THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1021. Check Your BOWEL TROUBLES | By Using DR. FOWLER'S Extract of WILD STRAWBERRY When you are troubled with diar- + aoe; erm pe and Sh ns in the stomach, cholerd, eholera morbus, summer complaint, bloody fluxes, or any looseness of the bowels be sure and obtain a bottle of "Dr. Fowler's" and see how quickly it + gives you relief. This wonderful rem- has been on the market for the Pest 76 years and we wish to warn You against accepting a substitute, Which may be dangerous to your health Mr. Samuel: Buckler; Tatamagon- che, N. S, writes:-- "While visiting in Western 'Caned®™T" had a severe @ttack of diarrhoea. After trying many proprietary medicines I got no relief, but kept getting worse, os I was advised to take Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and | lost no time in doing so. I cannot Resitate in recommending it most Righly, for when I had not yet taken Balf the bottle I was relieved. I must say that if "Dr. Fowler's" is @iven a fair trial it will show its good | Qualities." The price of the genuine is 50¢c. a bottle; put up only by The T. Milbura Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. ~ Look Young is a valuable asset to women in business, social and private life. Nothing helps so much as a good digestion, Poor elimination causes one to look sickly and ECHAMS PILLS sweeten the stomach, stimulate'the liver, pro- mote elimination. This helps purify the blood, improve the complex- ion, bring the roses back to the cheeks. To look and feel young--Beech- s am's Pill Will Help You Sold Everywhere in Canada. . | Sunday Services in Churches . CCP PE POP PLO ta * HOLY WRIT. * If any man sin, have % advocate with the Fa the rightéons: Audie is # the propitiation for"Oui" sins: i and not for ours only, but also /% Jor the sins of'the whole world. % 1 John 2 : 1-2. ' $. . CPPEFTPEPSSO POPOL } -- St. Paul's--Morning prayer, 11 | o'clock; evening prayer, 7 o'clock; Holy Communion at 11 a.m. on third [Suter in month, ; St. Andrew's Church.--Services, {11 am. and 7 p.m. Prof. Morrison | will conduct both services. Every- | body welcome, an r, Jesus { -- | Cooke's Church--Union service with Chalmers and First Congrega- | ttieral at Chalmers church, Rev. Prof {Watts of Queen's tke speaker, St. Luke's Church--Nelson street ----Rev. J. de P. Wright, M.A, B.D, rector. Fourteenth Sunday after Tri- nity. 11 a.m., morning prayer; 4 p m., Holy baptism; 7 p.m., | prayer, evening i | First Baptist Church, Sydenham {and Johnston streets--Rev, J. 8. La- Flair, pastor. Rev. Bert J. Lehigh, pastor of the First Baptist church, Barre, Vermont. will occupy the pul- pit morning and evening. Queen' street Methodist Church, cor. Queen 'and Clergy streets. { Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.: Sunday school at 3, p.m. Rev. Mr. Armstrong, Harrowsmith, will preach at both services. Bethel Congregational Church.<- Services, 11 am. and 7 pm. A. S. Duncan, the new pastor, will preach at both services. Sunday school at 10 a.m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m, A cordial welcome to all. Sydenham Street Methodist Church.--R. H. Bell, minister, will {preach 11 am. and\7 p.m. Class | meeting, 9.45; bible) school, 2.45: mid-week service, Wednesday, S p.m. Friends are cordially invited. Cooke's. Presbyterian Church,-- | Minister, Rev. W. Taylor Dale. Unit- | ed services will be held in Chalmers | church, Rev. Prof. J. 0. Watts; | M.A, will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 {pm, All cordially welcome, "4 ---- In boxes, 25¢., 50c. Largest Sale of any Medicine in the Weeld, "AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIPS For particulars appiy to-- J. P. HANLEY, « oP, & T. A., G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont. CUNARD ANCHOR®™ ANCHOR-DONALDSON; REGULAR SERVICES MONTREAL--GLASGOW Aug. 27|0Oct. 1|Nov. § .. <i Sept. 10/Oct. 15/Nov., 19 . N. Y., GLASGOW, (via Moville) Aug. 27|Sept. Cameronia Sept. 10|Oct. .+.Columbia Oet. 1 Algeria VERFOOL & GLASGOW » Th NEW YORKe-LIVERFOOL 3 . 27|Sept. 24|0¢t"22 ,......Caronia 8|0et. 11|Nov. 12 : 10 ? 4 h § Ss Sept. Sept. Now N. ¥, Ply, Hambourg asd Dansig Sept. 17{0Oct. 29|*Dec. 13", MEDITERRANEAN CRUISES FROM NEW YORK TO Madeira, Gibraltar, Algiers, Monaco, Naples, Patras, Piraeus, Trieste and Alexandria Oct. 22|Dec. 7 Cameronia (8) From Halifax, Dec. 15. ; fates of freight and farther ae St users, "0 local agents or THE ROBERT REFORDCO.,L urn Assyria ««.Aquitania ~Berengaria ..Carmania Saxonia Chalmers' Presbyterian Church.-- Minister, Rev. R. J. Wilson, D.D. ¥nited sérvices with Cooke's and First Congregational in above church. Rev. Prof. J. O. Watts, M.A, will preach at 11 aim. and 7 p.m. All cordially avited, Present' Truth- Tent, corner Prin: TEEN TXIIRd Stree CUS ECR subject: "Is God Particular?" Doss it matter which day we keep? th Sabbath to be classed with and Christmas? A reply Mr. Burgess. e Easter to Rav. Princess - Street Methodist--Rev, W. Doherty, minister. Services 11 a. m.; ¢ p.m., Rev. W. K. Shortt will preach. Sunday school at the usual hour. Epworth League, Monday, 8 p. m.! prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Strangers and visitors cordially welcomed, Zion Presbyterian Church, Pine street.--Rev. Edwin H. Burgess, minister. Rev, George Murray will preach at both services. 11 a.m, subject: "Christ the Pioneer of Life." 7 p.m., subject: "Life As a Probation for Future Life." Seats free. Evervbody welcome. Pentecostal Tabernacle, Queen street--Special addresses on Lord's Day by Evangelist William Brown- Hamilton, Ont. Morning, 11 2.30 p.m. subject: "The Three- the Holy Spirit." p.m. "Who are the ty welcome to all. ing of of C Ministry a.r fo " f he nea r St. James' Church. corner Union and Arch streets,.--T. W. Savary, rector, the rectory, 152 Barrie street. 8 a.m. holy communion; 11 a.m., morning prayer and litany. Sermon subject, 'Christ's Goads." 8 p.m., Sunday school; 7 p.m. evening prayer sermon. Sermon sub- ject, "Faith in Christ." and First Church of Christ, Scientist. -- Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington. Sunday school, 9.45 am. Sunday s re, a ject, "Christ Jesus Wedne 8 p.m. Public reading-room, same dress, every afternoon except Sunday and holidays, 3 to 5 o'ciozk. All are cordially invited to {he services and to the reading-room m, St. George's Cathedral.--Very Rev. G. Lothrop Starr, M.A., D.D,, dean and rector, 'ellington street Phone 2156. Rev EB. ¥ M.A, M.C., curate, '7 Welingion street. Phone 869w. Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity. 8 a.m., holy communion; 11 a.m., matins, chor. al. 4 p.m., holy baptism. 7 p.m., even- Sts idd, song. Preacher, Rev. W. E. Kidd. Without looking at the signature, I could always tell, when I was in the machine shop, whether the drawing was made by Schmidt, Reid, or Spol« kaven, the three dragughtsmen who did thework for my department. There was an individuality about each drawing which was peculiar to the man who had worked out the de- tails. The draughtsmen were given the largest liberty in the matter of the general form of the machine which he was designing, and he had a fine opportunity of stamping {it with his idea] of just what that fin- ished machine should be like. And yet, every machine that was designed was constructed upon one of more of these. six mechanical prin- ciples--the lever,-the wedge, the screw, the pulley, the inclined plane, the sheel and axle, Never yet was there a successful machine built un- less it was built with these mechani- cal powers as a basis, In making our life's plans, we, too are given considerable liberty. Where we shall work and what we shall work at, are matters which we gen- erally decide for ourselves, There are exceptions, of course, but, as a usual thing, we have the decision in our own hands. And whatever the work may be, it will always bear the im- pression of our own personalities. The worker in wood, or iron, or stone the manipulator of leather or of cloth--no matter what his occupa- tion may be even when it is the run- ning of a machine--somehow or somewhere in the job puts something of himself into it. Every working- man knows how true this is. The tool-marks are always there. But while we are given this liber- {ty and this opportunity of working out our ideas and our ideals, true MAGAZINES -- Family Journal, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Vanity Fair, lotion Picture, Western Detective, gosy, W. H. Comp, ete. : ERS-Toronto Sunday Toronto Star, Weekly, Buffalo imss, Buffalo. Courier, Cleve- News, Utica Globe, Saturday Buffalo JKxpress, Montreal rd, etc. ¥ PRINCESS Phone 178 . Nr You have noticed that the 'Who have seuse enough to ba to do nave sonse enough to he can be secured only as our plans are dependent. upon the opera- tion qf certain well defined prin- ciples. Honor and integrity are the foundation stones of real power, and no man may rob us of these, Men may take away our reputations, but our characters are ours forever. Re- putations is what others give us. Character is what we make for our- selves, + It what I have said is true of the machine; if one eannot construct even an engine without the observe ance of inexorable law, is it reason- able to suppose that a man can build fal? What a fool the machinist would be it he went to the scrap-heap in the back yard and fished out of it a cracked cog-wheel and put it into an otherwise perfect machine. But that is precisely what many a man is do- ing in building his character. The entire machine to the scrap-pile, but there is no scrap-pile for the human soul. It lives on forever. " . . * > You've got something that's . hap<hazard, or of scrap-pile mater | cracked cog-wheel may soon send the GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD By the Rev. Charles Stelzle. your own--your personalilty. You tan't give it away, nor can you ex- change it for another's. You influ- ence others through this peculiar power of yours, but it always remains your own. Indeed, in the very exer- cise of this power you strengthen and more firmly fix it. So true has this been in the lives of men, that the mere mentioning of the names of well-known individuals suggests cer- tain peculiar characteristics. Caesar, Napoleon, Gladstone, Lincoln, Grant, rémind us not so much of what they did as of what they were. Therefore, what a' man is, is of more importance that what he has accomplished. It is this by which he Soothes Irritable Throat. Relieves Bronchitis Quickly -- No Drugs to Take, No Medicine to Upset the Stomach. Just Breathe "Catarrhozone." Count ten--a bad cold is relieved by Catarrhozone--wait one minute and you will feel its soothing influ- ence on a sore irritated throat. No failure with '"'Catarrhozone"--it is effective because you can breathe a healing vapor to the very spot that needs help. The big thing te re- member about Catarrhozone is this-- you just breathe a healing piney va- por that is full of the purest balsams --that is rich in the greatest heal- ing agents known to science. This wonderful vapor dispels all soreness, kills all germs, gives nature a chance to completely destroy the disease, Colds and throat troubles can't last if the pure healing vapor of Catar- rhozone is breathed. Catarrh will disappear, bronchial attacks will cease, coughs and winter ills will be- come a thing of the past. Complete outfit lasts two months. . Price $1.00. Smaller size 50. Sample size 25¢. All dealers or The Caiarrhozonn Co., of Montreal. aches olf TN Elect?" A | 4 She sent cards of polite refusal to {and ignored the other twenty. 'lat the bedside. | wall be longest remembered. And this { { applies not only to the great men of ! the world; but to those who walk in | the humbler places of life, Conduct | {is important, but character is more important. For what a man is will | determine what he will do. | We cannot get away from this | great fact--that eyery man; stands | absolutely 'alone, just as if were | the only man in all world. While we AY SOT RS a A Sr ER eT ee work in multitudes, and pray by | regiments, and sing in battalions, and | varade by corporations, nevertheless, | | there 'are times when the individual | stands out alone and when his seif- { hood asserts its existence. This | brings with it tremendous responsi- | bilities, but it also has -its compen- | sations. { The greatest thing in the world is (a man. Not a crowd of men, but just {a man, Made in the image of God, | with His Attributes, with His Spirit- | breathed life and power, that man may gaze at the mountains and feel that he is greater than they. He may look out upon the seas and say: "i am your master." Because of this, we may take cou- | YOUR HEALTH. | Just What "Caries" Is and What It . Means to You (By Royal '8S. C ypeland, M.D, Commissioner of Heal h, New York | t0ty.) ! i All of us take pride in the schools | of America. We think education is | the greatest thing in the world. We insist on all children going to school. aT sha} have the privilege, we pass com- | nulsory-attendance laws and provide "truant officers" to enforce them. The | only accepted excuse for absence is! sickness. : . | This is all as it should be. But in | spite of truant laws every schoolroom shows vacant seats eacH day. Illness keeps away a large number of pupils, Forty per cent. of school absences are due to ulcerated and aching | teeth! The same power that compels at- | tendance at school should compel children to have good teeth. In large | measure this can be done. Decayed | yourself | to yo ATCT any one thing? nervous system. signals. overstrained nerves. Safe and Sure. Sold in Kingston by Mahood's Drug Store Do you find | ° unable to sleep well? Are you irritated by trifles? Do small troubles look big ? If so. there's something wrong with your These are DR. MILES' NERVINE -- $1.20 will soothe the irritated and Just one or two doses helps Nature to restore them to their normal functions. Guaranteed { #4 o danger 'Where there is a to ipati ill fi e PL Tne Or keeping the bowels open. and ulcerated teeth are Inezeusable. | They are inexcusable because they are preventable, / | Trains Will Not be Removed. | rage. The thought of it should | "brace up" that chap who is down |in the dumps. It should straighten | {up the back of the fellow who has | | been a drudge solong that he has for- | | gotten that he is "a son of the | | King," with all the royal heritage of | { his Father, ' ! Has somebody. deprived him of his | rights? Then by all the powers of his | Father's kingdom, let him stand up | straight as a real man, and win back | that which is his by virtue of his | relationship to the Creator of all. But he can best do this by becom- { ing more like a royal son of God-- | he'll never do it if he lives like the | son of Beelzgbub, the devil. | { You'll never have more time than | you have now. Neither legislatures | nor social systems can create more | of it. Stars and sun and moon wil] con- tinue to revolve in their orbits re- ygardless of labor agftators and soc- ial revolutions. Darkness and light are relentless. | There's just 80 much of each. "I I had the time." ' What do you do with what you've got? | Some people "kill time." | Others ¢pass it Away." Think of it--! When time is everything. You've heard it sald that "time is | money." { Jut money is the cheapest thing f in the world. After you get it, you've | got to adjust your time properly to | make the best use of it. | You may have'all the money in | the world and it would be worthless without time rightly used. "If T had the time." Most people carefully calculate how every dollar they possess shall be spent--so much for food, so much for clothing, so much for rent. But they are perfectly reckless or indifferent about how they spend time--their most precious possesa- fon, "It I had the time." Nobody has more time than you | have. Each new day contains 241 golden hours--<--and every one of us | starts out with an equal chance to! use them aright. | Oh, I know that some people have | more leisure time than others. But'| this isn't the only time that counts. And--don't- forget this! it's the | way you spend your other time that | usually determines how much leis- ure time you're going to 'have at your disposal How do you spend your time ? SCHOOLS LACK FUNDS. Catholic Children at Ottawa May be' Neglected, Ottawa, Aug. 27.--A news item in the Citizen says: "It is estimated that there will be over two thousand children entitled to attend the Roman Catholic schools who will be unprovided for unless the Ontario department of education abolishes Regulation xvii which will automatically release the school board from the terms of the Makell injunction passed many, years ago, and which has acted as a barrier to the. financial administration of the schools." The schools, according to the item, are due to reopen Tuesday next, but it is problematica] if they will remain open all winter owing to financiel difficulties. ne ACCEPTED FIRST MAN. Widow Durham's : Advertisement Brought Twenty-three Proposals. Newark, N.J., Aug. 27.--There is no scarcity of husbands, Mrs, Nettie Durham, of 503 Washington street, has discovered, Tired of keeping a rooming house Mrs. Durham, who has been a widow for fifteen years, wrote to the sheriff 6f Omaha severa] weeks ago asking him to find her a husband. She now has twenty-three proposals of marriage on her hands. She overcame the difficulty of mak- ing a choice by accepting the man whose proposal she received first. the second and third men heard from, te een] Igventor Dies Abroad, Paris, Aug. 27.--Peter Cooper Hewitt, 'the 'American scientist and olectrical inventor, died in the Amer- fcan hospital here Thursday night. Mrs. Hewitt and his two sisters were Peter Cooper Hewitt, son of Ab- ram S. Hewitt, one-time representa- tive in congress and mayor of New York, and grandson of Peter Coop- er, the philanthropist, was born In New York on March 5th, 1861. Talk ébout women being contrary! A man is always hollering for win- ter in summer and hollering for summer in winter. a - | hard and -- / On Friday last the Public Service . Disease of Civilization. { Commission dismissed - the -applica- No one should have any disease he | " a . can prevent. Bad teeth can and ton of the New York Central for per- should be prevented. | mission to discontinue week day Ulceration, or abscess, is due to de- | trains Nos. 802 and 804 on the Cape cay of a tooth or *'caries," as the | Vincent branch of the St. Lawrence ht a division. Train No. $08 leaves Cape Vincent, N.Y., at 11.30 a.m. for Wat- ertown, and No. 804 arrives in Cape Vincent at 2.30 p.m. from Water. town. Permission was also denied for removal of the Sunday afternoon train arriving at 4.30 and leaving at 5.20, dentist calls the condition. Caries is a disease of civilization. | Am, It did not occur when men were bar- barians, and it increased as the world progressed in civilizated arts and cus- toma, | It is a disease which leaves per- | manent traces, and its effects can he | studied ip human skulls which have been dug up in various parts of the world. In the museums: of England are a lot of such skulls. Careful records have been made of the places they were found and of the periods to which they belong. A scientist examined these skulls to determine the conditibn of the teeth. His re- port as to the prevalence of caries at | various periods in the history of the British Isles is most interesting: In the stone age tooth decay was found in less than 3 per cent. During the bronze age It rose to 22 per cent During the Roman occupation period it increased. to 32 per ce tt While | now more than 90 per cent. of the children of England have decayed | teeth, The effect tain African tribes instance, one tribe erations azo had car the extent of 1 per cent. groups of th same nag! under the cor per cent. wer caries. The tooth is well mada t disease, It is covered wi subst ous to mention here, All these machines are ation on cer- ignificant, Fo | ss than two gen- Ss prexalent to In twn of civiliz men; also see the This is the ides compact 3 enamel. But like every oth2r mater- | fal in nature, this d. substance | can be destroyed. it gives way to the | attacks made against it by the acids | formed through the fermentation of | food. { | Woodworking Make the "Williams" point of call. Food and Toothbrushes, with serms. | we put al- | to ou The: mouth swarms This is no wonder, beca host everything in the wor nh includ gers; me of power to convert rials into lactic acid. Sugar an rches are AT THE Toronto Exhibition SEE THE 'Williams' of "Made in Canada" Machine Tools We shall be showing a special display of Machine Tools. These include the "Williams" Double End Bench Grinder (No. 8); the "Williams" Round Pedistal Grinder (No. 12-B) ; the "Williams" Hand Milling Machine: the "Wil. liams" 14-inch sensitive drill, and other tools too numer. fully guaranteed to be of the best material and workmanship, built for long service-- and sold at very moderate prices. dian" made from start to finish. See Also the Famous "WADE" DRAG SAW the saw that will do more cross cutting on logs than 10 Ho "Tunnel King" very al 6-passenger motor cruiser "Kipgfisher" Engine and protected propeller, Machinery; Foundry equipment. Booth in Machinery Hall, your first Exhibit And they are "Cana- Motor Boat with the If it's Machinery--Write Williams, The A. R. WILLIAMS MACHINERY C0., LTD. 64 Front Street West, Toronto. Halifax, St. John, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver the particular foods whieh may be acted upon in this way. Let us con- sider for a moment the "sticky' foods Pe of this sort--chocolates, biscuits, 3 ' * fredéh bread, cake, pie crust, caramels. y Suppoce you eat such food at night 4 and go to bed without cleani your teeth. Immediately the acid-forining & COD - germs of the mouth go to work on this materia] lodged .on you: teoth. Enough acid will bé& produced to cut off a layer or two of enamel. Tomor- row the process is repeated, and after a while a cavity is eaten into a good tooth. Thus caries begins. Proper food and the toothbrush are the first line of defence. TORONTO MILK PRICE. Producers Will Not Make Increase *® jn September, Toronto; Aug. 27.--There will be no inereaso in the wholesale price of milk in Toronto this September, E. H. Stonehouse, hegd of the Ontario producers, stated. The price at present is $2.30 per eight-gallon can, and for the months of June, July, August and September the average price of milk wholesale will be only $2.20. the curative virtues of - New Road Will Cost 800,000. Albany, N.Y., Aug, 27.--The new state highway being constructed around Storm King mountain, 400 feet above the Hudson river, will be widened to eighteen feet for its entire length of four miles. The widening consequences of sucha MATHIEU'S SYRUP ls the putation has caused tocrop up [EUS Pp LIVER OIL ~ CURES Coughs, Colds, Grippe Bronchitis, Whoopier -ough, Asthma, Ete. MATHIEU'S SYRUP is a soverei rties of TAR De a ho grave character that you should not risk using inferior preparations. § * the strengthening treated give rise $0. 5 bow hoe B rag ON SALF EVERYWHERE of the road is for the purpose of les- sening danger to traffic. The new highway will cost $800,000 and will shorten the automobile route from New York to Newburgh 20 miles. Twenty thousand, "brain workers" in Moscow have been dispossessed of their homes, to make room for "band workers." Phone 510 - = a Special Showing of Men's Socks and Fall Weight Underwear " "THE CLUB 212 Princess Street