Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Aug 1921, p. 3

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Summer Gri rippe Requires prompt treatment. A few doses of" DR. HICKEY'S CHEST REM- EDY, together with a treat- ment of COLD TABLETS "will break up the warst cold fn a few hours. Do not , neglect your cold, but get these remedies at once. L. T. Best, Drugist PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Open Sundays. Phone 59. Clocks Once again we are. featuring Clocks. MAHOGANY MANTLE CLOCKS From $15 to $75 nh In the new, attractive Tambour shapes. These Clocks strike every hour, and half- hour, and carry a full guarantee. See them while there are many designs to choose from. ' Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. ' SMITH BROS, THE ". R ibility There are several reasons why our sight service bears a good reputation. One of them is that we don't depend on/ others for any part of fit. Our work is not planned by others; nor do others carry out our plans. From eye examination to fin- ished glasses it is KEELEY Service. We are vitally interested in the result of our work and to Insure success do all of §! our- selves. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. 226 PRINCESS STREET Phone 927 Jewelers Limited Established 1840. Registered Opticians + 850 Kirg Street Ze we Dr. Nash's DENTAL PARLORS: 183 PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON, ONTARIO We specialize on:--Painless Extrac- tion, Latest Treatment of Pyorrhea, | X-Ray work. Nm. Re-Built Stoves We have a number of Re-built Stoves on the floor. We guarantee them to give you satisfaction, or we will take them back and return your money to you. See the Re-Built Stove in Our Window ! If you are thinking of buying a new or second-hand Stove this fall, we will make you an allowance on your old stove, McKelvey & Birch, Limited _ Phone 237, Kingston TL. smesAe-arT. o ~ f Notice! TO ALL OWNERS OF PHONOGRAPHS & PIANO PLAYERS! It will be to your interest to call at our store and have ~ your name added to oiir Mailing List. ; In this way you.will receive a Monthly the latest and most popular music. 1 We have a complete stock of all the new and up-to-date Music Rolls and Victor Records. Also Gerhard, Heintzman Piano, Piano Players and Vie. trolas, : Supplement of all FURNITURE, CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, WHITE SEW- ING MACHINES, HOOVER VACUUM CLEANERS THREE SISTERS LAID T0 REST Burial of Mrs. Rice And Ber- nice And Beatrice Scott At Westport. Friday the entire village and nei- | | ghborhood of Westport mourned its {beloved dead. The bodies (Mrs. Harold F. Rice and her two sisters, Bernice and Beatrice Scott) of the three victims of the distressing fat- | ality which happened at Collin's Bay last 'Wednesday afternoon, reach the Scott homestead on the lower mountain by motor truck on' Thurs- day evening, As they lay that night In state in the home hundreds of | friends called, and many were ths | prayers utteredl as they filed past tne {caskets covered with flowers. Else- | where in the house the family were joverwhelmed with grief. The three {sisters, Susan, Bernice and Beatrice, {had with the rest of the family, al- | ways belonged to St. Paul's (Angli- can) church, Westport. It was her they attended Sunday school, sang in the choir, and played the organ. In | fact all church activities received |their untiring support. In sunshine {or rain, cold or heat, they hardly ever failed to 'attend Sunday wor- {ship; sometimes walking, at other times driving down and up the steep and dangerous mountain. The fun- | eral service was therefore expected {to be held dn the dear little village | | church that they had loved so well | But this was regretfully prevented | |owing to the exceptional difficulties land the service was therefore ar- | ranged for at the home on Friday at 2 o'clock. More than 1,000 people | attended, for the Scotts' were good | neighbors, a family highly respected, and the dead beloved by all who knew them. Under the sighing pines. {With a dear blue sky above, in the {garden close to the house, the Rev. {L. G. O. Walker, rector of St. Paul's | church, conducted the beautiful bur- {ial service of the church of England {assisted by the Rev. Canon J. Ww [ Jones, Kingston, a former rector and an old friend of the family. Tha choir beautifully sang 'Safe in the {Arms of Jesus." The intense strain | | was broken, and relief came to hun- {dreds in the silent tears shed Canon |Jons gave the address: | and pleasant in their lives, and in their deaths they were not divided ; | #lso Psalms XXXI, 15; "My time isin | Thy hand'; also I Cor. VII 29: | "Brethren, the tithe is short." He | substituted for the words Saul and { Jonathan the three. sisters names | "Susan, Bernice and Beatrice were | lovely and pleasant in their lives, and ih their deaths they were not |divided." In affectionate language { he spoke of the dreadfully tragic | event, and of the departed, and God's | loving care for His children! { "Til that He blesses is our good | "And unblessed good is ill 'And all is right that seems wrong "If it be His blessed will.' "My time ie in Thy hand" proved most a definite time to live, and a definite work to do and the preacher urgad the mourners to live their days cf probation acceptably to God! For the time was short to each and all,-bnt momentous in its opportunities, re- sponsibilities and eternal conse- quences. Sudden death does not ne- cessarily, and in this case did not, mean unprepared death. The lovely and pleasant Christian lives of the departed were known to all, and their sudden and tragic departure, a warning to pepare to meet our God. "Watch and pray for ve know not when the time is." Be ready. On be- halt of the citizens of Kingston as | well as th» crowd of mourners he | conveyed their deepest and loviag | Sympathies and prayers to the sor- {row-stricken family; and he invoked the blessing of Divine Grace "uposa the bereaved family in their hour of decpest need. After the sermon, again the emo- tions of strong men and women found relief in tears. The addres was one likely never to he forgotten. After the singing of the hymn "0 God our help in ages past" the fun- |eral cortege proceeded to the grave in the beautiful reéw cemetery of the English church near Sand Lake, close by the upper mountain road. Slowly and sadly the procession de- scended the mountain, the caskets being guarded by a company of tha Girl Guides "on guard" over their beloved dead comrades, for Bernice and Beatice had been members of the corps Countless cars and rigs mde an almost endless procession which reached fem tue Scott home, do .pn the mountain, through the village to the cemetery beyond, where a gra-t crowd await~1 the .rrival of tue fu=aral. On'y onc grave in the san'y loam had been dug for the mortal re- mains of the three sisters. And hera they were placed by loving and tender friends. We laid them side by side, Wo laid them down to sleep, . But not in hope forlorn ; We laid 'tem but to slumber there Till the last glorious morn. The Girl Guides guarded the opm grave and surrounded by almost the entire populalion, Canon Jones read the committal "For as much as it pleased Almighty God_of His great mercy to take unto Himself the souls of our dear sisters here da- parted we therefore commit their bodies to the ground in sure and cer. tain hope of the resurrection 9 eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Rev. L. G. 0. Walker finished tha service, after which the choir sang most beautifully to the relief and comfort of ali "Nearer my God to Thee, nearer to Thee." Then with sad hearts comforted by God's loving THE II Saul: 1| | 23. Saul and Jonathan were lovely | that God controlled ail, giving each | | Entirely New Treatment | promises the people Went aw ay again | {to their own es, At least thrice previously have the | people of Westport been shocked by drowning fatalities. Thirty years ago | Mr. Bailey, the resident Methodist minister, was drowned, and lator young Adams and Robert Atchison. but never the like of the funeral of the three sisters as above recorded. ho UNLISTED STOCK MARKET | Conditions Last Week Were Unfav- | orable for Trading. i Toromto, Aug. 26.--A. J.- Patti | son Jr. & Co. in their report on the unlisted market of last week say that conditions were unfavorable fo: | trading due to an irregular tendency and the continued dul period. As a whole prices with the exception of a few specialities, were slightly high- i er than for the preceding week | Canadian Woollens Common on | rumors of the improved condition of | | the company moved up tp 16 to | 17 1-2 while the Preferred continues | unchanged at 57 to 62. Gunns Pref. | | was in good demand at 55 with no | {offerings obtainablé in this marke* Alberta Pacific Grain Pref. ex-divid- end one and three-quarters per cent. remains 78 1-2 bid while tle offered price dropped 1 1:2 point to 80 1-2, | | Ames Holden Tire Common was in| | demand all week moving up twelve | {points to 30, several lots of stock | | changing hands at this figure. Good- | | year Tire Pref. continues to be | | steadily absorbed -- at the close it | { was quoted 50 1-2 to 52--a gain of | la point for the week. Western Groe- | ers Pref. was weak, falling off to 60 | to 64 on moderate selling. Robort | {Simpson Pref. lost a point to 74 to | 77 on few transactions, A good de- | | mand continues for Trust and Guar- | antee at 70 to" 75 with but | stock available the present | { Canadian Oil Common held its recent | | advance to 55 to 60 without produc- | ing any selling. - Imperial Oil was in- active after the declaration of the | three per cent. dividend payable Sept. 1st. Massey Harris eased slight- |1y 68 to 73 though: inactive. King | Edward Hotel Common moved up | sharply to 68 to 72 all offerings be- ing quickly taken. Cockshutt Plow | Preferred at 44 to 49 was in good de- | nd | ---------------------------------- | | PRINCESS BRAGANZA Duchess of Oporto, who has just left the United States for Naples after plac ing an order for the largest and most costly bronze and silver casket ever constricted in America. It is to be used for the body of her late husband, a brother of the late King Carlos, of Portugal { REDMOND WAS AWARE Of Sinn Fein Influence in 1915, Says Labor Leaders, Victoria, B.C., Aug. 29.--Knowing that he could not long prevent the republican Sinn Fein influences from gaining control of Southern Island, the late John- Redmond, Nationalist leader, sought in 1915 to meet with Sir Edward Carson, Ulster leader, to find an immediate solution of the Home Rule problem. Sir Edward Car- son declined to meet Mr. Redmond, and the Sinn Fein upheaval commen- ced." This was the revelation which Pet- er Wright, British Labor leader, au- thorized the Victoria Times to pub- lish in his name yesterday. 2 Wants His Ashes Buried Beside Tree in Nagasaki New Haven, Conn. Aug. 29.--A | clause in the will of Professor George Trumbull Ladd, late of Yale uni- versity, which was offered for pro- bate to-day, provides that his body shall be cremated and that a portion of the ashes shall be buried beside a camphor tree which he planted in 1907, in the yard of the schoo] of commerce in Nagasaki, Japan. It aleo provides that the etitaph on his grave here shall be: "I have lived and lov- ed and labored and all is well." The Norris group of the Manitoba legislature talking federal campaign is support of the progressives. The Greek army was repulsed by the Turks in Asia Minor, a Constan- tinople desptach says. for Bronchitis, Catarrh, No Internal Medi- cine To Take Years ago the profession fought Catarrh by internal dosing., This up- set the stomach and didn't remove the trouble. The modern treatment | consists of breathing the healing, soothing essence of Catiarrhozone, which goes instantly to the source and 'the trouble. Catarrhozone is Successful, because. it penetrates where liquid medicines can't go. The balsamic vapor of Catarrhozone rives out the germs, soothes the ir- ritation; relieves the cough, makes Catarrhal troubles disappear quickly. For bad throat, coughs, bronchitis, Catarrhozone is a. wonder. Twe months' treatment one dollar. Small size, 50c. Sold everywhere or The DAILY BRITISH WHIG. * ~~ PROBS: Tuesday, fair and warm. FEE oo [ Shop here to-morrow and get your share of these. beautiful waists at less than wholesale cost! * * Special For To-morrow, we will offer our entire stock of high-grade popular-priced Waists at a striking re- duction. : We offer you your unrestricted choice of our entire stock of the latest Novelty Silk, Crepe de Chene, Canton Crepe, Wash Satin, Tricolette, Habutai Silk, Taffeta and Voile Waists--the larg- estand handsomest collection in town--every smart, new style and color from the simplest tailleur to the exquisite embroidered and beaded New York models. ' Priced from $2.50 up to $35.00 each. ) Every Waist is marked in plain figures. Remember! This great annual one-day Waist Clearance Sale is for ONE DAY ONLY! Sale Price Less 33; p.c. Cash and Carry. All sales for cas Positively no exchanges. Come early for first choice. Catarrhozone Co., Montreal, : IE pen , Steacy's - Limited : x

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