THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. MONRAY, AUGUS 3 From Trapper to Wearer FINE CANADIAN FURS FUR COATS » in PERSIAN LAMB HUDSON SEAL! ALASKA SEAL : or MINK, MUSKRAT, x MARMOT, EXCLUSIVE CLOTH COATS Fur trimmed---made to special order. JOHN McKAY, Ltd. 149 to 157 BROCK STREET] CARUSO RECORDS Ave Marie--Kahn--Violin by Elman ........ .- Elegie Melodie--Violin by Elman -... etnese Dreams of Long Ago--English Largo From Xerxes--Handel Lost Chord--English ..... Love Me or Not--English . Pagliacci (On ith the play) i .ccevu.. Your Eyes Have Told Me--English ........... Rigoletto-- (Woman Is Fickle) .........:.... Love Is Mine--English BecAuSO==French ...uvco.eusevanmnsncinmssens 80063--8$2.00 -80066--8$2.00 .88376--8$2.00 . .88617--82.00 .88378--82.00 88616--8$2.00 88061--8$2.00 .87159--81.25 .87017--81.25 .87005--81.25 .87122--81.23 . .87042---81.25 MAHOQD BROS. Fressscsesm ens nennn Pour un baiser-- (For a Kiss) «............ 38,000---Frame fiouse, 6 rooms, B. and C., summer kitchen, stable, garage, poultry house, acetylene gas plant, about 2 acres of land. 7 miles from city, i} $4,500---Alice street, cement "block, 9 rooms, H. W. fur- nace, H. W. floors, 'electric light, gas. ' $5,800---Princess street, brick, 8 rooms, H. W. floors, B. and C., H. A. furnace, electric light, gas. ° Your Soap Coupon Pure Castile CHARM-----cleans every- thing SANI-FLUSH, per tin ... GENERAL INSURANCE Bonds Bought and Sold H. Waddell 5 The McCann Agency ~ Phones 326-808. 88 Broek St. Cullen's CASH AND CARRY -« STYLE IS BUILT INTO ALL OUR HATS - . Whhether your choice falls upon 'a ~ Soft Hat, a Derby, or a Cap, our range isso wide that your individual taste has full play Low prices are very much in evidence here. FINE SOFT FELT HATS Don't Forget 7 cakes 25¢. «e+. 2 pkgs. 25¢c. Old Dutch Cleanser ..11c. tin -20c¢, ALFRED and PRINCESS STS, lls = = = = = THE VOICE OF THE PULPIT Rev. A. 8. Duncan Begins His | Pastorate in Bethel Church. 7 'Rev, A. 8, Duncan commenced his pastorate' in Bethel Congregational | | church Sunday morning and preach- | ed bright sermons at both services: { The'occasion was one of especial rally { for the congregation and the minister was greeted with goodly congrega- | tions. He expressed the wish that the people would fally atound Christ as they were about him, and { take Him to their hearts, The gos- | pel he preached would be for all the | people ot the city and would be one of a crucified, Hving and coming | Christ. The Y.M.C.A. quartette com- "posed.of Dr. Allan Haffner, F. Haff- i ner, ¥. J. Wilson and W. Thompson | sang several selections that were | much enjoyed. In the morning the pastor preach- {ed on "The Abounding Forgiveness {of God." Many people, he said, were {led away by doubts and wonderings | lie the message of the gospel is just as real now as it should be. But the | text explained that sin can not work { havoc, that God can not go one step farther and deliver his people from bondage. This was a matter of con- cern for averybody because all have | sinned. From the Bible the preacher { pointed out five pictures of God's | methods of dealing with sin giving | | force sufficient to carry us to the | fullness of God's great love. Then concluded the preacher, "If God says | all this why fear to enter the war- | fars for God and forget the other | things. In winning souls for Christ | do not hang back but strong in the knowledge that sin is put away, do service expressing the gratitude for the things God has done for us." Mr. Duncan is a young man who&e every word teems with the earnest- ness of his desire to make his mes- sage live before the people, The further success of the church under his charge is assured. Mr. Duncan's last charge was in Stratford. At St. George's Cathedral, Owing to unforseen circumstances, the Bishop of Ohio, who was to have | been the preacher in St. George's | Cathedral on Sunday morning, was | unable to be in Kingston. Rev. W. | E. Kidd spoke of the beginning of | the season's work and of the respon- | sibility of individual members of the | parish to see that it was carried on { with earnestness and geal, The Sun- | day school and young people's socie- | ties were, he sald, of the utmost im- portance, for in them the foundations | were laid for the future..There were | difficulties to face, but with minds | set on the welfare of the parish and | the community they would be over- | come. "It is a great work, and a | er work demands a great effort," said the speaker in conclusion. At evensong, Arnold Fair, whose voice is increasing in yolume and sweet- ness, sang "Just for To-Day" (Jane Bingham Abbott.) ---------------- LATE MRS. BOURDEAU Friday Morning -- Many Floral Tributes. The funeral of the late Mrs. James | Bourdeau took place Friday at = Burial a.m. from her late residence, 26 Ri- dean street, to St. Mary's cathedral where a solemn requiem mass was sung for the happy repose of her soul. The pall bearers were John Doherty, J. Maloney, V. Campbell, | R. Sargent, Mr. Arseneau and Mr. Lentz. Interment took place at St. Mary's cemetery, Rev. Father Coyle officiating. The following floral offerings were gratefully received by the be- reaved family: Pillow, family: wreath, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen Lodge 245, C. P. R.; flor- al basket, staff of C. P. R.; cross, Mr. and Mrs. F. Collins; sprays, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bourdeau and Mrs. Attwood, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kings- well, Mr. and Mrs. E. Schelletter, Mr. and Mrs. V. Campbell, Reid | Bros., Mr. and Mrs. J. Dunlop, Mise] Nellie Clathworthy, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. G. Maxam, | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deyo, The Misses Gentle and Amey O'Hanlan; Mr. and Mrs. A. Potter Sr, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Potter Jr. Spiritual of- ferings were received from Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Bourdeau, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kingswell, Mr.-and Mrs. BE. Schelletter, Mr. D. P. Daley, Mr. Willlam Daley, Mr. and Mrs. Holt, Miss Georgina Bourdeau, Mr. and Mrs. William Lawlor, Mrs. Jacobs and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. J. Doherty, Mrs. Clancy and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Arseneau, Mrs. O'Hanlan and Mrs. Smith, Mr. end Mrs. J. Blamey, Mrs. Lentz, Mr. and Mre. R. Sargent, Mr. and Mrs. Leaden. Trying to be "Colonial." That Kingston market, known to be the best in Eastern Ontario, is considered unique by the new com- ers from the old land, was evidenced in an amusing way 6n Saturday mor- ning, when some visitors, lately ar- rived from England, were evidently trying to be truly "Colonial," and when in Canada to do as they sup- posed Canadians d9. The ladies of the party were laden with chickens, corn and tomatoes, more or less se- curely wrapped in newspapers, and a stalwart youth had shouldered a bag of potatoes. The party wended its way out King street, but was present- ly met by a emart motor car, driven by a chauffeur, which was waiting | : for them, but not before some data had been gathered, stories to be told "at home," of "the way we roughed it in Canada." oe The merchant who is "buried" nm his stock will never be unearthed ua- adrertises, = | leas he " INCIDENTS OF THE | Rov. J. §. LaFlair and preached able DAY Racy Local News and Items of General Public Interest. ------ Try Chadwick's coal. Prone 67.4 Planos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W. Lindsay, Limited. ; If your request is a reasonable one the want ads are a reasonable means of pursuing it. Try. > : Mr. Swaine, piano tuner, orders received at 100 Clergy street w. Phone 564w. With a godd advertising lever you can Hft your business right out of a rut into bigger and bigger things. Social evening at Crystal Springs club rooms. Speakers, dancing, Wed- nesday, August 31st. Admission 25c., children 10c, Prevost, Brock street, has just re- ceived a shipment of black paramen- ta waterproof overcoats, guaranteed, best English make. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Singleton, Nelson street, spent the week-end the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Braithwaite at East View Park. The monument raised in honor of the soldiers of Edwardsburg towa- ship who fell overeas will be unveil- ed at Spencerville on Aug, 31et. Special railway rates went into ef. fect on Saturday to Toronto exhibi- tion and as a result the trains on all lines leaving Kingston are very crowded. It is announced that George E. Shortt, formerly Canadian trade commissioner at Rotterdem, is no longer in the Canadian government service. Herbert Treneer sang "The Ninety aud Nine" in good voice in Sydenham -- ee -- RL Fo. ~The Last Waltz. --The Whip Hand. Waltz--regular 75 Open Nights, ~The next Dance With You. RAZE © of the ENTURY 'all over the OUNTRY, 4 The Musical Numbers from "The Last Walts* Music by Oscar Straus, composer of "The Merry Widow," and others. Regular New York price 50c. ry Widow," an per copy. Our price:3 for $1.00 THE HITS MRE: --A Baby in Love. ~Live for To-day. --The Charming Ladies. Complete selection for Piano--regular $1.00 . . .Our price 75c¢. C. aia es ane tae canes» Our price 60c. All regular 40c., 50c. and 60 c. numbers . Three for One Dollar THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Phone 91 9% street Methodist church on Sundey morning, and also played splendidly voluntaries on the organ. Prof. J. O. Watts, Queen's Univer- sity, was the special speaker at the weekly luncheon at the Kiwanis Club at the Hote] Froftenac Monday, His subject was "Making the Most of Your Business." At Quoen street church on Sun- day Rev. Mr. Armstrong; Harrow- smith preached two strong sermons. In the morning the church quartette sang a sslection and at night Mrs. J. Evans rendered a solo. There was no session of the police court on Mondey morning. Up until the noon hour no armrests had been made by the Kingston police, who are on the look out for the men wanted at Napanee. : Rev. Bert J. Lehigh, Barre, Ver- mont, occupied the pulpit at the First Baptist church at both ser- vices in the absence of the pastor, sermons both morning and evening. Lisut.-Col, Brown, formerly G. S. 0, M. D. No. 8, and Lieut.-Col. Wil- son, a former D. A. A. and Q. M. G,, M. D. No. 3, both of whom are excise officers, the former at Walkerville and the latter at Belleville, spent the week-end in the city. Worth-while gtores always adver- tise. Remember that when planning your shopping expedition. Worth- while stores always advertise! East View Park was the scene of much merriment on Saturday after- noon when a birthday party was cele- brated by little Douglas Davy, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Davy. All the children in the neighborhood were present and there was a great feast of ice cream and cake, Direct Results, . Of good advertising is a store crowded with customers. One doesn't have to deepnd upon the happen-in buyers. 2 Days More Let us help you make a selec satisfaction and will last for years, | THE SANITARY FLOOR COVERING FOR EVERYONE IN THE HOMN What a change LINOLEUM would make in every room in your home. Don't you instinctively feel that neither dust nor dirt have any place there if fitted with floors of DOMINION LINOLEUM. LINO- LEUM is-durable, sanitary and easy to keep clean, Moreover, with fabric rugs thrown on in the usual way it is son, from our well-chosen line of patterns, Bedrooms, Living-room, Dining-room, Kitchen or Bath-room. Our LINOLEUM is guaranteed to give Newman & Shaw TT > There are no cracks to harbour dust and germs. just as warm as hardwood. tion of suitable floors for the rooms you are redecorating this sea- which will harmonize with the decorative scheme of your Kingston's Car pet Warehouse wth amin AND OUR IN MARINE OIRCLES | | port on its way west Sunday. down east night. east Sunday. on its way down the river to Mon- The steamer Vinmount called in The steamer Maplebranch passed to Montreal Saturday The steamer Kenora passed down The steamer Winona was in port treal Monday morning. ' ed on its way east this Monday morn- | ing. : DURING AUGUST WILL BE DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY ! points get at Swift's wharf on its way up the OVER el lakes Monday morning. The steamer City of Hamilton call- The steamer City of Ottawa called 'STEPHEN STREET--One single brick, B. and C., gas. | Clearing Sale OF THE RIDEAU VIEW PROPERTY AT BARGAIN PRJCES Be one of the lucky ones. LOWER PATRICK STREET--Three Bungalows. Some good building lots at ridiculous low prices. Call at office if you are interested, and our autos will take you to the property. Don't miss this. E. W. MULLIN & SON Buyers and Sellers of Real Entate Cor. Johnson snd Division Streets. « « « Phones 580w and 5803. The steamer St. Lawrence is at South Bay getting a cargo of canned goods, > The steamer Brockville is at bay & a load of freight and is due in port Tuesday. We have had a really won- derfal fur business during this August sale of. Furs and hun- The steamer Kingston down and up to-day. All R, M. C. Classes Open. The Royal Military College opened for the senior years Monday meorn- ing when the second, third end fourth classes reported. Last Monday the recruits entered, and since theg have been kept hard at work learni = the rudiments of military 'college life. When al] the cadets have re- ported the attendance at the college will be around the one hundred and fifty mark, Already the cadets are looking. forward to their fall and er sports and September 20th the date set for the aquatic meet. Begin to watch the store ads now for the new things you want this fall. Home furnishings, clothes," and so forth. The ads are your best helpers. A few games were played at; the bowling green Saturday afternoon, Boys' Gun Metal Boots $2.95 "THE BEST VALUE IN YEARS" 45 pairs BOYS' GUN METAL LACED BOOTS--with neat, recede toes, sewn leather soles; all-round, real, fine shoe. This was part of a special purchase, and a quality sold last year at $6.00, and at this low price, truly a wonderful _ bargain. Sizes 1 to 5%. THiS Week, any pale. "SEE THIS SHOE IN OUR WINDOW" S. J. MARTIN 189 Princess Street Phone 2216. _