Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Aug 1921, p. 3

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. TISH WHIG. SATURDAY, AUGUST a7, 1081, -- ee Wel THE DAILY BRI Austin Scroggie, and Col. Scroggic. | Summer Grippe Requires prompt treatment. A few doses of DR. HICKEY'S CHEST REM. "EDY, together with a treat. ment of COLD 'TABLETS will break up the worst cold in a few hours. Do not neglect your cold, hut get these remedies at once, - L. T. Best, Drugs PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Open Sundays. Phone 59. Once again we are " featuring Clocks. MAHOGANY MANTLE CLOCKS From $15 to $75 In the new, attractive Tambour shapes. Ns lf These Clocks strike every hour, and half- Keeley J, M.0.D.0. hour, and carry a full guarantee. See them while there are many designs to choose from; SMITH BROS. Limited Established 1540, Registered Opticians 856 Kirg Street Dr. Nash's DENTAL PARLOKS: 183 PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON, ONTARIO THE R ibility There are several reasons why our sight service bears a good reputation, One of them fs that we don't depend on others for any part of it. Our work is not planned by others; nor do others carry out our plans. From eye examination 'to fin- ished glasses {t is KEELEY Service, We are vitally Interested in the result of our work and to Insure success do all of i; our- selves, Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. 226 PRINCESS STREET Phone 927 Jewelers - | We specialize on:--Painless Extrac- fe Latest Treatment of Pyorrhea, X-Ray work. Re-Built Stoves We have a number of Re-built Stoves on the floor. guarantee them to give you satisfacti back and return your money to you. See the Re-Built Stove in Our Window ! If you are thinking of buying a new or second-hand Stove this fall, we will make You an allowance on your old stove, McKelvey & Birch, Limited Phone 237 - . Kingston 7 M + TO ALL OWNERS OF PHONO GRAPHS & PIANO PLAYERS! E It will be to your interest to call at our store and have your name added to our Mailing List. » In this way you will receive a Monthly Supplement of all the latest and most popular music. x We have a complete stock of all the new and up-to-date Music. Rolls and Victor Records. Also Gerhard, Heintzman Piano, Piano Players and Vic. as. FURNITURE, ' CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, WHITE SEW. ING MACHINES, HOOVER VACUUM CLEANERS J LF. Harison Co, Limited rm 0 Told In Twilight | {at the Royal Military Colleges, wiil | return to Scotland next week | * . . | James Stewart and daughter, Miss | Florence Stewart, Bagot street, 1 jovend the week-end at Howe Island, the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Henna Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Peters left on | Friday for a motor trip to Water- (Notice--Hereaf! r, the Whig, in | tows. N.Y, and Syracuse, N.Y. mon, Slr Of CHHENA, WII Sm for inserting an sTlage or reception announcement.) To get the Whig's Society writer, | telephone NJ. 857w., 189 Earl street. $. uw Miss Helene Corrigan asked a few | friends in at the tea hour on Tues- day to meet Miss Helen Cunningham, | Chatham, | . . . | Miss Edith Whife and Miss Ethel | Halpenny have returned to Ottawa | after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. | C. Bennett here. Mrs, Henry Staley, Watertown, N. | Y., and her daughter, Mrs. Mitchell, | Lafrageville, N.Y., have returned | home after a few days visit with Mrs, Staley's sister, Mrs. Fred Prin- | Ble, Division street, | Mr. and Mrs. Ww. H. Wormwith, ! Ear] street, returned on Friday from | Rockport, on the St. Lawrence, where | they have spent a month, | . . - Miss Ethelwyn Loucks, Division street, has returned from a. visit to | "Fairview," near Brockville, | Miss Thomson, Clergy street, who | has been in Melbourne with Mr. and { Mrs, Evan Mclvor, and in Sherbrcoke | with Mr. and Mrs, G. S. Thomson, | motored back by the state roads and {Lake Champlain with her brother |and his wife, bringing Mrs. McIvor Mee and-Mes Harald ©58tart and 1 fittle" son, Norman, Belleville, who engagement, mar" have been spending their holidays at {Ottawa for the past three weeks, mo- | tored to Kingston on Thursday, en {route home, and took Mrs Robert | Henderson and Miss Rosalind Cor- | | bett up with them. The latter will re- | main the guest of her brother for | | some time. ; | Mrs' H. Ashby is visiting Mrs. R. | | S. Waldron, at Bob's Lake. { ! . . . | | Mrs. John Primrose and her daugh- | jters, who have occupied Major and | | Mrs. Horace Lawson's house on Cen- | | tre street, for the summer, wil] re- jturn to New York next week. | Mrs. Joseph Porritt, who has been { visiting Mrs. Arthur Callaghan, Fron- | | tenac street, returned to Newburgh | {on Thursday, Misses Crisp, Pembroke street, | | weeks at Shore Acres Farm near the | | Sand Banks. ' Mrs. Henry Kavanagh, Montreal, | is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Dan- |iel Phelan, Johneon street. | Miss Leslie Taylor, who was so | | successful in her Chatauqua tour in |the western states, has returned to | town and is with Principal and Mrs. { Bruce Taylor at the Principal's resi- | dence. Miss Taylor's playing met | With much admiration, and she looks | "| forward to a Californian tour next | | With her for a visit. Mr. and Mrs, Gn Winter, |S. Thomson have gone to Toronto | |ana Mrs. Evan Meclvor returns to | Melbourne to-day. Mr. and Mrs. H. F, Mooers, Barrie | street, have returned from a moter | trip to Ottawa. * . . Miss Eleanor Phelan has returned from a motor trip in the States, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tromp ur, | Lower Union street, left to-day on a | motor trip to Lindsay and Toronto. | Mr. and Mrs. W. Kent Macnee, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gibson Queen street, and Miss Bessie Power, motored to Belleville for the week-end, Miss Carolina Finkle, Earl street, aunt, Mrs. Curlette, Adolphustown. Mr. and Mrs, Kerr, Albany, Now York, who are on a motor trip throught Ontario, are at the Chateau Belvidere, . . * W. Elliott, Ottawa, who has been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Small, Earl street, is sailing for England next week. Dr. and Mrs. Howard and Mr. and Mrs, Ambrose Shea, Brock street, motored to Ottawa and spent the week-end with Mrs. Shea's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horan, Mr. and Mrs. John Conley, Lind- say, returned home yesterday after a visit with the former's mother, Mrs. T. Conley, Aberdeen street, Mrs. S. J. Horsey, Toronto, is vis- iting her mother, Mrs. T. Conley, Aberdeen street, . . * Dr. and Mrs. George Dalton, who were with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dal- ton, Johnson street, have returned to Springfield, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Philip DuMoulin wil; 80 to Ottawa next week to be present at the wedding of their niece, Miis Bliss. Mrs. H. F. Osler; who has been with her father, Hon. William Har- ty, Bagot street, returned to Winni- peg this week, Miss Cayley, Toronto, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Van Straubenzie, Beverley street, Miss Elspeth Short, Staten I:land, will arrive in town next week to stay with Mrs. Guy Gamsby and Miss Marjorie Gamsby, King street west. Mrs. Havelock Price, Mrs. Pierce ond Mrs. Souther left for Ottawa to- day. Miss Dorothy Cook, Montreal, will sail for Scotland in September, to vigit her sister, the Countess of Min- to. * - . Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Shaw; Gore street, Miss Vera Shaw and W. Shaw left to-day for a motor trip through the Berkshire Hills and the Adiron- dacks, and will go on to Ottawa to be present at the Lannin-Parlow wedding on Sept. 7th, Miss Checkley is now at 72 Syden- ham street. Dr. and Mrs. James Millar, Lower Albert street, have returned from Montreal. Mrs. Bewick,- who has spent the summer with her daughter, Mrs. J. Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away They make new reversible ; "Velvetex" Rugs' Send for Velvetex Folder R. CANADA RUG CO., LONDON, ONT. returned to-day from a visit to her | * * - | Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gibson, Queen | street, left to-day for Montreal, to | | visit Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Brown. | | Miss Lilian and Miss Blanch Kent, | | Who have been with Col. and Mrs. H. | J. 'Dawson, Barriefield, for a few | weeks, will return to Montreal on | Monday, Mr" and Mrs. W. Mahood, { have spent 'a week or so with their | cousins, Mr. and Mrs. George Ma- | { hood, University avenue, returned to | | Pittsburgh, Pa., on Friday. | | Mrs. Schwann, Pittsburgh, Penn., | |is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | | Everett Townsend. | Judge O'Reilly and Mrs. O'Reilly, | { who | | Cornwall, after spending a few. days {in Toronto, will visit in Kingston | for a couple of weeks, Miss Gladys Venton and 'Vernon Smith, Kingston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Darius Smith, Odessa. | Mrs. Robert Mill, Napanee, spent a week in Kingston with Mr. and | Mrs. Douglas Jemmett, | Miss May E. Byers, Ottawa, has re- | turned home from a motor trip to | Kingston. { Mr, and Mrs. James Garrigan, Kingston, are in Ottawa visiting friends for a few days. Mrs. F. A. Folger and Miss Mary have returned to Toronto. Mrs. James Sowards is visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Brinkman, L'Orignal, Ont. \d » * Mrs. O. Telgmann, Kingston, is | spending the week with Mr. ang#Mrs, | B. McDonald, Old Orchard, Prince | Edward county. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rowland, King- ston, motored to Picton on Sunday, | spending the day with Mr. and Mrs. | Charles North, Mrs. G. W. Morden returned to Kingston with them for a visit, Mrs. D. G. McPhail, Kingston, Is | visiting a few. days with Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Wilson, Bank of Montreal, Ple- ton, - - LJ Misses Mary and Dorothy - Row- land, Kingston, are spending their | holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Charles | North, Picton. Miss Dorothy Brooks, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks, has réturned to Troy, N.Y., where she will resume her studies. Miss Daisy MacNamee, Earl street, left on Friday for Columbus, Ont., to visit Major and Mrs. H. R. Smith. Miss M. Shaw, who is the guest of Miss Sara Lavell at Thousand Island Park, will return to town early in the week. John Douglas, 424 West Marion street, Toronto, announces the en- gagement of his daughter, Margaret Janet, to Wilbur Francis Chown, B. A. son of Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Chown, Kingston, the marriage to take place very quietly on September 21st, . - * Mrs, Duncan Cameron Mackenzie, Waldorf Apartments, Toronto, an- Bounces the engagement of her sis- ter, Miss Neta H. Dinner, Napaage, to William - J. Joyner, Merchants Bank, Toronto, formerly of King- ston, the marriage to take place quietly on September first at Napa- nee. (Continued on Pages 8 and 16.) TO CLEAR The balance of our Men's Oxfords we are cutting the price to below present cost. The best Calf; Goodyear Welt Oxfords at prices from ....... Call and see these. PROBS: --Sunday, fine; same temperature. left on Wednesday to spend a few | at Steacy's Store Open Until 9.45 O'clock Some exceptionally attractive values ii each case, having a decided price advantage that we feel Sure should attract all thrifty shoppers here to- night, MERCERIZED LISLE HOSE, BSc. PAIR-- : 480 pairs of fine Mercerized Black and Cordo- van Lisle Stockings; in all sizes from 8} to 10--our former 59c. values. For a quick clean-up-- TONIGHT ....... creat lel, LLL Oe STEACY'S NEW WINTER WOOL, 19¢. BALL 1,200 balls of our Special 4 Ply One Oounce ool--just arrived in the wanted fall shades, such . as Black, White, Jade, Henna, Maroon and Card- inal--sold regularly at 35¢. a ball. TONIGHT... ii or 10, WHITE FLANNELETTE, 23c. YARD * 600 yds. of fine, soft, fleecy, White Flannelette, extra wide; full 36 inches--the new low price on this quality is 35c. a yard. JONICHT .......... br nas ts cin sarki SO, MEN'S SOCKS, 23c. PAIR-- 300 pairs of extra fine Grey and Black Cotton Socks--in sizes 10 to | | }--a special value to-day at 35c. a pair. TONIGHT... 0s ..0 23c, MEN'S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR, 48c. 240 Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers; in sizes 34 to 44; worth 75¢. a garment. To close out--- TONIGHT ..... ...... trerranseee.48c. each TABLE DAMASK, 98c. YD. 150 yards only, 56 inch, full bleached Table Damask, with a fine, mercerized finish. Our form- er $1.75 values. To clear TONIGHT. ....... J. iy sia iggy CHINESE SHANTUNG SILK, 79¢.-- . 180 yards of Chinese Shantung Silk; an abso- lutely pure Silk fabric without dust filling; full 34 inches wide. Worth $1.25 a.yard. TONIGHT .................. ehvaisss 100 STEACY'S FARE REFUND SALE Continues To-night, Monday, Tuesday and Wed- . We are fares to all out-of-town on a specially prepared schedule.

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