Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Aug 1921, p. 13

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SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1921, ne "OVER HERE"-«Super Pageant of Regal Magnificence dramatizing vividly Canada's Origin, Growth and Achievements. Color-- Symbol -- Allegory -- Hundreds of ographs-- Thrillers of Many Kinds--Fireworks on a larger scale than ever Yefore--Scores of Features only to be seen at Toronto. Canadd's Greatest Live Stock and Farm Display--Machinery and Equipment of Endless Design for increasing the Efficiency - of the Farm and the Comfort of the Home. Reduced Fares on All Lines of Travel JOHN C. KENT, ROBT. FLEMING, r FL RENT, Prosideny To be opened by | Lord Byng of Vimy, i s new Governor-General Color of th Orient Gaiety of a Mardi Gras Complet e exposition of Canada's resources, skill of men, wealth of material. Automotive Equipment Tourists' Bureau Manufact urers' Agents 'Accessories " We Oan Get It" Phone SISW - - - - 109 Brock St, Kingston, Ont. G. V. DREDGE B. R. EYRES SLATEX : SHINGLES AND ROOFING is the best on the market. 'Also Ru-Ber-Oid Wall Board. Make us prove it. See our window display | W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Corner Wellington and Princess Street. Phone 216. Do You Keep 2 close tab on your digestion? This is import- ent, It will pay. you well to do so. Digestion is complicated and its processes often become i This brings immediate discomfort --often severe pain. Use BEECHAM'S PILLS This valuable preparation has for years been found to relieve indigestion, biliousness, sick ea and constipation. Thousands of careful folks have learned to use Beecham's Pills, which have proved both corrective and preventive. Experience has taught them to always have a box handy. Profit by their example--always have 's Pulls In Your Home SOLD EVERYWHERE IN CANADA. IN BOXES, 25¢., 50c. Largest Sale of any Medicine in the World IT STAYS:PUT! The on a, Yrs pee thas ou Right from the Sot pif yeu recognise It's there Hand selected leaves of choice tobacco rolled inte a real smoke. PHILIP NAVY CUT i CIGARETTES Pi 10 for 15¢ . of all Summer Lines of Underwear, Socks, Shirts, Neckwear, etc. 2 " * Phone 510 - -. . 212 Princess Street " "THE DAILY BRITISH W. CLOSING DOWN OF ENGLISH ESTATES | Lordly Owners Seek Humbler | Style of Living Because of Taxation. London, Aug. 12.--The wholesal2 | ~felosing down-of historic -and-stately blood than "her system is provided homes of England. and the housing | of their lordly ownérs in humfbler | style. was prophesied to-day by tho | Duke of Portland, owner. of nearly | 200,000 acres and half a dozen noble | residences. He was addressing his | tenants at Wellbeck. This is not the first intimation given by the Duke that he has found himself among many big landowners whose posi- tion has been changed by the war. In April, 1919, he gave notice that a large portion of his-Ayrshire estatc wag to be sold, and in November of that year (he announced with pain and regret that there must be a re- duction in are: employed on the Wellbeck estate}. Since 'the war -there have been many evidences of how England is changing hands owing to the large landowners disposing of their fam- ily estates, a number of which have beén broken up into small holdings. Ong nobleman after another has placed big estates in the market, and several historic castles have gone under the hammer, and many peers have been forced to economize on | their estates. = Among man big landowners who | have sold valuable properties are the | Duke of Sutherland, the Duke of Rutland, the Duke of Westminster, the Duke of Marlborough, the Mar- quis de Castega, Earl Bauchamp, Earl Bradford, Lord Aberdeen, Lord | Lovat, Lord Harrington, Lord Har: | lech, the Countess of Warwick and | Sir Richard Bulkeley. In all, hun-] dreds of thousands of acres, worth millions of pounds, have changed hands. The Duke of Devonshire sold Dev- onshire House in 1919, while Stanc- stawe House, the property of Bar- oness Kinross, was sold recently. The Earl of Denbigh sold a part of his Downing estate in North Wales dur- ing 1920. The Earl of Harrington sold some of his estates in-Cheshire in the same year. During 1920, 349,695 acres of country properties were sold by one firm of auctioneers alone for £4,332,514. Outlogk Is Altered. Ns The great war, said the Duke of Portland, addrossing his tenants at Wellbeck; had altered the outlook of him and most other large landown- ers. For centuries past the landed estates had been handed down from generation to generation in one family and landlords and tenants Lad lived on terms of mutual trust and affection. He feared, however, he said, that state of things was passing away, for with the present enormous weight of taxation and the extremely enorous incidence of death dutios, the future had become very uncertain for all landed pro- prietors. "With regard to my own case," be said, "it may be or may not be possible for me and my family to continue to reside at Wellbeck, but I fear there can be little doubt that thocer who come after me will not be able to do so." It was no use blinking the fact, Lowever, disagreeable it might be he declared, that if the present scale of duties was maintained; there Jaust be, and there inevitably would be, a wholesale closing down of the larger country houses, if not now, at all events when the present gener- ation passed away. It must be ex- ceedingly painful, he asserted, for representatives of old families to be obliged to part with the major part of their estates, which had been in the possession of their ancegtors for many generations, "Many land proprietors cannot maintain their old'family residences in habitable state," he sald, "nor can they adequately discharge the duties which they had been 80 glad to fulfil as owners of land. I scarce- ly dare contemplate what 'would be my wife's feelings if it should be- come necessary to sever the ties that bind us to Wellbeck." It was not for him to say whether breaking up of the estates would or would not be for the advantage of the country. He did not desire for one moment to complain, nor did he imagine that other landowners would complain, of the incidence of heavy taxation, if it were necessary for the welfare of the country. "It pains me deeply," he conclud- ed, "to think that in the years to come it will most probably be ne- cessary for my family to find a new and smaller home elsewhere." Another royal estate adjoining Orborne House; fn the Isle of Wight, will soon be auctioned. "Tbe king is simply in the posi- 'tion of many other large landown-' ers," an authority explained to the correspondent. "Like many others, ke finds economic conditions altered and his advisers-have probably sug- gested realization on detached pro- porties Five thousand acres of the Dike of Leed's Kineton Park estate have been sold privately to tenants, and the remaining 5,019 acres are to be auctioned publicly during August. > The property to be sold includes | twenty-one farms, two 'country resi- dences and a limestone quarry. LISTLESS, PEEVISH GIRLS | When a girl in her teens becomes peevish, listless and dull, when noth- ing seems to interest her and dainties | do not tempt her appetite, you may |: be certain that she needs more good | with. Before long her pallid chéeks, frequent. headaches, and breathless- ness and heart palpitation will con- firm that she is anaemic. Many mo- thers as the result of their own girl- hood experience can promptly detect the early signs of anaemia, and the wise mother does not wait for the trouble to develop further, but at once gives her daughter a course with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which re- new the blood supply and banish enaemia before it has obtained a hold upon the system, : Out of their experjence thousands of mothers know that anaemia is the sure road to worse ills. They know the difference that good red blood makes in the development of woman- ly health. Every headache, every gasp for breath that follows the slightest exertion by the anaemic girl, every pain she suffers in her | back and limbs are reproaches if you | have not taken the best steps to give your weak girl' new blood, and the only sure way to do so is through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, New, rich red blood is infused into the system by every dose of these pills. From this new rich blood | springs good health, an increased ap- Letite, new energy, high spirits and perfect womanly development. Give your daughter Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, and take them yaurself and note how promptly their influence is felt in better health. You can get these pills through any deaar in medictne or by mail post- paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, DEVELOPMENT OF AVIATION Steps Proposed by the Cana- dian Government Outlined in a Report, a « Ottawa, Aug. 12--S8teps proposed by the government of Canada for en- eouragement of the development of aviation in the dominion, are outlin- ed in a report on development issued by the secretary of the air board, the body which has control of aircraft flying in all parts of the dominion. "The view of the Canadian gov- ernment," say$ the report, "has been that commercial aviation can for the present be encouraged and develop- ed by administrative assistance and the provision and improvement, where necessary, of ground equip- ment, not however, -inciuding termi- nal airharbors serving urban centres. There is a probability that as time goes on, s0 many of these may be required that for the government to. undertake the provision of some of them, would have the effect ot stifling local effort and thus hinder rather than advance general develop- ment." Na The policy. - of the government, through the air board, for the devel- opment of civil flying, is set forth as follows: : 1.--The regulation of civil flying, the inspection and registration of machines, certification of personnel, and the inspection and licensing of airharbors, on the principles laid down by the convention for Inter- national Air Navigation. 2.--The establishment of a techni- cal branch under the air board, fhe services of 'which are freely placod at the disposal of promoters of air undertakings. 3.--The survey of air routes and the provision on recognized air routes of emergency landing grounds where necessary between urban cen- tres along any route. 4.--The establishment of an opern- tions branch which confines itself to the carrying out of such flying op- erations with heavier-than-air mach- ines as are required for the various deparments of government in rela- tion to forests, fisheries, surveys, customs, .ete., and to scientific ex- perimental work. 5.--The loan of airships and light- er-than air equipment to commercial companies. The Canadian government, the Statement points out, has not under- taken to subsidize directly any com- mercial air service. The view taken has been'that such services were not at present likely to be profitable in Canada if operated independently of the existing railway and steamboat companies. The rallway and steam- boat connections between large cen- tres in Canada are efficfent and an air competition, if it involved the maintenance of expensive adminis- trative and auxiliary departments, has been thought likely to be un- profitable. Existing transportation companies have, on the other hand, not shown any desire to establish thelr own air services. There Is, moreover; an independent field for air operations in the sparsely settled and undeveloped portions of Can- ada in which at present communica- tions are inadequdte. Exploration and communication services by air- craft in these areas- depend chiefly upon their timber, mining or like en- terprises, which, if adequately finané- ed, can, with the assistance of the technical and operations branches of the air board te advantageous- ly "and profitably. Such iddividual interests do not, however, justify di- rect assistance on public grounds. tii The true overcoming is not in shap- ing outward things to suit our will, but In living out our life patiently, trustfully, and kindly, through what- ever the. outward things may be. large majority of thosd attending. A very enjoyable corn roast was | HIG. Aug! 12.--The Girly' Camp at au Rivage ove is nearing its lose and the yQung ladiés enjoying life there Mave filled the time y full of real enjoyment. The n days seem all too short for the held on Wednesday evening at Lindsay's Point under the auspices of the campers there, A fine orches- tra was in attendance and a short programme of musical and elocution- ary numbers was enjoyed by those in attendance. The local merchants, professional men, bankers, printers, §tc., observ- ed the Wednesday half holiday by closing at noon and betaking them- selves in most cases to the river for an afternoon's enjoyment, The Gananoque Waterpower Com- pany has arranged for making the annual repairs at their dams during the week beginning August 29th and starting up again immediately after Labor Day. Quite a large gathering of canoe- ists have already arrived at Sugar Island for the annual meet of the A. C.A. The formal opening will be to- day and it is expected that the .at- tendance will be considerably in ex- cess of what it has been for several years past. Mrs, Evans, Hartford, Conn., 'for- mer Gananoquean, is spending a few weeks here with friends. John Town- send, Charles street, who represent- ed Gananoque Encampment No. 89 at the fifty-second annual session of the Grand Encampment of Ontario in session at Tilsonburg, this week, has returned home. Mrs. Frank Eames, Toronto, fdr- merly of this town, spent some time here with her daughter, Mrs. Bert Davis, during the past week. The Misses Mildred and Maretta Cornett, Toronto, are spending a short time here with friends. . | other house in of Belting, Ne°r only are we in a posi- tion to supply. your every need in Machinery, both new and remanufactured, but we can give you equally good service ony all supplies. We have a larger stock than any Canada, comprising the best makes Hangers, Pulleys, Pipe and Fittings, Machinist s Tools, Foundry Tools and Equipment, Inj ectors, Valves, Motors, etc. time need any whatever in the way of In short, amy you anything Machine Shop, "Williams." You or Power Plant will thus be assured of prompt, careful Service and reasonable prices whether your order is small or large. THE A. R. WILL CO. LIMIT : 64 Front Street, West, TORONTO Branches: Halifax, St. John, Hamilton, Montreal, Winnipeg; Vancouver If it's machinery--write "Williams" wa' | =} THIS Dept. ~The AR. Wiillams Machinery Co., Lil, | G 84 Frat SL W., Tents Kindly send me information and prices on Couron | TO-DAY | Name. Jealousy bears a lot of fruit that | should not bg preserved. MACHINERY j D 2 Don't worry about slander; rub off 'when it gets dry. it win ie Jill a 4 A Manufacturers Life Endowment is one on which He had NOT © you make a stipulated yearly deposit for a stated number of years, generally ten, fifteen or twenty. At a face of the policy is payable to you in ca comes payable to the desi at age 65, a time in life cash, plus the accumulated occur, » at any time, the policy at once be- ted beneficiary. 1s policy is also written payable It 1s necessary to provide, apart from your earnings. Write for our booklet, "The Serene Sixties." Manufacturers Life Insurance Company HEAD OFFICE + TORONTO, CANADA 3. G. JOHNSTON, Branch Manager, Kingston, Ont. ---- THRE th / "i YX ~ PLUG SMOKING

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