TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1921. Our Optical Parlors are most complete and up-to-date, and are under the constant supervigion of Dr. Chapas, Expert Optometrist. Our pepsonal guarantee goes with every pair of Glasses fitted You must get watisfaction else we do mot want yowr money, School Children's Eyes require great care and we are making special In this respect and would ask the parents to have their children's eyes test- ed during the holidays. Our TRUSS Depariment is a boon to sufferers of Hernla. Ex- pert In charge. L. T. Best, Druggist Open Sundays. Phone 59. \s I SS Special Department Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. 4 THE Responsibility There are several reasons why our sight gervice bears a good reputation. : One of them is that we don't depend on others for any part of It. Our work is not plannéd by others; nor do others carry out our plans. From eye examination to fin- ished glasses it is KEELEY Service. We are vitally Interested in the result of our work and to insure .success do all of It our- selves, | Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. 226 PRINCESS STREET Phone 927 4 Once again we are featuring Clocks. MAHOGANY MANTLE CLOCKS From $15 to $75 In the new, attractive Tambour shapes. These Clocks strike every hour, and half- hour, and carry a full guarantee, : | See them while there are many designs to choose from. SMITH BROS. Jewelers - Established 1540. Registered Opticians DENTAL PARLORS: 183 PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON, ONTARIO We specialize on:--Painless Extrac- tion, Latest Treatment of Pyorrhea, X-Ray work. ¥ {GETS MEDAL FOR. ACTION Cooking Utensils. v 'Electric Range. Aluminum Ware Week AUGUST 15-20. . A Special Demonstrator will be here to explain the advantages of Aluminum Ware An Aluminum Preserving Kettle for $1.89 The Demonstrator will use a McClary's Don't miss the Sale ! McKelvey & Birch, Limited Phione237, - » +» =» ¥ « Kingston ¢ N TF Harrison Co., Limited Pose 90 : We have added a thor- 'oughly equipped, up-to- date Musical Department to our store. This par- , ticular department will be under the personal supervision'. of ME I Johnston, who for several years was the local man- ager for the J. M. Greene Co., Limited, We have on hand a complete 'line of Pianos, Victrolas, Records, Music Rolls, Benches, Stools and Record Cabinets. It you contemplate the purchase of a Musical In- strument of any kind, it Will pay you to inspect our stock, : socio 3 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 'Aaron Higgins "Descended i Steam-Filled Room on Dollar Steamer. -- | Vancouver Province, Aug. s. The Roya] Albert bronze medal -Waa. presented to. Aaron-B. Higgins "(formerly of Kingston) this morning by Hon. Walter €. Nichol in recogni- tion .of the gallant conduct of Mr. Higgins on August 27th, 1919, when an 'explosion took place in the en- gine room of the steamer Melville Dollar. > The presentation was one of the {first official acts performed by His { Honor in Vancouver, and he took the | opportunity of referring to the | heroism displayed by Mr. Higgins, who was third engineer. He expressed the view that the plucky engineer { had worthily upheld the traditions of the British merchant service and offered his heartiest congratulations, Recognition of Mr, Higgins' gal- lantry was accorded by the Royal Al- bert Society on receipt of reports of Captain Basil\Taylour, R.N., harbor mastér at Hohg Kong, and Captain William Wright, master of the Mel- ville Dollar. Presentation of the medal has been delayed, as Mr. Hig- gins has been absent from port for long intervals. He is now employed on a towboat of the Hastings Mill fleet. The official description of the act which won the medal for Mr. Higgins follows: "At 6.26 a.m, on th 27th August, 1919, the main steam pipe burst Just abaft the engine room bulk- head, killing the second engineer and five Chinese firemen. Attempts were immediately made to get down into the engine room to rescue the injur- ed and to shut off steam from the boilers. The chief engineer, David Fraser, tried first, but was not able to get beyond the fiddley door, being badly scalded about the arms, throat and face. The master and mates fit- ted up two large tarpaulins as wind- sails, to force as much air as pos- &lble down the gkylights into the en- gine and boiler rooms. "Meanwhile Mr, Higgins, third en- gineer, having wrapped himself in coverings as a protection against the still escaping steam, made several at- tempts to get to the valves but was driven back each time by the high pressure steam which filled the en- gine room. The master then descend- ed with him, and put a bowline ar- ound him as a life line, and Mr. Hig- gins made another attempt, this time reaching the burst part of the steam pipe, but found it impossible to get to the valves, through exhaustion, and he had to be pulled back by the life line. I cannot understand how he managed to get as far as he did for the atmosphere was principally superheated steam. "It was not until 8 a.m. that the pressure in the boilertell sufficiently to permit of descent, when the bodies werer emoved and the fires drawn and the steam: shut off, which was done by Mr. Higgins." GAVE AMERICAN BILL BUT RETURNED FOR IT ---- ) Tourist Changed His Mind About Payment in Am= erican Money. American tourists in the city do not like to use any of their Ameri- can money, if they do not get ex- change for 't. On Monday morning, an American was in a local barber shop, and after getting 11 "dolled" up, he handed the barber a crisp $20 American bill, The barber grabbed the bill and put it in his jeans to use on his next trip across the border, but he was given quite a suprise, when the Ain- erican walked into the shcp again and asked for the bill, handing the barber Canadian money for the job. He said he was going to stay in Montreal a day or sq, and then would g0 to the States, and that he want- ed to keep his American money, The barber was kind enough to make the exchange, Poultry judging will start at the Canadian National Exhibition Fri- day, Sept. 2nd. , Mrs, William Cochrane died at Ottawa on Wednesday. She was born in Renfrew, a daughter of J. H. Walford. A husband and one son sur- vive, STROUD'S TEA | The taste is the test. DR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS FOR WOMEN'S AILMENTS 25 y Standard for Delayed and Painful Menstruation." Sealed Tin package only, all Druggists or direct by mail. Price $2.00. Knickerbocker Remedy Co, 71 BE. Front St, To- ronto, Canada. ' A HL) 10 " N Soap } © 1 ¢ (¢ | inlg popular science of bee culture. MRS. D. G. DUNHAM CALLED BY DEATH After a Lengthy lliness Passed Peacefully Away at Family Residence. i Pcrtage La Prairie, Man., Graphic. Portage has lost one of its most | well knowh and respected. gitizens. in. the death "of Mrs. G. D. Dunham, which took place at the family resi- dence on August 10th-at 11 o'clock. The late Mrs. Dunham, who had been in poor health for the past eighteen months, passed peacefully away, the members of the family being at the bedside with the exception of one son, Dr. F. F. Dunham, 'who was un- able to be home. The deceased, who was in her sixty-eighth year, was born in Har- rowsmith, "Ont., and was married forty years ago to Mr. Dunham, who predeceased her twenty years ago in this city. The late Mr. and Mrs. Dun- ham came to Manitoba in 1897 and settled at La Salle, and in 1900 mov- ed to Portage la Prairie where the family has since resided, Deceased was an a@herent of Knox Presbyterian church and was a faith- ful worker in different branches of the church up to the time her health failed her. She was a most lovable woman and of bright disposition and h many friends will regret her death, and miss her helping hand in times of sickness and need. The members of the family remain- ing who will mourn her loss are two eons and one daughter, Harry of Portage, Dr. F. of Girvin, Sask., and Mildred at home also one sister and four brothers, Mrs. R. L. Wager, of Grand Forks; Walter and J. I. Par- kin, of Brandon, T. M., of Kingston, and John, of Chicago. MANY BIG FEATURES o Will Mark .the Central Canada Exhi- bition at Ottawa This Fall. 'The Central Canada Exhibition at Ottawa this year will be one of re- markable proportions. The many fea- tures will include a musical ride by the mounted police and a great floral parade in Lord Byng's honor. THgrty- five mounted men wil] take pa® in the musical ride, which will be giv- en every afternoon and evening, The dates for the fair are September 9th to 19th. The feature of the opening day will be the opening of the Exhi- bition by Lord Byng, the Governor- General. It is expected that the offic- lation of Lord Byng will give the fair one of the most auspicious commence- ments it has ever had. Associated with the event will be the great floral parade in Lord Byng's honor, in which the partici- pation of the Great War Veterans will be a signal feature. The head- quarters of the G.W.V.A. has given approval of the plans for the parade and senior officials are taking part in the preparations which are bein made for it. The floral parade undoubtedly be the finest spectacle of its kind that the Capital has wit- nessed. The climax of the event will be Lord Byng's reception of the veterans who served under his com- mand in the war, A glance over ths preparatory work in connection with the Exhi- bition reveals the manner in which the fair is growing and gives indica- tion of what is in store. The Dairy building will be full of interesting and novel features. Included in these will be a daily exhibition of sculpture work in butter 'by an artist who at- tracted outstanding attention at the recent Panama-Pacific Exposition. Butter-making demonstrations, put on by the Nationa] Dairy Council will rival in interest the domestic science demonstration to be given by the Provincial . Department .of Agricul- ture. In this building also there will be a demonstration in the increas - While the stapla displays in the horticultural building are being ar- ranged for on an improved scale, one of the novel features of the exhibi- tion will be located there, This Will be an orchestra of fifty singing canar- ies imported from England and Swit- zerland, A very succeesful baby show, un- der the supervision of Dr. Lomer, medical officer of health for Ottawa, will be held. The management is authority for the statement that the show = that has been provided for the grand- stand is the best the exhibition has ever presented. The special attract- ions' committee has booked a num- ber of the most successful outdoor performances to be had in the Unit- ed States. One of these will come to Canada from Coney Island, New York, especially to play before the exhibition grandstand. A new fea- ture of the grand stand show will be the whippet races. Agents for the special bargain strip tickets report a ready sale. People buying these tickets save 7§e, on a dollar's expenditure, Five regu- lar 35c. tickets may be had for $1 by buying them before the exhibition opens, They are for admission to the grandstand in the afternoon as well as to the grounds. . A ------------ UPHOLDS ROSS. = Decision in Thousand Island Park . Case--Soft Drink Privilege, : « That Homer E. Ross, under his contract with the Thousand Island Park Association made in 1919, has the exclusive, right to sell ice cream, soft drinks, peanuts, etc., at Thous- and Island Park, N.Y. until 1933, and that it must not be sold by oth- rs except When PROBS: -- Wednesday, fine and warmer. I A | EE at VERY SPECIAL FORT ~~ . TOMORROW ! STARTING AT 9.30 O'CLOCK A great one day sale of real Irish Linens at less than replacement prices For Wednesday we offer for your selection our entire $35,000 worth of imported John S. Brown Old Bleach and Liddell Sun-Bleached pure Irish Linens at a drastic reduction. i Housekeepers will do well to take full advan- tage of this exceptional sale event, as facts prove that fine Linens have reduced only about 10% in the past twelve months, and that the tendency at the present time if anything is upward. This is caused by poor crops in Belgium and Ireland, and internal strife in Austria and Russia. We say in all sincerity that this is our sale of the year you really cannot afford to miss. : Your Choice Of our entire stock of high-grade, popilasprited Linens to choose from: -- ' --FINE HUCK TOWELS. --TABLE CLOTHS and NAPKINS --CENTRE PIECES --RUNNERS . _DOYLIES - --MADERIA SETTS, TABLE- CLOTHS and NAPKINS. --TABLE DAMASK --YARDAGE LINENS, etc. Every article marked in plain figures. Sale price less 333% »