Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Aug 1921, p. 11

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"a SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1937. 3 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG - Er ---- (mM arkets Reports GRAIN QUOTATION. Montreal. Montreal, Aug. 19.--Oats, Cana: dian western, No. 2, 61 4c to 62¢; | = do.No. 8, §9c to 603%ec. Barley, Man., coiieed; $4: to F4per ton Flour + Man., new standard grade, $10.50; | do. seconds, $10; do, strong bakers, | ~ $9.80. Roll oats, bag, 90 Iba. | ~ $3.26. Bran, 27.25, carlots. Shorts, | = $29.25 per ton. Hay, Ne. 2, per ton, carlots, $34 to $35. Toronto. Toronto, Aug. 19.--Manitoba . Wheat--No. 1 northern, $1.90 1-2; * No. 2 northern, $1%2 1-2: Ng 2 northern, $1.74 1-2; No. 4 whi $1.55 1-2, Manitoba Oats--No. 2 C.W., 50 3-8¢; No. 3 C.W., 49 5-8¢c; extra No. 1,49 7-8¢; No. 1 feed, 45 6-8¢; No. 2 feed, 48 7-8c. Manitoba Barley--No. 3 C.W., 82¢: No. 4 C.W., 18 1-2¢; rejected, 72c¢; feed, 72¢. All above in store, Fort Will'am. Catarfo Wheat--F.0.b. shipping points, according to freights outside. No. 2 winter, $1.20 to $1.25; No. 3 winter, $1.17 to $1.22; No. 1 com- mercial, $1.12 to $1.17; No. 2 spring, $1.15 to $1.20; No. 3 spring, $1.12 to $1.17; No. 2 goose wheat, nom- inal, Americagp -Corn--Prompt ship- ment, No. 2 yellow, c.i.f. bay ports, 19¢, nominal. Ontario Oats--No. 2 white, 50c to TPG Nr Sh me Came EI PEELS Barley--Malting, 6%¢ to 72¢, aec- cording to freights outside. Ontario Flour--$6.90 to $7. in bags, Montreal and .Toronto. old crop. . Manitobs Flour Track Toronto, First patents, $10.50; second patents, $10. Rye--No. 2, $1.10. Milifeed--Carlots, delivered Te- ronto, bran, $28; shorts, per ton, $30; feed flour, $1.70 to $1.85. , Winnipeg. Winnpeg, Aug. 19.--Wheat--No 1 Northern $1.89%; No. 2 Northern $1.81 1-4 No. 3 Northern $1.72 1-4; No. 4 Northern $1.54 1-4; No. 5 Northern $1.39 1-4; No. 6 Northern $1.24 1-4; track $1.64 1-4. Oats--No. 2 C.W., 50 1-8¢c; No. C.W., 49-3-8; extra No. 1 feed 49 7-8¢; No. 1 feed, 48 3-8¢; No. 2 feed 74c, track 78 1-2¢. Barley--No. 3 C.W., 82 1-2¢; No. 4 CW, 79 1-2¢; rejected, 74 1-2¢c; feed 46 7-8¢; track 49 3-8c. Flgx--No, 1 N.W.C. $2.06 3-4; No. 2 CW, $2.03 1-4; No. 3 C.W,, $1.75 1-2; condemned $1.75 1-2; track $2.06 3-4. -------- Chicago. Chicago, Aug. 19.--Cash grains-- Wheat-- No. 2 red, $1.25 1-4; No. 2 hard, $1.26 1-2 to $1.27 1-2. Camn --No. 2 mixed, 58 1-4¢c; No. 2 yel- low, 58 1-2c to 58 3-4c. Oats--No. 2 white, 33 3-4 to 34 1-4c; No. 3 white, 31 to 32c. /Rye--No. 2, $1.09 1-2. Barley--63¢c to 72c. Timothy 3 $2¢c., according to freight outside. centres SEPT RRA WE Pry | STANDA responden orld. TH RD BANK i close and long-es- 'ta g ts with strong foreign banks in all the principal broad, and with a chain of cor. ts covering all parts of the addressed to the Manager of he oronto, will immediate! full particulars -- F CANADA TOTAL ASSETS QVER Kingston Branch: . = 3 NINETY MILLIONS J. F. Rowland, Manager. - Whether you have does not thrive as quality. WE MAKE PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND IMPROVE YOUR LIVESTOCK horses, cattl sheep or hogs, it will-pay you to secure the best sire oe nak. costs as much to feed and care for, w LIBERAL LOANS FOR LIVESTOCK PURPOSES, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE . KINGSTON BRANCH~R. T. Brymner, Manager. obtainable, and cannot reproduce 15,000,000 315000000 EROS Hunter G. Ogilvie INSURANCE AND GENERAL BROKER In daily communication with Mont- real and Toronto Stock Exchanges. - Dominion, Provincial and Munici- ; Pal Bonds for sale. 281 KING STREBT Phones =: 568 & 1087 FOR SALE . GOOD, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: A aood disposition is mbre to be If You Make Investments desired In a wife than a strong will. ow have a little money opportunity is kn a going to sto leave your sav ys re 8. It's up to not be Notas % u at such int t no! ore you al e ©all for particulars. ee 287 BAGOT STREET. saved from a few ocking at government bonds of a yield rates much longer. jard, Ryerson & Co. ~~ "ihe Mone of Good Investments." 5 PHONE 1738. -| veal calves steady; bulk }| Chickens, spring, seed--34 to $5. Clover seed--3$13 to $19, Pork--Nomijnal. Lard-- [$10.92 to $10.97. Ribs--$950 to [$10.50 I { Minneapolis, | Minneapolis, Aug: 19.--Bran-- {$15. Wheat--No. 1 northern, $1.47 [1-8 to 31.48 7-8; September, $1.37 1-8; December, $1.31. Corn--No. 3 {Fellow, 49 to 50c. Oats--No. 8 lisa. 29 5-8 to 30 5-8¢c. Flax--No. | 1, $2.10 1:2 t5.82.12 1-2... 3 New York. .New York, Aug. 19.--Flour-- | Spring patents $6 to 7; soft winter | straights $6 to $6.50; spring clears 136.25 to $7.25; hard winter straights $7 to $7.50. Rye flour--Fair to good, | $7.25 to $7.40; choice to fancy $7.45 |to $7.60. Cornmeal--Fine white and {yellow granulated $1.92 1-2 to $2.05. | Rye--No. 2 western, $1.28 3-4 1. jo.b. and $1.21, 3-4 c.i.f. New York. "feelery; Caw: = @08 "2515 §0¢" { Barley--Feeding 69 to 73¢c and mal. ting 79 to 83c c.i.f. New York. Wheat --No. 2 red, $1.37; No. 2 hard $1.39, | No. 1 Manitoba $1.79; No. 2 mixed | durum $1.41 cif track New York | to arrive. Corn--No 2 yellow and No. 2 white 79¢; No. 2 mixed 78 1-2¢ c.1. f. New York 10-day shipment. Oats No. 1 white, 48c. ------ LIVE: STOCK MARKETS. Montreal. Montreal, Aug. 19.--Medium qual- ity steers weighing around 900 pounds brought $6.75. Good veal sold at $7.00 to $8.00, medium $5.00 to $6.00, grasser $2.50 to $3.50. Good lambs went at $7.50 to $8.00, | and common lambs $6.00 to $7.00. | Ewes sold at $3.00 to $4.00. Select hogs sold for from $13.50 to $14.00. | Quotations: Selects, $13.50 to $14; | lights, $12 to $13; heavies. $9 to $10; sows, $8.50 to $9. | Toronto, Toronto, 'Aug 19.--Heavy beat | steers $7.50 to $8.25; butchers steers | choice $6.75 to $7.25; do, good, $6 | to $6.75; do, medium, $5 to $6; do, | common, $4 to $5; butcher heifer, | choice $6.25 to $7; do medium $5.50 | to $6.50; do common $4 to $5; but- | chers cows, choice $4.50 to $5.25; | do medium $3.50 to $4.50; canners | and cutters $1 to $2.50; butcher bulls, good $4.50 to /$6; do common $3 to $4.50; feeding steers, good, $5.75 to $6.25; do fair $5 to $5.75; | stockers good $4 to/$5; do fair $3.50 | to $4; calves, choice, $8 to $10; do | medium, $6 to $8; do common $2 to | $6; mileh cows $50 to $70; eprimg- | ers chofte $55 to $765: ewes $2 to| $5.50; lambs $9 to $9.25; hogs. fed | and watered; selects $14.25 to | $14.50; do lights $12.25 to $12.50; do heavies $13.25 to $13.50; do sows $9.25 to $11.35. ---- New York, New Yor, Aug. 19.--Calves: Com- mon to good veals $7 to $11; culls-- $5 to $6.50; westerns $6 to $7.59; grassers and buttermilks $3 to $4. Sheep (ewes) $3 to $5; culys $1.50 to $2.60; lambs $6. to $12: culls $5 to $5.50. Hogs--Light to medium weights $12.25; heavy hogs $11 to $11.26; roughs $7 to $7.50. Oh " Chicago, Aug. 19 --Cattle--Bcef Steers steady to 25c lower; medium grades; top yearlings, $10.85; heavy steers, $10.45, weight 1.412 pounds; bulk, beet steers, $7 to $10; she- stock, 16¢ to 26c lower; bulk, fat COWs and heifers, $4 to $6; canners and cutteys, $2.25 to $3.25; bulls strong to Xe higher, $4.75 to $6.25; light veal- ers, $8 to $8.50. ' Hogs--Top, $11.18, one load out of line; $11.05 practical top; bulk, light and light butchers, $10.60 to $11; bulk, packing sows, $8.50 to $8.90; pigs, 25¢ higher, bulk desir- able pigs, $9.85 to $10.25. Lambs--Bulk to packers, $9.35 to $9.76 few at' $10; westerns about steady; top, $10.75; others down to $10.50. Sheep steady :11-1b. two- year-old Montana wethers, $6 good western and native yearlings, .$7 to $8; bulk fat native ewes, $3.25 to $4.50. Buffalo. East Buffalo, N.Y., Aug. 19.--Cat- tle, good dry fed, 35 to 50 cents higher; common, slow, lower; ship- ping steers, $9 to $10.75; butchers, $8 to $9.50; yearlings, $9 to $10.50; heifers, $5.50 to $8; cows, $2 to $6: bulls, $3.50 to $6; stockers and feed- ers, $5 to $6; fresh cows and spring- ers, $40 to $130. % , Calves, 50 ceats higher, §5 $11.50. Hogs, strong to 25 cents higher; heavy, $11 to $11.25; mixed, $11.25 to $11.50; yorkers, $11.75; light yorkers and pigs, $11.50 to $11.75; roughs, $7.50 to $8; stags, $4.50 8 to --------. GENERAL TRADE, -- Montreal, . Montreal, Aug. 19.--~Cheese, finest westerns, 22 1-8¢; do., finest east- erns, 30 1-2 to 21e. Butter, choicest creamery, 40 to dlc; do., seconds, 38 1-3 to 39 1-26, Eggs, fresh, 46¢c to 48¢; do., selected, 44c to 46¢c; do., No. 1 stock, 38 to 40c; do. No. 2 stock, 30 to 34c. -- Toronto Ang. 19.--Butter, dairy 35 to_40¢; do, creamery, 40 to 45c; margarine, pound, 22 to 25¢; eggs, fresh, dozen, 40 to 45¢; cheese, 1b., new, 28 to 32¢. Dressed . poultry -- pound, 45 to 48¢; fowl, pound, 33 to 38¢c; ducklings, bound, 28 to 25c¢; turkeys, Pound, 50¢c; Valencias $7 to $7.50; lemons $6 to $6.50. Pears, California Satie, case $5 to $5.50; pears; 11- quarts, 75¢ to $1; grapes, Cal 4. Toronto, box, | day night. 15 to 20¢; blu ries, 11-quart bas- ket $2 to $3; apples, Can, 11-quart basket 40 to 90¢; plums, California, crate $2.75 to $4; plums, Can., 11. quart 75 to $1; melons, Can. sugar | sweets, 16-qt. baskets 50 to 76¢; sal- mons 75c to $1; potatoes, new, Can.- bag $3.50 to $3.75; beans, Can, 11- qt. basket, 60 to 75¢; carrots, Can., dozen bunches 20 to 30¢; beets, Can, doz. bunches, 20 to 30c¢; onions, 100- Ib. bag $4.25 to $4.75; cucumbers, Can. 11-qt. baskets 25 to 40¢c; to- matoes, Can, -11-qt. baskets 25 to 40c; canteloupes, flats, $2.25 to $2.50; do standards $6 to $6.50; "rn, dozen 15 to 25c; egg plants, 16-qt. basket, 75¢ to $1. - * ------ r-- ew ON HARKET | tt ttt ttt cts Kingston, Aug. 19th Dairy Products. Cramery butter, 1b. Dairy butter Whey butter Eggs, fresh, dos. Oleomargarine .... Cheese J Vegetables. Beets, 2 bunches .. .s Cabbage, head ...,. Lettuce, bunch Carrots, 2 bunches Potatoes, bush. Sweet potatoes, Sto 8 1 .50 2 Beef: . Porterhouse steak, 1b, | Round steak, Ib. Boiling cuts, 1b. Western carcase, ewt. . , Western hinds, cwt. Pork: Loin roasts, Ib Rib roats, Ib Pork chops, Ib Hogs, live weight, cwt .', Hogs, dressed, ¢wt ... Bacon, breakfast Lamb: Fronts, 1b Hinds, 1b. Leg, 1b ioins, 1b .. .. .. .. .. Chops, 1b. ......... Mutton, Ib. .e Sausage meat 1b, Fish, tresrrracuneies 15 to 1 Cod, 1b. 2 12 Eels, 1b. Fillets, Ib .. .. .. ,.... Fiopan haddie, 1b .. Maddock, fresh, Ip . Halibut, Ib ., .. Kippers, pair Pereh, Ib .. .. .. .... Pike, 1b, % | Salmon, 22 | home of Dr. and Mrs, Geddes. Miss Bananas, dozen Grape fruit .. Lemons, dozen Oranges, doz. ... Blackberries 25 to 40 12 to 18 Hides and Wool. Beef hides, No. 1, 1b. Tallow, No. 1 ., Be per Ib, Wool, per Ib., unwashed ...8 to 10¢ 40 30 PET seve +.$29.00 to $30.00 ++ $30.00 to $31.00 Buckwheat, bush 8 Hay, baled, ton ..$28.00 to $29.00 Heb, loose, ton ..- $28.00 Corn, yellow feed, bush. sees 1.00 Flour, standard (Gov't) \ CWE ... io os. $5.10 to $5.35 Oats, local ....500,.....50 to 56 Straw, baled. ton ,.., $3 to $12 Straw, loose, ton, ....,..... . Wheat, local ....,..,.... -------- Coming to the Exhibition. Hartington, Aug. 18.--Edgar Ryan and Fred Watson went West on the harvest excursion. Mrs, Mick, To- ronto, is visiting her brother, Arthur Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Torrence and children have returned t~ Kingston after spending thelr holidays with Mrs, Watts, Congratulations are ex- tended to Dora Campsall, successful In securing the normal entrance and matriculation" exams at Sydenham. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan spent Sunday at Moscow. Mr. Ganar preached Sun- day evening; Rev. Mr. Armstrong is away on his holidays. Mrs, Harry Campeall and son, Rodney, are visit- ing at Moscow for a few days this week. The Kingston fair will be well represented from here, weather per- miting, Quite a number are attend- ing the U.F.0. picnic at Varty Lake to-day, Everett Huffman and family were at Moscow Sunday. ---------------- Are Off For New York. Parham, Aug. 17.--Mr. and Mrs. & A. Goodfellow and son, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. L. Goodfellow, West- port, left for a motor trip to New York. L. Bateman and family and W. Loucks and family at G. Howe's, Wagarville: Thomas Howes and family at R. Hamilton's, Miss M. McLean at Thos. Howes', J. C. Hartman and family motored to Perth on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, G. A. Smith and Miss Iva Smith, Mrs. T. E. Wagar and children spent Tues- day at George Ayerst's, Maberly. Mrs. J. F, Charlton and children, Mr. J. N. Smith and family at H. Smith's, Odessa. | Mrs. H. Drew visiting Mrs. M. Gopdfellow. | The L.O.O.F. held a social evening in their hall on Tues- It was well attended. Mrs. J. F. Charlton and children have returned to their home in Belleville. C.. Topping at the Pilot's Rest, Bagle Lake, 2 Barley .. . Bran, ton ., Shorts, ton ,,.. on a - -~ 0 Demorestville 5 [Morrisburg . | 10 | | DATES OF FALL FAIRS, | Almonte { Arden Arnprior Bancroft | Belleville -+.Sept. 20-23 ++.0ct. ¢ +. .Bept. 26-28 ++..Sept, 28-30 Sept. 5-7 . 21-22 {Centreville : , 16-17 Cobourg |Cornwall | Delta .. | Frankville I Inverary Kemptville ..Sept. 15-16 «..8ept. 1¢ .Bept. 27-28 Lansdowne Lombardy .... Maber]y Madoc tran tress. «+..8ept. 30 reves ensBopt. 30-21 Aug. 3-4 ++. .Sept. 13-15 ..Oct. 7 | Merrickville serve wan, Odessa . +. Bept. 13-14] Ottawa (Central Canada) Sept. 9-19 Parham Bept. 15-16 Perth +++ .Aug. 31, Sept. 1-2 Peterboro - 14-17 PIOtOn aviv ers Sept. 20-23 Renfrew Shannonville . Spencerville .. Stella Stirling . Sept, 22-23 Toronto (Can. Nat.) Aug. 27-Sept. 10 Tweed . +eee.. Sept, Sept. 27-28 ------------ VERONA'S CHOIRYON THE JOB. . More Than Sang on Sunday--A Mich. igan Couple Wedded. Verona, Aug. 16.--There was an unusually fine service In the Metho- dist church on Sunday last. The choir Was in full force and sang splendidly, Dr. Lawson snd Mrs, Leacock gave a beautiful rendering of "He Wipes the Tears From Every Eye." A pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr, and Mre. J. R. Scott, Righardson Mines, on Monday mor- ning, when Rev. Dr. Lawson united In matrimony Mrs. Miss D. M. Harris, Ca and Charles A. Mullin, Flint, Mich. The Happy couple left for Rochester, from there they will motor to Flint, A dance was held at Grant Hall on Tuesday evening and was largely attended. Mr. and Mye. Robert Mec- Millan are returning home on Thurs- day from their honeymoon, Mrs. Me- Millan was formerly Miss Leona Trousdale, Mr. and Mrs, Fair burg, Scott's sister, lumet, Mich., borne, Ogdens- N.Y., spent a few days at the Nadeine Geddes returned to Ogdens- burg with them to spend a few days.' Miss Price, Napanee, and Miss Gar- rett, Sunbury, visited Miss Mary Campbell, . A young daughter has arrived to cheer the hearts and home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Goodberry, Jr. Mr. Goodberry had the misfortune to break a couple of ribs when his car overturned on Friday night last. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Grant, To- ronto, have returned home after spending a couple of weeks with his Parents, Mr. and Mrs, Anson Grant. Miss Ethel McMullen spent Sattirday In the city. Mr. and Mrs. Secord Storms epent a couple of days in town with their daughter, Mrs. 0. Clow, last week, Mr, and Mrs. George Babcock and Mr. and Mrs, Ben Green and children motored to Holleford on Sunday, Miss Gardiner, Smith's Falls, has returned to her home after visiting here with her aunt, Mrs, Lawson, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Davy, Miss Lois Davy and Wm. Davy, also Miss Delta Wattam, motored to Elgin last Sun- day to pay a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Herbert Lee, C. W, Fairbourne is in the hospi- tal, severely ill of typhoid fever, Mr. and Mrs. W, Pringle and Mrs. William Pringle, Camden East, spent Sunday at Eugene Percy's and called on Mrs. Joseph Percy, Mrs, Joseph Percy spent a day at her son's, Eu- Gene Percy's." Mr, and Mrs. Burt Bander spent a few days at Bollin- brodk. visiting the former's grand- mother, Mr, and Mrs, ©, MM Yorke have returned home from a visit to their son at Glencoe. Miss Florence Pero, To be opened by Lord Vimy, Bye of Vimy. $ new' Features only to be Cenade's Lise Stock and Form Dipi---Mochnry nd Sed Form Ori fee Reduced Fares on All Lines of Travel Canadian National Exhibition, Toronts ~ AUG. 27 -- Inclusive -- SEPT. 10 seen at Toronto. rome tr fog vind ® - RENT, Jos.Kent, President OFFICIAL OPENING Monday, Sept. 12th By His Excellency The Governor General LORD BYNG OF VIMY With Allegorical Parade and Review of Veterans $35,000 in Prize Money for Live Stock and other Exhibits New Features in All Departments Immense Midway and Grand Stand Performances Day and Evening Magnificient Fireworks Spectacle each Evening The Breaking of the Hindenburg Line REDUGKD PARES ON ALL RAILWAYS nNTRISS POSITIVELY GLOBE oEPY. AND For Prize Lists, Booklet and all James K. H. L. Corbett, Information apply te Paisley, Menager Treasurer . few weeks at the homp of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davy, has returned home. Miss Helen and Miss J. Peters, Newburgh, spent a few days with their aunt, Mrs, Dorval Peters, lust week, ee s-- SHORT ON POTATOES, The Farmers will Not Have More Than They Need. Maberly, Aug. 17.--The farmers have finished their grain harvest and are now looking after their marsh hay whith is a good crop for this season, Potatoes will be at a prem- lum this year as it wil keep the 'farmers busy to find enough for their Own use, The dry weather has af- fected the pasture lands to such an extent that the milk supply . is far below the average for this season of the year. The American Company, that ownes the mines, commonly known as the. Orser's mines, has clos- ed down ae the laborers are beving a few weeks holiday, A large crowd attended the glor- fous Twelfth gt Maberly. Congratu- lations have been extended Ww Miss Sylena Briggs who hes received her entrance to normal, Mrs. Fred Wyatt has returned to her home in Toronto, Newburgh, who has been spending a ---- Kingston CITY OF KINGSTON, ONT, September 20-26, 1921 $20,000 in Premiums, Etc, Mr. Vantrin has Sone 0 Toronto, Industrial [E ----- Many are hoping the weatherman furnishes fine weather t= Kingston Exhibition which promises to excell all others, Although early many are anticipating in having a good time 8s Mr. Bushell promises it to be the Best in years. Frank Dryon visited friends here, Allan Deacon passed through here on Sunday evening. Delbert Bialp made a flying trip to Bolingbrooke on Saturday evening. Many think Craig Greer is a great baseball player. Mrs. Walroth from Fallbroke spent a day at Maberly recently, Do You Feel Like This When You Waken? Do you feel blue, sickly, heavy, too tired to get yp? If so, it's probably your liver which is slow, and neells to be toned and stimulated by Dr, Hamilton's Pills. It's a wonderful change Dr. Hamilton's Pills will make in a few days. They relieve t system of poisonous wastes, they the stomach, improve digestion; in- crease your appetite. You'll feel like new all over after using this health bringing medicine. T' de have proved it. Bold everywhere in 25c. xes, or The real, ibition . TICKETS ou sale at L. 7. Bear's, 194 Prin. cess Street, and Sargent's Drug Store, cormer ' and ¥ Telephone 1787. wl - © ROBERT J. BUSHELL, Sec.-Treas. and Manager, Bath Road P. 0,

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