Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Aug 1921, p. 14

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XN THE DAILY BRIT re ---------------------- et ee -- EL -- -e - | DR, A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE RRR ee |r | riday & Sat. THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | « | |=&zear= 80 Grand Secs | DR. RUPERT P, MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 | Princess Street. Phone 1850. Upen evenings by appointment. LDR, AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE. ' sumed practice 92 Princess St, over Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone FOR SALE Jud | | i | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: TEACHERS WANTED,, 1 First insertion, 1c. = word. Each con- - | =, tet} ' - RET SR SD Ean TR = cutive insertion thergafier. half! HER PROTESTA NT FEACHER "Ha ET AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, CANOE CAINTING AN pe NGIN SAUL SDHC MINTmurr-charge-fur] CLA LEE FROTESEAN TEAC) art FOUND a a Tau | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING one. insertion, three insertion Per .BRonun' ppiy te a -B.} > . "REAL, - | - a - ta 0 cents, "oil * Jeo Der. sunum. Apply to ls B | NEAR BANK OF MONTREAL, || oy Thoean woo PHONE | WHEN. WANTING PAINIING OR ----.-- , The above rates are for cash only, ing, : | oy Ba eo nament. L & at 94, between 9 a.m. and & p.m. i Paperhang.ng done, drop a card to BY FREDERICK 8S, ISHAM ni When charg they are double. AQUA IED PROTE . Whig Office e by 8 Es oD A. Mounteer, 54 Arch street. WITH RUBY HALLIER AND HENRY VINCENT » Bde 00. Ne MN Paes 'z yte, | BLA Susk, FONTAININY a TEN JMEYELIND Palmer, corner. of! PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING J. New York's Rib-Tickling Success. A briliinnt English comedy and cast. HELE WANTED, . a Avply Fo ys pe gitket, Abply { { Joy lle, Ont, R. I 1 Tick Ir Welingt Bagot and Quee | Flanagan, Painter and Decorator, This same company plays His M ajesty's Theatre, Montreal, week of oyeeville, - 2 . ckKet Office, chdngton Street, - Estimates freely given. Metalliz August 20th. > - ~ "r y e 1 Bal, 75¢, $1, $1.50, GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. QUALIFIED, PROTESTANT TEACHER A CHILD'S PAIR OF SLIPPERS 1 A FORD TON TRUC K, WORM DRIVE, | gold letters for are Sod nse PRICES Nah Deh. $1.00; Paty 3130 og aE » » Apply 115 William St. for 8. 5. Neo. 5, Hinchint ke. Ap-| left on the couriter. Owner new tires, a snap eo. + Powys Mall orders nov Soe oe sale Thursday. fp ply, stating salary and experience may have same at Newman & | cor. of Bagot and Queen. | 2 : GUOD GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY L. to Geo. A. Smith, Parham Shaw's, a < ~ PUMP N James Keld, 254 Princess Street. OF BARING STREET NORTH, A | | BOWSER _SASOLINE pulpy ANY TO LXT. i TEACHER WANTED FOR S. §. NO, parcel of dary goods. Apply Ahk ysahk & ply G. A. Cooper, En-| {| EAPERIENCED FUR FINISHERS AT Miller." "Salary $850. Duties to 34 Quebec street. gal: cap. Apply G. | a @ once, George Mills & Co., 126-12%] . mence Sept. 1st. Small sch ol. Ap- terprise. | HEATED APARTMENT, APPLY CLAR- N * : ; Stre : ' gi, W A y EY ON RK ae ence Street Garage. tic t ira : Princess Street, Bl, to W. J. Thompsgh, Wison| | a SUM oy eT aY ois GENUINE GRAFHONOLA 3D TEN 0 e 10 ; n ors Le i P Fy ---- / | Selecilons; your own choice, $42.50. | C0 HC HOUSE; ALL MODERN BUNNY Pinan, sookiv, HAY PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR 8. S | SilP Terms 37 Sasy; i Po} month, OS conveniences. Apply 122 Barl St Blve reference. Box O-7, Whi No. 1, (Union) Olden Township. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- } Lindsay, Limiied, 12 rincesg . Dutles #0 commence Sept. 1st. Sal- | TISED FREE. SRV : SE " 2 Sealed bids for the construction of . y RQ SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE, POSSES- t < / S, - } SLOP A) LCM, BICYCLES FOR | 3a ; .| 1,600 feet (more or less) of concrete or f NERAL SERVANT, REPERK CEs SEY aS I. J Price, Sec | HY is a few ladies' bicycles | ery 1st. APEIV 45 Welling Prick heating tunhe} for Queen 8 a : TO-DAY Hust. be Ji" hianed. ADDY to ihe Treas. / Anyone finding anything and | at reduced prices. Muller's Bicycle roranl lps [nggion Hospital wil De ~ tia, rR Ont. 4 QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8. S. NO, SRAE to feagy ibs Qwher uy | Yorks F1+218 Xing Sirset, Plone sn Erol LAE FURNISHED A ny Queen's University, up to 12] CHARLES RAY 8, Storrington. Apply, stat ex- ps §. 'Ia dvers | ee earoo hy " "| moon, on Thursday, August 25th, 1921, YOUNG GIRL AS AN APPRENTICE, perience, qualifications and salary Ee in Wag Tas ore i OnE FIGHTE N HORSE POWER DE ting room. 94 Earl street. on oH, a inMreyar: August 254 og | ra ory Wiberon soo nwiiilocing. | 30 gtenler, Sec.-Treas., Batter- cuiumin free of coarge. "Laval engine, on truck. Type "F",| GARAGE, NEAR CORNER QUEEN | 2ccompanied by an accepted cheque for | i p 155: i iv yable to and to be n EN ticles" ave t ine | speed 235; in good condition. Ap- Apply D. G. Hay R.| Five Dollags ($5), payabl t to b one 3% TEACHER FOR 8. §. NO. 8, DENBIGH clude ont. Soper cattic, noisew | | ply Callaghan Bros. 210 Welling- FT s\n Ph hone 1100 r 22. | retained by Arkley and Wilgar, instruc. | é¢ emer irae rte -- . L | 'eel tions to Bidders, Blank Proposal, EXPERIENCED FEMALE PANP AND Duties to commence Sept. 1st, 1921 ete. These, if lost, may be ad- | lon street, : - Db BOARD: | Forms, 'Plans, Specifications and Form | "trouser hand 'for military work. Apply, stating salary and experi- vertised lor in the "Lost culuma, | n LL AND BUY ALL KINDS of | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; of Contract will be furnished intending | Apply Staff Adjutant, Royal Mili- ence to J. BE. Irish, Sec.-Treas., --,------ - WE SELL AND Dis REO ocr all improvements; centrally locat- oy tary Las Kingston, Ont. Vennachar, Ont. a musica RELrunienis, . ed. Apply 243 University Ave. bidders at the office of the engineers, 99 | ing and furniture. Call and get our Queen's University. ; 3 } WORKING HOUSEKEEPER WANTED QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER | prices. lL. Routbard, 239% Princess)" J ori fim is reserved to reject any 3 N > a .. [1s 8 A " "iN, py q 3 723 J Cy > + N T 0 " for small hotel near Kingston; must experienced, for 8. 8. No. 5. Olden | sireel. Phone 1723. 1A NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, ! : : ARKLEY & WILGAR, 800d cook and have city refer- "Salary $800. Duties to commence TOBACCO PIFE ON LAKE SHORE NA CABINET. ARLOR SETTE 146 Montreal St., all improvements. Consulting Engineers || A picture that shows why Charlie is ence. Apply Box D-20, Whig. Sept. iit Aroly ss. John Clark, Bear 100. ot Cu or (To ri ad and tabies kitchen table, e Fiione 2099 ring 3. Vacant April ---- { the best loved actor on the screen! / - . Jop relurn to 91 ower Alby . tension ladder, wheelbarrow, g = . A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK | ~~ sion. ladd: { 38 pv - - A Matinee Daily .........2.15 Toto in family. Apply in evening | NORMAL TRAINED PROTESTANT UN MONDAY, LADY'S GOLD WAT fon, seals al ell | Bier, JOYE FoR RENT, SEPT. 15th, A MODERN, a ince J y =30 to Mrs. A. 8. Fergason, Elmhurst Teacher for 8. §. No. 9, Bedford with injuals ""K.M." on back. Re-| a Evenings ao | partly furnished house; 8 rooms; in syenings ....... PR artments, Centre street. Phone Salary $900; duties to commence on ward on-#elurn tu Waig Office, me et | desirable locality, references Te. ~ \ 1644). Sept. 1st, 1921. Apply to William | quired. Address F., 293 Johnson St. A. Steele, Tichborne, Ont. FOX HOUND, WITH "F" BRANDED ON WANTED, LADIES, GIRLS AND BOYS Fu one hip and "RK" on the other. Find~ YOR SALE | ROOMS TO LET ON BATHROOM send je. stamp for nice little souy- y ) NT TEACHER er please notify owner, Capt. Fred- Pendle floor, suitable for light house-keep- enir and our circulars novelties, al- - Eton. Duties erick Reid, at Ontario street fire AXWELL ONE TON TRUCK, ing; no children. Apply 396 Prin- 80 telling how to earn money or to commence Sept: TLE LA . Ask Your Grocer 9 s Salary $900. station complete with body and racks; in cess street. RE-CONSTRUCTION OF BELLEVILLE Y presents. W. J. Martin Co. "Box Apply to Thos. Campbell, Secretary | ===== RD A first class running order. Will sell 152, Ottawa. and Treasurer, Sunbury, Ont i at a bargain. Apply Lemmon & APARTMENT TO LET-- FOUR.FUR- RIFLE RANGE. OR § STRAYED OR STOLEN, Sons, 187 Princess Street. nished rooms; ground floor; all con- a F "WE WANT A RELIABLE SALES | TEACHER FOR S. 8S. NO. 1, OLDE yeniences. Apply 230 Barrie St. agent for each unrepresented coun- Dutles to commence Sept' 1st FROM A, M. SMITIVS, CULLIN'S BAY, | ---------- Telephone 744w, SEALED TENDERS for the above WAGSTAFFE'S 1 Dr territory, Bxelusive selling uate fer annum. Apply, stating bay mare. Iinder please coii- a ONVENI-| Work will be received at the Office of rights; good pay to energetic rep- qualification and experience to Bn Oy with abuve address or| GARAGE, FULLY EQU IPPED, WITH | 4-ROOM APARTMENT, ALL CONVENI- the Senior Engineer Of reer, M.D No. 2. FE hfioos Pay to energetic rep: George Flynn, Mountain Grove. Ont phone 1107-13 ro wi t car agenc capacity | vw Sroes Slectric Hight, $s fangs 403 | Merchants Bank Building, Kingston PURE FRUIT ble. Write Pelham Nurser 3G, mmm - - - Ek > > rs; a good] L ply betwe 3 7 p.m. 3 x . Foronte Ont. : y vo FOR 5 8. No, 19, RICHMOND, QUALI. flats ines ons of )0 popula-| University Avenue. as han 13 NOUR, the 3254 vay of led teacher, Protestant preferred. \ 2 Vill sell or lease building. | > . i Salary $600. Duties to commen: FOR SALE. r) No Oa Ing. | TENT, FIVE ROOMS, BATH| Plans and specifications for 1s JAMS AND MARMALADE BALESMEN--WE PAY WEEKLY AND Sept. 1st, 1921. Apply to R. W. As. |* : { foom and baleony; near City park, | Fork may, No. 3, or at the office of the offer steady employment .selling selstine, sec.-treas., Marlbank, Ont.| IT IS ALWAYS SAFE TO SEND A DO-| " REED ORGAN WITH | Possession Sept. 1st. Also garage. Officer Commanding Argyll Light In- > Gl Pot. our complete and exclusive lines minion jiXpress Mon nl suitable for a church,| Apply 126 Bagot street. fantry, Armouries, Belleville. Ont. Sold in 12 and 16 oz. Siase ots whole-root fresh-dug-to-order rive dollars custs three cents, school or mission lso an harmon- | . - - Bony, 7 " v 9 " xx a Dats dug-to.o and| TEACHER WANTED FOR ECHO Pon wi al cheap for quick | FINE RESIDENCE WEST END, NEAR Di der must be Made on hell and 2, 4 and 7 1b gold lined tins service. We teach and equip you fire, 3: 8. No. 10, Township of | BAY MARE, WEIGHING ABOUT L100 sale. Apply George Wilson, Man-| Queen's College; latest modern im- for the purpose, and be accompanied by i f . _A money-making oppurtun- Hinchinbrooke; must be experi- 1bs.; good tor gelivery. Apply New ager Griffin Theatre. provements. Rent fifty dollars per a ePID eho ne on a Canadian chart. ity. Luke Brothers' Nurseries, of $heed. Apply stating wages to Lingland Bakery, Couingwood Si. month Apply Box 013, Whig. fred Haak Se. ede aac an gant, oa l erbert McLeod, Echo Lake. EE -- -- -- T ' ABLE "ROPFERTY ON/| « edi seiver-Ger BonLTeal REC FIVE PASSENGER TOURING] THAT VALUABLE PROPERT city | SEPTEMBER Ist, BRICK HOUSE, | 9 Canad For ren me Font, of The tai] A ? A QUALIFIED TEACHER (PROTES- excellent condition; new tires, | limits, known ac. the Murdock | electric light; gas; three piece bath, tal Amount of the A " COME AT ONCE--MEN $6-10 DAILY, tant preferred) for S. S- No. 14 Owner Boing to States; must sell at Farm, containing forty-three acres good cellar and lawn and coal shed. Tenders are to be enclosed in a sealed Ww KENT MACNEE special short courses; one month Wolfe Island." Apply stating ox- sacrince. 31,200. Write or phone more or less, now owned by the| Apply 104 Upper Charles Stregt. envelope, marked "Tender for Re-Con- s Auto Mechanics' course $50; one perience, salary required, etc. to Clark, Colin's Bay, 11vi-15. Kingston Brick and Tile Com-|---------------- 7 , ; ) 7 wv pe ry I n a ON | Struction, Belleville Rifle Range." This| Bank of Commerce BuMding, Brock and month 'Gas Tractor Course $50: John Irwin, Sec., Wolfe Island, Ont ---------- ------ a ------ pany. For particulars as to price| AT ONCE, A NEW, 7-ROOM HOUSE ON envelope to be enclosed in another ad. King Streets. Phone 701 or 1327). plenty of time to finish for the a - m---- CUKE FOR SUMMER Us; CHEAY LST and terms apply to the undersign- North Alfred street, near Conces- dressed to the S.E.O. M.D. No. 3, at the : spring rush. Hemphill Bros, Auto| TEACHER FOR 8. s, NO, 8, BARRIFE; fuel on lhe market. JW e are de- ed solicitor for the company. J. sion street. Apply to J. D. Boyd, above address. General Insurance Agency « Ug Tractor School, 163 King st. Dutiegito ommence Sept. 1st. Sal- livering 1-4 tous at Joy; Solis B. Walkem, 93 Clarence Street. Route No. 1, Eastview. Should the party to whom the Tender| Writing: Automobile, Fire, Accident W., Toromto. Board aud room ary § 75.0 Per annum. Apply stat- at $4.05, or a ru , tun at §u.0v - : . oo . be awarded fall to take Up his con-| gickness, Plate Glass Burglary, etc. $8.50 up. Call or write Ing qualifications and 'experience Phone 161im. W. C. Bruton. R" 5 IW 6 A 11 FURNISHED BRICK BUNGALOW; g|,.° Mh . « 3 ' . o if anv . : . ' RIVERVIEW CANADIAN FARM WITH | . er : . 5 tract, the deposit cheque will be forfeit- 1i " if any, to George Salmond, Fern- pair horses, 4 cattle and sheep, hog, { rooms; electric light; all fmprove- ed. Cheques of unsuccessful tenderers Representing Only Reliable Companies THE UNEMPLOYED-MEN WHO leigh, Ont. MAHUGANY a aLAR, aX to implements, equipment n | nents ; 500g cellar. No children. 41 will be returned to them 0 hn | 8 have ambition to achieve success PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR 8S. § Katie, Jewel heater, erection oil ren a improved road, short. waik | ate sarily accepted" SRY fender 0} neces, AUCTION SALE v g 0 8 re- ge 5 . 8. caver, nt Wi 5 nine autiful RR vil id cenient | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEA EUG FISE . > aha ate Wiling bat forth the re. \ 6, Oso, for = September = 1st isaster, sunugh ey asaing Macalne be aytiful RR villa 9 Soavenioni | I HAG: a Fun TURE, OLEAN, Et Ce FISET, High Grade Furniture (Antique * and tate ar PX Te - v ' a 8 1arke y kK 0 | a ; 3 3 are worth working for. Call for tate LE peaperience and Juali- = I A oy ons rv Ho eb and key. "Frost's City Storage, 249- NR: res Modern) in this house 50-65 years, Sat- rie ons. Fie : . , 3 a u TRE 1S elds; < 8 hay 8 ' ow J 205 en 8 5 > Boas R ) y 2 £ Vy Whiteman Royal Bank Secretary-treasurer, Clarendon Sta: YALL BLED Aw: ailing wot aan spring-watered pasture; good hot 395 Queen St. Phone 526; res. 389w. Department of Militia and Defence, urday, August 20th, at 1 p.m. Shambers (upper foo), Kingston, |___tion. Ont at Some 13 mh Rte: grt Vew oer ata Maks | Bruen arsemeyy, sve wr. Odave ert 1 Silene i eal, Asn, Siowary wii nt. TEACHER FOR s, s, NO. 3, WOLFE on Shari jes dom Ising. Pe arn, silo, poultry Toe fre rinses piace rooms} Annan) ering and Fox Planes WeikS Side- Island. Protestant. Holding third Son. apply \otoorne sirest, house, plggery, ete. To settle af. piece Drvat bath room Apply P poard, Extension Table, Diners, Parlor PARK AVENUE CLINICAL HOSPITAL class or district certificate. $800 airs 33300 Jakes X. SL, cash. O Box 112. ' | In the standing field competitions Site, Bedroom Suites, Clocks, Carpets, Training School for Nurses, full\re- tember tss to commence 1st| SALE OF MILLINERY GOODS, CON- big catalogue Canadian farms - : : for the Lombardy Agricultural Soei- | P!#4¢8 Bukky, Phaeton, Robes, etc. gont's course; eight hour day; dix 2 tem ber. Apply Nelson Allum, sisting of mauues, Velling, Straw Free. Strout Farm Agency. 208 A | MODERN, NINE ROOMED HOUSE, 218 ety the foll in . i W. MURRAY. Auctioneer, day week. Educational require- reas. R. R. No. 4, Wolfe Is: braias, riowers, sibbons, a rew F. Manning Chambers, Toronto. Johnson street; hardwood floors; | €tY ollowing won prizes in order Phone 801J. ' ments: une year high school. Three . > ' S 3 . Straw saapes, and couaren's hats, hot water heating; all conveni-|of merit: Harry Chalmers, Smith's months credit is given for each _--_---- Apply 112 Lower Wiliam Street, ences. Possession at once, Apply Year of high school completed, making course two years and three WANTED GENERAL Phone 523. Falls; Ross Millar, Alex. Bissonnette, CITY LOT, 69 FEET FRONTAGE; 117 C. Patterson, J. Duffield, Elewood Months to high school graduates, feet deep; Ior cash $225.0v. Als N 8 vol & 5 $ 35a, v BRICK DWELLING, CHATHAM sr, [JOVDt, E. J. O'Mara, Lombardy. For information apply to Superin- | DRESSMAKING OR OTHER SEWING incubator, 140 egg, and two brood- fendent of Park Avenue Clinical DY uihe day. Apply te Box C-13, ers; hot water neated. Only used * $16 per gaonth, includes Tater, Sis The supreme council is asking ospital, 789 Park Avenue, HRo- g. once. Lawson, 248 Concession Nt. a rooms, improvements, shed,' yard, ] chester, New York. : near Victoria Street. good cellar. Possession sep 1st. the United States to aid in the finan- L BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE Bm co EE Apply evenings 276 University Ave. cial relief of Austria. amily. Apply Box K-11 Whig Of- ; ; GOOD, RELIABLE: MAN WANTED TO fice. : "| bEsiRABLE PROPERTY IN TAM. « H R ROOM APARTMENT, HARD. | Lennox King, Wellington, left ' take orders and deliver the finest 7 worth--store, With dwelling above, [| McLaughlin Buggy (Covered); || wood floors, electric light, gas{ Thursday morning for Saskatchewan, fie of Teas, C f --_ ae. oftees, etc, in Can-| TO Rey SMALL FARY WITHIN TEN and residence adjacent, with large grove. heater, Afrigerator, modern Sva-- = fda. Highest commission of any Lies o ngston. Apply Box M-11, grounds; good lvcauon for busi-| Imost as goo« we A re n every way. Apply to White's In- --woncern in the country paid: ail Whig Office. Less. kor iets, etc, apply to Mrs. || 2OPt 48 Bood as nev Ppl Surance Office, 239 Bagot street. * FINANCIAL 00ds are guaranteed o mo RE ET ---------------------------- Joan Sherman, $93 Joanson Stre t | EA x - pe } % Sinan ua applicant must be| TO PURCHASE A HOUSE IN Goon Kingston. Sn GEO. J. KIRKPATRICK, "OF SEPTEMBER, GOOD STONE | ---------- ere - a. On account of the preval= financially responsible. If You are ipeation, Tisase Sse lowest price: , i Bouse oR Irvat, A enue el urisy A Mam, i ayoE 0X N-11, hig Office. om | mouth; electric lights; 8; s n ; only 1ooking for $5000. independent, & Offic FOR sane 270 Johnson Street. So artists lighis 053 and the most reliable companies repre. |0NC® Of Dysentery, House earning possiblities this 1s your| MRS: JOHN CAMERON WISHES 10 DO | Pin. APPly Wm. B. Westlake Serre orice 38 Clafence_ pireer, hold dvised to boil the opporunity, Quick: action housework by the day, week or » Trucks and Motorcycles Portsmouth. 'Phone 1470w. = Opposite the post uifice. olders are advise e sary. Patricia Blend Tea & Cot. month. Apply Box P-28, Whig. : 75 > ELL foe, 851 Queen Street East. Toronto, | Pats comm ee _ Cars' from $175 up. {| ANTMENIS, BROCK | PRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. drinking: water, until further ee ONY | FARM TO RuNT, ABOUT Zoo ACRES, . - : 4 rooms and bath; harad- ment Soclety; incorporated 1861 ees by kiantical farmer; view t, PUrs Trucks from $100 up, : : . . P SRT wood floors; elec tric; gas stove; re- »poars t i . Yo vias ase, Frank Herring, Coleman PERSONAL frigerator + laundry; janftof ser. resident, wr aa notice. 5 0. 88. Toronto, Motorcycles; highest bia vice. Possession June 1st. Apply 8 . . > 3 oy AGENTS WANTED of ; foney issued on city" and farm Sgd.) A. R. B. Williamson 4 -- 3 qr IT McKelvey & Birch, tie ¢ . : gd. « Mi. B. y -- = WANTED BY THE 1ST OF . Chevrolet Shock Ab, ber MERCHANT, 33, WITH $40,000, WILI, 4 E properties, municipal and county $150.00 WEEKLY. FREE ¥ Fs 0 2 SKE PTEM- surbers. . ma >-Box 325, Club, Fort debentures; mortgages purchased; i 1 H ] h Fi Samples. Lowest priced gold win- ep Small house to rent; brick pre- Tire Protectors--will se Wayne, Ind. investment bonds for gale; deposits Medica ealth Officer, dow letters for stores, offices. Any- Jarret i 1 Wost end of the city, Ap: bl re "rotectors--will not puncture or received and interest allowed. R. . Body San du it. large demand. E ply Box J-11, Whig. VW out ATTRACTICE LITTLE MAIDEN OF 19 C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar. Ciusive territory, cme Letter Co. Wood's Air-Tight Valy an ----- summers will marry. Box §5, Ox-| PAGE AND WARRINGTON REGIS ence street, Kingston 2802 Congress, Dept. 201 Chicago, | ROOF REPAIRING -- HOW ABOUT] wii not leak. 5 . 4 Tube ' ford, Fla. tered architects, 198 Yunge Stree IIL {our Footy Docs it neeq repairing : - Toronto. - 'e use Argus Roof-proof, Drop a GEO. A. PALMER BACHELOR, ' 32 WORTH $30,000, LIVE WIRE SALESMEN WITH SMALL card to F. Coventry, 5 Barrack St. Opposite BI Ga wants wife. R-Box 35, League, To- POWER, SON AND OREVER, ARCHI- capital, obtain exclusive agencies. : e Kine rage ledo, Ohio. tects, Merchants Bank .Chambers, Auto necessity of merit, Establish- . . Cor. Bagot and Queen Streets TTT ------------------ee corner of Brock and Wellington ed firm, big profits. tock carried | SINGLE GENTLEMAN REQUIRES Phone 410J, LADY FARMER, WORTH $60 000, Streets. a 8 Cn ads, Write for agency pro- room and board; centrally located: ------ wants a husband. N-Box 1134, Lea. Te ---- : WEST END--Brick veneer, semi- bungalow, 7 rooms, 3 piece bath, s ne . Company, 0 appreciate good home in 8] Wk MAVE FOR SALE ALL KIND gue, Detroit, Mich. : electric light; gas for cooking, n rooms th sides ridgéton, N. J. Pivate amily. Apply to Box L-11, &ood second hand lurniture Shu . FURNITURE FINISHIN gat. & king, furnace, rooms on both sides 'of MEN AND WOMEN, Whig Of SIGVes. Auy person having stovrs| REMIT BY DOMINION CXPRESS the main hall downstairs. Owner leaving city. Sacrifice price N Bh vo nN, Ror o10. CAN. Ems 84d furniture to dispose of, We Wii, Money Order. 3 Sent or stolen you | GALL OR DROP A CARD TO W, DRIS. 83,850. ass, 0~ ay highest pric I E6L your money back. . N Cal representatives, §21 a week and . SIGNS rd Princess rises. PhoalYispiun, : Soli 22 John street. NORTH END--Solid brick dwelling, $ rooms, furnace, 3 piece xpen . Buarantee d| $1GNS oF ALL KINDS, Lass Worn | = iro GET MARRIED. har JATRINON. TEE | bath, barn, large verandah and good garden. A particularly n an A ALL KI A ORK OTOR "YCLE OUAFITy ELECTRI- A PaPer published. Free for ISIN $ IN g .__ State age and qualifica- large or small, Posters, Showcards. cally equipped, 1921 re oT Rl stamp. Correspondent. Toledo, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. well built pigce UL propeny, Price $5,000. Experience unnecessary, displays a speciality, by Shaw at 213 ton Motor Whee: and hew Loubio Ohio. S a 4 . 8 PAY YOI! F TOWN JCOUN 3 Winston Co., Dept. G, Toronto. Princess Street. bur npian Bicycle. Everything in MATRIMONIAL AND PASTIME ¥ AY USA ULT oF TOWN Scooy 31s THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Apply Treagsoly. net 198 viug city. Circle. Pamphlets 256. Neo stamps. | ~~ ders. Five dollars = costs three Phones 68 and 2240m. 86 Brock Street L Sr 24 han St Remailed sealed. "Box 14, isher- sents i ! ' BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, ETC Wood, out. FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BEST GO. TO OUR CUSTOMERS WE- SAY: bp ! * ETC. |'carmorics winning 19 MARRY S15, Pusiness hotels; vicinity King. | wauting introductions, - booklet ston; Esueral and Summer Lrade. ' . 1 Plano, good shape, $45.00, free. Write Catholic Correspond- jyerything in rot oSIiSs under, Secure your coal at Summer prices. St Lh Grand RAbids. Mich [7 Beaitn. "Amey SnOoyntef i -" 1 Plano, small flat, $60.00, YOUR FUTURE FORETOLD SEND : Summer is on the wane, . apne: birhdate for truthful reli. UPHOLSTELING : 1 Cabinet Grand Mahogany Case able, convineing trial reading. sill "The P: 4 3 Hazel Hause, Box 215, Los A ] . Haze S ox 215 Ss Angeles, of Experience . ° ° || Gramaphone, with 10 Records, $75.00. cALL oR DRY A CARD TO w. 3, -- a avine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st, Kitchen utensils, 5c, 10c, isc. MARRY HEALTH, WEALTH --THOU- . HO EEL RELEASE RETA VR Be, 4 15 sands attractive, congenial people; | Fo. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. ' *y . worth $5,000 to $100,000. Confiden- holsterin, Made in Canads a and general repairing. Sideboards, $7 up to $35. tial descriptions (either sex). free. Leave orderg at or drop a pa g \ - . 4 a Reliable, successful, Satisfaction 104 Clergy street. . " Kitchen Cupboards, $4, §5, $6. uaranteed. Sunfi "tub, - EN appreciate the Foot of Johnson St. Ga. 04.48, 4 ET A ETT TT TET oM PP " q r . der in all popular shapes and sizes 0 sim licity and ease of LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP MARRY---FOR SPEEDY MARRIAGE, Upholstering and "repairing peng Go the Ch hh "FB 40" Sedan Phoue 1045w. 507 Princess Street. NY phe bewt, Jargest m the Avenuooodridge, 244 University 8 L-1eVIO! I to its abil. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, Hinds, yealtny members) bo ih sexes FURNITURE REPAIRED AND Fin les beauty is equal to ts abil early marr eC n- 2 Al 1 : wom SALE fal, Detiriptions nie: The' Oia ished: guns. gramaphores. eto. re! ity and usefulness, and both arg . / A---- e e. Club, RS. WRUBE OX | 0 PaLr Qmptly an guaranteed. it to evi occasion where : R 0 DI. 26, Oakland, Calif. : Stanton & Sieeth, 35 Princess St. : sui ery People Often Tell You To Go Soniewkhiere on Band i ¢ Sims Soon Sonor. = efficient, comfortable transpor- i for qu uyer ---- at a 3 . . ' o i ; . | MARRY 1 CHIROPRA ' : but If you are In need of Engine or Automobile Repairs you do not >" TWO PRANE Boies try. me: SONELY) FOR RESULTS, o ROPRACTIO tation is desirable. have to be told to go to DAVIS, because everyone knows we do the "and 5 rooms; lot §6x13% Novi hd IACI ari ray rien, wisn Wh A Nincpln, Dy EN Co Cor z.. right kind of work. Try here next. ; -- UALS most rellable: years experi Noo} " BA EN & EDWARDS es ACRES LAND; FRAME taaghutacriptions free. "The Suc. . One" GonecitriioatiAnce, pEston, WDEN & " 00 y 5 . house, good condition; 2 bar cessful Club" Mrs. Nash, Box 556, : a stable; well watered; 14 miles from Oakland, Calif. 1233 Hours 3 to 12 am. 1to p.m. Kingston, Ont. Montreal St. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. ¥ i" Kingston. 5 DR. GEO. ¥. LUCY, DR. JENNIE A. s : wl Lucy, Chiropractic' Specialists and ¥ Fa x HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, uUIRTH. : Nifrs Bag $3,000-FRAME; 4 ROOMS; NEW; B. marks, skin cancers. scars, etc. re aduate 338 ot Stree}, i . . - i x East End of Wellington St. - and C3 eiedurls ghia! : Wiaesas Bris ooniy. Satisfactory] 1 io'g and} (ai03r 3 to 13 amy ; : an urnis after analysis and consuitation free ; $2.8500--R. C. 'SEMI-DETA Six Others have failed. 'Goitre removed, i g ms: 5. JER DICT SHED; 3° I¥ Sxper] nee, Dr Bors Residential calls by appointment. i , Kye. r. : : ---- ---- . "3 $6,500--BRICK; ROOMS; LAT : 258 Bagot Stree . Se EF .. ™ : Auction Sales grote mins tT FIA HEATING, a suTTH R | T ; = pd PH ; SMITH, BARRIST- 5 >> s xX the best auctioneer in Kingston. | $3,400--BRICK,; SEMI. ; n ; A INE€O ruc An Ute eat + ne prove It. : rooms; Bet warak aT IDs 4 PLUMBING AND RE TIvG. Berar street, Kingston "A. & rence _ "Bide seats for 12, 3160.00 cash BEDFORD The Auctioneer, RIAUGR: Hak! af way, grow. "113 Eo borne St or 15 Gore Bom, Syri M Smith EJ, (Aisa § 1048 wate: op, Phone 1721 or 1428. oT lr: 3 pic RICKS 8 Boous, = Ana Vast ID a TR Nnders cheap. : 83d ¥ax: bw. Goors and Cypress _ FANCY GOODS. Money to Joan Bnake jo3s) Baok CARPENTERING Fy Yew : -- STITCHING, PICOT EDGING, AC-| HOUSES TO RENT. . WHEN YOU WANT THE unfurnisheg T--FURNISHED oR ife and box plesiing. PIANO TUNING CARPENTER 30. Mrs. BE A Card, ses James Selby, Cont 2 'BATEMAN'S ' 5 = Taster, 12 A REAL EsTATE Sor Mus treal St, ¥ Avenua. Phone 1; PIANO SUING AN 22% REPAIRING -.

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