MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1931. . Make the Crowd : F ollow Your Path Emerson said that if a man made a better mousetrap than his neigh- bor the people would beat a gath to his door to buy it. He Was .wrong. "Selling strategy must overcome competition ift the open market. manager realize that a 10,000 line campaign in every daily newspaper in Canada costs less than the three-cent stamp on one letter to each family. Make the crowd follow your path to the retail store, : fined bg' The Lodi ety Netwapers Association, SEE THE TA { Aug. 25.--Mountain Grove basa- jball team came over 'and played a | friendly game with Arden, on Wed- nesday, the score being 21-11 in fav- or of Arden. Mrs. J. Streeter and Stanley Loyst spent Thursday at Mrs. A. Marshall's, John Kellar, Mrs. F. L. Wormwort} and Mrs. George Nugent motored to Kingston Mon- day to see Mr. Kellar's wife, who | underwent a serious operation on Tuesday. She is 'doing as well as can be expected. Mrs Joseph Hughas and little son Harold, accompanied (Mrs. F. L. Wormworth back. MURVALRE, Aug. 25.--The farmers are getting | the ground ready for fal] wheat, All | that have had their threshing done | did not get their seed back. Visitors: | Mr. and Mrs. Moon, city, at D. Mur- ii, FRANCIS HANKIN & TO! TEST TYPE OF LONDON BUS AT THE TORONTO EXHIBITION (Near Transportation Building) Motor Busses will solve your Transportation Problems Safe--Speedy---Economical. - Canadian Agents: JOS LIMITED - MOXTREAL _MASCPACIURED mY ALLING-STEVEx MAIDSTONE, ENGLAND Nm, {ton's, Sr.; Mr. and Mrs. J. Whittle have returned home to Rochester af- ter spending a week at A Brown's; Mr. and Mrs. O. Asselstine and fam- ily, Chatham, at B. Purdy's; Mrs, Bisque, Buffalo, with her mother, Mrs. D. Taggart; Mr, and Mrs. V, | Clayton, Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. { E. Emmons, Oshawa, at C. Emmon's; Mrs. Maxim Greenwood for the past week, have returned td their home. Dandel McGlynn, butcher, has dis- carded the horse and rig, and has purchased an auto, with which he makes his deliveries, -- Gleanings from Glendower, Announces the opening of a new Plumbing and Heating Establishment -- fe 417 PRINCESS STREET--0 PPOSITE ANDERSON BROS. Prices on contracting and all kinds of job work furnished. Give us a call. Phone 878w. Glendower, Aug. 26.--Farmers through this section are mostly Mr. and Mrs. Campsell, with their daughter, Mrs. R. Swabrick. The Purdy Bros. are kept quite busy with through haying and harvesting and Auomottive Tourists' Bureau Equipment Manufset urers' Agents Accessories " We Can Get It" - - 109 Brock St. Kingston, Ont, B. R. EYRES Phone S1SW . . G. V. DREDGE 'Used Cars For Sale 3 Briscoe Touring. 1 Reo Touring. 1 Studebaker Touring. | Ford Truck. 1 Chevrolet Truck. See our new 1921 Briscoe Touring Car. ANGLIN BROS., Bay St. MR. ROBERT W. ANGLIN, MANAGER on the whole there is an average crop. Providence was very kind to the people of this community, hav- ing sent them three goog rains which helped the crops very much. A num- ber of the young people from here attended the quadrille party given by Miss Pauline Fitzgerald and bro- 'thers recently, A. Legarey spent the week-end with his family here. Mrs. A. Legarey and small daughter Gene- vieve, spent a few days here with her niece. Mrs. 8S. Renard, Westport, and had a pleasant visit while there their fox farm, as there are visitors from all parts, to look at the foxes, especially at feeding time. -- BETHEL, Aug. 24.--The whistle of the threshing machine is once more THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | threshing outfit. Mr. end Mrs. N. F TI ! Marshall, Grahamton, were guests on Countryside : Frenklin spent last week with friends at Rockport. Mrs. J. Claud k Purvis and children have returned | from a few weeks' stay with her ville. Mrs. Mary Summers, Lans- downe, is visting relatives hers | Mrs. John Summers end sons, Ot- tawa, visited last week at J. A. SPRINGVALE. Aug. 24.--The social in aid of St. John's church, held on John Chap- man's lawn, was a decided success. P.P., and other speakers were in at- tendance, The ladies did their part nobly, Mmading the tables with good things. The evening was brought to a few days visiting friends. Howard Earl left here for the great north- west on the harvesters' excursion. John Gamble, Glenburnie, is renew- Mrs. J. DeLong have gone to Fair- field and Brockville on a holiday t¥ip. Merrill Sweet and daughter, Mrs. Putman, visited friends in South TO THE PUBLIC Having purchased interest of Victor Drake, formerly part. oer of the Firm of McALLISTER & DRAKE, all accounts due the above firm previous to July 13th, 1921, will be payable to E. MCALLISTER. Business will be carried dn as usual under the name of "PRINCESS STREET GARAGE." EDMOND McALLISTER, PROPRIETOR. Monday with their daughter, Mrs. J. Kirk. The many friends of Miss | Arley Purivs are glad to see her home again, much improved in health, from Brockville General hos- [pital. Mrs. T. Franklin and Taflor i FRONTENAC {parents in Lansdowne. Mrs, Ray- mond Vanarmad, who has been a To e-- patient in Brockville General hospi- |' | ARDEN, tal" returned home last Wednesday. Mrs. Herbert Scott' and Miss Ger- trude Scott spent Tuesday in Brock- Herbisons's. Mrs. W. H. Franklin and Master Everett Franklin spent last Friday in Kingston. Several from this section are preparing to attend the Toronto exhibition and v also the Kingston exhibition, The grounds and tables were artisti- cally arranged and decorated and {l- lumed with electric lights, thanks to Harry Galloway, Somerville's or- chestra and Mr. Ashton, Ottawa, gave entertainment. A. W. Gray, M. a close by singing the National An- them. Miss Adda and Nellie Cock- rill are visiting their cousins, Mrs. Knowlton, and Dr, and Mrs. Phillips, Boston, and on their way home will stay in Montreal and Brockville for ing acquaintances in this vicinity. Mrs. Charles Sweet aid daughters, Oshawa, are visiting their many friends here. A baby girl to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mec- Elroy arrived on Sunday, Mr. and heard in this vicinity, Mr. and Mrs, | Hammond, N.Y. Eldon Freeburn, Maple Lane, were recent visitors at S. Hamilton's, Mr. and Mrs, S. Watts and son, C. J, Kingston, spent a recent Sunday at | W. A. McWilliams', R. Jackson, Yar- | LANARK ker, with his daughter, Mrs. J. Ham- | flton. Mrs. Rogers, Tamworth, is | - spending some time with Mrs, J. W. Galbraith. Miss Blennett Sheffel at Aug. 24. JASERLY the farmers have completed their harvest and re- F. McWilliams' for a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. W. Simmons and fam- with her sister, Mrs. James Hickey, Lanark. John Kiley hag improved his residence by a fresh coat of paint. Mrs. Daniel Coulter, Cole Lake, spent {Monday afternoon' with Mrs. M J. { Cochrane. Master Gordon Cochrane and sister, Patricia, are spending their vacation with their grandmoth- er and uncles in Oates, Miss Mayme Kiley and Mary Hick- ey have returned from a pleasant Rideau ily, Bicknell's Corners, at W, Jack- son's on Tuesday. Miss Edna Allan, Moscow, at Clarence Allan's for tea on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Me- Williams, also Mr. and Mrs. C. Allan and family were with Mrs. Sarah Connolly, Yarker, on Sunday, A number are still camping at Varty Lake. Some from here attended the ball play at Yarker Saturday after- port a light hay crop. The Patterson mines have started up with a_new gang of men, and Homes Clark as foreman. The ball game between Ma- berly and Lanark good roads boys was largely attended and the road boys were winners, A number of the boys who intended going west were dfsappointed over the excursions be- ing 'cancelled, Miss E. Moore enter- tained a number of friends to a birth- holiday among friends at Lake. A number of American tour- ists are contemplating building some | cottages on Thirty Island Lake and spending their summer in our midst. There re some beautiful spots along the shore of this lake and excellent fishing opportunities, Visitors: Jer- ome Adams, Westport, at A, Legar- ey's; John Fitzgerald and sister Pauline at Mrs, D. Coulter's; Mrs. Frame House, Alfred Street ...:.... trace Brick semi-detached, Bagot Street , Frame House, Corrigan Street House, house water heating, Barr fe Frame house barn, Division Street "ee . 40 acres, good dim, one mile from Sydenham $4,000 Some very fine homes in Kingston and many good farms to choose M. B. TRUMPOUR 111} BROCK STREET - - Street Special Showing of en's Socks and Fall eight Underwear THE CLUB Phone 510° - . . 212 Princess Street Hoos. day party. Mrs. William Rockburn has gone to the United States to vis- it her daughter, Mrs, Wilson, Sr ------------ LARGE CATTLE. SHIPMENTS Cross Wolfe Island for U.S. Dr. Rupert Millan to Wed. Nina Wolfe Island, Aug. 26.--Despita the high tariff, large shipments of | cattle cross the island weekly for the American market, F. Constance, Cape Vincent, N.Y., being the ship- per. . Silver Spring cheese factory paid for July $1.67 a hundred for miik, Some loose hay is finding its way to the market. It sells readily from §30 to $33 a ton. Islanders regret to learn that Oliv- er Hawkins contemplates leaving the island to engage in farming near Watertown, N.Y. Mr. Hawkins is Thomas Coulter, Cole Lake, at Pat- rick Cochrane's, ees tet] A Spanish Warship Fires on Moroccans Pee ---- LEEDS ELGIN Aug. 24--Miss J. Carty ioft for the Canadian west 10 engage in teaching. Mrs. C. O. Flemming has "eturned from spending three weeks in Toronto. Miss M. Flemming in- tends taking the normal course, at Ottawa this fall, Dr. Murphy, Los Angeles, California, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Stanton. The many friends of Mrs. H. T. Davison will he sorry to hear she is confinéd to bed again. Rev. W Keongh is en- joing a holiday trip in Quebec. Rev, Adelbert Warren, New York state, a former "Elgin boy, occupied the pul- pit of the Methodist church. Mr. Fraser, Lowel], Mass, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. GQ Burt. Misses Pinkerton aaa Mackey have the Elgin publiz sznool, Miss Nolan Madrid, Aug. 29.--Native Moroe- can villages along the coast south- east of Melilla have been destroyed by bombardment by the Spanish war- ship Bonifaz, according to a message from Chafinas Island, off the Moroc- can coast. The fire from the war- ship, besides starting flames which burned the villages, caused numer- Ous casualties and forced the Moors to flee to the interior. Abdel Kader, chief of the Benigikhar tribes, is forming a force of friendly natives for the protection of the villages on the peninsula of Tres Forcas, on which Melilla is situated, against the rebellious Moors. ---------- We regret to announce the death of 'Miss Rllen Barry, St. Andrews West, which occurred at the home of the Crosby schoo', Miss Topping the | very enterprising, and has done more | her 'sister, Mrs, James O'Keefe, af- --_.-- K\ [ley school, Miss McNally, Westport, | Some Bargains . | Ford Roadster, 1916, with seat covers. 2 Ford Roadsters, 1918. | FordiTouring, 1918, | Chevrolet Touring, 1918. These cars are in excellent shape, freshly painted and all good tires. We invite you to inspect them and find out terms and prices, n aiid ter a prolonged illness. The deceased who was sixty-eight years old wae a daughter of the late Cornelius Barry, Chesterville, The home of Mrs. Jean Neilson, Ottawa, was the scene of a pretty wedding on August 24th, when her youngest daughter, Marion Ophelia, became the bride of George C. Me- Callum; only son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCallum, Carleton Place. Cancy school, Miss Murphy the Rip- | in the building up of thorough-brea stock than any other oitized in the township. He was the owner until recently of the famous pacing horso Amardale. The banns were published recent- ly of Miss Kathleen, eldest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McLaren, and Dr. Rupert Millan, Kingston. The wedding is to.take place on Sept. 1st. thp Delong echool, and Miss Jwyre ihe Lockwood s*hool for the coming tam. Harry Hamilton, Renfrew, is the guest of his brother. G. WwW. Pennock and' Mrs. Pennock, Hard- wood Lake, were guests in the vile lage. Mr and .Mrs Ingram, Ottawa, were the guests at J. G. Delong's. Misses Mary Halladay and Lucy FARMERS OPPORTUNITY You now have a little money saved from a few prosperous ears and opportunity is knockin g at your door in the form of igh-grade government bonds of & yleld not seen before in gen- erations. Are ¥ 4 Boing to stop whére you are after making a little profit and leave your sav ngs lying in an unproductive sav- ings account or in a doubtful mo rtgage. It is high time you got seriously down to business and Kot your money invested in the finest securities in Canada that will pay you over 6 Worth to-day as such offerings as not 'be before you at such interest call for particulars. Bongard, Ryerson & Co. : "The Home of Good Investments." 287 BAGOT STREET. 835 Bay Street, Toronto. Canadian Provincia) rates much longer. PHONE 1728. To Derive Full Benefit hv te existing era 8 of high yields, it is advis- able that long term Government and Muniei Bonds, be bought. ic Wood, Gundy & Co pany Saskatoon London, | Coon have returned to Toronto. Miss Sadie Baker and Miss Helen |v Murphy were the guests of Miss ee Lucy Carrey last week, at his 'home in Westport. Miss Katie Matthews, New York, is visiting among rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Ward and son, John, Watertown, Miss Larkin, Rochester, Clarence Turcotte, - city, and John Halbert, also of Rochester, were the guests over the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. J. Raughlin. Mrs. Rose Hawlon and eon, Benny, Watertown, N.Y., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James McAllister, Mrs. James O'Rielly is visiting relatives in Mos- cow. Mr. and Mrs, Matthews and 1it- tle daughter, Lillian, efter a two weeks' visit among relatives, have ROCKFIELD Aug. 25.--With two outfits work. ing on the street, the threshing will soon be completed here. Fred Aus- tin had the misfortune to have a val- usble' cow drown in the spring. The new piece of road at F. Austin's re- calved a good coat of gravel last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Foley and sons, Lorne and Roy, accompanied by the Misses Helen Warren and Irma Earle, motored to Richmond, near Ottawa, last week and visited Rev. Mr. Folkes and family. Mr. and Mrs. F. Grothier, Mr. and Mrs. W. Grothier and Ernest Grothier, were REO TRUCK Will Save You Money recent guests at J. W. Foley's. Mr. W. Hall, Junetown, viisted at Fred Austin's on Sunday. Joseph Laing re- newed acquaintances here recently. Stanley and John Birtch are suffer- ing from injuries received recently when a car in which they were rid- ing, driven by C. Glenn, turned tur- tle throwing the occupants out. Mr. \ and Mrs. M. Webster, Ottawa, visi'- ed at W. Warren's over the week- | end. Dr. and Mrs. Mackie, Lans- downe, spent Sunday at J. D. Birtch's. Mns. Moore, (Toronto, is JF mv ""{CASTORIA| returned to their , N.Y. sshesier, N.Y your profits - JUNETOWN. Aug. 23. --Miss Evelyn Earl, War- was a record crowd at the thaw 65,000 being Exhibition Saturday, in attendance. more Lord Byng opened thé exhibition, In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears ' snarere of (hoa, burton, spent the past Week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Purvis. J. Kirk is busy with &is _.iThe price for Oa every day, while . Why not geta REO TRUCK and save a lot of ~ money on your delivering, Call in snd place your order right away, and | BOYD'S GARAGE - Brock st, and Hay is getting higher line is coming down. increase immedia y. Seem