THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. y TQ rte Se at pews ae SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1921. ------ ee ---- THE PEOPLES FORU --] CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES. "WIrSt Insertion. 1c & word. Bach con secutlv: insertion thereafter, naif cent a word. Min'mum chaige fur one insertion, 8c; three 50 cents. The nbove rates are for cash only, When charged they ara double, HELP WANTED, MELIABLE GIRL CLERK, APPLY barnum's Bakery, Princess direet COOK, GENERAL. NO LAUNDRY, Good wages and evenings tree. Ap- Ply 174 Stuart St. EAPERIENCED SMART YOUNG MAN for rruit and Vegetable d%¥part- ment. Apply at Anderson Bros. en -- ee en | --e eee eee WOMAN FOR PLAIN OOKING, MAY sleep home II preferred; good pay, give re ence. Box 0-7, Whig GENERAL SERVANT, 'HWRENCES must be furnished pPply to the Manager of the Bank of Nova Sco- tra, hingston, Ont. Rn AN ONCE, THOROUGHLY QUALIFIED » Tema COOK; also Kitchen maid tor ally, aff Atjutant WORKING HOULSEK EEF for small hotel near Kingston; nsus be' good cook and have city refer ence. Apply Box D-20, Whig. time-saving charts Nothing like them. Musical training unneces- sary. $1.00 postpaid. Kegan d Cal MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTA | lnserviops, |. | with} Stu- | 108, 164 North Mentor, Passadena, | 70 re tives now selling Automobile Ac-| cessory. Jobbers desiring to add al high class auto necessity to thygls line write to-day. Box 213, Dayton, Ohio. i eee ee. JOB COMPOSITORS FOR A FIRST- class job office in Toronto, open shop, 48 hour perma- nent position Transportation paid. | | FOR SHY TEMBER 1st, BY A BU | QUALIFIED TEACHER tC WANTED | 1 | SAXOPHONE QUICKLY TAUGHT BY | =---- sop RIRACHERS WAN ANT BEACH- | tisburgh. Sal- | bert Whyte No. 1 | { A QUALIFIED PROTEST er for 8/8. No. 14, © ary $500.00. Apply Joyecev PR ille, Ont, BR. R ALIFIED, PROTESTANT TEACHER for 8. 8. No. 5, Hinchinbrooke, Ap- aling salary and experience 0. A. Smith, Parham QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER ¢ 8. S. No. 9, Hinchinbrooke. Ap- | stating experienc: 5 and salary wanted n, Tichborne, Unt { { qualifica- | to L. A} | TEACHER FOR 8, 8. NO. 5, DENBIGH. Duties to commence Se pt. 1st, 1921.1 Apply, stating sala experi- | ence -to J. E -Treas., Vennachar, Ont. Sec. QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER for y 10, Dalhousie, County'| of Li Duties to commence ol No. ist. Salary $500 Apply to Alex. C Easton, Lammermoor, Onur, | | FOR ECHO TEACHER - WANTED 1 Township of ake 8. 8. No. 10, Hinchinbrooke; must be experi-| enced. Apply stating wages to] Herbert McLeod, Echo Lake FOR S, 8. NO. | 2, Township of Loughboro. Salary $650. Duties to.commence Septem- | 1st. Apply to W. R. Wilson, @ Box 167, Sydenham, ON SATURDAY, ALGLUST mgt "LOST." BLACK HAND BAG, CONTAINING sum of money; suitable reward f return to this office TWO $5 BILLS, BY MARRIED « between early hours of 8 evening and Sunday kindly return to receive reward. will wiih enton, ternity pin, and having Hc engraved on return to Whig © d B € STOLEN. ON WEDNESDAY, 17th DAY OF ALG, between 12 and 1 o'clock noon nix a 17 foot square stern, Knapp build power boat, with single cyunder St lawrence engine. Also two of oars, from W FOR SALE. x! i OUPLE I at lay nder Whig Office and] A FC r 13th, a FRA it pearls 1911, Finder please pairs Little's boat liv- a -------- NA i ---- AWNINGS, TENTS, Phone 811. F. W ELAND BICYCL Ged Palmer, Bagot and" Queeil. GOON r of JR TON TRUUK, WORM DRIV E, lew tires, a snap Geo. Palmer, cor. of Bagot and Queen. i EAY MARE, WEIGHING ABOUT 1,100 1bs.; good for delivery. Apply New | England Bakery, Cojlingwood St. | | GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections; your own cholce, $42.50 { Terms §/ casn; $5 per month. C. WV Lindsay, Lamited, 121 I'rincess St | | VALUABLE FARM, 208 ACRES, FISH- | ing lake, never tailing well, bank "Barn for 30 cows; frame house; ce. ment cellar; 15 miles from King- | ston. Apply 116 Colborne Street, WE SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS OF | | musical jostruments, also cioth- { ing and furniture. Call and get our | { prices. l. Routbard, 259 l'rincess ! ONE HEAVY TEAM WAGGON. APPLY 169 Raglan Road, Bert Stansbury SEND A DOMINION EXPRESS MONE) Order. They are payable where, | every. | Fo street. Phone 1723. | | FARM OF 155 ACRES ON BATH HOA all tillable land; will sell; rent, let on shares, exchan for city prop- erty or good bus 88 Apply to G Richardson, « premises FRAME BUILDING, SUITABLE i. Apply 47 Ellerbeck street WANTED GENERAL I SMALL FARM WITHIN TEN { miles of Kingston, Apply Bux M-11,! Whig Oftice. ONE SILENT SALESMAN, 4' 6" or N| ft. long x 2 ft. wide Apply Bert nsbury, 169 Raglan Road § Iman, fnve or six room, furnish 0 partly furnished house, careful ten aunt. Apply Box W-19, Whig. eerste REPAIRING -- HOW ABOUT ROOW your roof? Does it need repairing { BOWSER GASOLINE PuMP tank; tank contains 2490 gal; pumy 1 gal. cap. Apply G. A. Couper, Bn-| e--_ terprise. FOR camping or poultry house; size 10 x AND | MOTORBOA 24 FEET LONG, WILL carry nine people; Kiigston ko dry 2 cyl. 8-10 h.p accessories, complete; running order; $160 ) Thomas street. engine; in nrst Apply | MOTOR POWER TULG, LENG CNE FORD TRUCK, ONE INDIAN MO-| lixcelsior motorcycle K sale King tor cycle, on cheap for q Muller, 371-373 1032w. St. Apply George Phone | all 40' 0", beam over depth amidships 0." gine, speed 9 mi Al condi- uon, and in commission on St. Law- rence river. To be sold cheap. Ap- ply H. M., care British Whig fuel on the market. livering 1-4 tons at at $4.75, or a rull Phone 1611m. W. C. CUKE FOR SUMMER USL; GaEAPEST | We are $2.50; ton at Bruton, E $9.00 de- tons | PROPERTY ON sion Stree!, within the city limits, known ar the Murdock | Farm, containing forty-three ac es | more or less, now owned by ¥hel Kingston Brick and Tile Com- THAT VALUABLE Avi | !| Kendry have == TO-DAY OWEN MOOR --IN-- Ny - "THE - CHICKEN IN THE CASE" Laugh and Grow Fat is the Keynote of This Pictlire. EXTRA ATTRACTION NEXT WEEK Pictures of the Lake Yacht Racing Association Annual Regatta held Kingston on August 3rd, 4th, 5th. Don't miss them. Taken by the DOMINION MOTION PICTURES em ---------------------------------- ere Matinee daily Evedings Down in Old Glenburnie, Glenburnie, Aug. 16.--Miss Hazel Gamble and Chester Coulter were married August 10th. They are spending their honeymoon in the States. On their return they wil] re- 'Ge in Glenn 4 A prospecdis farmer Jame: Smith has returned from the States, accom- panied by his uncle, Mr. Wright. Bert Vair motored to Ottawa recently. R J. Kelly and Mrs, Kelly motored to Elgin for the week-end. A large (crowd attended the dance on Friday night. Misses Allan Sands and A. Mc- purchased a steam threshing outfit. KE, Barret is thresh- ing through the Glen. All the people --young and old--are looking for- ward to two or three days at the Kingston fair. The farmers will oost this fine event, Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George Compton, a daughter. Glen- { . Where the groom .W. KENT MACNEE Bank of Commerce Building, Brock and Grand LAST TIM "3 LIVE New York's Rib-Tickling Success. PRICES--Orch., $2.00; Pac, GRAN] CONWAY Albert Payson Terhune' COMEDIES and OTHER REELS PRE-WAR PRICES --Evenings, 10 c., A brilliant Baglish comedy and cast, SLO; 71.90; Gallery, 30c. 15e., 20e. To-night TO-NIGHT GHOSTS" ° Mon. -- Tues. -- Wednesday TEARLE in "The Fighter" Matinees Gc, and 10e, Writing: --Automobile, Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, etc. Representing Only Reliable Companies 404 Barrie Street, Monday, August 22nd, m Ask Your Grocer FOR WAGSTAFFE'S PURE FRUIT JAMS AND MARMALADR Sold in 12 and 16 cz. Glass Pots and 2; 4 and 7 1b gold lined ting King Streets. Phone 701 or 327). General Insurance Agency spe Fire, Accident, of ee ------------ TAKE NOTICE that 1 will not credit Dominion Taxi Service PHONE 116 24 Hour Day Service NOTICE be re- sible for any debts incurred on my by my wife, Mrs. Emma Buck Victoria Street, Kingston, pnt W. R. BUCK 102 AUCTION SALE p- Household furniture, stoves, carpets THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. curtains, carpenter's tools, etc W. MURRAY, Phone S81J, Auctioneer, Wanting tery | of repairs Ything done In the carp: timates given on all ki also hard All orders wood floors eo will receiv: piompt attemtion. 28 Queen Street. Toronto Exhibition Visitors Write me to reserve good and clean private ACCOMMODATION. Terme very reasonable. Near exhibition ground. Handy to all cars. J. STANSFIELD, 100 Ossington Avenue, Toronto, Ont. Public Library Bulletin NEW FICTION FOR AUGUST Dangerous Ages--Macaulay, R, ....... Half Loaves--Banning, M. C Ghosts--Crabb, A Feast of Lanters--Miln, 1. J Crimson Blotter--Ostrander, | Zell--Alkman, H. G. Satan--Stackpole, H. de V Flaming Forest--Curwood, J Lantern of 1 MacLeod Mixed Faces--Norton, R Year of Delight--Widdimere, M Fool's Errand--Rickard, V. Mrs Far To Seek--Diver, M Twisted Trails--Oyen, H Children of the Whirlwnid--Scott, L. Eric Lane---McKenna, 8. "TENDERS i for the purchase and removal of a 3. tenement frame house and an adjoining brick house, {osethopwith fenceg in the rear, will be receiVed by the Trus- tees of Queen's University at the office of the undersigned to noon, on Thursday, August 25th, These hbuses are Nos. 70, 72, 74 ®nd 76 Arch street All fixtures, including plumbing and tes hot water radiators, become the prop- erty of the purchaser. The ground must be cleared by September 15th. W. E. McNEILL. burnie defeated Elginburg in a game | of baseball. Roy and Gordon Black- | | J:|lock and Joseph Hall left for the | FAR [ west on the excursion, Thomas Cash- | | man has rebuilt his silo. The Metho- dist Sunday school picnic was held at Kingston Mills on Wednesday last. | A large crowd was present and had | a real jolly time. All are sorry to to Queen's University. Apply Box hear that Rev. Mr. Calvert is not B-20, Whig Office | retovering very rapidly, URNISHED | irg front sit-| ¥4 Earl street pany. For particulars as to price aud terms apply to the uundersign- ed" solicitor 1or the company. B. Walkem, 93 Clarence 30. +7, Whig © re. | We use Argus Roof-proof. Drop a Hox S47 Whig Ultiee | card to F. Coventry, b Barrack St. WE WANT A RELIABLE SALES agent for each unrepresented coun- + ty or territory. Exclusive selling rights; good pay to energetic rep- resentatives. Our agency is valu- able. Write Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto, Ont, SALE OF MILLINERY GOODS, CON-| sisting of Malines, Veiling, Straw | Bralds, Flowers, Kibbons, a few | straw shapes, and children's hats. | Apply 112 Lower William Street, Se -------------------- KOR SALE Shoy M OF 100 ACRES, KNOWN AS the Willlam Davis homestead, sit- uated in township of Kingston, 7th Concession; frame house, furnace, in Al condition; good frame barn with fine stabling; best of water and telephone. Other farms for sale. Apply D.'A. Cays, 57 Brock Street: WANTED HOUSE 10 RENT, TEN TO tw 'e rooms; centrally situat.d, for middle of October. Apply Bux U-18, Whig. | . ms | TO LET. CITY LOT, 69 FEET FRONTAGE; 117 feet deep; fur cash $225.00. Also! incubator? 140 egg, and two bLiovd-| - ers; hot water heated. Only used once. Cawson, 248 Concession St. | near Victocia Street. -------- ee DOUBLE, FRONT ROOM WITH ard for two or three. Apply by phone 22297. BY YOUNG MARRIED COU PLE, FUR- nished. room and board, near Queen's . University, Apply Box C-20, Whig. ete eset WANTED $4,500 ON FIRST MORT- § Bage at 1%. Security to congist of a larm and dwelhng house in city combined, or will take $3,000 on the farm and $1,500 on the house. J. Kk. Carroll Agency, 36 brock Street, ------ ee --_---- UPHOLSTERING, CALL OR DROP A CARD TO . Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st. W. HAROLD FOUR YOUR UP- holstering and genera] repairing. Leave oraerg at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street. rT -- TO THE UNEMPLOYED--MEN WHO have ambition to achieve success and are willing to put forth the re- quired effort we have positions that are worth working for. Call for interview between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Mr. Whitehead, Royal Bank Chambers (upper floor), Kingston, Ont. FOR SALE FINE BRICK RE DENCE, NO. 188 William street containing 12 rooms, electric lighting; hot water heating; large lot with garage; one of the best locations in the city. House is in splendid condition. Pos- session at once. Other fine resi- dences throughout the city. full particulars apply to D. A 87 Brock street, A FURNISHED HOUSE, CONVENIENT FOR SALE | SUITABLE FOR LADIEK | Bedroom and downst ung. room, Used Cars, Trucks and Motorcyeles Merrickville News. Merrickville, Aug. 19.--The gov- | ernment carpenters are repairing the gates at the locks here. Albert Had | pin, who underwent a serious opera- | tion at St. Francis hospital, Smith's | Apply 243 University Ave, | Falls, is improving nicely. Fred i 23rd, at 1.30 p.m. i MeCarney of the Royal Bank, has | Parlor furniture, oak dining room A NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, | been transferred to the branch at | suite, oflcloth, linoleum, Quebec cook R rag . . ¥s stove with hot water attachments, Que- 146 Montreal St, all improvements | Lanark. Miss M. Kelly, Niagara, is bec heaters, beddigg, pillows, dressers, Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant April | : her siste M Lp st | the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. D. stands, beds, coo ing utensils, lawn . mower, garden tools, etc Murphy. Miss Lilian Milne, Joyce- BEDFORD, the Auctioneer. ville, is visiting at Rev. M, E. Crow- | Phome 1721, { ley's. Miss Margaret McCarney has Street. | retutned home, after visiting Miss a eA AAs AUCTION SALE Pownship of Kingston, near Wil. | SEPT. 1st, SIX-ROOMED BRICK | Margaret Barrett, Chesterville, | h | house, on Division street, south of -- 161 Alfred Street, Thursday, Sept. 1st, ton. Goud frame dwelling, horse Princess. Moderate rent. Phone " < at 1.30 p.m barn and "rive house, fur barn 2326 W. We have failed to discover a sin- pam. Apply kre Orser, Ka, arrow- Happy Thought range, fall-leaf table, smith. I'OR RENT, SEPT. i5th, A MODERN, | gle man so deaf he could not hear carpets and 'linoleums, curtains, box- partly furnished house; 8 rooms; in | money talk. couch, china, crockery, glassware, rugs, desirable locality; references rel AAA AAA nana | NALS, pictures, mirrors, Morris chair' quired. Address ¥., 283 Johnson St | | FANCY GOODS. Cars from $175 up. COME AT ONCE--MEN $6-10 DaiLy, special short courses; one month Auto Mechanics' course $50; ore month Gas Tractor Course $50; plenty of time to finish for the spring rush. Hemphill Bros. Auto Gas Tractor School, 163 King st. + Toronto. Board and room $3.50 up. Call or write. sn ee. sete FARK AVENUE CLI) ITAL Training Sehool for » s, full re- gent's course; eight hour day; six GARAGE, NEAR QUEEN and agot Apply D. G. Hay, R,| R. 1, Kingston. Phone 1100 r 22. spread CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; | improvements :ntrally locat- | Trucks from $100 up. Motorcycles, highest bid. For Cays, FIRST all ed. AUCTHON SALE 364 Johnson Street, Tuesday, August Chevrolet Shock Absorbers J. Ire Protectors--will not puncture or blow out. Wood's Air-Ti will not leak. ¥. 5) | D ght Valve and Tube -- r GEO, A. PALMER Opposite Blue Garage Cor. Bagot and Queen Streets Phone 410J. COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- day week. Educationa] require- der in all popular shapes and sizes. ments: one year high school Three Upholstering and repairing done. months' credit is given for each KE. J. Goodridge, 244 University Year of high school compldied, / Avenue, making course two years and three months to high school graduates : For information apply to Superin- | FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN- tendent of Park Avenue Clinica; ished; guns, gramaphones, etc. re- paired promptly and guaranteed. Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Princess St. | THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS W ITH Separate conveniences; very mod- | erate terms. Apply 231 - Victoria FARM OF 100 ACRES, 13th CO) Hospital, 789 Park Avenue, Ro- chester, New York. LOve, RELIABLE Mas Ww. " take orders and delive line of Teas, Coffees, etc, in Can- ada. Highest commission of any cuncern in the country paid; all KUUUS ure guaranteed or money re- funded.. lwach applicant must be hinancially responsible, If You are looking for a good, independent, permanent position with unlimited earning possibilities, this is your Obporaunity. Quick action neces- sary Patcicia Blend Tea & Cof- fe Queen Street East, Toronto, ERE POSITION WANTED. ANTED T0 r the finest ALL KINDS OF UPHOLSTERING RE pairs executed on the shortest n. tice. Prices reasonable, estimates free. Drop post card to W. R. Mc- Laughlin, 13 Elgin street, Kingston. -- CHINA CABINET, iARLOR SETTES, chalr and tables; Kilcnen table, ex. Leasion ladder, wheelbarrow, gars | den seals, coal oll heater, bauy's bath, laundry stove. 208 Alvert Street. Mvenings. rockers, chiffoniers, dressers, stands, beds, bedding, washing machine, tubs, coal, wood, meat-safe, alluminum wg fruit jars, artificial coal for fire-pl butter crocks, parlor chairs, hall rack, kitchen utensils and other articles BEDFORD, the Auctioneer. Phone 1721. OA APARTMENT TO LET-- FOUR FUR. nished rooms; ground floor; all cone | Yenlences. Apply 230 Barrie St. | - Telephone 7T44w. HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING, AC- cordion, knife and box pleating. Hours 9 to $30. Mrs. E. A. Card, 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal St. opposite Artillery Park. CHIROPRACTIC. WM. A: MARCELIS, D.C, Ph, C,, Cor- ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 2nd floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone $22J. Hours 9 to 12 ara. 1 to 6 p.m. LARGE REED ORGAN WITH pedals; suitable tor a church, school or nfission. Also an harmon- ium; will sell these eneap for quick sale. Apply Jieorge Wilson, Man- ager Grin Theatre. TWO STORES, NOS. 42 AND 44, ened cess Street, and large garage at rear. Possession November 1st. | Apply 249 Brock Street. { PIANO TUNING. 4-ROOM APARTMENT, ALL CON VENI ences, electric light, Bas range. / ply between 3 and p.m. at University Avenue or phone 852w. D. BROWN, 12 MARKLAND/! re 'iano Tuning and Repalr-| Fine" es mE FOR SALE . WEST END--Brick veneer, semi- bungalow, 7 rooms, .3 5 i electric light; gas for. cooking, furnace, PAINTING AND PAYER HANGING the main hall downstairs. Owner leavi WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR $3,850. Paperhanging done. drop a card to | NORTH END--Solid brick dw A. Mounteer, 84 Arch street. bath, barn, large v well built piece of DR. GEO. FP, LUCY, DR. JENNIE A. Sf ---- Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and MALE STENO- Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot street, ral office man; Telephone 943. Hours 9 to 12 a.m. Box A-20, Whig Office. { to 9 'pm. Spinal 3 and consultation free. Residential calls by appointment. SIGNS Wh HAVE FUR SALES ALL KINDS oF Buod second haud Lurniture * ang slCVes. Any person baving stoves 84C turniture to dispose of, we w. bay highest prices. J. Thompso 358 Princess Street. Paone 1600w, BY First CLASS grapher and gene age 32. MIDDLE-AGED LADY, DESIR] sition as trained purge. X-19, Whig, or phone 1 AS SALESMAN partment, London, ence. Address A. E No. 3; York Road, ki i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITI FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BE ing business hotels ston; general and Summer trade. Everything in first class order. Owner retiring on account of ili- health... Apply Box RT Whig. | LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- rs 'and Solleitors, 39 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- ham, Cyril M. Smith. AMBROSE sHE! BA, BARRISTER and Sellcitor. Law ofice, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank 9 Money to loan. Phone 199 Ain, TO OUR CUSTOMERS WE. SAY: Secure your coal at Summer prices. pL Summer is on the wane. James Swift & Co., Limi Foot of Johnson St. piece -bath, rooms on both sides of APARTMENT, FIVE ng city. Sacrifice price "room and balcony; Possession Sept. Apply 126 ROOMS, BATH near City park. 1st. Also garage. Bagot street. . NG Po- Apply Box 208w. = MOTOR BICYCLE OUTFIT, ELECTRI- cally equipped, 1921 Lriggs-Strat- ton Motor Wheel and new Double Bar Indian Bicycle. Everything in best of order. Owner leaving city. Apply Treadgold's, or 247 larl St. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, ete, elling, 8 rooms, furnace, erandah and good garden. property, Price $5,000. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phones 68 and 2240m. 56 Brock Street. 3 piece A particularly IN DRAPERY DE- Eng. experi- Hawker, R. R Eston, Ont, Eh a SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, large or small, Posteys, Showcards displays a specialty, by Shaw at 213 Princess Street: AT ONCE, A NEW, 7-ROOM HOUSE ON North Alfred street, npenr Conces- sion street. "Apply to J. D Boyd, Route No. 1, Eastview. | ------ PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING --J, | Flanagan, Painter, and Decorator. | Estimates freely given. Metalli:'| gold letters for store and office | windows. 247 Montreal street | ES. ST GO- + vicinity King- STORAGE FOR FURNITUR atay, airy rooms; yo and key. Frost's Clty 306 Queen St. Phone AGENTS WANTED MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CAN vass, but to travel and appoint lo- cal representatives, $21 a week and expanses guaranteed, with good chiunve -to minke §50 a week and expenses. State age and qualifica- tions. Experience unnecessary. Winston Co., Dept. G., Toronto. E, CLEAN, Btoves--coal and wood, like new--§1s to $35.00. PERSONAL THE SAFE WAY TO SEND BY MAIL is by Dominion Express Money or. ders. Parlor Suites, $15 to 29 FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, HARD- wood floors, electrig light, gas stove, heater, refrigerator, modern in every way. Apply to White's In- surance Office, 239 Bagot street, 1 gentleman's bicycle $9.00 New Felt Mattress $8.00 . Kitchen tables $3.00. CAR OWNERS We have Five 2-Year Guarantee Batteries at real bargain prices. Call and let us fit you up. One 6:VoIt 100 amp, regu- lar price $47.00; Sale Price $37.00. Two 6-Volt 8 Amp, regu- lar price $43.00; Sale Price $34.00. Jwo 6-Volt 100 Amp., regular $46.00; Sale Price $36.00. Burke Electric Com 74 PRINCESS STREET . . iF YOU WANT A HEALTHY, WEAL- thy, loving wife, write Violet Rays, Dennison, Ohio, enclosing stamp. . AGENTS==GET IN A all year commission business of your own. Every property owner needs some of our nine hundred varieties of hardy Red Tag trees and plants. No capital needed Complete equipment and instruc- tion free. Write Dominion Nurser- ies, Montreal. PROFITABLE UNEURNISHED APARTM) THREE bright airy rooms, with private family; in choice locality; near Queen's University. Phone, elec- tric light and all conveniences. Ap- ply. 35 Union street west or phone v44) 1 ¥olld oak dining room set § pieces, $85.00. We buy all kinds of Furniture. LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP $60,000 OF WEALTH GOES WITH AF- fectionate young widow. BOX 55, | * Oxford, Fla | SUHICAGO LONESOME CLUB" THOU. » & s belor Send stampe en- Phoue 1040w. 0807 I'rimcess Street. : | ok i ne 299% Broadway Chicago, | PLUMBING AND HEATING. | Hlinois | I : 31 { MATRIMONIAL AND, PASTIME | EA TNG, JBPAIR, Circle. Pamphlets 25¢. No stamps. | 114 Colborne St, or 16 Gore. Remailed sealed Box 14, isher- | Phone 2224). wood, a rm---- 130 ACRE CANADIAN FARM, THREE horses, poultry, 9 cows and heifers, 4 calves, bull, swine, cream separ- ator, venicles, harnesses, full im- \ plements; etc, included if you act quickly; a wonder bargain; desf¥- able located on improved road close thriving R.R. town; easy auto drive CILY; luv acres level tillage; 20-cow spring watered pasture; wood, 50 apple trees; berries; buildings in- sured '$3.00v; fine »-room house; bountitul shade; excellent open view; good 13-cow barn; pouitry house; all outbuildings. To settle affairs all, $5,900, about half o h, easy terms. Get details this and Strout's Big Catalogue Canadian 4arms, Strout Farm Agency, 208 A. F: Janning Chaniber, Toronto, an. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, " FOR SALK PLUMBING AND HEA work promptly d Brow. Street. pany PHONE 423. Ont. | | GET MARRIED. BEST MATRIMON- ia paper published. Free for stamp. Correspondent. Toledo, Ohio . FURNITURE FINISHING CALL co Ee Nr se ea a ara i ---------- os DROP A CARD TO Ww, DRIS. 1, 23 John street. YOUR FUTURE FORETOLD: SEND dime, birthdateé* for truthful, reli- able, convincing trial reading. Hazel Hause, Box 215, Los Angeles, Cal ARCHITEQT PAGE AND WARR tered architects, Torbnto. INGTON, REGIS. 199 Youges Street, FOOL YOUR®* FRIENDS--MAKE lieve you're in New York City. Five colored cards. 10c I mail twice |. Dwyer, $13 Westside Avenue, Jer- sey City, N. J MARRY IF LONELY; OR RESUL try me; best and most successfu "Home Maker." hundreds rich, wish marriage soon; strictly confiden- tial; most reliable; years experi- ence; descriptions free. "The Sue- cessful Club," Mrs. Nash, Box 556, Oukland, Calif. J HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, ODIRTH. marks, skin cancers, scars, ete, moved hermanentlf, Klasses fitted and fu others have failed. POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCH]. tects, Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of Brock ang Wellington streets. asm FINANCIAL L. R. STEEL STOCK BOUGHT. LOANS made on Stocks and Bonds. Bruce & Co. McKinnot Bldg. Toronto. BUY YOUR OUT-OF-TOWN SUPPLIES i Dominion Express Money Or- dollars costs FOR SALE, NORTH END, FRAME house; 6 rooms; large lot; a Breat Snap for an immediate sale. 2 - People Often Tell You To Go Somewhere but if you are in need of Engine or Automobile Repairs you Mo not have to be told to BO to DAVIS, because everyone knows we do the 'right kind of work. Try here next. $3000--FRAME HOUSE; Goon CONDI- tion; B. and C. electric lights; good lot; for quick buyer. SLYOO--FOR TWO FRAME HOUSES; 4 and § rooms; lot §6x132. North end. THE CHEVROLET "FB 50" TOURING CAR is the leader in medium-priced cars. in the way of power, looks, size and durability that cars selling for $1,000.00 more have, We are pleased to announce to intending purchasers that at the new prices we have the best gar for the least money 82,000---FRAME; 4 ROOMS; NEW; B. and C.; electric lights. C. SEMI-DETACHED; tooms; BL. and C STRANGE & STRANGE, A agents; established in only the most reliable companies repre- sented. Mice 95 Clarence street, opposite the post office. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; 'incorporated 1861. President. WF. Nickle, K.C.; vice- resident, A. . Cunningham. oney issued on city and farm roperies, municipal and county eDentures; mortgages purchased: Investment bonds for sale; d its received and interest allow R. C. Cartwright, manager, 27 Clar- 'ence street, Kingston. 1 INVEST WHILE SAVING $30.00 YEARLY oN INVESTMENT © $391.00 "Bix preferred stocks and how they can be purchased on PARTIAL PAY- MENT PLAN, described in our Letter F101. Write for booklet. : BECK AND COMPANY One Wall Street = - New York Ei L Street. Phone 301 MARRY --FOR S| DY MARRIAGE, absolutely Prog com eatal rands wi wishing tial. - SIX dewn towa. ' DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. _ East End of Wellington St. {| Auction Sales I am thé best auctioneer in King est 18 Kingston. BEDFORD The Phone 1721 EE WHEN YOU WANT THE canPENPER tractor, ames Selby, Con 212 University Avgnue. Phone 1398w. © It has everything 10 Roos; LATES? RICK ; -- impro Vements; centra Reliable Clu 26, Oakiand, i ince BENE | ~ $1500.00 DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST: OFFICE | ; Ss Completely equipped, delivered Kingston $3400--BRICK ; SEMI-DETACHED; § Toms: hot Water heating; side en- trance; Might of way, ~ RICK; SIX ROOMS; T piece bath; hot air; how. o downstairs. ~ STOVES While they last, you may have one reasonable, as that is my LTURK Phone 705 258 Princess Street. home §52w. ! DRS. SPARKS AND thats, . 159 WwW Carnovsky's. DR: RUPERT PF. MILLAN, DENTIST, yn FA Phone 1850. eveningy by appointment. DR. AYKROY] HAS RE Princess St, Ph floors i . BD PARKS, LEN. | 3 eet, over my ver HOUSES 19° a, RENT---FURNISHED OR CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE BAWDEN & EDWARDS 8b MONTREAL STREET PHONE 400, ACRES LAND; wRAMR good condition; 1 bare and stable; well watered; 14 miles from Kingston. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTA 150 Wellington Street, inane ¥ sumed ri Bd aT o Bank of Nova Scotia 1023,