Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Aug 1921, p. 6

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6 : : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1091. (---- -- RT Tl THE BRITISH WHIG fot Gultles. At yariovs Hos it has | & . 88TH (YEAR. been the sceme of battles, | ALONG LIFES DETOUR | Walt Mason because 1 | was the strategic point of vantage to | eny miisfary deader in Olden tinies BY 3A% i THE POET PHILOSOPHER > | | | vio mi aspire to world domina- | 3 . HAPPINESS | ['tion. Most of thie builders of ancient | | empires sought at e time or an- In Canada my childhood years | | other to conquer Beth-Shan.' Among were spent, 'mid snow and rime; and | | foreign invaders, Greeks, Romans though often I froze my ears, I had and Arabs in turn have held it a bully tne, The int a id mn Aside from its significance as Te fall aa astey Srevug Foti sgope. of many. bates, Lothoalen | Bie tr he i a BUt™T "wolld "8mile and sing. For 1 offers inducements to thé invesigatot I night was considered bath night la | Was born a happy guy, iny heart was | every well-regulated household. full of glee, and January or July was all the same to me. In Kansas long I made my home; 'tis there the wild | winds chase; they blew the winglets from my dome, the whiskers from my face. A cyclone hoisted me at times, and while I rode the blast I. jotted down those cheer-up rhymes that made you stand aghast. On Ari- zona's scorching plain I dwelled a N . BIBBY'S See our $15.00 English Raincoats Good rain or Big Specials For To-night } See our $15.00 English Raincoats ----Realtbeattiest Nor Much of Anything Else. Charity still may cover A multitude. of sins, But skirts no longer cover A multitude of shins. the afforded mowhere else in such abund- ance. It is fairly certain that hers | are lodged the relics of seven and | . perhaps oven mine distinct civiliza-| I horde think much of these coro- tions, Beth-Shan, dt seems, comug { 121ionE selores Ta fn layers, each succeeding . city in |agked Bolt. turn built on the ruins of the old. "I have had a When successive waves of invasion | plied Nutt. swapt over it there came to be reared tras. Poor Sorts of Celebration. of them? CE me TR Wie POR S tooth crowned," re- THE BR Taking a Big One, CO, LIMITED in timo 2 new Beth-Shan on the ruins J. G. Wlllott ...... Leman A, Guild .., THLEPHONES: +... President . Editor and Managing-Director of the old. The melics which will be brougiit to 'light through this excavation will 3 tell a unique #ory of the progress of early days covering a period of He sats he fears to take a chance; Yet doubt I his weak utterance; He must have nerve for any strife, For now he plans to take a wife. Is Albert Able To Rum It? (Prosser (Neb.) Cor. Hastings Tribune) year or more, with Gila monsters in my train, and rattlesnakes before. My pelt dried up and wrinkled off beneath the burning rays, but I was still a cheerful toff, and I had happy days. If one is born the child of and All Next Week mirth, no dlls ean stop his song, not all the ordeals of the earth can wilt him very long. It is a rare and won- drous gift, the cheerful frame of mind, that sees the heavy ecloud- banks drift, and knows they're silver lined. There i8 no envy in my heart for gifts that others own; they may be wise, they may be smart, and in their class alone; and they may scale | the shining heights that I can ne'er achieve, but I am warbling days and nights, while they cave round and | | grieve. siness Office ditorial gb gies more than 106,000 years. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: i (Dally Edition) ' One year, delivered in city . One year, if paid in advance One year, by mall to rural offi One year, to United States ,. (Semi-Weekly Editio ne year, by mall, cash ... . ® year, If not paid In advance One year, to United States - 4 OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES BE Ser, 22 8t. John St, Montreal Albert Able is the proud owner of a new car THE EX-KAISER'S POVERTY One might pity the sorrows of a If you are getting ready to go to big Toronto Fair, take it from us that you can save quite a few dollars by trading at home. We will be pleased to prove it to you. It will pay you to read carefully every line of this price list. Come in; look about: ask to see the goods you are interested in: then buy if you wish. Our new prices are certain to please you. Fool Questions. 2 Mrs. R. I asks if we can furnish the i Ese er ae re the former emperor of Germany. Je | cart avers that he has barely enough n- | come on which to live, and laments that for 100 German marks he re- 2100 King 8 W.|cetves in exchange but four Dutoa Letters to the Editor are published €uilders, worth abort forty cents only over the actual name of the|cash in our money. titer. £ While we have no pity for the {pw ft a ~ . ' ia My grandmo Be Sao Cguagty Vt Jou Hulatooliers Bovitos bis beosom| (J Emenee 3 serves, without doubt the sting of his Nothing To Worry About. {The circulation of THE BRITISH fallen estate has penetrated his soul. "When my beauty fades will you WHIG is authenticated by the Ile has life, but no longer has he Sin love me? shyly asked the sweet ABO | power. He may have a few syco- "Oh, don't worry about that" re. Audit Bureau of Circulations. {iphantic followers still about him,|plied the man. *I always will have "| ut he no longer hears the "hochs" { enough to keep in rouge and of the crowd. He is not heroic in | POWder exile because there never was any- thing hercic about his character. He was a seventeenth century momarch in the twentleth century. His swash- buckling is ended, though, despite his complaints of poverty, he is vasi- ly better off ih possessions than ninety-nine hundredths of those he "She's Incky. What is her business" ohee ruled. "She's a shoplifter." It 4s the contrast only that makes a---- ? * | Mim poor, and that is the punish- Daily Sentence Sermon. . ---------------- It will require either a conference ment he is getting. There was a Molagses catches more flies than 'or a Jutland to keep the Pacific demand for his life. We belieyo vinegar and hot air beats plain words in keeping friends. that way. that he 48 being punished more sev- ly than were he executed. His is Well, 4f South irdlaad Bad an TY | °° a condition that will cause mo envy. ster, she might not mesent the reign ---- of England. THE GOSPEL OF THE STOUT HEART. A war padre says that we should view the gospel of Jesus not as the gospel of the-bowed head. but as the gospel of the set teeth. It is true that Jesus was ever tender and com- passionate. His tenderness to child- ren, to the sick, to the widow and the orphan, to the wayward and the peni- tent is indeed a vital part of His Gospel. But the church has some- times made the mistake of misread- ing parts of the old testament as a portrait of Jesus, quite unlike the biography furnished us by the four evangelists. The picture of Jesus in the gospels is that of a resolute man Call the Ambulance. I--said, "Ahem!" iF Behind her back. Af Her figure looked Aged twenty-three, But when she turned MEN'S SUITS Sizes 34 to 46--good, honest, domestic Tweeds; neat pat- terns. The same quality Suits have sold in many places $25.00, $27.50. Our big special -- $15.00 MEN'S and YOUNG MEN"S BLUE SUITS MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Hand-tailored fab- rics, all pure wool, imported Serges, Cheviets, Worsteds:; all new colorings; all new models. Suits that have sold for $45, $47.50, $50.00. Our big special -- $35.00 --WALT MASON. Student Philosophy. "Sedentary work," said the college lecturer, "tends to lessen the endur- ance." "In other words," put in the smart student, "the more one sits the less one can stand." "Exactly," retorted the lecturer, "and if one lies a great deal one's standing is lost completely."--Kind ---- Fox pure wool Serge, perfect tailoring -- suits made to sell for $35.00 and $37.50. Our big special -- $25.00 you i The early morning air is begin- hing to have a football kick in it. -- We Do Not Care For Any, Thanks. J. P. B. says he saw this sign in a bakery window at Columbus, Ohio: Fresh Home-Made Cooties 16 Cents a Dozen "As the years pass, less and less of fhe form is enclosed in a formal gown. Trade Note. "There's one woman whose business is picking up." Young Men's and Men's Raincoats at . New Revised Prices English Parametta English Tweed Raincoats Raincoats Health is wealth--and the soviet government seems to object to this, piso. Pure Wool English Gaberdine Coats Silk Shield lined, real nobby, Top Coat or Raincoat. Many places get $35.00. Some get $37.50. Bibby's Big Special - $25.00 We sell farms. That's our business. T. J. Lockhart Real Estate and Insurance We have removed our office to 58 Brock Street, Kingston Coal That Suits The Delaware, Lackawanna ani Western Railroad's Celebrated Scranton Coal Trench models, sold by many at $20.00. Bibby's Big Special $12.50 Good rain or shine -- coats that sold as high as $22.50. Bibby's Big Special $15.00 A Poor Diet. (Canton (Ohio) News) Watch your tongue, Being made to eat your own words is poor spor: --Cincinnati Enquirer. Many a case of lingual indigestion has been caused The thing that makes the running by eating one's words. - expenses of the average family bur- 0 Plenty of It Theres densome is running the car. If the man in the street Will just use his eyes, He can get a whole eyefui Of most any size. News of the Names Club, Ida B. Good has opened a bakery at Lawton, Okla., and here's hoping her stuff will be even better, The only things in the universe that will last forévar are the human soul and the national debts. Men's Raincoats Olive shade; first quality Oilskin. Sizes 34 td 46. Sold by|skin, olive shade, many at $8.50 to|regular $7.00 values. $10. Bibby's big|Our big special. Sizes special-- 128, 30, 32, 34. $7.00 $5.00 ' o Boys' Raincoats ---- o . oi o The hay crop is 256 per cent. be- First quality, il d low normal, but who should worry? Automobiles do mot burn hay. And a long time ago the Indians Were considered savages because they painted their exposed parts, Them Girls 1 A girl to see Is' May Hawkins; She always wears Roll-down stockings. --Cincinnati Enquirer. Men's TROUSERS Pure wool, English, hair-line Tweeds -- sizes 34 to 44. Sold as high as $10.00. Our Big Special $7.00 -- a -- Justice 4s blind, perhaps; and yet 8t might be a good ddea to blindfold Jurors when a pretty woman is on following the path He had marked total Re out for Himself with unfaltering : : step. One can picture Him walking Another reason why a chicken | 49WD the street of Capernaum on a spring morning with buoyant step, Crosses the street is because she : | Bges @ chap over there who may buy happy in the morning sunshine, in the sweep of the sea before Him ber a sundae. What did. He look like? Certainly We err if we think of Him as a shy ascetic, with bowed head shunning the gaze of His fellow men. What- ever sorrows may have seamed His y heart, we may be sure that His eye Supporting a navy capable of ck: | was clear, and that resolution sat ing the wonld dsn't eo glorious when | upon His brow. When He set His #t takes the money the children need | face steadfastly to go to Jerusalem, Wor shoes. . It was in a piece with His whole min- 5 A---------- . istry, How could it be otherwise Years ago, the test of skill was when His was always the overcoming the ability to remove an appendix; life; how otherwise when His mystie 'MOW the test és to adjust a car- follower, who wrote the Apocalypse, furetor, calls the ehurches one after one to £3 overcome, and promises in his Mas- Marrying for money ds reprehens: | yer voice boundless rewards only ible; but dt is more commendable to the stout of heart. . than the modern practice of marry- We miss this' noté often in the tng for variety. preadling of to-day. We make salva- tion a it, - - Russia, someone says, bas nothing ne Nina Ti £0 trade. 'She can 'at least trade off campaign . od) Siorien fn exchange for Blessed are the hot hearted, said A a trite There is one gleam of hope. the Master of Men; among His fol- ~donds will no longer raise the rent lowers He numbered the sons of thunder and Simon the Zealot and whon tenants can no. longer raise the 'méney for the rent. : A girl to see Is Irma Pall; She doesn't wear Much clothes at all --Hastings, Neb. Tribune. WORK TROUSERS Good, solid, Union Worsted; sizes 34 tol. 44. Our big special $1,98 Men's TROUSERS Pure: Wool Indigo Blue Serge; fall weight. Sizes 32 to 44. Regular $12.00 Pant. Our big special $8.50 Diseretion In the Better Part of Valor. Says Adam Breede: "The bigger the man the easier it is for nim to apolo. The Standard Anthracite Eize." Yes, Adam, and when the man is bigger than we are we also find it The only Coal haadled by easier to apologize to him. L = Crawfor Phone 9. Foot of Queen St. 'It's & black business, but we treat you white" --------------tcie Eventually Poland will get enough to satisfy Poland, but it isn't prob- ~ mble that she will get cnough to sat- May His Tribe Increase, isfy Framce. A luck man Is Johnny Bara, He always wins, By working hard. --Clncinnat{ Enquirer. MEN'S SILK TIES New English and" French pure Silk Ties ~-good value at $1.50 Men's Fine SHIRTS Made by Canada's best shirt makers -- 50 dozen in real dan- dies--genuine $3.00 Shirts. Sizes 14 to 18. Bibby's Big Special $5.00 © $1.98 Men's TROUSERS English Whipcord -- sizes 34 to 44. Sold by many at $7.50. Our big special -- TIRE SALE [LL 30x34 Tires THAT WE ARE GOING TO SACRIFIGE AT : es GET A GOOD TIRE CHEAP AND BEAT THEHIGH COST ||» OF MOTORING. > Now, Johhny Bard Is a good man; There should be more Such in the land. ~~Warren (Ohio) Tribune, hy N Nes --all new designs. Our ------r---- a ---- big special at-- _ BARRETT'S Everlastic Roofing AND "MULTI-SHINGLES" Peter the Impetuous. Indeed it would appear from the gospel that the re- solute spirit always appealed to Him, and that a prodigal who had had his fling at fe, had turned his back upon the old way, was enough to make the very heavens ring with joy. The present hour calls for fuck a gospel, calls more insistently than any other hour for the fullest con- secration to heroic service, As the Scots say "a stout heart for a stye bree." To-day is the stye brae, the gospe] for to-day 1s the gospel of the stout heart. And such was, and such Is, the gospel of Jesus, Its attrac- tiveness will surely appeal to the men of resolute temper, men who are not afraid to set their teeth and fol- low their leader to victorious con- quest of a world for Christ. | < i ------------------------ * Bishop Lewis Expires, Sioux City, Ia., Aug. 27. --Bishop W. 8. Lewis of the Methodist Episco- pal church, sixty-four years old, died at a hospital after a long illness; He had been residént bishop of Sowth China at Foo Chow since 1908. . Baby BUNT'"S Hardware, King St. - AA Four-in-one--The best Roofings on the market and the lowest | Ideal for summer} by the army of Panama, white wear for babies, Fits hh army rests on dts hagdear. * Banker Located, El Paso, Tex., Aug. 27.--Warren C. Spurgin, missing Chicago hank president, has definitely been located at Uriachia, Chihuahua, by a Chicago detective, who returned to Bl Paso from Chihuahua city. Spurgin has quarinted abso- about $50,000 in cash and was said utely pure. to be accompanied by a woman com- {| Use only the best for Ml ¥ 4 : panion, your Pickles and - snugly, are of soft, | pliable Rubber, eas- ily washed. Dr. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princess St. Phone 848. ¢ OUR SPICES AND VINEGARS are a car. 10 LOOK BACK 10,000 YEARS With the granting of official per- mission, Mmyestigators are 0 begia excavations on the site of the Bib- Gen. John 8. Nicholson was elected to succéed the late William L. Ash- gt mead in the division of Westminster, fh Eng. ; Australia sells land to settlers at | There will be no increase in street § 1-2 per cent. down and long timo far fares in Montredl : payments, . 2 &

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