Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Aug 1921, p. 3

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* TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1021, I ---------------------- I ------------------ Ea Summer Grippe Requires prompt treatment. .A few doses of DR. HICKEY'S, CHEST REM- EDY, together with a treat- ment of COLD TABLETS will break up the worst cold in a few hours: Do not , neglect your cold, but get these remedies at once. LT. Best, Druggist is Open Sundays. Phone 59. Nu J Pe. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. THER R : ibility There are several reasons why our sight service bears a good reputation. One of them is that we don't depend on others. for any part of it. Our work Is not planned by others; nor do others carry out our plans. From eye examination to fin- ished glasses It is KEELEY Service. We are vitally interested in the result of our work and to insure success do all of it our- selves, Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. 226 PRINCESS STREET Phone 927 a --S-- Clocks Once again we are featuring Clocks. MAHOGANY MANTLE CLOCKS From $15 to $75 In the new, attractive Tambour shapes. These Clocks strike every hour, and half- hour, and carry a full guarantee. See them while there are many designs to choose from, SMITH BROS. Limited Established 1840. Registered Opticians BSG Kirg Street ; Jewelers - Dr. Nash's DENTAL PARLORS: 183 PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON, ONTARIO We specialize on:--Painless Extrac- tion, Latest Treatment of Py orthea, X-Ray work. many people will be ing the next week or so. They will probably leave behind them many household articles, which are not suitable for further use, such as Sauce Pans, Kettles, Floasters, both in Enamelware and Alumifum ware. will, of course, require replacing. We have a most complete assortment, and would be pleased to fill your requirements, McKelvey & Birch, Limited Phone 237,.: - - - returning home dur- These Kingston es - = & Notice! TO ALL OWNERS OF PHONOGRAPHS & PIANO PLAYERS! : At will be to your interest to call at our store and have your name added to our Mailing List. In this way you will receive a Monthly Supplement of all the latest and most popular music. We have a complete stock of all the new and up-to-date Music Rolls and Victor Records. Also Gerhard, Heintzman Piano, Plano Players and Vie- trolas. Y FURNITURE, CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, WHITE SEW- ING MACHINES, HOOVER VACUUM CLEANERS 1.8: Harrison Co, Limited he 3 THE DAILY BRITISH HO. MANY SINGERS SPRING | T0 MANTLE OF CARUSO nelli, Crimi, Johnson and Harrold Likely Candidates. | § { | New York, Aug. 30.--Upon. whose { shoulders will' be the mantle of the mighty Caruso fall? It is absurd, say musical people, to argue that his. | {like will never be seen again. Ceasar followed Alexander and Napoleon followed Caesar. | Among the most popular ecanli- date is John McCormack, who is 37 years of age and at his very best, Mario Chamlee, who is only 3%, | Is of the Carusq type, When he made {his American debut last Novemb.r | at the Metropolitan opera the critiss | went into ectasies over his waica | He was born in Los Angeles of an | Italian father and an American | mother. Lacking money to study, a2 [sang in vaudeville with travelliag | companies from the Mississippi to | the Pacific but always with a grand | opera career in mind. He served in | the great war 'and was very popular lin she trenches and in the camps. | Other contenders for the crown of | Caruso are Giovanni Martinelli, who made his debut 11 years ago and has appeared in every important city wn the world. Benjamin Cigli, whose unquestion- ed talent has been recognized in Europe and South America, hag h's 18yo on tue goal and his admirers ir | this country are rapidly increasing Guilo Crimi, another rising tenor; gives great promise of improvemert | as he grows older. Edward Joan- son, the brilliant Canadian tenor, is {climbing swiftly, Orville Harrold, a {native of Indiana, Paul Althouse ar di | Kingston, are men to bear in mind, while Europe is grooming manv stars among its tenors, any one of! whom may suddenly shoot into world | prominence, | | {Japan Frightened | By Harding's Call | | | -- | Tokio, Aug. 30.--Not since the | | Russo-Japanese war has any:hicg | | created such a ferment in Japan as President Harding's call for a con- ference of the interested powers to discuss far eastern problems in con- neotion with the general question of armament limitation. Japan had been looking forward to a gensral discussion of political problems with the United States and possibly, also, with Great Britain, but, coming immediately after the failure of British statesmen to agree on the romewal of the Anglo-Japan- ese alliance, the proposal to deliber- ate on far eastern policies and prob- lems by all powers having an inter- est in the far east caused constern- ation. The prevail"ng opinion was plai> ly fear for such a world congress. It was, according to the general viaw, calculated to decide great issues vit- ally concerning the future of Japan and these issues dealt with 'Asia, which Japan tends to regard as be- icg 'her own preserves." Apprehen- sion was evidenced in some quarters of resulting isolation. MARRIES AN HEIRESS, Lloyd George Gets Ovation At Wed- ding. London, Eng., Aug. 80.--The Yorkshire mining village of .Darton was festive Saturday cm the occasion of the marriage of Premier Liloya George's principal secretary, Sir W:l- liam Suthérland, to Annie Fountain, who inherited a big interest in the collieries on the death of her father, who left her an income of thirty thousand pounds. Several notables including the premier's wife, s'ayed overnight at the residence of tho bride's guardian, Sir Joseph Hewitt, and drove through Barnsley to church to-day amidst cheering thous- ands. itll Editor Goes Fishing. Winsted, Conn., Aug. 30.--A. E. Knox, publisher and editor of the Woodbury Reporter, will suspend for one week in order to go fishing. His announcement says in part: 'The editor has not had a vacation in sev- eral years and is inclined to take a few days off, Therefore, notice is hereby given that next' week's issue of the paper will be omitted. We hope to cast a line in Quashapaug Lake next week, provided we don't have to labor too hard harvesting bait." St. Thomas starts pumping its water supply by electricity. Piano, Theory and Teachers' Normal Training 'MISS GRACE CLOUGH will resume teaching on September the 15th, and announces Special New Classes for those wishing to study Rudiments, Har- mony and other theoretical subjeets. Also a series of pupils' Recitals. Pupils prepared fo for Toronto Conser- vatory examinations 23 PINE ST. - PHONE 1818J. HERBS USED IN MEDICINES A Manchester, England, paper urg- es the renewed cultivation of old fashioned medicinal herbs in English gardens. In the United States they have also gone out of fashion s&s a feature of the small garden, although they are imported in large quantities, from Turkey, India and China, where | they are grown purely for commer are used annually in the preparation of Lydia BE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a most successful medi- cine for woman's ills, It contains no 'narcotics or harmful drugs, and wo- men afflicted with such siiments McCormack, Chamlee, Marti- | revs. OFF THE WIRES IN CONDENSED FORM Tidings From Places Far and | =e Near Are Briefly Recounted, Indian troubles are not to stop the { visit bf the Prince of Wales. Reports from Volga says thirty- five million people are starving. The eondition of E. B, Devlin, M. |P. for W right, is reported very low Amusement taxes at English soc- cer games Saturday amounted to | 145,000. Rev. W. R. MacKay accepted the | call to Bond street Congregational church, Toronto | Burlington hes become infested with rats, owing to a rubbish dump | on the lake shore | Yamaska, Que, town hall and sev- | eral other residences were destroyed | by fire on Monday. | Twenty-one choice lambs prepar- | ed fcr 'Toronto exhibition perished | in bern fire near Paris. The Governor-General cancels all remaining engagements on account of the death of Lieut.-Governor Clarke. Chief Charles McConnell, Byron | Sanitarium Military Police, London, had his throat slashed by an Indian he was helping to arrest. The annua] convention of the Ca- | nadian Brotherhood of Railway Em- ployees opened Monday afternoon at Winnipeg behind closed doors. Four hundred and fifty Sinn Fein- ers, held in Spike Island, notify the governor that unless they are re- | leased to-day they will start a hunger | { strike, The body of Air Commander E. M. | Maitland, of the British flying for- ces, was recovered from the wrecked dirigible, at Hull, Eng., on Monday afternoon, | PRODUCTION OF CHEESE | BETTER THAN IN JUNE {The Corn Crop in Hastings County Is Excellent-- Potatoes Fair. Belleville, Aug. 30.--After-grass | is improving milk flow in this sec- tion very considerably, according to Distriet Agricultura] Representative | A. D. McIntosh, Stirling ,and a num- ber of cheese makers have reported production of cheese equal to that of June and of a better quality. A largely increased acreage of sweet clover is given as one of the reasons | for this condition. Potatoes are not neatly the light crop anticipated, and grain, although light, is better than expected. The corn crop is, almost without | a single exception, excellent in all parts of the country. Harvesting is beginfling in many quarters. There is a small crop of fruit, generally | speaking. This is ripening early. | Farmers having any kind of grain | of good quality have been advised to clean it up at once, and reserve as much as possible for seed in other less favoréd sections, as prices will undoubtedly rule high for seed grain before spring. ASSAILS ATTORNEY GENERAL Annoyed When Mimico Civic Enter- prise is Raided . Toronto, Aug. 30.--When a squa.l of country constables raided the field day held in Mimico in connec'im with the official opening cf the town memorial park and seized two wheels of fortune « nd other simiiar games of chance, Dr. Forbes God- frey, M.P.P., publicly and vigorous- ly assailed Attorney-General Raney for offering "the respectable and hard-workiag citizers of Mimico the most gratuitous insult that has ever been handed out to any municipality by the department of the attorney- genera! since the days ¢f Mowat, I say to the aitorney-general when he interferes ¢- tries to interfere wvi.a a public-spirited :vovement in the work of completing a memorial that he has overstepped the bounds, and I say to him, with apaologies to his Satanic majesty, that he can go plumb to the devil" John A. Lemon's Death. Cobourg, Aug. 30.--John Austin Lemon died at Colborne, where he was in business fer a number of Years. He was in his 50th year. He is survived by his wife and one son. He had suffered for some time from a stroke of paralysis. The remains were taken to Mount Pleasant ceme- tery, Toronto, for interment. Doctor Dies on Vacation, Healey Falls, Aug 30.--Dr. Charles Slatter passed away sudden- lymof acute indigestion, at Healey Falls, where he was holidaying. He was sick only about 20 minutes or half an hour. His home was at Al- liance, Iowa, He was 58 years of age, and was a favorite with the tourist guests in this locality, Week's Vacation to Staff. Belleville, Aug. 30.--The Deacon Shirt Company will try a new holi- day plan, closing down all this week give the employees a vacation. It is thought it will work out more satisfactory than the system of giving holidays in succession 10 the staff and employees. Three cups red currants, 3 oups chopped Sun Maid seeded raisins, 3 cups raspberries, 5 cups sugar. 2) Mash currents to start gas. "jutee : and put over fire. Ald raspberries, raisins and sugar. Cook slowly until thick--about one hour; pour into sterilized glasses and seal with par- [should try * | | affine. This makes about six glasses, " PROBS: -- Wednesday, fair and warm. tng v RSDAY Day A great One-day Clean-up Sale of summer merchandise, priced regardless of cost or any former pricing--the values in each case are little short of being 'sensational, : CHILDREN'S DRESSES, $1.00-- : 2 only, size 12, White and Copen, Blue Linen Dresses, pric- ed at $7.50 each . Thursday, $1.00 NOVELTY SKIRT, $1.00--° I only, Cream with Black Circular Stripe Skirt; regular $15 ValUR ..ieivieviiet fereipete rein od steieie sine 0 + ; Thursday, $1.00 WHITE WASH SKIRTS, $1.00-- ' 24 only, White Wash Skirts, opie $2.50 values. . Thursday $1.00 . -- Ye . +80 00 000.00 10.00 0.000800 TRICOLETTE WAISTS, $1.00-- ° ' 12 only, Tricolette Waists in Jade color only; in sizes 36 to ive. 86.50 nie... iin Thursday, 31.00 CHILDREN'S SCHOOL MIDDIES, $1.00-- , 60 only, White with Colored Collar Middies: in Misses' and Children's sizes; reg. $1.50 values . ... .. . Thursday, $1.00 PRINT HOUSE DRESSES, $1.00-- ; 120 plain Blue and Colored Checked Print House Dresses: in sizes 36-44; formerly priced at $1.69 ea. Thursday $1.00 CHILDREN'S HATS, $1.00 -- 36 Colored Straw and Organdy Hats--all smart little styles --reg. $2.50 to $5.00 values ... ......... Thurcday $1.00 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' HATS, $1.00-- 24 only, Novelty Straw, Braid and Georgette Crepe' Hats in a good assortment of the season's smartest styles-- priced from $5.50 to $18.00 each. ........... . Thursday, $1.00 CHAMOISETTE GLOVES, 2 PR. FOR $1.00-- 96 pairs of Black, Sand and Natural Chamoisette Gloves in sizes 6 to 74. Regular $1.00 each Thursday, $1.00 CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HOSE, 4 FOR $1.00 -- 180 pairs of fine ribbed Cotton School Hose; in sizes 6} to 10. Reg. 35c.apair......... Thursday, 4 pairs for $1. 00 COLORED SILK HOSE, 2 FOR $1.00-- : 180 pairs of Black, Cordovan, Pearl, Fawn and Smoke Silk Hose; our regular stock, 85c¢. quality. To clear Wetessrenassasiatesssss.s.. Thursday, 2 pr. for $1.00 TABLE DAMASK, 2 YDS. FOR $1.00 118 yds. of 56 inch Bleached Table Damask: regular 75¢c. a Yard . ...ientieicinties RTP Tstendey: 23, 51.00 BLEACHED SHEETING, 2} YDS. for 98c.-- \ 100 yds. of 8-4 fine, White Sheeting; worth 60c. a yard. . . Thursday, 24 yds. for 98c. SILK and COTTON CUPOLA, 2 YDS. for $1.00 ° In colors Copen, Maize, Sand, Grey, Rose and Brown: full 36 inches wide; regular 75c. yd. Thursday, 2 yds. for $1 00 , UNBLEACHED COTTON, 8 YDS. $1.00-- 1,000 yds. of Unbleached Factory Cotton; reg. 18c. a yard value ., 1. tue iversrisrnesssie. Thursday, $1.00 WHITE 36 INCH FLANNELETTE, 5 YDS. for $1.00-- 800 yds. of heavy White Saxony Flannelette; full 36 inches wide; a special value at 30c. yd. Thursday, 5 yds. for $1.00 +s 34 0 ee vee sees 'eee an =EE

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