MONDAY, ACGUST 29, 1921, 1 Theatrical At the Grand. "Blind Youth," the National Picture feature that is showing at the Grand for the first three days of this week, "Hs the picture version of the famous stage play by Lou Tellegen and Wil- lard Mack. Already famous for its tremendous success on the New York stage, the screen version greatly sur- Passes the original play, It's a photo- play in which romance, comedy and drama have their fling at the centre of the stage, and combine in making One of the greatest pictures of the age. The story is a bold yet skilful treatment of the great crisis faced ' by a man who encounter§talse love, | then when he is almost down and out, true loye in the form of "Hope" Saves him. An extra funny Century _ comedy reels of scenic, news and the =# pleasing Prizma natural color pictur- #88 wil] complete this bill which will 2. b® seen to-night, Tuesday and Wed- = headay.--Advt, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SPORTING NEWS | ~~ ESSSES-- 1 ell, Wellington Playter and Francis : : en OTTAWA ALL-STARS COMING The scenes of this gripping story 1 are laid among the picturesque | Will Qive Ponies a Handful on! wastes of the Arctic barrens. = The Wednesday and Thursday plot involves the hunt for a madman P : of the north and the discovery of a oor Support. golden-halrcd princess in the wilder- ness. 2 "The Golden Snare" was produec- ed and directed by David Hartford. It is released by Associated First Na- tional Pictures, Ine.--Advt. > Northwest Mounted policeman. Ruth Renick has the feminine lead. Other well known players in the cast, in addition .to Baby Esther Scott, are Wallace Beery, Melbourne MacDow- Your ad appropria- tion should bear fruit a hun- dredfold. It stands to reason that the less you sow on the rocks and . along the wayside the more returns you are sure to get, Scientific space buying is the seed that falls on good ground of reputable publications, Audit Bureau Circulation Re-: ports, carefully studied; enable you to forecast where the good ground lies. Read pages two, three and four a. well as page, one, and you'll be surprised how far you can go in fo A correct estimate of merchan- ing possibilities Secretary Trotter announces tha' he has secured an all-star nine from the Ottawa teams to ¢ome here on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Tho team will be selected by Steve Preulx, the Ottiwa backstop well known here, from among the best players in the capital. Steve konws what Ponies have and will be able to judge what players he needs to give them the blank end of the score. He will have to use all his wit, however, as Ponies are not taking tho short end very often lately. ? Montreal Metropoles were hare last week and Ponies club went in the hole financially as the result ol bringing them in. The local fans are getting protty tight when they will not support a team that plays baseball which is only second in quality to the major leagues. Out of fifteen fans on the cricket field last Thursday and Friday evenings, one fan paid for a ticket. Of the other > At the Allen, 35 "The Golden Snare," declared by "imany to be James Oliver Curwood's _ best and most thrilling story of the Star north, will be the scréen attrac- SG tion at the Allen theatre Monday, 2% Tuesday and Wednesday. 5 Lewis 8. Btone is the featured player. He will be geen once more in his favorite role--that of a Royal False Teeth Held Firmly in Place By WILSON'S COREGA' Now selling in CANADA at 48¢. - 75c. - $1.25 Ask your Dentist or Brugyist Buy the $1.25 size--it contains times more than the 45c. size. COREGA CHEMICAL COMPANY Cleveland, U.S.A, 13 Rd MRS. ARTHUR MURPHY Whose appointment to the Canadian Senate is urged by women's ogganiza- tions. Mrs. Murphy is a police magis- trate and better known under her pen- name of "Janey Canuck." ce t-- On August 24th the residence of John Bowser, near Delta, was the scene of a quiet wedding when his niece, Miss Helen Lavenia Bowser, daughter of the late Mr .and Mr. Edward Bowser, became the bride of Claude King Gifford, Plum Hollow. CASH AND CARRY Now ready with a complete stock of CHOICE GROCERIES. ' Come in and get acquainted. All orders will receive our prompt attention. SOAP COUPONS REDEEMED. JOHN R. BOYCE Corner of Brock and Division Streets. Phone 1281. Millinery Showing Our Autumn Stock includes a beautiful assortment of the newest pattern Hats from Paris and New York designers. Also a wide range of attractive models from our own workrooms. Tuesday, Aug. 30th AND FOLLOWING DAYS Gedye Millinery } YE dre yo es. ne likes to indulge in "day and to construct mental pic- tures of vessels laden with hope's rich- visions constitute a ig share in the fun of living. And just think how much more quickly cargo can come in an aeroplane a golden 'than in one of the ships of which our fathers dreamed so happily. Advertising dreams true. A well conducted advertisi ign will bring you golden resu brings aeroplane cam- ts ful- fourteen there may have been two who could not afford it, but the dozen left should be ashamed to look at a baseball game. If the support from the fans is not forthcoming there will bo no more Good teams are demanded but the quarters to bring in good teams are not supplied. Therefore tae 800d teams must stay away or tha quanters come. ° It is no joke to work around the cricket field trying to raise enough money $0 pay expenses for some- body clse's fun, neithe: is it any joke to arrange for visiting teams. Yat the ticket-cellers, when they politoly offer their tickets, are the butts ot sarcastic remarks from fans who are too miserable t6 pay for their fun and too thick skinned to be asham- ed of it. If you aren't willing to pay for a good baseball game t hen stay home, Rugby at Brockville, With the approach of autumn foot- ball is beginning to engage the at- tention of players and fans, and it will be only a short time until the baseball. Taat is the long and short |' Brockville Club meets for organiza- | tion, In the meantime some of the | leaders in the sport are looking ar- | ound towards the formation of aq | {league to include the Islang City, and | it 1s said prospects are bright for a |St. Lawrence River section to em- brace the R. M. C. of Kingston, Corn- wall," Gananoque and Brockville. Clubs in those places are being com- nunicated with and the outcome fis { expected to take on definite form. Cornwall would be a new aspirant for football honors in Eastern Ontario and just what step forward the fao- tory town will make towards suprem- acy on the gridiron remains to be seen, I ---------------- Mrs, Jacob Easter passed away ra- ther suddenly on Friday at Brock- ville, after a 'brief period of ill- health. The late Mrs. Easter was born in the township of Wolford six- ty-eight years ago, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Langtry, The Prescott fulminate works will open for the fall operations in Sep- tember, / -- CAPE FCPPPLOFIPFRY + + CANADA STRIVING FOR CHEESE TITLE * Toronto Aug. 29.--Holland has a new rival in the cheese- making industry. Canada has stepped into fourth position among the producing nations and its 3,300 dairy factories are rapidly increasing the output. Thirty-six million dollars is the sum returned to Canadian farmers for cheese exported +e A CPP P PPE P ER N during the .ast year. Most of these exports went to England long one of Holland's "est cus- tomers, PERG PPE P PIDs the United States and Canada, . | Net pald Circulation is what you go after first; but wouldn't you like to know how that cir- culation was obtained? The kind and character of people who read the publication and what it is worth to them? You can dig out all that infor- mation in a very few minutes from A. B.C. reports and every time you get additional, authentic information about a newspaper or a periodical you prevent advertising dollars rom being thrown on the rocks, or along the wayside. More scientific selection of space is a solution of many of the problems confronti pdyertisers right now. / The British Whig is the only newspaper in Kingston which gives its ad- vertisers an A. B. C. circulation. n. ' Aug. 29.-The popular Sunday ev- ening resort for divine worship at Half Moon Bay was largely attended at the service at 5.30 o'clock last evening. There was a fairly large re- presentation from town and many from the surrounding islands and re- sorts. A number of late stayers from the A. C. A. at Sugar Island were also among the congregation, The steamer Mississquoi was once more quite liberally patronized on Saturday on her regular trip to King= ston, She also handled considerable freight! The handsome and commodiots double-funnelléd . gasoline pleasure launch, "El Tejado" from New York, was at the government wharf on Sat- urday afternoon, A bankruptcy court official, accom- panied by his clerk, arrived here on Saturday to take charge of the wind- ing up proceedings of the Gananoque Co-Operative Society Limited, The Gananoque Water Power Com- pany shut off the water supply at their dam at Marble Rock on Satur- day evening and for the next three or four weeks will be busy in mak- ing repairs to their dams, flumes, etc, The major part of the work wil] be tess etrstsrenene MAGNIFICENT HEAD OFFICE at the cement wall near the plant of Of the Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada at Water- £ loo, The Mutual Life Assurance Com- pany of Canada has just completed an important enlargement of their magnificent head office at Waterson, Ontario. The completed building will be re-opened with suitable cere- Ont. 3 ing and it was then supposed that their needs would be met for many years. The extraordinary demand for life insurance created by war is one of the reasons why the business of this company has trebled since the Electric Light and Water Supply Company. Only those factories which have axuiliary power will be able to run unti] these repairs are com- pleted, What might have been a serious auto mishap occurred at the post of- fice corner on King street on Satur- ddy, when a car driven by Milo Pros- ser ran into another driven by Mr. Boyle, Leeds township, near Ganan- oque Junction. Mr. Boyle's car had the fender badly damaged, and the other car was injured around the bumper, The affair will probably be settled in court, as both parties claim the right-of-way. Mrs, Raymond Hustin, New York, rendered another excellent solo at St. Andrew's church at the morning service, Rev. H. H. Bedford Jones, Lennox- ville, Que., filled the pulpit of Christ church at the service yesterday at 11 a.m, Rev. R. W. Spencer, the rector, has been holidaying for the month and will probably resume his duties on Sunday next. Miss Blythe Battams was hostess at a miscellaneous shower to a num- ber of friends of Miss Myrtle Wright, a prospective Labor Day bride, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Battams, South street. The Misses Jessie M. Gduld, King street; Mirlam Round, Oak street, and Minerva Meggs, Charles street, accompanied by the Mesdames Cath- erine Gould, Joseph Round and Jos- eph Meggs went over by launch to Clayton on Saturday evening where the three young ladles entrained by N. Y. C. for Brooklyn, N.Y., where they will take courses in training as nurses in the M. E. hospital. Miss L. E. Hurd and cousin, Miss Doris Hurd, Kingston, spent the week end in town, the former with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. H. Hurd, King street, the latter with her aunt, Mra. Richard Bolton, Georgina street, Frank Hurd, who has been engag- ed on carpenter work at the new sep- arate school here, spent the week- end in Kingston with his wife and family, 38 Stephen street.. Mrs, W. K. Crautér and Miss Al- ice. Abernethy, King street, have re- turned home after spending the past week in Kingston with relatives and friends. J. K. Neill, Ottawa, late manager of the Gananoque Co-Operative Store, spent the week-end In town with his wife and family. This Week for Bartlett Pears. o One hundred baskets arriving daily; will have them green, ripe or on the turn. The best pear for can- ning or eating--Carnovsky's, Charged with the theft of a row- iit Te I i I Hi { | I? I PP + ® pr y equal to a fleet of laden air ships. - That is, it will if you advertise in days. In connection . gathering of the pany's officers this paper. 'This is the one we 'guaran- and-agents 1 to be held at Ware 3 100. 3 nouteh on August 31st .and the boat, the property of G. Sprague, Aneto Pianos are in first-class condi Mountain View, David VanWort og ono '* 1 OPportuRty to get a well-made Plano for less a man named 'Palmateer were ar- Savane ssirsansissi sis reaseslMBBO0 rested at Point Anne. i h : $400.00" x Albert G. Manley, native of ready X nie Brockville, youngest son of the late ArErOoms.--ready for vs Williani 'Manley, tallor, was struck C. Ww. LINDS. AY, I » ited : 121 PRINCESS STREET | It is only nine years since the growing business of the company and killed by lightaing in Denver, Z/ | compelled them to erect & new build- Colorado, on 23rd inst. -