¢ BATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1921, A A WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S hE 1182+ 282 Princess Street -------- FOR MOVING OF Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and Cartage of every description-- Kingston Transfer Co. Phone 377. 153 Wellington Street. | re -------- DAVID SCOTT || HAD RHEUMATISH FOR FIVE YEARS No Return of the Trouble Since aking "FRUIT-A-TIVES" J MR. JOHN E. GUILDERSON P. 0. Box 128, Parrsboro, N. 8, *! suffered with Rheumatism for five years, having it so badly at times I was unable to get up without assistance. I tried different medicines J saw 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, Kingston and Vicinity A Job for Someone. There is a job for a painter or two. at the tower of the city hall: Rust is | appearing around the metal which is in need of paint. sar To------------ I Coming Lawn Social. Lawn social in ald of- St. Barna- | by's church, Brewer's Mills, will be {held in Michael Shortail's grove, Sand Hill, on Tuesday evening, Aug. 30th. A good orchestra in attend- | ance, |and villages have EE | grounds to attract Pleasant Water Trips. | their districts. It you are planning to spend a! ------ day on the water consult our bul- | Wonderful Scenery, letin of pleasant water trips, publisi-| Df A E. Ross recently spent a few ed in'this paper. Some place to go days among the chain of lakes on the everyday on the commodious str. S.. Rideau, arid he returned home great- Lewrence. No over crowding. {ly impressed at the beauty and mag- EE a -- nificence of the lakes and the scen- Prescott Grocer Drops Dead. ery. There is no finer beauty spots George Scott, aged about sixty [ip the world than those at Kingston years, prominent Prescott grocer, {and {ts surrounding territory. dropped dead on Tuesday. night at | his summer home just below Pres- work, {at Central school. A feature of the tourist traffic this | Year. is the number of cars which | carry equipment for camping out. ) Travellers along some of the high- ways have remarked on the numbers made camping the visitors to Too Much Auto Noise, a fa [to enroll for the course at the be- | ginning of the week. The school is! | being conducted by Principal Inman |i ""Kiutos Carry Camping Outfit. of the tourist campers. Many towns | | ed. All of the interior has been i pleted except the top floor, which | eing fitted up as a chemical laba- tory. This work it is expected will | a yi done in about. ope.month-pp-siz { wecks, and then the building will} [ be opened for use.' All but the top | | floor could be used at any tim¢. Some | | grading outside the building is vet { to be done, and tenders have been {called for this work. EN | Quoit Club Rivalry, It is reported that the rivalry be- | | tween the opposing teams of the | | county quoit clubs is so keen that | | some. recognized authority is being | sought for in order that disputes ar- | ising may be settled without the ex- | | plosive arguments that sometimes | threaten to spoil the sport. An in- | pirer has been referred to "Billy" | Hewitt, sporting editor of the Toron- | | to Star for a copy of the revised edi- | tion of quoit regulations. The game of quoits has long been an estab- | | lished sport in the Queen city, and | Write for circ SILOS If you need a chasing elsewhere. € can give you wha A SILO, see us before pur- : ular. 'S. ANGLIN & CO.' Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. THE RESTAURANT THAT HAS THE GOOD THINGS Come in and have comfort while advertised and was treated by doctors in Amherst, also in my home town, but the Rheumatism came beck. In 1916, I saw in an advertisement Plumber Piambing and Gas Work a special. ty. All work guaranteed. Addregy | | 145 Frontense Street. crc ce a -- cott. Death was due to heart trou- |. ble. He leaves a widow. We on Bs You will find ike served by enjoying a good meal. we have the things you I With the new pavement open on | games are carried on under associ- | | Brock street, the auto drivers are ation regulations. {seeming to forget that the Hotel mn [Dieu block is a "silent area" and Phone 1277. 4! | wy DRAW, WINNETT DiINTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnsum and Wellington Streets Phone 863 Dr. Waugh | Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. } Angrove's Repairs | Seal Talking Machines, Bleyele Bans cari at Lawh Mowers, etc, We do repair work right ang suarantee | satistaction. 197 WELLINGTON STREET WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1187, | -- } ARRAS, ' ! ! f | | | Sold by | W. R McRae & Co ARR, [COAL Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. | No other kind sold by une BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 1383 that 'Fruit-a-tives' would stop Rheu- matism, and took one box and got relief; then I took them right along for about six months and the Rheu. matism was all gone and / heave never felt it since. Anyone who would eare to writs me as regards 'Fruit-a-tives' I would be glad to tell them what 'Fruit-a- tives' did for me." JOHN E. GUILDERSON, Contractor and Mason. 60c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruita-tives Limited, Ottawa, Om, ET a woman ease your suff: . Twang o YOU to write, and let me tell you of wy imple method of home treatment, send you ten days' free trial, post- \, o> paid, and put you in touch with women in Canada who will gladly tellwhat my method QQ RW Lee. bas done Aor them. If you are troubled with weak, tired tions, blade feelings, hea d- A der weakness, ache, back % constipation, ca- ache, bear tarrhal conditions, lng down WN pain in the sides, regu- » larly or irregularly, \% bloating, sense of falling or W misplacement of internal or. * gans, nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation, hot flashes, dark rings under the eyes, or a loss of interest in life, write to me today for free trial treatment, . Mre. M. Summers, B( 971 'ndeor, On, Cr ---- BUILDING? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. W. H. STEVENSON HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH. Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Pricea moderate. 381 KING STRERT EAST FACE WAS FULL OF PIMPLES For Three Years, Hardand Awfully Sore. Disfigured. Cuticura Heals. "I had been suffering with a pim- ply face for three years. My face was full of pimples and they were bard and awfully sore. They fes- tered and dried u; , and were scaly, and disfigured my They caused me to lose a lot of sleep, and were awfully itchy, making me scratch and irritate my iy "I started to use Cuticura Soap and Ointment and I used two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Ointment when , [ was healed." (8 igned) Clifford Yeomans, East Ch k, N. 8. REDUCED PRICES IN MONUMENTS AND OEME- TERY LETTERING J. E. Mullen 161 FRONTENAC STREET Phone 1417, DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstaf's Ginge: slarmalade, Use Cuticura for every-day toilet purposes. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum. Wy S0¢. Sold throughout the! Depot: Limited, Si St., Montreal. ura 3d Sauls without mug. FOR SALE GOOD, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Onturio and West Sta. Phone 67. Wagstaf'y. Pineapple M h Wagstaf's Mramble Jelly. ' We also have a full line of other reliable makes of Marma- . lades, pam and Jellies for sale Bhi Cor, King and Mari Streets License No. 5-37149 Phone 1844. FOR SALE 100 acres, about 12 miles from the city. Fair price. W. H. GODWIN --_--_-------------- FACE CREAMS We have them all ~ Cold Creams, Vanishing Creams--ia tubes and jars-- 25¢. and SOc. --ALSO-- Lotion and Almond Cream which sooth sunburn, remove tan and keeps the skin soft and smooth We will belp you select Just what you require. M. R. McColl . Prescription Druggist. Phone 82. (Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks always on hand) n Cheese Sales, Brockvilie--32,210 boarded, 1 cents offered; no sales. Stirling--635 at 19 1-2¢ Campbeilford--670 boarded, 1-2¢ bid; no sales. Madoc--450 at 19 9-16c. 19 The Business Optimist. Is the chap who refuses to sea evil where 'evil dows not exist and the optimistic merchant refuses 'to think business is bad because it isn't for him. He advertises consistently and judiciously and ke is becoming the biggest merchant in his line. ------ A Good Suggestion, It has been suggested that when possible in the fall, the opening day be observed in something the way | armistice day was celebrated by the | people. A Good Swim, Francis Wright, aged eighteen, of Syracuse, N.Y., nephew of Mrs. A. | C. Gardner, Cape Vincent, N.Y., swam Island, to the Cape Vincent dock, a distancewof one mile in forty-three minutes, Small Model. School Class. The model school class this year is smaller than usual, only about twelve @tufonts Being ¥o far regis- tered, However, more are expected the locomotive works reopens, as is | Tuesday from Horne's dock, Wolfe | 9 5.9 they should act accordingly. To say | the least, it is very hard on the pati- {ents in the rooms bordering on the | street to be kept awake by the con- | | tinual blowing of horne. Many Bathing Again. As a result of the warm spell, the | Richardson bathing house at Mac- | donald Park is being well patroniz- ed again, There was a good turnout of the past few days, and the general | ery has been "Comé on in, the water | is fine." This has been the greatest i year for swimming in the lake here {in many years. Rink Now Like Skeleton. The sheeting has been practically |all removed from the old covered | rink, leaving it like a war-wrecked ruin. The wooden and steel frame- | work stands out like the skeleton of la huge fish. It will not be long until | the old rink, which was the design | from which the overseas Nissen huts | were built, will be forgotten: Queen's Stadium, the Queen's Stadium so as to have it ready for the fall season. The grandstand structure has an excel- lent steel roof that has meant a lot of hard work to erect. The work is progressing on the dressing rooms underneath the seats, The rooms wili be large and comfortable. The work STROUD'S TEA | The taste is the test. of preparing the field and einder track is a big job that has meant a great deal of hard work. Nearly Finished. The Sir Arthur Currie building, the new educational block at the Royal Military College, is nearly By CHARLS (Copyright, 1921, The real progressivism is not bo approval at the polls, not all these within the boundaries of every man's work in the city at a dollar and that still. Pat pushed on out month with board. ing that back of all laws and conditi mine success and failure, These can merely express it as the spirit of the people.. that is genuine begins and ends in the individual. 'How small, of all that human hearts endure, That part which laws or kinds can cause or cure." If in every one.of the conventions h had won, if all the progressive measu every altruistic movement that animates this nation to-day should achieve unanimous adoption, if even the dream Forty years ago two brothers came fro with barely enough money to keep them over the first night. PROGRESSIVISM GRANT MILLER All Rights Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) 3 rn of political platforms or of statutes. All progressivism eld -in the past month the best man of perfect brotherhood should win things combined would be as potent for the happiness of any man among those for whose help théy are in- tended, as would the simple, daily exerc ise of individual qualities that are own soul. Mike went to a half a day, and is working for about into the country and found a job at $15.00 a In the course of time Pat bought 100 acres of land, and with his own hands and the willing help of his and fences. He has raised eight sons and dau gone through college. He is a prosperous, seren In this fdir land of ours are many thousa neighbors built house, barn ghters, four of whom have ons lie individual qualities that deter- Initiative and self-help do not come of statutes. There are limits to the fundamental usefulness of those who love their The work is being rushed along at { res proposed had been adopted, if' m Ireland to an American ety, | PAINFUL NEURALGIA | competent staff. ~ TORTURING SCIATICA { Both Come From the Same Cause-- Thin, Watery Blood. : | Most people think of neuralgia as | a pain in the head or face, by{ neu- | ralgia. may affect any nerve in the PETER LE 222 Princess Street Phone 1 843. Grand Cafe E, PROP. Two Doors Above Opera House I'body. Different names are given to {it when it affects certain nerves. Thus neuralgia of the sciatic nerve is called sciatica, but the character of the pain and the nature of the dis- ease are the same. The pain in neu- ralgia is caused by starved nerves. The blood win carries nourish- men to the ngrves has become thin Don't throw it away--rather out. ONE MAXOTIRE will casings otherwise USELESS, A. NEAL, Manager 284 O en, nn, EASTERN CANADA MAX OTIRE RU SAVE THE MILES LEFT IN THAT OLD CASING put a MAXOTIRE in it, and wear ft give yom service out of five or six old BBER Co, Dh tario Street. Phone 2050. and impure And no longer does so, and the pain you feel is the cry or the nerves for their natural food. You may ease the pains or neuralgia with hot applications, but real relief from the troubles comes by enriching and purifying the blood. For this purpose Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are strongly recommended. These pills make new, rich blood and thus act as | @ most effective nerve tonic. If you are suffering from this most dreaded or troubles, or any form of nerve- trouble, give these pills a fair trial, and note the ease and comfort that SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS . PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE--Mc GALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY follows their use. PN At mn, You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 Santa a box or Aix bones for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. THE MAN ON WATCH With all its fine pavements high time that Kingston hotel to match them. , it is had an As the price of coal has weatherad the warm weather, there is no reason why it should not thrive in cooler weather. But please do not blame 'he local dealers for the price. Wonder why so many city people have been picking wild cherries' along the roadsides in the country, $30.00, The Kingston Por Relief Society | has a splendid name among thoss in| need. But perhaps it was by mis- | take of a butcher that sirloin roasts | Were portioned out to some needy | families, According to the written opinion | of an old Methodist clergyman, any- | one who dances, plays cards and | otherwise "mishehaves'" cannot be a true member of the Methodist | church. Yet the offenders appear to | ~~, New Stock of Fine Quality : Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Menat Lewer Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at --$35.00 -- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St, (One door below Randolph Hotel) 8 prosper and are very religious. Has anybody seen or heard of the | domestic who is alleged to have stol- en much jewelry and silver from a brother men too well and not wisely. gressivism is in the individual's own h Statutes to help him--yes. But t self. Trees Let us never forget that true pro- eart and hands. hey can only help him to help him- Nothing Else is Aspirin Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, You are not getting Aspirin at all. Accept only an "unbroken package" of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 21 years and proved safe by millions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, "* Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain generally. Made in Canada, Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cente--Larger packages. Aspirin 'ia the trade mark (registered In Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- Sceticacidester of Salicylicacld. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer "Bayer Tablets of manufacture, to assist the public against fmisa the Tablets of Bayer Compa WO¥ Be stamped with thelr general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross" ny downtown home and skipped om:. The loser is said to be making a still- hunt of the tow: -for the erring - | young women. Gananoque yacht ciub now holds "by invitation" dances and not free- | for-alls. There are certain peopla | who make themselves at bome at all | dance functions where they think they wil not be forcibly ejected. 1 | Hooray for the bobbed hair girl ia the stores. She. takes only a jifty to give her hair a swish, while the haystack-hair girl has to do alot of fixing in a day, delaying the custom- ers. | At last a home has been found for | broken-down horses. The fire de- partment headquarters thinks 50 | much of old Jess that it has appar- is pensioned the animal. | The town should be clean after | this great soap sale. No doubt some | people can hardly wait until Satur- day night to Lave their weekly bath. i No Sunday yacht races have as ye! | been held off Eastview camp. parently the presence of a Presbyter- fan shepherd and John the Baptist have scared the Yachtsmen around What is profane language? If you on't know just * attend a bail ch and listen to a certain type of th during exciting periods. No bt the police magistrate gained informatiou thus, if he je a base. | all fan. ~--THE TOWN WATCHMAN, ------------ headed Women laugh at the faot that the | female men buy hair restorer from bald- | homely | @ a To clear T o-night for . . 15. Spe cials F or / o-night WOMEN'S WHITE 'COTTON STOCKINGS pair. MIDDY BLOUSES-- White and with Colored Collars. for to-night only . . . ...75c. each WHITE WASH SKIRTS The only for Phone 191, ce of our stock To-night EN ae ea W. N. Linton men. But they forget that beauty specialists are usually enoagh to stop a clock. \ $1.00 each' & Co. The Waldron Store. Otherwise she'll gh If a woman is built that way she'll £0 to the seashore for ber vacation.