CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: First insertion. le. & word. Each con- secutiv- insertion thereafter, haif cent a word. Min'mum charge. for 'on¥"insertion, 26¢; three insertions, 50 cents. Tbe above rates are for cash only, when charged they ar le. HELP WANTED, CHEF, SECOND Frontenac. dai A GIRL TO WORK IN CANDY STORE, Apply 286 Princess Street. CHAR-WOMAN BY THE DAY. APPLY 199 King street, or phone 389. GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY Jas. Reld, 256 Princess Street. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR KITCHEN help. Apply to 181 Division street. MOTHER'S HELP; REFERENCES RE. quired. Apply 165 King street W AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL MAID. Apply Mrs. Best, 144 Lower Albert treet. AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED GENERAL servant. Apply 189 King Street, or phone 389. APPLY HOTEL MRS, YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH LIGHT housework. Apply in the evening to 15 Markland Street, Sensi t-------- . BREAD BAKER TO RUN sHor while owner away. rite W. Haggarty, TamWOr LR, Ont. WOMAN FOR PLAIN COOKING, MAY sleep home if preferred; good pay, give reference. Box O-7. Whig. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER WANTED for small hotel near Kingston; must 800d cook and have city refer- ence. Apply Box D-20, Whig. FIVE MEN, OVER 25 YEARS OF AGE neat in appearance, for advertisir and sales work. Apply between | and 5 p.m, Room 1, 84 Bicok street, Kingston. CORNET PLAYER FOR BAND WITH road show; other musicians, Write stating salary expected. We pay railroad fare. W. J. Kenny, Mgr "Jerry From Kerry" show, Pres- cott, Ont, LADY STENOGRAPHER FOR KING- ston General Hospital. Must have experience in recording and also familiarity with medical terms Make person plication to the Sopot bicat Medica RETURNED SOLDIERS -- WE HAVE real positions to offer returned so diers who can qualify. Call for per- sonal interview between ten a.m. and 2 pm. Mr. Whitehead Royal Bank Chambers (upper floor), Kingston, Ont. * WE WANT A RELIABLE SALES agent for each unrepresented coun- yy or territo clusive selling rights; good "to energetic rep- resentatives. Our agency is valu- able. Write Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto, Ont. ~-- COME AT ONCE---MEN $6-10 DAILY, special short courses; one month Auto Mechanics' course $50; one month Gas Tractor Course §$5v,; plenty of time to finish for the spring rush., Hemphill Bros, Auto Gag Tractor\School, '163 King st. ~ Toronto. Boara and room : $8.50 up. Call or write. GOOD, RELIADLE man WANTED TO take orders and deliver the finest line of Teas, Coffees, etc, in Can- ad Highest commission of any concern in the country paid; all NN 00ds are guaranteed or money re- fu ded. ch applicant must be ancially responsible. If You are looking for a good, independent, permanent position with unlimited earning possibilities, this is your opportunity. Quick action neces- sary. Patricla Blend Tea & Cof- fee, 651 Queen Street East, Toronto, N \ MUSIO. DAISY w, JOHNSON, A.T.O.M er of Violin and Piano. Pupils pre- pared for examinations. Studio 307 Collingwood Street, near John- Son. Phone 2329w. " . Bl Ra tal te------ DENTAL. DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST, OFFICE ~ 208 Princess Street. Phone 632w. rp -------- CRS. SPARKS wp SPARKS, DEN. eliington stree y Carnovsky's. - Phone 346. hover UPERT P, MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 rincess Strect. Phone 1550. Open evenings by appointment. DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE. sumed practice at 92 Princess St, Over Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone vw TEACH- FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROF A CARD TO W. DKIs. coli, 23 John street. PIANO TUNING. PETER D. BROWN, 12 MARKLAND Street; Piano Tuning and Repalr- in 3 Work guaranteed. Phone im. PEOPLE'S FORUM BE THE D "© TEACHERS WANTED, A QUALIFIED er for S'S. No. 14, Pittsburg ary $800.00. Apply Robert Joyceville, Ont, R. R. No. 1 QUALIFIED, PROTESTANT TEACHER for 8. 8. No. 6, Hinchinbrooke. Ap- Ply, stating salary and experience to Geo. A. Smith, Parham. yte, TEACHER FOR 8, §, Duties to commence Sept. 1st, 1921 Apply, stating salary and experi- énce to J. KE. Irish, Sec.-Tieas, Vennachar, Ont. QUALIFIED TEACHER WANTED FOR 5.8. No. ¥ Portland township Salar Protestant pref. lars, apply G Veron O rred. For partic Storms, Secre WANTED GENERAL A SMALL SUITE OF THREE OR FOUR furnished rooms. Apply Box U-2y, Whig Oftice. TO RENT SMALL FARM WITHIN TEN miles of Kingston. Apply Box M Whig Office, WANTED REFINED LADY TO BOARD and room, with private family. Ap- ply to Box 5-27, Whig. MARINE MOTOR, Horse Power. tion and price, Office. 4 CYCLE, 10- State maker, condi- Box V-30, A HOUSE, UN- not less Moore, WANTED TO RENT furnished, in than eight rooms. Cataraqui, TI. A YOUNG MAN WANTS EMPLOY- ment; no particular trade Perma- nent position preferred Albert street FOR CHANGE, CHEVROLET 490, IN 800d repair and newly painted, for plano or what bave you got. Ap- Ply Box W-30, Whig Office. TWO OR THREE YOUNG LADIE furnished flat, with all cor ences; suitable light house- keeping. Apply Brock Street. ROOF REPAIRING -- HOW your roof? Does it need repairing' We use Argus Roof-proof. Drop a St. card to F. Coventry, 5 Barrack RESPECTABLE MAN, AGE ABOU years, desires situation as' wa man or caretaker; first class r ences. Address H. R., Box 1 P.O, Kingston, Ontario WANTED $4,500 ON FIRST MORT- Bage at 1%. Security to congist of a4 tarm and dwelling house in city combined, or will take $3,000 on the farm and $1,500 on the house. J, K. Carroll Agency, 38 Brock Str et. ---- OTE PFE HPPPEPPII RRP WANTED TO RENT Why not get busy and get a house with turnace, electric and gas, Jor the new minister of setnel Congregational Chuech? Renta) about thirty dollars. Phone «+ Or leave message Y.M.C.A. CPFRPPPEPR CP HIER pS * +» » o» -* i of feel obe ode of of oe ofc - Re UPHOLSTERING. CALL OR DROY A CARD TO W. J Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot s W. HAROLD FOUR YOUR holstering and general] repairing Leave orderg at ur drop a card to 104 Clergy street. UP- COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- der in all popular shapes and sizes. Upholstering and repairing done. x. Goodridge, 244 University Avenue. FURNITURE REPAIRED AND KFIN- ished; guns, gramaphones, etc. re- paired promptly. and guaranteed. Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Princess St, CHIROPRACTIC. WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C., Fa. C,, Cor- ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 2nd floor, Barrie Bt, entrance, Kingston Ont. #onsultation free, Telephone $33J. Hours 9 to 12 aru. 1 to 6 p.m. LUCY, DR. JENNIE A. ¥, Chiropracti Specialists and Graduate Nurse, Bagot street. Telephone 943. Hours 9 to 12 a.m, 1 to 5 and 7 to 9 pm. Spinal anaiysis and consultation I Residential calls by appointm ae Ee SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, large or small, Posters, Showdards, displays a specialty, by Shaw at 213 Princess Street. SST ---- PAINTING AND PAVER HANGING WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Paperhanging done, drop a card tv A. Mounteer, 34 Arch sireet. eee ee eee PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING J, Flanagan, Painter and Decorator Estimates freely given. Metdlli- gold letters for store and office windows. 247 Montreal stree: Phone 1452. Coal of the Very Highest Grade; Properly Prepared and Delivered Anywhere. * a GOOD DRY WOOD James Swilt & Co., Limited ~. Foot of Johnson St. » - Ny The Same Old Story in the Same Old Way when we get a new customer, he usually comes to stay. The only explanation we can offer is that we give him a good job and send him away satisfied. Try our place next for the automobile troubles, and see how satisfactory our work will prove to you. hundreds of others. It has been DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. - East End of Wellington St. i . While they last, you may have one reasonable, as that is my LTURK Phone 705 Auction Sales I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. BEDFORD The Auctioneer, Phone 1721 or 1428. , CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER 'wee es Selby, Contractor, 212 University Avenues. Phone 1598w. NO. 8, DENBIGH, | y offered $900.00 per annum. | Whig | Apply 4815 '} White " ' FOUND | SWEATER COAT ON ROAD BE | . tween Sydenham and Uni * | S¢ House, on August | | ool h Owner can have same d ap- Har- «oll by proving property plying to Albert Ait rowsinith, Ont. | LATCH KEY, ON THE MARKET { Saturday morning. owner i may have by applynig to Mr. | Green, Market Caretaker. CRANK FOR A GREY DORT car, on Montreal street, Fri- | day afternouvn. Owner can { have same at the Whig Office. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE. t Anyone nudiug anything and | Wishing to reach the owner may | uo 80 by reporting the facts ta { The British Whig. The adver. | tisement will be printed {n this | Column free of cnarge. "Found articles" does not clude * lost aougs, cattle, horses, | ete, These, IT lost, may be ad- { vertised for in the "Lost" column. ses eee in- i LOST. | WILL THE PERSON IN A CAR, WHV { § Seen to pick up & blue coat on Kindly return coat Street. d, Ww Portland Rod a s to 824 r'rinc | NAVY BLUE SUIT COAT, button on lapel; discharge | cate and two time | el. Kind 5 | wilice, or to G | enham, unt. RETURN | | ON PRINCESS STR | Barrie and Division Division between 1c Johnson street, & White Underskirc Finder will kindly leave at Waoeel- | er & O'Connor's Millinery Store, | Princess § t. 570 870 sie | STRA YED | | STRAYED FROM 256 Tom Cat, grey Finder rewarded DIVISION marking | === a ABOU | FOR SALE. | WICKER BABY { condition. Apply CARRIAGE IN GOOD | 430 Johnson St. | A MARLIN PUMP GUN, 12 GAUGE. | Apply No. 2 rire Station, Brock st, Kingston. | ROLL Dryden, IN 1 Y. Apply Mrs, 48 el. Will hold 25 duits o finish. 3 ¢ Princess Street. The Club, BABY'S CART AND WHITE SLEIGH, both in perfect condition. Owner | moving. Apply by phone to 2207t ONE FORD TRUCK, ONE INDIAN MO- | tor cycle, one kixceisior motorcycle; cheap for quick sale. Apply George | Muller, 371-373 King, St. Phone! 1032w. | WE HAVE FOR SALK ALL KINDS OF good sécond hand furniture and| sloves. Any person having stoves a4¢ 1urniture to dispose of, we wii yay highest prices. J. Thompson, | 333 Princess streel. Pnone 1500w. COKE FOR SUMABIER USE; CHEAPE fuel on the market. We are de livering 1-4 tous at $2.5v; at $4.76, or a rull ton at Phone 1611m. W. C. Bruton. SALE OF MILLINERY GOODS, CON- sisting of Malines, Veiling, Straw Braids, rlowers, Ribbons, a few Straw shapes, and children's hats Apply 112 Lower William Street. FARM AND FARM STOCK OF HARRY J. Sleeth, centre of lot five, in con- cession eight, Storrington, ror price and particulars, apply at premises harry J. Sleeth, owner, Battersea, Ont, MOTOR BICYCLE OUTFIT, ELECTRI- cally equipped, 1921 Briggs-strat- ton Motor Wheel and hew Double Bar Indian Bicycle. ver thing in best of order. Owner leaving city. Apply Treadgold's, or 247 lsarl St FOR SALE Used Cars, Trucks and Motorcycles Cars from §175 up. Trucks from $100 up. Motorcycles, highest bid. Chevrolet Shock Absorbers. Tire Protectors--will not puncture or bluw out. Wood's Afr-Tight Valve and Tube -- will not leak. TEN CLEVELAND BICYCLES | ONE HUNDRED YAR i FRAME BUILDING, SUITABLE house; size 10 x | BOWSER | tank; tank contains 249 gal; pump | 1 gal. cap. Apply G. A. Cooper, En- | GENUINE GRAPHONOLA cry AILY BRITISH J FOR SALE WHIG. i (SOVIET GOLD FILTERS | + INTO THE UNITED STATES | Exports of Yellow Metal From | | France Regarded With | | * Suspicion. New York, Aug. 30.--Despite the AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, CANOES. Phone 811. FF. W. Cooke. as new. Geo. Palmer, corner o Bagot and Queen. | SMALL PORTABLE HEN HOUSE, and | 40 ft. of 6 ft. wide wire. Sexton, St. George's Hall. Cheap oF made Flannel for bl G. Burke, Ompah, Ont. .| fact that the United States GOOD | against accepting soviet gold HOME- nkets, etc. T. set its | face sternly and uncompromisingly from | Russia, there is reason to believe thaf | many millions have filtered into this | country, via France, Figures have just been published | showing that upwards of $120,000,- | 000 gold from France has come to | the United States since the first of A FORD TON TRUCK, WORM DRIVE, Palmer, new tires, a snap Geo. cor. of Bagat.and Queen. camping or poultry T. Apply 47 Ellerpeck str rump GASOLINE terprise. H. Pp, ne Engine; in Apply George TWENTY a Matthews, SKIFF, 2 ine, first class 0 two boat orge Matthews, 1ouses Apply Battersea. AND TEN Selections; your own choice, $42.50 Terms §${ casa; §5 per month. C. W, Lindsay, Liniled. 121 Princess St eet eee eee eee BROCKVILLE TOP BUGGY, PERFECT 9 years old; Cheap. Al- Dr. Kobin- tition, bay mar ht about 1,000 sa.sSpeed Cutter. p son, Battersea, Ont ply | WE SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS OF musical Instruments, also cloth- ing and furniture. Call and get our prices. L. Routbard, 259 Princess street. Phone 1723. )I§ SALE \ la VALUABLE FARM F( rent, 208 acres, fist failing well, bank frame house; ce miles from Kingston. Colborne Street OR TO never- ) cows; rn 1p a Apply 116 LOT, 60 FEET FRONTAGE feet deep; for cash $225.00. incubator, 140 egg, and two brood- ers; hot water heated. Only used once. Cawson, 248 Concession St. near Victoria Street 3 117 iso LARGE pedals; suitable 8 Ol or mission i . Will gell thes sa Apply Geor ager Griffin Theat A REED WITH ORGAN p church, for a Wilson, Man- A COUNTER nickel bound, 3 mir strong, serviceable e.' Also soft drink cooler; capacity 5 gallons Will sell cheap treet. SHOW CASE, x23". slide doo Business For Sale COAL, WOOD AND BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Established 1590. Located in the City of Kings- ton. The property consists of two brick stores with dwelling above, coal sheds, ete. First clasg trade in coal, lime, cement, plas- ter and general supplies for building trades. Owner retiring owing to ili-health. For infor- mation, apply D. A. Cays or Wil- liam Drury, Kingston. EE TO ixkT, NINE ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, NO. 83 Gore strédet. Apply Phone 2360 R2. SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE; B. AND C3 king. Possession Oct. r Box T-29, Whig. CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 University Ave. GARAGE, NEAR CORNER and Bagot Apply D. G. R. 1, Kingston. Phoue 1100 r 22, NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, 146 Montreal St, all improvements. Phone 1099. ring 3. Vacant April 1st. VILLA Barrie St s lilder, 248 Barrie Street APARTMENT NO. 1 IN Clare Apartments, ply to Mis THREE UNFURNISHED ROO WITH Bas and electric lights, with privi- lege of light housekeeping. Apply 21% Earl Street. EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, NEWLY DECO- rated and improvements; garden; rent moderate; possession Sept. 1st, Apply 194 Division street. GEO. A. PALMER Opposite Blue Garage Cor. Bagot and Queen Streets Phone 4104, CHINA CABINET, a ARLOR SETTES, chair and tables, kilcaen table, ex-~ leusion ladder, wheelbarrow, gar- den seats, cual oll heater, bavy's bath, laundry stuve. ud * Alvert streel. MKvenings. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, ete, New felt mattress, $8.00. Springs, 3-4 and full size, $3.50, Iron Beds with brass rails, $4, $7. Several gas ranges with ovens, A. and B., $5.00, 315.00, Several Planos $45.00 and $65.00. 1-Oak Buffet $25.00. TWO STORES, NOS. 42 AND 44, PRIN cess Stre and large garage at rear Possession November 1st. Apply 249 Brock Street. 4-ROOM APARTMENT, ALL CONVENI- ences, electric light, gas rangsg. Ap- ply between and 7 pm. at 313 University Avenue or phone 852w APARTMENT, FIVE ROO and balcony; near SSIOI- Sept. lst. Also garage. Apply 126 Bagot street. UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOM ON ground floor; suitable for one or tWe persons; electric light and use of kitchen if desired. street. 3 FOR RENT, SEI. 1st, A MODERN, partly furnished house; § rooms; in g locality; references re- quire Address F, 309 Colling- Wood street. We buy all kinds of furniture. LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP Phoue 1040w. 507 Princess Street, ee ee. a eit a ee BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, FOR SALE FUR SALE, NORTH END, FRAME house; § rooms; large iol; a great snap for an immediate sale. $3000--FRAME HOUSE; GOOD CONDI- STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, aiay, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- 305 Queen St. Phone 526; res. §80w. H#URNISHED APARTMENTS FOR light "housekeeping; modern im- provements. Apply Pioneer Apart- nents 212 Division Street. Phone 434m. . TWO, THREE OR FOUR UNFURNISH- ed rooms on bath room flat; suit- able for igiht housekeeping; gas for cooking and lighting. Apply 36 Clergy street. West. Phone 1098. tion; B. and U.; electric lights; govd i; fur quick buyer. $1,700--FOR TWO F| RAME HOUSES; 4 and § rooms; lot 86x132. North end. 0 RAME; 4 ROOMS; NEW; B. and C.; electric lights. SIX . ©. SEMI-DETACHED; rooms; b. and C.; down town. $6,800--BRICK; 10 ROOMS; LATEST improvements; central. hE $3400---BRICK; SEMI-DETA rooms; hot water heatin trance; right of way. CHED; » &; side en- -- SIX ROOMS; THREE- hot air; hw. floors $4.000---BRICK; plece bath; downstairs. . Re L HOUSES TO RENT--FURNISHED OR unfurnished. -- $7,000--100 ACRES LAND: FRAME house, good condition; 3 barns and stable; well watered; 14 miles from Kingston. BATEMANS ESTA 1 Wellington Street Kiagatei. - FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, HARD. wood floors, electric light, gas stove, heater, refrigeraior, modern|. in every way. Apply to White's In- surance Office, 239 Bagot street. FURNISHED BUNGALOW OF SEVEN rooms, hot water furnace, electric light, gas for cooking; a fully mod- ern house and well furnished. Pos- session October 1st., J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock Stkeet. ARCHITECT PAGE AND WARRINGTON, tered architec Toronto. REGIS. ts, 199 Yunge Street, POWER, SON AND DREVER, tects, Merchants Bank . corner of Brock and streets. ARCHI. Chambers, Wellington BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BEST GO. ing business hotels; vicinity King. ston; general and summer trade. Everything in first class order. wner Leliring on account of ilj- health" Apply Box R-7, Whig. FOR AND MASSEY-HARRIS excellent' con- | Also an harmon- | heap for quick | | QUEEN | Hay, R 485 Albert] the year, the larger part.of it with- |in the last two months. Meanwhile | French bank reserves have been practically unaffected, despite these | heavy shipments. Government authorities had in- formation in April that the soviet | government at that time had about | $175,000,000. This has now dwindled to $1,264,311, so it is apparent that | nearly all the gold Ras been shipped | | out of Ruseia within the last four or { five months. It is understood that the | gold found its way first to Sweden. | Heavy shipments of gold came to the | United States from Sweden in April, | May and June and then fell off ap- | | preciably, At about the time these | | began to diminish, the heavy export | | of gold from France set in. In con- nection with these facts is the addi- tiona] one that the shipments of gold | | have been made from Sweden to | France in very recent months, | Bankers believe that much of the | | gold brought into this country since | April is from federal sources, al- {though the federal reserve board has { made it very clear that gold seized { | by the Lenine regime is not wanted | | in this country and the treasury de- | partment has taken every precaution | | against accepting the stuff. | | | | | | | | | | { | | | | SAVER PRINCE'S LIFE. The above is a picture of Sgt. F. W. Brown, of Oshawa, Ontario, who saved the present Prince of Wales when he was a baby at Buckingham Palace. Ser- seant Brown is a veteran of the world The artificial flower industry in England employes over 10,000 per- sons. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the | undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for | reconstruction of South Breakwater at ourg, Ont.," will be 'received at this office until 12 o'clock moon, Tuesday, September 13th, 1821, for the recon- struction of the South Breakwater at Cobourg, Northumberland County, Ont. Plans and forms of contract can be seen and specification and forms of tender obtained at this Department, at the office of the District Engineer, Equity Building, Toronto, Ont, and at the Post Office, Cobourg, Ont Tenders will not be considered unless made on printed forms suppliéd by the Department and in accordance with conditoins contained therein Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10% of the amount of the tender. War Loan bonds of the Dominion will also be accepted as security, or war bonds and cheques it required to make up an odd amount, Note.---Blue prints can be obtained at this Department by depositing an ac- cepted bank cheque for the sum of $20.00, payable to the order of the Min- | ister of Public Works, which will be re- | turned if the intending bidder submit a regular bid By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, August 18th, 1921. { «C | FINANCIAL STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE gents; established in 1860; only the most reliable companies repre- sented. Office 95 Clarence street, Opposite the post office. _ FRONTENAC LOAX AND INVEST. ment Soclely; incorper President, 2 resident, oney issued on properties, municipal and debentures; mortgages purchased; investment bonds for sale; deposits received and Interest allowed. R, C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- ence street. Kingston. county ~~ PERSONAL MATRIMONIAL AND Circle. Pamphlets 25¢. Remailed wood, On PASTIME No stamps. : Jealed. Box 14, Isher HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks, skin cancers, scars, etc. re- moved permanently, Satisfactory Klasses fitted and furnished -after others have failed. Goltre removed. 35 years' éxperience. Dr. Elmer J, Lake. Kye, Ear, Nose. Throat, Skin, 258 Bagot Street! Phone 301. FANCY GOODS, |, LTESDAY, AUGUST 30, 102. TO-NIGHT | GRAND "eer | NATIONAL PICTURES PRESENT "B oO BLIND YOUTH" the Famous Stage Success PRE-WAR PRICES iM 1 SCENICS and OTHERS nd 10c. Hve & 10c, 15¢c., and 20¢- Nr en tinny + Fhursday, Fri., and Saturday Matinee Saturday at 2.80 THE ENGLISH-AME RICAN COMEDIAN MR. REX SNELGROVE, and the Original REX STOCK COMPANY Presenting a delightful comedy in four acts "THE MAN WHO OWNED BROADWAY" A scenic production with Vaudeville Between Acts. PRICES: --10-20-30c. and a few at 50c. STRAND To-day and To-morrow WALLACE REID i "TOO MUCH SPEED" An Automobile Picture OTHER ATTRACTIONS : Come in your car and bring your family and friends PRE-WAR PRICES Mat.: Children 10c., Adults 15c. Children 13¢, Adults 20c. 4 ~ Now Playing The Golden James ~ Oliver \; Curwood Ask Your Grocer FOR WAGSTAFFE'S... PURE RPIIT JAMS AND MARMALADE REMEMBER The River's d" and m. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Sold in 12 and 16 oz. Glass Pots and 2, 4 and 7 1b gold lined tins Auction Sale of Rare Antique Mahogany Furniture, Wednesday, Aug. 31st, 10 a.m., 108 Bagot Street The estate of the late Mrs. Hubbell-- mahogany and walnut gofas and chairs, round extension table, Spinnet writing desks, steel plate engravings, sides board, Brussels carpets, Serge and Lace Curtains, 3 piece walnut wardrobe, Jap- anese Dragon vases. cut glass ware elec, carved 4 post beas, dressers, bur- esus, hat rack and chair, brass bed. springs, mattresses, Happy Thought Lange, Pug and Box stoves, lawn mow- er and garden tools, crockery, gem jars, etc., antique and irons. ALLEN, the Auctioneer Telephone 252. FOR SALE FARM OF 100 ACRES, KNOWN AS the William Davis homestead, sit- uated in township of Kingston, 7th Concession; frame house, furnace, in Al condition; good frame barn with fine stabling; best of water and telephone. Other farms for sale. Apply D. A. Cays, 67 Brock Street, NOTICE is hereby given that on and after Ist September, the | partnership heretofore existing between J. A. HEN- T. H. STEWART, under the firm name of Hendry & Stewart, manu- facturers' agents, will DRY and 75 Princess stree:, be dissolved by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be carried on by MR. STEWART, who will assume all obligations of the firm, and to whom all accounts should be paid. J. A. HENDRY. T. H. STEWART. AAA er ot Pao rl sraraan® Pct, W. KENT MACMEE Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock and King Streets. Phone 701 or 1327). General Insurance Agency Writlng:--Automoblile, Fire, . Actident, Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete. Representing Only Reliable Companies. THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting anything done in the carpen. tery line, Estimates given om all ki f repairs and mew work: alse hargd- pod Soory of =ll kinds. All orders w receive prompt attention 28 Queen Street. Sa0p FOR SALE FINE BRICK RESIDENCE, NO, 183 William street, containing 12 rooms, electric lighting; hot water heating; large lot with garage; one of the best locations in the city House Is in splendid condition. Pos- session at once. Other fifi¢" resi. dences throughout the city. For full particulars apply to D. A. Cays, 57 Brock street. " Teter cro pata Reports that Greek troops engaged in the offensive against Turkish Na- {ionalists in Asia Minor have suffer- ed a reverse are denied in an of- ficial statement issued at Athens, A A attain It takes a mighty strong love to stand the acid test of matrimony. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Frame dwelling on a good size lot, 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, hall downstairs in centre with rooms on both side, 2 fire places. No reason- able offer refused. Must be sold by Sept. I. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phones 68 and 2240m. 56 Brock Street. THE CHEVROLET "FB 50" TOURING CAR is the leader in medium-priced. cars. It has everything in the way of power, looks, size and durability that cars selling for $1,000.00 more have. We are pleased to announce to intending purchasers that , at the new prices we have the best car for the least money HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING, AC cordion, knife and box pleating. Hours 9 to 5.30. Mrs. E A. Card, 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal St, opposite Artillery Park. LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- ers and Solicitors, 79 .Clarence street. Kingston. A B. Cunning- ham, Cyril M. Smith. AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER i Royal Baok. n over Yi Money to loan. Phane 1999, $1500.00 Completely equipped, delivered Kingston CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE BAWDEN & EDWARDS 39 MONTREAL STREET » - PHONE 400.