-8 to 31 3-8¢. Flax--No. 1, $1.96 | ech Meats, QArKets Reports | =i oe -------------- eThiouse ele . Sard. li er -- Kingston Industrial Exhibition - {Sweat potatoes, 2 1bs, .... 36 LIVE STOCK MARKETS : a $19; pork--market nominal; lard-- $11.32; ribs--3$10 to $11 GRAIN QUOTATIONS. TICKETS on sale at L. T. Best's, 124 Prin- cess Street, and Sargent's Drug Store, corner Princess and Montreal Streets. . i ROBERT J. BUSHELL, 2 & Sec.-Treas. and Manager, Bath Road P. 0. Telephone 1787. to $7, * Fruit. Bananas, dozen Toronto Grape fruit .. Our Opinion to a Dot. Thomas Times-Journal In Toronto and: St. Thomas, and | doubtless in other places that held Poultry. [ St Monten), Vestern carcase, wt .. : CITY OF KINGSTON, ONT. Montreal, Aug 3 Butcher | Western hinds, cwt ... . a teers, a - $32 + y: f Pork Winnipeg. J -- Ss 800 . * a : " Winnipeg,Aug. 12.--Wheat--No. 1 .. Toronto. im, $6 to $6.75; common, $4 to Loin roasts, 1b em I ene Northern, $1.81; No. 2 Northern,| Toronto, Aug. 12.--Manit 9. butcher heifers 10ice, 36 | Rib roals, Ib oy eas -- yd a AT $1.77 1-2; No. 3 northern, $1.72 1-2; |--No. 1 Northern, S$! medium, $4.75 te eofl- Pork chops ic wt = . . ; SUNG 4 $1527 No. B, $1.88 track: | Northern, $1.77: 1-2; No 3 to $4.50; cows, | Hoge, live weight, c - : 1.63. Oats--No. 2 C.W., 49 5-8¢; | $1.72 1-2; No. 4 wheat, $ choice, $5 to $5.50; : m, $3.00 | Hogs; dressed, cwt $ 00 m ' No. 3 C.W., 48 5-8¢c; extra No. I feed, | Manitoba 'oats--No jo $4.50; canners, $1 1» $2; cutters, |Bacon, breakfast 20, 0 m Pre ums, Etc. 45 1-8¢; No. 1 feed, 47 5-8¢c; No. 2 |5-8¢c; No. 83 C.W., 48 5-8c: extra No. | $3: butcher bulMs, common, $2 i Lamb: 1 s : feed, 46 5-8c; track, 48 5-8c. .Bar- |1 feed, 48 1-3¢; No. 1 feed, ; ($3.50; good veal, $7 to $8; medimy | Fronts, 1b The second best live stock show in Eastern Grand Military Performances Daily--Rex's ley--No. 3 C.W., 77 1-2¢; No. 4 C.W., ; No. 2 feed, 46 5-8c. [$4 to $6; grass, $2 to $3; ewes, $2 | Hinds, Ib. Ontario. ' Comedy Cirrus, the Laugh of the Canadian Na- 72 1-2¢; rejected, $8 1-2¢; feed, 67 Manitoba barley--No. 3 to 34; lambs, good, $7.50 tc $8; Leg, 1b. Trials of speed daily, Band Concerts, Balloon tional and the Ottawa Exhibitions last season, 1.3: track 73 1-2¢ Rye--No. 2 j1-2¢; No. 4 C.W., 72 1-2¢; rej common, $5 to $6. Hogs A few irons, Ib... .. .. . ies Ascensions, grand display of Fire Works, under and many other free acts too numerous to CW. $1.18 1-2 Flax--No. 1 N. W. | 68 1-2¢; feed, 67 1-2c. i choice lots sold up to $14, but the Chops, 1b, | the management of Prof. Hand. mention. C., $1.94 1-2; No. 2 C.W,, $1.81; No. : All the above in store at Fort Wil- jEsneral price for selects ae hus 3% | Mutton, I NEW FEATURES: REDUCED RAILWAY RATES upon all rail- 3 C.W, $1.63 1-2; condemned, $1.63 | liam. Lo : " | : vies and Tous ; Ls, £9 | sausage meat 1b, y Daylight Fire Works in the afternoon; Grana¥ roads... Ask your local agents. Inquiries solicit. 1-2; track, $1.94 1-2, American Corr--No. 2 yellow, | $10.50; sows, $8.50 to $9. _ | Street Parade of all the wild animals in the ed. Office: 18 Markét Street, Kingston. ; ol 79¢; nominal, c.i.f. Bay ports i - { Carnival. Parade to leave the Fair Grounds : ENTRIES close the 10th Sept Sor. ip Montreal Ontario Oats--No, 2 white, 50 to | Ohi a Uhicugo. Moet] Sod. a +++.18 to uy 10 a.m. every morning of the Exhibition. Sceure a prize Ie. ptember, 21. Eo i hicago, Aug. 12 --Cattle--Mostly | y ny 'es em treal, . 12.--Oats, Canadian | 52c¢. { 0, : | ¢ : : ¢ : Montreal. Au. NA an | SY latio Whoatoato. 3 winter. us | 10 NED: RUE. 12 she stock un Pies 1b. oe Both these features something new in the anmals 'of Fairs, and ' ine Choy 5: N rinter, | OTe; top yearlings) 0.40; top |i , 'e Stat . Flour, Man., spring wheat patents, |lots, $1.20 to $1.25; No. 2 ine heave li $10.25; bulk fat she | Haddock, fresh, 1p . Exhibitions. . firsts, $10.50. Rolled oats, bag 90 [$1.17 to $1.22;No. 1 commercial, [5tock, 34.25 to 26.50. conor ore Habu Ib We al 1 : cys i, Ibe, $3.35 to $3.35. = Bran, $27.25. [$112 to $117; No. g spring, 31.15 L800, $495 80 J9.50; sapmers balk | Kippers, pair e¢ always lead. Watch other Fairs imitate. .25 .26. : No. | to =; No. 3 spring, = 0 bulls 0 $5.75; calves slow. JPereR. Bs... . : . . . Shorts, 328.55 to 429.25. Hay, No $1.17; No. 2 goose wheat, nominal. | Pulls; $4.50 to $5.75; calves, slow; | Pe Read about it! Talk about it! Think about 1t! Come to it! ©, per ton, car lots, $30 to. $3 stockers and feeders, steady. Hogs-- | Pike, 1b. Barley--Malting, 69 to 72c, 3%" Native, gensrally. 25¢ to Fs bios or: | salmon, ADMISSION TO THE BIG EXHIBITION New York. Sordiug fo Nights oviaide, | top, $11.50; bulk light and light bus. | S1eek. cod. 1b Adults, 35¢.; Children, 10c.; Automobiles, 50c.; New York, A 12. --Barley-- Manftoba flour--First patents, | > ' : aw York, Aue.-1$--Barley 5 " i- | chers, $11 to $11.50; bulk packing | wr : Grand Stand, 50c. Market quiet; feeding 66 to 70c and | $10.50; second patents, $10, Toros. | Sef, 39.105 to $9.50; pigs 3) ha | White fish malting 77 to 81c c.if. New York. | to. * o1q|$1:25 higher; 'desirables. $10.50 | BOFing Fresd, In. JAMES HENDERSON, Esq. Wheat--No. 2 red $1.36; No. 2 hard | Ontario flour--$6.90 Old lt $11 Sotrs lambs, mostly 2%c| - = President. $1.37; No. 1 Manitoba $1.78; No. 2 ['crop. lower. : : : mixed durum $1.29 cif. track New Millfeed -- Delivered Montreal | > arri --<No. $ freight, bags included; bran, per ton, ! : . 3 . ii 5 High po Hg iy 2 Yellow 27; shorts, per ton, $29; good feed a Rue iy t Sood Beavy { Lemons, dozen No, 2 3 he ' ' ; steers 7 1.75 ahv es, | . : 80 1-2¢ c.if. New York 10-day ship:-f8our; $1.70"to $1.85. $7.50" ; 5 butchers steor, choles | OT*NEes. doz. Cea a Baled Hay--Track Toronto, per |! 00 t0 $8.50; butchers steer, choice Blackberries . . ., ment, Oats--No. 1 white 651 1-2¢. No, 1, $25; No. 2, $24; mixed | 38-75 to $¥; butcher "steers, good, | v - ny OT» $29; No. 2, 324; mixe "186.25 to $6.50; butcher steers, com- | +" 'oni A Chica oh at--No. ' 321, | mon, $3 to $4.50; butcher heifers, | Chickens, 1b. vod Py 1 oe 22 1.4 apt i choice, $6.25 to $6.75; butcher heif- » $1.21 to $1.22 1-4; No7"2 ha $1.20 3-4 to $1.23, Corn--No. 2 mix- ed, 58 to 58 1-2¢; No. 2 yellow 58 1-4 to 58 3-4¢. Oats--No. 2 white, 34 3-4 to 35 1-2¢; No. 3 white, 32 1-2 to 33 1-4c. Rye--No. 2 $1.08 to $109 1-2. Barley--b59 fo 66c; Timothy seed--3$4 to $5; clover seed---$13 to Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Aug. 12.--Flour, un- changed to 25¢ lower; in carload lots family patents quoted at $8 to $8.25 ments, §1,300 barels. Bran, $15. Wheat--No. 1 northern, $1.32 1-8 to $1.37 1-8; September, $1.27 1-8: -------------------------- a barrel in 98-1b. cotton sacks. Ship- | (ers, medium, $5 to $6 50; butcher { heifers, common, $3 to $4: canners | {and cutters $1 to $3, cows, butcher, | | choice, $4.50 to $5; cows, butcher, | {common, $2.50 to $3.50; butcher | { bulls, good, $4 to $4.50: butcher | { bulls, fair, $3.50 to $4; butcher bulls | |common, $2.50 to $3; feeders, good, 900 1bs., $6 to $6.75; seeders, short- | keeps, 1000 1bs., $6.25 to $6.70; { Hens, dressed, 1b aie Hides and Wool. ited period and the various depart- Beet hides, No. 1, 1b _ | ments either closed or greatly cur- Lambs ny | tailed, while -no mail delivery was Veals eras | made. The postoffice, however, is a Kips public, Dominion-wide service that >. { ought not to be interfered with by up to 31.76 | hurely local arrangements. Even na- . | tional holidays should see no total [Dostotaces were only open for a lim- | their civic holiday on Monday, the |" TNA SYRUP OF TAR & COD stockers, 700 to 800 Ibs. $4.50; milk- | disruption of service, such as during ers and springers, good, $50 to $75; | Gran. |the past year or so has taken place milkers and springers, common, $35 | parley esa iin the delivery of mail in cities. A {to $40; calves, choice $9 to $10.50: Bran ton... ~ . ..$29.00 to $30.00 | majority of holidays fall on Monday, | calves, good, $8 to $9; calves, com- Shorts, ton $30.00 to $31.00 {and in such cases there is no deliv- j mon, $4 to $5; spring lambs, $8 to Buckwheat og | TY between Saturday and Tuesddy, ls9: spring lambs, yearlings, $7 to Hay, baled, ton ..$28.00 to $29.00 {and in some instances between Sa'- $8; spring lambs, culls, $2 to $4; | H x loose, ton ... $28.00 | urday morning and Tuesday. No such | shéep, choice, $5 to $5.50; sheep, Ico yellow feed, bush oo | disruption is permitted in the priv- heavy and bucks, $2 to $2.50: sheep, | Flour, standard (Gov't) |ately-owned railway, telegraph, tele- j culls, $1 to $2; hogs, fed and water- | cmt. $5.10 to $5.35 | Phone and similar concerns serving ! Co {ed, bid, $13.25; hogs, ~ff cars, bid, | Oats, local 55 | the public. Even the railway mail { $13.25; hogs, f.0.b.,, $12.75; hogs, to | Straw, baled $8 to $12 [Service is mot permitted to lag. ! farmer, bid, $12.50. | Straw, loose, ton, z |A morning delivery on all holidays. { Wheat. local {such as takes place on Christmas, | : { should be | round. We have no sentiment against holi- LIVER OIL Better Stock FOR the same expenditure of time, energy and feed, you get bigger re- "1 turns on pure-bred cattle than on scrub stock. if you need financial help to im- rove your stock, consult the local Faves of this Bank. « Standard Service is essentially Producers' re Service. wt 3 ER 4 THE STANDARD BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Kingston Branch: EE -- ughs, Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis, hooping Cough, Asthma, Ete... MATHIEU'S SYRUP is @ sovereign tonic combining) Curative properties of strengthening virtues of COD YIVER OIL. - Lt LT Colds; when neglected or badly treated give rise 0 | fed, $9:75; bulls, $4 to $6; cows, $1 days for, civil servants. These are as Consequences of suchagrave character that youshould {to $5; heifers, $4 to $8. Calves -- much a necessity to them as to per- not risk using inferior tions. §_ Lc' remedy whose see | veals, $7.50 to $13; culls, $5 to $7; | {sons employed in other walks of life. MATHIEU'S SYRUP is only buttermilks, $3.50 to $4; grassers, | Since the Utilities Commission has | But public servants enjoy advantages putation the wal of doghtful value, ON SALE Li; we | New York. | | New York, Aug. 12.--Cattle-- {steers. $5.50 to $9.25: do choice dry insisted on all the year , [$3 to $3.50; fair westerns $6.50. {done so well, the mayor might pro- |il important respects that are lack- {Sheep (ewes) $38 to $5; culls, $1.50 | claim a holiday for his fellow-com- |ID& in many other occupations and - 5 |to- $2.50; lambs, $5.50 to $12; culls, | missioners. should be prepared to accept any dis- | $4 to $5. Hogs--Light to medium --- abilities entailed by the nature af | convenience should be the first con- | weights and pigs, $12.25; heavy Doctors do not put incurables ois | their service. The public interest and sideration at -all times. hogs, $11 to $11.25; roughs, $7 to of misery through fear of the law ef 1 $7.50, man, but because of the divine law. RU | -- Buffalo. | The "kids" do not like to read the Buffalo, N.Y., Aug. 12.--Cattle-- | merchants' advertisements that the Dry fed steers, 25 to 50 cents higher; | schools are to re-open and calling shipping steers, $8.75 «49; j BpoR er joud pereats to buy fan butchers, $7.50 to $9; rece fo . $8.50 to $10; heifers, $5.25 to $7.75: | - Sa Shi " eres Frid ¥ $6. 1 Doesn't it make you hot under the stoskers and feeders $5 to $6; fresk | C0llar to go on a steamboat and be cows and springers slow, 40 tg $120 |Soaked twenty-five cents for a little Calves, $1 lower; $5 to $11.50. Hogs bate of Sugerpop that sells whole- --2¥% cents higher; heavy, $11 to sale for about four cents? $11.50; mixed, $1150 to $11.75; | yorkers, light yorkers and pigs, 12; J. F. Rowland, Marager. Te Investors IF you wish to buy or sell Victory Loan or other bonds, we would re- ind that our branches at Toronto it Bn have departments es pecially organized for this purpose. Call at our nearest branch; our Man- ager will be glad to arsange this for you, tx THE CANADIAN BANK A . The Good Samaritan of scripture W 7 ith - ® roughs, $8.50 to $8.75; stags, $4.50 story has nothing on the Kingston of- } ' 3 to $6. Lambs--G50 cents higher: | tial who found a couple disabled J 1 ou a lambs, $5 to $11.50; yearlings, $3.50 down the river and 'in danger of ; . {to $7.50; wethers, $5.50 to g=.|drifting on a shoal. He towed them OF. C MMERCE [ewes, $1 to $5; mixed sheep, $5 toto shore, fixed their engine and sent / PAD.UP CAPITAL © - -$15000000 owes. them' on thely way rol a. T= welfare of new agricultural communities in this Province ream 1500000 | Ereat is Big ron og requires that land clearing be done with the cheapest Ww -- KINGSTON BRANCH-R. T. Brymner, Manager. GENERAL TRADR, It would make "Bob" Bushell hap- J} py if he could be convinced that on Montreal, the Sunday after the Kingston fair Sn mas som ans ccs . a =] ic- | k the clergymén would be pray- . i a - Montreal, Aug. 12.--Batter, choic j Yee e Partridge Wire Works ----- ' - | { est creamery, 39 1-2 to 40 1-2¢c. Eggs, ing for rain. v . 1 | selected, 41 to 42¢. Potatoes per bag. | NICKEL PLATING Buy B onds {€ar lots, 25 to 35c. Lard, pure wood | Hand a lavrel wreath to "Dinny"" AND BRASS FINISHING | . . At this Time p Ontario means a menace to the lives and property of settlers and destruction of the provincial forest resources upon which a Jarre just ot Ontario's revenue and the livelihood of thousands of her citi- zens depend. That is why Ontario adopted a "Close Season" and the "Permit System™ for setting out fire. But, remember, whether you have a permit or not, you are responsible for damages caused by any fire you light. Be careful | pails, 20 "bs., 18 1-2¢. Branigan ' somebody. Dinny an- Mauss Rred 19 A Tg { nounces pre-war movie prices. | If Border Guards, ete Toronto, the fair was now on, the manager of $3 KING 87. W. ". - PHONE 3 Toronto, Aug. 12.-gButter, dairy, | the Grand would be a worthy exhibit j-- Naru = : a : i 6. 0gil . {35 to 40; do., creamery, 40 to 45¢; |in the public benefactor class. * - INSURANCE AND GENERAL BROKER { In daily communication with Mont- { real and Toronto Stock Exchanges. { Dominion, Provincial and Muniti- pal Bonds for sale. -, 281 KING STREET W.A Mackenzle& Go. margarine, 1b., 27 to 30c; eggs, fresh, doz., 40 to 45c; cheese, 1b., new, 25 to 30c; dressed poultry--chickens, spring, 1b., 45 to 48c; fowl, Ib. 33 to 38; ducklings, 1b., 35 to 40c; tur- keys, 1b., 50¢c; Beans, 11 qt, 50 to $5¢; beets, doz., 25 to 30c; cabbage, case, $3 to $4; carrots, doz, 25 to 30c; celery, doz, 40c to $1; corn, sweet, doz, 15 to 25¢; cucumbers, 11 qt., 25 to 50¢; eggplant, 10 qt., $1 to $1.50; lettuce, box, $2 to $2.35; muskmelons, 16 qt., $1 to $2; onions, green, doz., 25 to 30c¢; do. dry, 11 Kingston is growing, according to the dominion census returns. Yes, it is growing older. It is ddvancing in many ways, but not in population just now. A Toronto magistrate says that the penitentiary should be moved out of here. Perhaps he is right, but surely not to Toronto, where they cannot keep people imprisoned. It would have been hetter for Save Ontario's Forests Theyre Yours =~ = 1 ely test Ontario north of Bobcaygeon *Smith's Falls The "Close Season" for setting out fire in Northern Ontario is from April 15th to September 30th. During that time within the Per- mit Area no one may set out fire for clearing land, disposing of de- bris or other inflammable waste, or for any industrial purpose, wi first obtaining a written re 7 out The Perniit Area includes those from a Fire Ranger. This a Pies Pri - ie Sw Kg' not only to settlers but to railway the C.P.R. between Nattaws and Suctiyy a samp and ill crews, North Bay and north of the C. N. ment employees, and all other per- Rc Stward to a Joi; Some 35 ' sons. miles beyond Hornepayne. When starting fire f. inder of the Province and camping, the law requires that forms the Exempt Area. Within / a place be selected free from in. the sparsely peopled Exempt Area -- flammable material, that every rea. No permits are generally issued, To those people who declare that sonable precaution be taken to pre. but those setting out fires in the > ------ er -- the automobile is king of the high- if vent such fire spreading and that : I" are Tr red to ; |THE KINGSTON MARKET | way, the Lampman says to watch the ; \ - | | street cleaners day by day and see s . PN > | ret tra etm tn, what's what. Only for the horse, we $ . would hardly require the \ ( 6%-20 Year Bonds Interest June and December wings." Price 97.17. Yied 6.25. Government and Municipal Corporation Securities. 4% KING STREET WEST, { TORONTO - CANADA. . . | Ringston had it never been a mili- S39 Eo Toot go. WTA de Da tary centre. Then the people would green, 11 qt., 40 to $1; do;, red. $1 have to dig for themselves. There to $1.25 potatoes, new, 11 qt., 70 to | "Ould NOt be so many boarders in 80c; do., bag, $3.50 to $3.75; rad- | oUF midst--people who hide their ishes, doz., 25 to 40¢; tomatoes, 11 savings in the earth instead of in- at, 35 to 6c. vesting. 368; & 1087 Perhaps the strongest argument against the Bolsheviki is the Bolshe- viki. Kinsgton, Aug. 12th. "white- Dairy Products. Creamery butter, 1b. ........ 45 Dairy buttes ..... F.C « .40 a new stadium and a skating rink, Whey butter ..1. .. .i........30}|it will now be up to the university to Eggs, fresh, doz. ........ 3% toi) racquire rugby and hockey players so Oleomargarine. .. ,. ..........2% as to get the full benefits thereof. Bonhgard, Ryerson & Co. i ' : n Deseroato boasts of a match fac- - Vegetables, tory. but for real "matches" . you w "The Home of Good Investments. Beets, 2 bynches .. .. have to enquire of 'Gananoque, which 387 BAGOT STREET. PHONE 17328. Cabbage. head ... is a regular marriage-making fac- 85 Rdy Street, Toronto. Now that Queen's is to have both Lettuce, bunch . 'tory in summertime. And Wolfe Ts- Carrots, 2 bunches {land fs a pretty good second. | Potatoes, basa. ~~THE TOWN WATCHMAN.