Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Aug 1921, p. 5

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THURSDAY, AUGUST o5. 1921, nl ny CHOICE WESTERN MEATS and COOKED' MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 282 Princess Street =m FATHER AND SON | BOTH BENEFITED Toronto Man Tells of His | Wonderful Recovery and Says Son Was Also Helped | "I'm telling everybody about this | wwonderdul sd trim Tans Por FT | sides doing me a world of good it helping my son right along," was | the statemoant made by Thomas An- | derton, well-known painter residing | at 974 Logan avenue, Toronto, Ont. | "About six years ago a scaffold | with three hundred and fifty bricks i fell down-with me, and 1 got hurt | \ for two months and then stay at ---- home eight more weeks before I was FOR MOVING oF {able to go back to work. When 1 Freight, Furuiture, Safes, Pianos and | did get up and about Tiwas in pret- Cartage of every description-- | ty bad shape and couldn't seem to get right. At t:mes my back hurt so | bad I couldn't stand up straight. My | uppetite .would fail me for days at | a time. I couldn't sleep, and often | went to my work feeling completely | tired out, and many days felt so sick all over 1 just | job could not stay on tae! DAVID SCOTT Plumber Fiombing and Gas Work a apeeia). ¥. Ah "A friend of mine finally brought | me a bottle of Tanlac, and it helped | | me so much I got another and then | | another and kept taking it until now | I'm cating, sleeping and working as; well as I ever could. I just can't say | enough for this Tanlae." { Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. | P. Chown and leading druggists | everywkere.--Advt. i rrr-------- | W. H. STEVENSON HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, D INTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnsvn and Wellington Streets Phone 363 -- Rd Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 236. Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate 381 KING STRERT EAST Angrove's Repairs BUILDING? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 2! Main Street. Phone 1670. nv om Smoke WATTS T&B People's i Florist All the rich aroma of the best Virginia leaf FOR SALE Fresh flowers amd plants daily GOOD, CLEAN COAL. A. 'Chadwick & Son bouquets to order. Phome 1763. New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta. Phone 07. Seales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete. We do repair ork right and Suarantee satisfaction. 187 WELLINGTON STREET PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) WV. R Mehae & Co. RRR 5 Kingston's Only Dyer, COAL Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us, BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 2i4. 349 Princess St. We have them all -- Cold Creams, Vanishing Creams--in tubes and jars-- 25c. and B5Oc. ~~ALSO-- Lotion and Almond Cream which sooth sunburn, remove tan and keeps the skin soft and smooth. We will help you select just -what you require. M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist. Phone 82. (Neflson's Jee Cream Bricks : always on hand) REDUCED PRICES IN MONUMENTS AND CEME- TERY LETTERING J. E. Mullen Jel FRONTENAC STREET DIO YOU EVER TRY Wagata's Gipges slarmainde, Wugstamy Viveappie Marmasade, Wagsta's Bramble Jelly, - We also have a tull ine of othe: keuibic makes of Marma- laues, Jam wad Jeilien fur sale alin Bon Marche Grocery Cor. Kiang aud Har. Streets License oa rt » ame. a nn. et eee A en cn 100 acres, about 12 miles from the city. * Fair price. : HERE ARE SOME BIG VALUES, IN SUITS Men's English Worsted Suits ~well made--all colors--late est styles. Special price $30.00. {| Men's Blue Serge--fast color «extra good value at . .$30.00 Men's Tweed Suits -- all shades--extra good value for $25.00. Also bave Men's Tweed Suits as low as $13.30. You will save money hy getting a Sait from us now. I. ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET Real Estate and Insarance Two big copper mini cities in | 8 Brock: Street. Phone 421. gin New South Wales have been deserted since Arices "lumned : so bad 1 had to stay, in the hospital | police on Wednesday afternqon, that {some person had stolen his baby car- | tently left TH E DAILY BRITISH WHIG. i in attendance, F ons are expected to attend. z the service,the graves of the ve- 3. Will he decorated, Glad to Loan Him, The change at Qucen's from the five. to the six year course has mage conditions such that Dr, Lathrop can In Cases. Osperous merchants it 4 happens that. big advert leave biggest bank balai STOR STORET = re -- Pleasant Water Trips. if are planning to spend a day on the water comsult our bul- letin nf pleasant water trips, publisi- | assist Oberlin University, to which ed in this paper. Some place to go | he is loaned for the coming seseion. everyday on the commodious str. S-, Dr. Lathrop will be back at Queen's Lewrence. No over crowding. | when his services are required ag- ain next year, i | sing € Dai you ---------------- Stole a Baby Carriage. "Sammy" Cole, a well-known man Henry Hasn't Bought Works, around the city, complained to the | There was a rumor about the *iage and asked that the police en. | works in Kingston. Wher asked how deavor to get trace of it. { much truth there was in the rumor, a c-------- -- | orie of the directors of the company 'Bob' Showed Up Well. | said: "You might say %hat Hugo "Bob" Smith's name was inadver- | Stinnes of Gern:zgy has also bought off the Stella baseball | the works." team in the Ifne-up. Bob played third | -------- ee base and his high-class performance | Two Farmers Go to Jail. promises victory in the return match | against Bath*at Stella, ------------ A Sale of Debentures, A $300,000 block of Peterboro de- bentures, issued for ten years and the C. N. R. of two cases of whiskey, on August | 9th, John Mocre and John Graves, farhers, Queensboro, were each sen- tenced to three months in jail. On a bearing interest at 6 1-2 per cent, | second charge of having liquor in to finance the waterworks filtration | their possession, thus violating the plant were disposed of to the Domin- | 0O.T.A., a fine of $200 wae further ion Securities Corporatign, Toronto, | imposed on each. for $298,023 a: 99,341./ -- Convicted of Drunkenness. Peter Badore and John Green were convicted before the county magis- Again Becomes Club Steward. | E. Sanger, who was steward at the | Frontenac club some years ago, is taking over the duties at the club again on September 1st. Steward Tierney, who has been acting for some time, is retiring from the posi. tion, and is leaving for a three months' visit to the old country. mon was in charge of the cases, and C. R. Webster was prosecutor. Last | week Thomas Mercer was convicted T.A. and fined $50 and costs. x ------------ Engagement Announced, Mr. and Mrs. John MeMastar. Perth, announce the engagemont of their youngest daughter, Isobel Lou- ise, to Morton Webster Rogers, son of the late Joseph M. Rogers, K.C, and Mrs. Rogers, Perth. The mar- riage is to take place quietly the last of the month, VanVlack-Moore Wedding. A very place at the Bay Parsonage, South Napanee, on August 18th, when Leah Marion, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore, Newburgh, be- came the bride of Percy Sagar, only son of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. VanVlack, Deseronto Road, Rev. Mr. Trescott | STROUD'S TEA The taste | is the test. -- Memorial Service. Major-General Sir Henry Burstail, deputy minister of militia; Major- General Sir A. C. MacDone:!, Royal Military College, Kingston, and others, wil] speak at the memorial service Sunday next in Harvey Park, Hamilton. There will be six bands vy | Could it be believed that a baby abandoned on a doorstep, in an area- way, on the street, or elsewhere, has a better chance of surviving the ills of childhood and reaching maturity than the average baby eared for by its own mother? One would not think it possible that a child turned adrift out in the cold znd wet, would have, physically, than the average baby in its mother's arms. But it is thé fact. Iv is strange, but tfue. Figures furnished by the New Y ork Association for the of the Foor, stow that in that city only 11 per cent. of die under the age of two, whil: 13 per cent. of a city die under that age. Why do the children abandoned on doorsteps fare better on the average than those that have their mother's care? Because the foundling is kept in a room where it has sufficient fresh THE ABANDONED BABY By CHARLIS GRANT MILLER (Copyright, 1921. All Rights Reserved by United ¥eature Syndicate.) at birth, left a better prospect of lifa Improvement abandoned children 11 the children born in the air, Iiecause it is kept reason summer, Because it is fed sufficient] These are the simple reas would seem to have tie the best chance, It is an antique stock joke that none knows ably and evenly warm in winter and cool in y, scie ntifically, and above all, regularly. ons assigned for the fact that the child which least chance of growing up healthfully rea'ly has somuch about raising bab- ies as old maids. Well, the fact is that a corps of unmarried women, es- | pecially trained, are teaching-the mothers of New York how to feed and otherwise care for their babies, and are thus turning thousands of sickly and fretitl infants into healthy and happy ones. . Mother-love is the strongest passion knowpy there is strik:ng commentary upon the heantiful development of brotherly love in the fact that a philanthropic institution can and does do' better for a child than the average mother can. % to humanity; and" vet SIR JOHN AND LADY SIMON ' This snapshot of the. distinguished English visitors with Sir James Aikins, lieuten ant-governor of Manitoba (on the right) was taken at Winnipeg. Sir John has come from Britain for the express pur pose of attending the annual meeling of the Canadian Bar ssociation, at which he wiil deliver tha nrineinal address. y Kingston and Vicinity | streets Wednesday that Henry Ford | { had bought the Canadian locomotive | Pleading guilty to having robbeq ! station at Queensboro | | Q | The city water supply. has improv- | trate at Sharbot Lake, on Tuesday, | of drunkenness and fined $65 and | costs each. License Inspector McCam- | at Sharbot Lake of a breach of the 0. | interesting cvent took | en thousand per-| Follow- couple and their immediite motored to Newburgh to the | y_lunche | happy couple aft { trip through New York state. | bride "trave | velour with i brown feather hat was served. After their re- | turn they will reside at the home of | the groom, Deseronto Road. | | Remains Brought Here, | The remains of the late Mary Lil- | | Han Nokes, the s ear-old daugh- of , who met deat stock, as a result of being hit by an { automobile, were brought to King- ston early Thursday afternoon and the funeral took place to Cataraqul | cemetery. The Nokes family moved | to Woodstock recently from Toronto, {and prior to that lived in Kingston. { While in Kingston Mr. Nokes employed as a plumber, Water Improved, |-ed during the past wéek and the daily tests carried on at Queen's Uni- f versity show comparative freedom trom pollution. The medical healtn officer recommends continued boil- ing, however, of all water being us- | ed for drinking as there is always | | the possibility at this season of { heavy winds driving contaminated water into the currents at the intake. No bacteria .dangerous to health have been found for several days. 21st Club to Attend. | chiefly, details in | delegation which wil! attend the re- union of this unit of the Second Ca- nadian Division in Peterboro on Fri- day, Sept. 16th. This is the second annual meeting of the 21st Assocl- The re-union was held here last year when Peterboro was selected for the coming event. It is expected that a | goollly number of the local boys will g0 to Peterboro, where over 100 ex- | trip will likely be made by motors. The place for next year's re-union wil] be decided at the September din- ner. News of the P. W. O. i. A meeting of the sports committee of the P. W. O. R. was held at the armouries on Tuesday evening, Maj- or J. C. d'Esterre presiding. A pro- gramme of events for the regimental picnic, which will be 'held at' Bro- phy's Point on Labor Day was pre- pared. The picnic promises to be a very enjoyable outing. The three bands, brass, pipe and bugle, 'will at- tend, and a dance has been arranged for in the evening, Sergt.-Major G. Logan of the R. M.C., has been appointed pipe-major. This band, which was organized last spring, is now in excellent = form. Sergt.-Major Logan was for ten years pipe-major in the Camarorians, serv- ing in the British Isles, India and South Africa. The bugle band of the regimept is having weekly practices, under Sergt. | satisfactory condition, ASPIRIN Only "Bayer" is Genuine ¥ Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting Aspirin at all. Take Aspirin only as told in the Bayer package for Colds, Headache, Neu- ralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Tooth- ache, Lumbago and for Pain. Then you will be following the directions and dosage worked out by physicians during twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of Aspirin cost packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. cnn LET NO CORN SPOIL AN HOUK = ------ Any Corn Can Be Stopped Now, Any » Ey @ Touch Science has solved the corn prob I:m. One can now stop a corn ache instantly, and shortly remove the whole corn. The method is gentle, scientific, fare. A taions Shed invented it. surgical dressing house of world- wide fame produces it. It is Blue-jay--the liquid or the plaster. A touch a plies it. The Pain stops at once. Soon the whole corn, however ancient, loosens and comes out.' It makes harsh treatments unnec- essary. "It makes paring ridiculous, It makes every corn ache 3 folly. . Your dfuggist has Blue-jay. Let it end your corn--tonight, Liquid or Plaster lue:jay . Ely a -- The | erwards left for a | The in a suit of brown | reaver collar and smali | was | The 21st Battalion Club of King- | ston is meeting this week to consider, connection with | ation which was organized at a meet- | ing of over one hundred ex-members | in the Russell Hotel, Ottawa, on the | anniversary of Armistice night, 1919, | | members of the battalion reside. The | | The mascot "Nan" has been invited. | | Frank Burns of the 21st Battalion. | It is rapidly developing into most | few cent. Druggists also sell larger | in| COAL: We are not looking for any reduction in _the. price.of. Coal--Now - -ar-good- tire: to lay in a supply for next winter S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington ~ Strects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415, at Wood- | THE RESTAURANT THAT HAS THE GOOD THINGS Come in and have comfort while enjoying a good meal. You will find we have the things you like served by competent staff. Grand Cafe PETER LE E, PROP, Phone 1843, | DISTRIBUTORS FOE H. A. WO ODS .co. AND VALVES, TILTING WHEE LS, ORDIN WHEELS, MAXOTIRES, Come in and 1 We are sure to pl @ ¢ 222 Princess Street Two Doors Above Opera House "AIR-TITE" TUBES ARY STEERING TIRES VULCANIZED, FREE AIR, et us show you that what you WAN™ we HAVE, ease you. EASTERN CANADA Mm A. NEAL, Manager AX OTIRE RUBBER CO. 28¢ Ontario Street. Phone 2050. 5 SOWARDS. KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155, UPTOWN OFFICE--~McGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY SR -- ee -------- New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats } For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at --$35.00 -- . TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St, (One door below Randolph Hotel) = < i Bed Spreads @ At Special Prices Honeycomb and Crochet Spreads-- le Beds, at and $3.00 | | For Single and tive ons 3200, 8 Satin Spreads-- Best English makes in all sizes at « - . . $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00 Colored Spreads- In pretty patterns; large sizes; at wensassd ves ns 95.50 and $5.00 Embroidered Spreads-- Very special for . . . . ..$5.00 each W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191, The Waldron Store. y A new sparm tire rim is hinged at Argentina las engaged au expert four points so that it can be folded | fro Japan to conduct extensive ex. and carried in an automobile tool- | periments with a view to increasing box. iis rice wroduction,

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