SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1921. T H E D A I LY BRITISH WHIG. 7 mee Broek stront. will return w Toronto | rt early. in the week i Col. and Mrs. Victor Anderson, | umme | Ottawa, and their children, are at 72 { Sydenham: street. Kingston people o . are glad to hear they intend takidg | s . -- { srippe . i a house in town 3 a . r . . . ; tol " ' Miss Harrington and Miss Helen ! ; . | Harrington, who have been with Mr. | Requires prompt treatment. | (Noti H # ie Wh jand Mrs. Archibald Young, Union a : Fr err SICAL I tH WHIE IB | reetrhiaverneturnettoiBelovitete A few doses a of _DR." tevmmion With "Other "papers all over > Mre, J pe RE i HICKEY'S CHEST REM-. Canada, will make a 'tharge of $l} Sydenham, and Mrs. J. B. Mec EDY, together with a treat- for inserting an engagement, mar- |31Y, S) . riage or reception announcement.) |Leod, Alfred street, have returned ment of COLD TABLETS Once again we are [ | {from a visit to the former's sister in | Will break up the worst cold featuring Clocks. telephons No. 857w., 189 Earl street.| Mrs. Patterson and Miss Patterson | in a few hours. Do not $8 {arrived from England this week, to . Mrs. Cuthbert Gummer, Colling-| i with MissHelen Pat- neglect your cold, but get spend the winter elen Pa wood street, was the hostess of al 1 a these remedies at once. MAHOGANY } ® 58 {terson and her brother. They are ot | small tea on Friday when her guests! pregent at the Y.W.C A., Johnson MANTLE had the pleasure of meeting Miss street. | L T - CLOCKS Phyllis Knight, who has been study- Miss Marion Packer left on Thurs- | . gist a ing music in London for some time, day for Toronto to join her mother | J {and has come back with an added and will then go on to her home in | PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST From $15 to $75 {skill in her slender fingers. Mrs. |Albany, N.Y. Open Sundays. I h : | Hackett, who has recently returned Miss Marion Lesslie and her Sun- | NOW ON---continuing to August 31st gr with Special nt e new attractive from India, was another guest to re- day school class from St Andrew's | 3 . . Af Phone 59. Fab, ot coive a warm "wecome Rome." | |v, rwol clase trom St Autrows | . News of savings daily. We refund fares 'to all out-of ambour shapes. vee Point. | town customers. Ss 1 . The Monday Bridge Club, of which - we \ Se ey | These C ocks strike Mrs. Andrew McMahon is a member,| rs BJ Adams, who has been in | gave a very much enjoyed picni: Eingland for a year, will sail for | every hour, and half- luncheaon at Lake Ontario Park on | Canada on Sept. 1st. Keel Jr M 0 D 0 hour, and carry a full Friday in her honor. The day was a Mrs. Arthur Meighen iis the guest | . -- oy oe Vel/e Us delightful one and the park, refresh- of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nickle, "Tha | ) guarantee. ed with rain, was a most pleasant Shelling." | . suot. Mrs. McMahon will go to St. Dr. and Mrs. John Mackie, spent al See them while there Catharines in September, and will 1 ford t 1 few days in town this week. | > : 1 ater go on to Stratford for the win-| "pr "Morrice 'Hamilton, Cornwall, | are many designs to ter, returning, her friends hope, to spent the week-end with Mrs. D. J. | a choose from. Kingston in the Spring. Robertson, Clergy street. % Mrs. R. Uglow, Miss Marjoric and | To get the Whig's society writer, { Ottawa, « v Miss S. Mener and Miss I. Pollack, | pie Helen Uglow, returned on Fri- | New York, two very enthusiastic | 45 from a trip down the Saguenay | Tig American girls, spent a day or so in|, Murray Bay. . y of ope lown this week at the Y.W.C.A.1"" nies Phyllis Knight and Miss Alice From 7 Until 9.45 O clock Responsibility * They had been on a trip up the Goodwin returned from England this | ! Great Lakes and were most BENerous | wank: i : in their praise of Canada's beauty | i s» Fos ndon nt., is There are several reasons why Jewelers - Limited Misa Irene Foster, London, O | spots. On Friday they took the early |. i , ks 'at the Y.W. | 2 spending a few wee a . ous Et Jervise bears a good Established 1540. boat to see the Thousand Islands an: C.A., Johnson street. { One of them is that we don't Registered Opticians will return to the metropolis by way Canon Whalley, St. Alban's churca. depend on others for any part of Clayton. Ottawa, and Rev. A. F. C.- Whalley, of it. i 850 Ring Street "i . ye. St. Peter's church, Broekville, are | Our "work is mot planned by Mrs. W. F, Nickle, "The Shelling," [spending their holiday on the Ups | others; nor do others carry is entertaining informally at the ica n v {per Ottawa river. 2 . Foon Tian, ion to fin- < hour -this afternoon in honor of her! * = ° ° ished Siasges it Is KEELEY guest, Mrs. Arthur Melghen, Ottawa Mrs. Robert Spratt and family, ' o > did i y, wh been spending We are vitally interesteq | | . : Lindsay, who have 3 the result of our ork a 34 | Miss Aileen Folger, Sydenham the past week with Mrs. Lawless at | insure Success do all of {¢ our- street, asked a few of Miss Phyllis the Anglo-American hotel, expect to selves. oy : . r DENTAL PARLORS: Knight's old friends to meet her at leave for their home this week. Mrs. | the tea hour on Thursday. Lawless and Kenneth will go to | ® ® Keeley I MO D 0 153° PRINCESS STREUT 12s Lindsay with them for a few days, - The Kingston tennis team entér- o ill visit Mrs. Law- . * ee | Gi : - returning they wi 226 PRINCESS STREET RIJUSTUN: ONTARIO tained the Cornwall team at dinner jose brother, P. J. Kenny, Petorboro, ' : | We specialize on:--Painless Extrac- at the Frontenac Club on Friday for a few days. Phone 027 ening. ri x gi tion, Latest Treatment of Pyorrhea, ev Eg Miss Ida Purvis has returned home X-Ray work. Ss» after spending her vacation with Miss Carrie and Miss Ethel Wald- friends in Picton. Formerly priced at $ | .00 a pair ron, who with Mr. Waldron, have| Mr and Mrs. W. J. Weaver 'and | spent a month or so at Ogunquit, | family have returned to the city after | Maien, returned. to town on Friday. spending the past two months at # r . Miss Julia Lyman, Miss Eleanor Camp Dewar, Pittsburg Road. | Lyman and Mr. Lyman arrived in| Mrs. F. Miden, Toronto, and Hugh | " Quebec on Thursday en the Empress Bryan, B.A., principal of Renfrew | of Britain, and are expected in town Collegiate Institute, are the guests of to-day. Dr. and Mrs. Volume, 4. Chestnut Mrs. J. M. Machar, William street, | street. RAN ES is visiting Miss Agnes Maule Machar « sie G : at rerusliffo. Lieut.-Col. D. Douglas Young will i 0 Mist Drumuoid, Albert siinet, Ist leave for Metis early in the week to turned from Gananoque on Friday. Mrs. H. C. Welch, Bagot street, | Join Col. and Mrs. Douglas Young. spent a few days in Watertown, N. Harold Hughes, Gore street, is in Y., this week. Chatham at present. Our demonstrator who is with us ro Simos Woolas, Bart strter, | Wee. D. 7 Reubetison, Clergy street, | The feature attraction to- night is this special selling of . . eft for Toronto to-day. 0 oo . . this week demonstrating Wear-Ever ou DR cares Semon. Cech Samia || high-grade Monarch Knit brand Black Silk Hose. Aluminum ware uses a Major W.-B. Mackie will sail for | and George Bedell are on a yachting . The lot comprises 900 pairs, in sizes 84 to 10, - Canada in September to join Dr. and | cruise on the St. Lawrence. : $ . . Mrs. Mackie, who will spend the Mr. and Mrs, 'Alan Grant, Park . Black Silk Hose with a heavy Silk Lisle Garter Top, McCLARY ELECTRIC RANGE winter in'the South. View, wil] eave for Halifax early in with reinforced toe and heel, make a most desirable ap- Miss Spilsbury, Colobrne, and Mrs, | the week to spend a month, : % . C In d h Hinds, Bowmanville, who have eame Col. P. G. C. Campbell returned pearing as well as an extra g ood-wearing Hose. all and see the range used for bak- to town to meet Miss Spilsbury, | from Toronto on Thursday. e advise an early choice, as the values are too good 1 1 * : Yenkers, N.Y., ta ing and cooking. She is using the Hotel Randolph, +5 » te i tolastlong ............. .. TO.NIGHT 48c. PAIR gas 2" . Y Mrs. G. F. Emery is the guest o ' : Rev. W. K| Rowe, St. John' ad : range under the same conditions as it ir. Ova oe Be Joely; mother. Mrs. 8. H. Birch at A limit of 4 pairs to a customer. would be in your own home. Charles Daykin, two old Kingston- | Trgusand Islare Park. Toreits. is . ' . . ians, canoeing from Ottawa, was Miss Virginiy Knott, oron 9, ou Don t miss the opportunity of the this week passing through town on the guest of Mrs. George Waits, Me- Donald's Cove. their way down the St. Lawrence, Sale. and calling on old friends from Howard Folger and Jack Hickey whom they received a hearty wel motored to Saratoga, N.Y.; to spendd §} UNBLEACHED WHITE the week-end with the former's un- Sas. YS wid per ita Foulkes will re- FACTORY "COTTON HABUTAI SLE . » ma John's, Portemokth, returned an Fyj.| W4In in England for some months to ie 59¢. YARD e e C : : : % study music and daneing. - 10c. YARD : " 9 day from St. John, N.B., where h® has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Miss Jgssie Dyde will return to 250 yards of fe Hebutai W. H. Smith. Toronto on Monday. Wi Phone 237, = = = = Kingston Mise Bighase, who -uq-houn- int, Hise, Hattie Rela Torasts. was in 1,200 yards of 34 inch fac- Wash Silk; full 36 inches Toronto today. oo red 10] "Yt col, Hush Walkem, Montreal, tory Cotton--a good weight wide. Our regular 90c. stock D. Young Leslie, Syracuse, N.Y., has left for Sydney, N.8., to join Mrs, . : Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Archibald | Walkem, who has been spending the and fimish. A clean-up of quality. To clear at less Young, Union street. summer in Nova Scotia, J 5 : ' : Mrs. Donnoghue and a party from ee = our former 25¢c. a yd. quality. than cost. Ottawa, are at the Y.W.C.A. Dean L. Starr will spend the week- : oi - ' Mrs. W. G. Rigby, who has been end in Montreal, the guest of Mr. and To-night sonata 10c. To-night ER A \ i Lsss---- 7 visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Evans, Mrs. Henry Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Joseph are leaving next week for England, ac- a companied by Gratz Joseph, who will A . We have added a thor. : begin his studies at Cambridge in the , . oughl i hae fall, and by Miss Olive Joseph, who . ® I d Sx equipped, up-to will attend school at "Bentley Prior. ate Musical Department HOOL Mr. and Mrs, Joseph will return late il] to our store. This par- in the autumn. o Miss Evelyn Morris, who has spent a puma my WILL RE-OPEN SEPT. 6, 1921 her vacation visiting relatives and . : : the persona : Pupils received in all grades, friends in Buffalo, N.Y, has returned . supervision of Mr. J. Including Primary and Collegiate accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. : Formerly priced at 23c. yard Johnston, who for several For terms, etc. apply to:i-- Charles Cunningham, who will visit years was the local man- Air reek Fook Street ay Ne MTumEw : 1 ager for the J. M. Greene : (Continued on Pages 8 and 20.) . ' ni Co., Limited. 2 i We have on hand a i billige IO CLEAR , 2 1,500 yards, all wercould secure of Borden & Sons' Rolls, Benches, Stools and 'guaranteed fast dye Prints--in a large assortment of pat- i Caos a The balance of our Men's Oxfords. we terns--full 25 inches wide, This is really a sensational Purchase of 4 ap al ws . are cutting the price to below present cost. value at the special pricing-- strument of any kind, it The best Calf, Goodyear Welt Oxfords at TO-NIGHT tee nannies 124c. YARD "ied ih 239 to feet prices from .~.........$5.95 to $8.95. : i -- vote INR Call and see theme; : | JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brotk Street Repairs > > .