Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Aug 1921, p. 4

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_THE DAILY BRITISH > WHIG. ett ea -------- KINGST Union streets--from-Court-Honse--to Wellington street. ' | INDUSTRIAL No 10DD GLANCES HERE AND! RE WEEKLY REVIEW ON About Memorials CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY Lim fted N Manufacturers ot MOTHER'S and: "QUAKER BREAD 195 Omtario st. KINGSTON, ONTARIO. AT.MORE B so an 318 dugg the pos was sights | AND writer is greater than the machine { In the course of a life-time 4 any | x n Bu gun. » individual, in the events of interest { Wx . in connection with any society or Re = . club, in the work of a municipality, | \ in the history of a nation, there are | 7 EVERYTHING IN LUMBER Lath Shingles Trim | Work has started on Queen's new | rink. Another big lift for ouf local Albert street is almost paved. It OUR SPECIALTY: Hardwood Flooring ALLAN LUMBER CO. .i0 THOS. G. BISHOP' ENGINEER AND MACHINIST Brass and Iren Castings, Kleetric and Oxy-Acetyleme Welding Phone 38 King and Queen Streets FEEL HOT AND DUSTY ? 80 do the rest of the staff. Get that fan now. = HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. PHOXE 94. Corner of King and Princess Street. > Now Manufacturing the Automatic Sealed Grave Vaults--Guaranteed Waterproof KINGSTON CEMENT PRODUCTS FACTORY FAULTY PLUMBING Is Costly No Matter How Low the ce Our Plumbing Is being built up on a quality first basis. DAVIE & BARRETT 208 Wellington Street Phone 688. HY F. Norman, Manager, Corner C lea and Patrick Streets. Phone 730w, oo HOOPER & SLATER Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, ete All kinds of Dressed and Rough Lumber. 1238-132 ONTARIO ST. DAVIS DRY DOCK Co. Automobile and Mgtor Boat Re- pairs, Gasoline Engines built and re- paired, dry docking and wood work- ing. 4 Kast End of Wellington Street. fy Mo ry The Laturney Carriage Works ] Phone 74. Manufacturer BUSINESS WAGGONS AND AUTO BODIES Special designg made to order. 3% PRINCESS STREET FRONTENAC MATTRESS CO. » PHONE 152. CANADA CUTLERY (CO. Limited Manufacturers of POCKET snd PEN KNIVES lactivities at Queen's, | man | confectionery stores in ha { blocks of the main street: with ten | tobacco shops in the same space; ten | unemployment situation. It is sdid that one local firm is em- I ploying youngsters from twelve to | sixteen years old ostensibly to '"'pully out nails" from oid lumber, with | other work incidentally, while many | married men with | work on the streets. families are at Also, without knocking buildihg has every man employed at Queen's Stadium this summer been a married man or a with dependonts? Has every man there who is not married need- ed the work as much as many who are and have no work? Some _ labor men ctill remain who cannot be convinced that their wages must drop to a certain mark if they wish normal conditions to return (again, A great many want the other fellow to bear the whole burden, -- Then, too, there are some em- ployers of that type too miserable to live, who take advantage of the | scarcity of work to become veritable slave-drivers, To only say, be careful. that condition' of affairs these we would Irony; {when a gang' of men are working | busily in front of the Ontario Gov- ernment employment office where forty or fifty men are lined up wait- ing for work. Kingstonians will talk of hard times with ovér a dozen on and a dozen restaurants in the downtown area, exclusive of hotels; ten savings banks doing a flourishing business. Truly, this world is funny at times and it seems that "Unto him that hath shall MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER Renovating a Specialty 379 King Street East. Phone 2108w, -- TIRES, SOLID and PNEUMATIC Tire value ives. Ourg will measure s of our re » Drove e © chniz- ing a specialty. We also carry a full line of Oils, Grease and Gasoline. SUDDABY BROTHERS Corner Queen and Wélllngton Streets Phone 1988, C. A. Eaton, General Manager Kingwton, 'Ontario, ~~ Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes W. H. COCKBURN & CO. HARDWARR \ 95 PRINCESS STREEY - - - PHONE z18 \ ~~ 7 -- THOMPSON BROS, Launderers, Limited Operating # IMPERIAL LAUNDRY ......... . KINGSTON LAUNDRY ... . .Phone 802 Phone 22 > SAFES! | FOR OFFICE AND HOME J. R.'C. DOBBS 41 Clarence Street Typewriter headquarters Foy KINGSTON'S ONLY DYERS Let us prove or work, by giving us one trial. Dry Cleaning our Specialty PATTON'S DYE WORKS § 849 Princess Street. Phone 214 C- 7 A ? | HAVE You smokED A DUNHILL WE HAVE THEM. BAKER'S CIGAR STORE - oF IN THE HOT WEATHER IT 18 NO GREAT SIN TO BLOW YOUR- self to a nicke! now and then. Take a ride home or to work on the street cars. It'll be the biggest Rickel's worth you've had in a long time. KINGSTON, PORTSMOUTH and UATARAQUI ' RAILWAY DEVELOP YOUR CITY ret deriag tohasmens Rest Fate Sere To ee CI Bho a Si GID. A. BATEMAN, 108 WELLINGTON STREET ELECTRIC "een McGinnis & O'Connor HIGHWAY ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS 7 -- Lk x be given." "At any rate, it cannot last for. | ever," said one of the unemployed on the street this morning. That's the spirit that makes hard times a' lot easlery Take a run down McGinnis & O'Connor's highway . in your car, Féels like a million dollars. Cheer up, everybody, it's a long time till wihter yet and don't for- | get to do your Christmas shopping early. 0, city fathers of next year, when ye come into council to discuss pav- ing, consider the lot of West and provided employment for a gang of men anyway. Some work might he done on the boulevard on Kensington avenue, Seeing that it was paved to make a "regular" avenue, the jcb might as wel] be finished up. Perhaps some of the goodhearted residents with a little pride in their surroundings may take pity on the earth in that plot this fall and remove the weeds. CPP PFEPCE S220 0 EMPLOYERS! ATTENTION! Advertisers wishing to employ men may use this column every Saturday for the purpose free of charge until" further notice. In an effort to help out in cvery possible way the indus- trial slackness at the present time, the Whig has decided to offer the use of this column for those who have employment to give. If you ean give any man work, even for a day or two, segd in your name and address to the Industrial Editor on Wednes- day or Thursday of each week. Note: This does not include advertisements for domestic help, stock salesmen, commis- slon agents, ete. All notices sub- ject to our approval. * * * » *» PEEP PPP PREP IP rR IPP Erte CPF FP2P30 0020500 9 "Belfast" Is Popular All the Year Round According to the observations of the manager of the Thompson B:tl- ing Works, soft drinks are fast be- coming an all-year-round favorite. Like ice-cream, soft drinks were for- merly looked upon as a summer art- icle, but they have now become estab- lished as-popular beverages during the entire year. One of the principal reasons why the public is taking to soft drinks is the improvement made in their manufacture, The 8oft drink of a few years ago was a much inferior product to that of today. With the coming of prohibition more attention has been paid to these beverages and today they are the chief liguid re- freshment of the nation. "Belfast" Ginger AM, the product of the Thompson Bottling Works, has taken front rank among the soft drinks of this city and vicinity, It is an absolutely pure beverage which can be drunk with enjoyment and benefit by old and young alike, many things which that individual, club, municipality or nation may wish to.be remembered by those who come after. One dearly loved may have passed away, a founder of a club should be honored, some great event in the life of a city or county paid tribute to, or some battle, the work of some great statesman, passed on to posterity by grateful country- mer. orials of some kind. paintings, scholarships, endowments, monuments, all these are used in this connection. tiful, and yet the most lasting are monuments of stone and metal. stone a skilled worker may put more opera, a poet into a book of verse, by anything else. rough and expressionless piece rock from a quarry, very similar to same quarry. lines of lasting beauty, and is mould- ed to represent as nothing else could the ideal, event or memory_which it is destined to commemorate. Old as the ages is the art of sculp- ture and it never will die. people of pre-historic d€ys down to the present, things truly great are commemorated. by sculpture, In this district McCallum Brothers, Princess street, between Division and Barrie, do ull sorts of monumental designing and carving. The work they have already dons is sufficient recommendation for what they will do in the future, WHEN DO WE EAT? Have you noticed how the Prince of Wales restaurant's menu has been changing with the seasons? The manager of this popular eating place does not claim to be a medico dieti- tian but he is certainly giving first aid to some Kingston digestions. This restaurant is always clean as a new pin, with attractive dishes on the list and prices always a little less than fair. It is gradually becoming known as the place where one gets the best coffee obtainable, and this, along with many other distinctive facts is making it the favorite ren- dezvous of discriminating lunchers downtown. ---------------------- If the patient has faith {n the doc- tor, should net the doctor trust the patient? That's why some doctors die poor. | Thelmperial Life | According to charter, at least#90 per cent. of the Company's surplus arising from participating polietes-is apportioned among its policyholders. The holder of an Impérial Life par- tieipating policy is, therefore, a partner in an institution which com- bines the strength of a stock com- pany with the liberdlity of a mutual company. J. B. COOKE District Manager, Kingston, Quy, | \ Fr KEELEY'S Eyesight Service Eyes examined scientifically, Over 20 years' éxpérienmce. KEELEY JR. M.0, D.O. 226 Princess Street. Phone 927, \ THE MeCALLUM GRANITE CO, - Limited MONUMENT BUILDERS 895-8307 Princess Street. Phone 1931. There arise then, a need for mem- | Buildings, | Prabably the most beau- | Into | expression than a musician into an | There is something about a monu- | ment of stone that cannot be equalled | It is first a cold, | of | all the other pieces of rock from the ! Then, under 'the hands | {of an artist it takes shape, assumes | From the | VINEGARS Ask your grocer for these goods, guaranteed pure--made from best selected materials. The Wilson Lytle Badgeroew Co, Ltd. « Bagot Street | PRINCE OF WALES DINING ROOM AND LUNCH FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN | Try our Special Dinner from 1.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. : Lk Table Service--Prices Moderate. reakf{ast--35c. Oatmeal or Corn Flakes, Ham, Ha. 'heat Cakes, Tea, Coffee or Milk, PHONE 544. ARROWROOT BISCUITS Have you tried our ARROWROQT BISCUITS? on thet. If your grocer does not k pound and be convinced. | i 35c.~Regular B i con and KE (\ |r { | SE%, Toast, W 151 PRINCESS STREET. The Kiddies thrive eep them ring up the office. Try a | | { THE W. J. CROTHERS CO., Limited : | A. D. HOLTON , 3 Florist | JAMES RICHARDSON & SONS Lta, 280 Princess Street = Phone 661. Established 1857 KINGSTON NAVIGATION CO., Limited BRANCHES; Fort William Saskatoon Winnipeg 8.8. ST. LAWRENCE-- 550 PASSENGERS S.8. BROCKVILLE-- 300 PASSENGERS, Open for charter for 8. 8. Picnics and Excursions, Call us up and get a good date, ~TELEPH ONE 198 JAS, SWIFT & CO., Limited Importers and Shippers. Domestic and Steam COAL -» S. 8S. CORBETT Funeral Director Ambula. h ace Phone 143, Calgary Quebec Montreal Residence Phone 215. Toronto J ' J We . Promote Industiy M. M. SIMS and ? Build Character by Rendering Service Representative 130 Claremce Street Kingston, Ont. CHEAPER CANDY GRIMM'S : POPULAR LINE OF CHOCOLATES NOW SELL AT 50c. per 1b. TRY THEM ! a Smith Bros., Jewelers, Limited DIAMONDS, SILVER AND GOLD Goobhs Expert Watch Repairing Establisheq 1840. 350 King Street THE THOMPSON BOTTLING. CO. "Belfast Ginger Ale" OFFICE: 204 PRINCESS STREET ¥ PHONE 304 McLaughlin Motor Cars. Qabriel Snubbers, Michelin Tires. Samson Tractors. If we dida't think these brands were the best in thelr Mae we wouldm't handle them for ome day. BLUE GARAGES Limited. vB. ANGROVE, Manager. PHONE 567. TH \ | DON'T MISS | THIS SALE $60 and $65 Bicycles for $45 and $80, to clear. Also Bicycle Sad- dles, regular $4.50, for $3.00 . Muller's Bicycle Works 371-373 King Street. Phong 1032w, \ - | JOHN McKAY, Ltd. ) BUYERS and EXPORTERS of WOOL, SKINS, GINSENG, RAW FURS Write for further information, KINGSTON, ONTARIO \ > Kingston Ice Company Limited Save food by using Ice. Qur Ice !s certified to by Queen's University Laboratories as being pure. \ Telephone orders to 1807. Prompt delivery is our specialty, Because you have no money to spend that way, it'is not necessary to spend your time foolishly. uf L Fr Phone 1681J. y . \ A LUMBER AND LATH FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRICES THE K. D. MANUFACTURING CO'Y 670-680 Montreal Street. | Frank Robbs "TONSORIAL PARLOR" rn) 4 Chalrg--Nest of Service We Specialize in CHILNREN'S HAIR CUTTING 183 Wellington St, Phone 1318J, For Fresh Fruits of all Kinds, See Us Watermelons, Bananas, Oranges, Pears, Peaches, Tomatoes--every« thing in the Fruit line and our prices are right. M. AMODEO 240 Princess Street - Fhone 77¢ 7 'For Sale ~ One Ton Chevrolét Truck; near- ly new. W. G. FROST, types of Vacudm Cleancrs. home. s HE HYD (Public Utne 20% Friae WILLARD BATTERIES New low price for Willard Service now effectiva. I. LESSES 18 Brock Street - . Phone 1340 - 7 HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY It would pay you 'to drup into THE HYDRO SHOP Street and have our representative demonstrate All kinay ut raecirical Appliances ior the on most Princess the improved Ro sHoOP i Commission) 88 Ddareet. 7 di 5 Phones Office: 528, 1500 DUNNELLY SALVAGE & WRECK. ING COMPANY, LIMITED ugn, Ll Shell Lighters, Divers, Stdam Pumps, e Wrecking and Salvage work since 1550 without a Xailure, Bes JOHN BUSA ELLY and G »M for Scrap Iron, Metals, Rags and A40 RIDEAU We Are Always In The Market | you to ring 2057 or 2060J. We are willing to give our best atten- tion to any call, which may be received through 'phone. M. ROSEN & CO. Rubbers. It will be of benefit to * STRRET » MONTREAL, . " DOMINION + LIM¥TED "MANUFACTURERS OF: "PRUE COTTONS" . TORONTO TEXTILE COMPANY | ~ WINNIPEG ! "VESTA BATTERY cor THE BATTE WITHOUT DETR Place our Vesta Battery i Jour car 'and forge: all your troubleg, It is a real Batiéry of service, Ignition, for Starting, for ghting, etc, will serve you well. A Battery you will recommend to y fellow: motorists. Phone 410w, ~~ 378 Bagot Street W. MILNE and F. KING | BOOTH FISHERIES CANADIAN CO. Ltd 3 JOBBERS IN FISH, OYSTERS, GAME AND POULTRY 63 BROCK STREET PHONE 520, CITY OF KINGSTON Denominations $ 100_$500--$1 000 - FRICE 100 AND ACCRUED INTEREST No better investment to be had than your own home ef tions received at this office by mail or in person and be wherever specified. Not a large issue. Get your orders in BONGARD, RYERSON & CU. 237 Bagot Street - - - - © Bettery il ae you uss it for--for 0 \ or 3 \- Vas . Applica- # delivered PHONE 1728 | The Medical Health Officer Advised The Boiling Of All Milk Why not let us do it for you and do it right ? W= clarity it first and then pasteurize it. It is clea~--it is safe--and it is the best and cheapest food you can buy. ' PRICE'S DAIRY #77 Princess Street,

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