Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Aug 1921, p. 7

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"n Three Cheers!!! for Pear] Watson of "Sowirig Seeds in Danny" Fame * This is the book that all Canadian readers have been looking for, and at a recent meet. ~~ing-ofthe National €ouiicil 6F Women held in Calgary, - THREE CHEERS went up for Pearl Watson: NELLIE L. McCLUNG --4gdt-- R. Uglow & Co. "~ 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office § 4 iH i t i A i i | FIRE DEPARTMENT MARE OBJEGT OF DISCUSSION } | Civic Committee Refuses To | Get Rid of Condemned Animal. The fire and light committee, with ithe mayor. leading. in. the attack pre. sented strong opposition to J. R. C. | Dobbs, president of 'the Kingston Humane' Society, at a special meet- ing held"on, Wednesday afternoon to deal with a complaint against the | i}! fire department of keeping a horse \§ | that was suffering frem incurable {lameness and unfit to race to a fire. The mayor was determined not to concede the right of the humane so- ciety to interfere, and though the reports of the department veterinar- ian showed that the horse would suf- fer from being driven to a fire, ow- ing to incurable lameness, and re- commended that she be not used but be disposed of by shooting or other wise, the committee refused to vote on the matter, being satisfied that "Jess" had a good home and though Diamond Values See our special win- dow prices-- for un- F your eyes pain you they | may be slightly infected. You may be suffering from a cold. There may be an inflamed condition of the muscles that control your iris that does not allow the diaphram of your pupil to expand or close properly. A pair of tinted glasses may rest your. eyes until they re- cover. You should allow us to test them. from our regular "faultless" quality stock. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 1 100 PRINCESS STREET surpassed value-- all past twenty years 6f age, should not be shot or sold to somebody who might abuse her. Ald. Chown, chairman, presided, {and the members present were Mayor | Nickle and Alds. Driscoll, low, { Rodger, Armstrong and Litton. The chairman opened the meeting by reading reports from Dr, William Nicholls, veterinary, upon the con- dition<of the white mafe "Jess: Tha reports stated that she was incurably lame and unfit for the service re- quired of the fire department, was borne out by a statement of the fire chief, in which he admitted that she had only been driven to fires twice during the past year, being held in "reserve" and only exercised by an hour's walk daily. Dr. Nicholls, who was present, stated that she was ambitious and would rush to a fire as best she could but would suffer |afterwards. She had a lame shoul- | der received by a fall against the | pavement five years ago, ring bones and corns on her feet. It was not shown that she was not properly fed and groomed, and when she was ex- hibited outside the window of the committee room window, the mare showed that she was well nourished. The committee resented the action of the society as implying that the animal was sabject to cruel treat- ment, and Mr. Dobbs was challanged to justify his action in having the veterinary inspect and report upon the mare, Mr. Dobbs stated that Automobile Repairing ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON ; TO RENT Phones: Shop 1039. Res. 1537J, In Telegraph Building, SUITE 378 BROCK STREET of FOUR 00D ROOMS, with two frequent complaints were made to him for not taking action against the fire department for keeping a lame horse that was not fit to be raccd over the hard pavements. He asked Dr, Nicholls to report to him upon her condition, and he was of the opin- fon that in view of her physical con- brick valuts,. suitable for offices dition, as stated in the reports sub- or will arrange for residence, Ap- MR. IRKPATRICK on ply premises. bly fal] to ignite? y. Children's Eyes Do not let your Boy or Girl go back to school without having their eyes examined if they have shown the least sign of Eyestrain, as it will be a hindrance to them in their studies, mm, { Our Optometrist will examine the eyes and tell you frankly whe- ther they need Glasses or not; and if they do will fit them properly. R..J. RODGER Optometrist 132 Princess St. Opt. Phone 347. "WHERE THE CLOCK IS ON THE WALK" - - - Why does the last match invaria- mitted, it was cruel treatment to use the mare in the service of, the fire department, "We are looking after the interests of the horse," sald he. "It is incurably lame and not fit for the work." Mr. Dobbs stated that the Kingston Humane Society was working under the Ontario Act for the prevention of cruelty to animals. "We go by what the veterinary says and we can enter any stable and take a horse out if it is shown that the animal is not pro- perly treated," he said, James Armstrong, chiet of the fire department, stated that he knew the horse had been lame for five years. It fell on a pavement in 1916. Dr. Nicholls, he said, had never told him officially that the horse was un- fit for service, but she had only been driven to two fires during the past year. She was held in reserve. She was given walking exercise for an hour each day and was well fed. Questioned by Ald. Litton, Dr. Nicholls stated that the horse was unfit for service. Ald Chown:~*"But she has been to only two fires this year." Ald. 'Rodger: "If that mare is run to a fire, is that cruel treatment?" Dr, Nicholls: *""Yes." Mayor Nickle strongly resented Mr. Dobbs' action in interfering fn the business of the city, and declared his | conviction that he had no right to investigate the fire department be- cause there was no cruel treatment. The mare was well-conditioned, aside front the lameness, and he would not vote to have her shot. He asked Mr. Dobbs what section of the act he was working urtier, and the reply was "General cruelty, where a horse is being used when it is lame and suf- fering. "That is cruelty." Here Chairman Chown interposed the remark that the horse was only held in reserve and exercised daily by walking. We are offering Men's Oxfords at a very special bargain. - --Brown Brogue Oxfords, --Black Kid Oxfords. --Mahogany Calf Oxfords TO CLEAR AT........... $495 wu | Allan M. Reid Dr. Nicholls.said that citizens com- He This. Challenged as to his jurisdiction, | plained about the horse when lame, Mr. Dobbs: "We order lame horses off the street for treatment, and we | have had many complaintg about this | {horse of the fire department, and | 'asked why we permitted the depart- | {ment to continue using a horse that | | was lame." i | Ald. Rodger: "Mr. Dobbs is not ®| | highly paid official. He is only in- | | te d_in the treat yc horses, | {and If a, horse is b ed. to gu being used | : | ed, it should be tan off the depart- ment work. He has heard com- plaints," and I don't think there is | anything wrong in his action. ® | Asked what he expected the com- j mittee to do, Mr. Dobbs said: "I want {you to do the best thing for this horse by taking it off the hard streets." Ald. Chown: "We are not going to sell the horse to be abused." Mr. Chown gave it as his opinion that the horse did not come under any, part of the Act for the preven- tion of cruelty to animals, and the committee took no action. JAMES HALE Who has been appointed chairman of the Ontario License Board, succeeding J. D. Flavelle. He will also be director of the Ontario Temperance Act prosecu- tions. ------ KINGSTON DID WEIL At the D.R.A. Meet Held in Ottawa Last Week, The Kingston men who formed the team representing the Kingston Gar- rison Rifle Association at tne D.R.A. matches last week in Ottawa did splendid work. Six of them got into the finals in the Governor General's match, and while they failed to lift the trophy did very fine shooting. The Kingston team was the largest single team from any regiment or club in Canada, a fact which shows the keen interest taken in rifle shooting in this city, which has produces some of the best prizemen in Canada, two of whom-are Capt. W, BE. Swaine 'and Major W. J. B. White, who won high distinctions at the Bisley matches. One of the unusual happenings at the recent meet was the dideovery of a phenomenon from British 'Columbia, in a lad aged sixteen, ---- Military at Funeral, Full military honors accorded the rank of lieutenafit-general will marx the funeral of Lt.-Gen: 8ir Sam Hughes, K.C.B., M.P., on Friday. Owing to the great expense, the military ceremonial will be some- what abbreviated. The units 'called for are three infantry battalions, four squardons of cavalry, and fif- teen guns for the salute, The 4th battery at Peterboro will provide the gun carriage end-firing detachment. The escort will be furnished by three companies of the Victoria and Haliburton regiment, of which the deceased was honorary colonel; and One company from the Durham regi- ment of which Major-Gen. Hughes, brother of Sir Sam, is honorary colonel. The headquarters staff M.D, No. 3 will be represented by Brig.- Gen. W. B. 8S. King, C.M.G., and Lt.<Col. Hodgins, D.S.0., gemerai staff officer. E-------------- Getting Along Nicely. Philip Kane, the Montreal man who was stabbed on Sunday night in a field off Hickson dvenue, is'doing nicely at the Hotel Dieu. The police are still engaged on the case but there are no new developments. Kane at first stated that he knew who had stabbed him and afterwards said he did not know the name of the men who had attacked him. He is able to sit up in his bed and talk, ee ei Direct Results, Of good advertising is a store crowded with customers, One doesn't have to deepnd upon the happen-in buyers. } to a fire when lame and ereully tyeat- | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. pa---- a $4.95 . $195 and 11, 12, 13. ABERNETHY'S Shoe Bargains -- High School Girls' Brown Calfgkin Oxfords with medium and low heels--sport lasts with the new Saddle Straps across the vanips. Sizes 2} to 7. Ex- tra special bargainat . . .. Childs' Black Kid Laced Boots, and a few Misses--sizes 8 Special Bargain . ...... $1.95 Svecial Bargain ......... ,.... $2.95 = toad Lele o.oo ea nie oe olls.n vn.» $4.95 $2.95 Boys' Black Box Kip School to 10} | Boots--a regular $4.00 Shoe -- sizes | to 5. $4.95 ----Sale of Men's Black and Rrown Bluchers. ----Sale of Boys' Black and Brown Fine Boots, Sale of Ladies' $10.00 White Buckskin Boots. ~~ Only 24 Suit Cases--clearing at £1.95 and $2.95 uie avove mentioned prices, Abernethy's Shoe Store. ny EB Free Soap Bring your Coupons for free Soap to:--* C. H. Pickering Market, 400 and 492 Prin. cess Street. Phone 530. J) 50,000 SAMPLES Dr. Bell's Veterina Wonder 50.000 one dollar ($1.00) 'bottles ree to horsemen who give the A A A A A a -- Some husbands never think of tel- ling their wives anything until after they have found. it out for themsely- es. Lost Sleep Be Made Up? People speak of "making up" sleep, balancing loss of sleep one, two, or three nights by a "good, long sleep" some time in the future. A fine' theory! ; f But the hard-workiig man or woman Or tnese days needs a good. sound sleep every night, in a bed th at invites every nerve and muscle to" relax. We lead in bedding. ' Ostermoor, White and Green La bel Mattresses, Banner Springs and Simmons Beds, at:-- JAMES REID PHONE 147 FOR REAL SERVICE Prices | TWICE TOLD TALES | News of TEN YEARS AGO. Y The government bas adopted a ballot box designed by J. B. Walkem, K.C., ot this city. Market space is at a premium as a result of the work on King street paving, eis J. O. Hutton has been appointed sole agent for Kingston of the West- ern Assurance Company. Queen's new campus opposite Vie! toria school is in fine shape for the coming rugby season, . AM. Catson is complaining to the city gounci] that the paving work on Clarence street ig yery poorly done. Archibald Hattan has left for Wa- ters, Sask., to reside. He was form- erly with the M. T. Co. here, Kingston TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Burglars paid a vieit tb Dunn's grocery store and Mrs. (Dr.) Saun- ders' residence last night, t Advertising is the one thing ab- out a business that should never take a vacation. a AER The steamer Ontario is thought te be the first large vessel '> shoot the Lachine rapids. EYRE Toronto city baseball champions will play Granites here oy Tuesday oe week ES Lt : F. Conway is back from a week o Caledonia 188 Presented With Purse, At the close of the undenomina- tional services conducted during the Summer at CHff Chateau, Butternut Bay, last evening, the summer vesi- dents presnt presenter Rev. Dr. J.B. Saunders who has officiated througl- out the season, with a purse, in rec- Spuition of the services performed by OF BOYS' FALL SUITS Trrttecressieisaes a... $7.00 to $12.00 * RONEY'S, Princess St. 'Wednesday, Aug. 24th--Regular trip to Picton. 10 am. Fare Thursday, Aug. 26the--1.00 p.m. fal trip 1, hi islands, Wopping at layin Blt 1 tip gor thee joie en, : k. Home early. Friday, August 20(h--Moonlight to Clayton cancelled. day, Aug. 2Teh~Regular trip to Alexandria Bay. 2.00 p.m. Fars 75. Sunday, Aug. 28(hRegular trip to Alexandria Bay, 200 pm. Fare The. FAST TIME-F00T OF BROCK STREET Tse ? rT ks it must b® great | face to try it. in a barber's chair Avarice is the get shaved--but she hasn't the guaranteed not tg ry ma. only kind of fos melt, in Soe) chiles

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