Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Aug 1921, p. 5

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OST 29 POUNDS. DYSENTERY - WAS THE CAUSE. It . R Dysentery is one of the worst forms ------ ~ CHOICE | WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone b other disease so quickly, undermines the strength and brings"about a con- dition of prostration and utter col- lapse that often terminates fatally, To check the unnatural discharge without bringing on constipation you i.stould use that grand old remedy 'with 'a reputation extending seventy- six vears. . DR. FOWLER'S 1182 282 Princess Street - WILD STRAWBERRY. i) Mr. G. H. McVagh, Mawer, Sask., FOR MOVING OF writes: --" About eight years ago Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and | had a severe attack of dysentery, I Cartag description-- 'was sick for three weeks. I weigh- of every description ed 154 1bs., when I took sick and 125 re { but did not find relief until I used Phone 377. 153 Wellington Street. | Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- | there is nothing like it for diarrhoea DAVID SCOTT, | or dysentery. 1 always keep some Piambiag and Gas Work a Special. | | Price, 50e. a bottle; put up only by = Fre i Bireet: Phone ons i The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ap - DIEINTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnsun and Wellington Btreets HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate. 381 KING STREET EAST | . T fi C | when I got it stopped. I think I on rans er 0. tried every medicine on the market, berry, and one bottle did it. I think Plumber | when he will need it." A A Ae Ais my DR.A.W. WINNETT Phone 363 ; ry Furniture--Freight--Baggage TRANSFER Phone 1776J 8. WHITEMAN 210 QUEEN STREET BUILDING? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. i i. _-------- The Telgmann School of usic Piano, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application, Engagements for concerts ace cepted. 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1325. a : = Dr. Waugh 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Angrove's Repairs Baby Jetrimecn Lama Siaeres, M7elo do zepate work right and guarantee ction. 187 WELLINGTON STREET WATIS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res., 1137, Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- lington and' Princess Streets. Phone 2092, Dr. H. A. Stewart CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS BILLS, CAPS, LINTELS, ETO. Improved process. Material and price v are right. B27 Princess Street, corner Alfred PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Moatgomery's) Chofcest quality of Scranton Coal, No other kind sold by Uy BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 Kingston's Only Dyer, Dry Cleaning o Specialty, Phone 914. 349 Princess St FOR SALE GOOD, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Se. Phone 67, EEE eee We have them all -- Cold Creams, Vanishing Creams--in tubes and jars---- 25¢. and 50c. ~--ALSO-- | Lotion and Almond Cream which sooth sunburn, remove tan and keeps the skin soft and smooth, : : We will help you select Just what you require, i M. R. McColl ee aa. (Neilson's Yce Cream Bricks always on hand) IN MONUMENTS AND CEME-. TERY LETTERING J. E. Mullen i161 FRONTENAC STREET Phone 1427. DID YOU EVER TRY | Wagstaits Bramble Jelly, We also have a full lin Selabie makes of : Jam anda Jellies for Bhi TERRE [FOR SALE 100 acres, about 12 'miles from the city. § Fair price, : _ & SON Estate and Insurance % e of ma- sadie il on hand as a person does not know | W. H. STEVENSON! | of bowel complaint, and hardly any | { patiently for that property you are | the House of Prov fHE DAILY B RITISH w HIG. £ Kingston and Vicinity ar Are You on Your Way To insert an ad in our classified columns? Somebody is searching im- wishing you could sell. town has dropped in price nearly fifty 'sanity, occu, Ask for Tt In a classified advertisement?! it isvhelp, a job, a home, an office, or a place to pasture the cew--ask for it in a classified ad and you will find what yow want. ---------- To Rebuild Factory, The Frankford canning factory, recently destroyed by fire, is now being rebuilt, for the fall canning. Many of those interested in the com- pany financially are farmers. Ploasant Water Trips. If you are planning to spend a day on the water consult our bul- letin of pleasant water trips, publisa- ed in this paper. Some place to zo everyday on the commodious str, S:. Lawrence. No over crowding. Lost Valuable Animal. | It every way fitted tradesmen are busy giving the finish- | | ing touch, About 180 children will | be in attendance. Four sisters from idence, Kingston, | | will take charge. The building con- | | tains four splendid lighted, ventilated | | and well equipped elass-rooms, in | up in accordance | with the regulations of the depart- | ment of education, Cheese Sales, | Belleville, 1,625 at 19 5-8c. Picton, 1,180 at 19 5-16¢, | Iroquois, 860 at 19c. Perth, 450 at 18 1-4c. i Corpwall, 1,100 at 19 5-8a. { Napanee, 1,305 at 19¢. Victoriaville, Que., 17 3-4c. St. Hyacinthe, 19 1-8c. 1,500 at Que, 400 at ---------- Died at Langdon, N.D. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Winter, Lang- | don, N.D., formerly of this section, | and well-known in Kingston, are | mourning the rather sudden death of | their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Morris | During 2 recent electric storm, a valuable pure-berd Holstein-Friesian cow owned by Albert Maud, Gren- bush, was struck and kill2d by light- ning. The loss is covered by insur- ance, Fell With Ladder, A dislocation of the left hip and other serious injuries were sustain- ed by W. E. Parks, contractor, Belle- ville, on Friday, when the ladder on which he was standing slipped and he fell twenty feet to the ground. Caught a Fine Fish, Mrs. Milton Davidson, Smith's Falls, and her mother, Mrs. Thomas Graham, were out fishing opposite their cottage when they had the for- tune to catch a beautiful eight and a half pound pike, 7 Cape Vincent Lady Named Mrs. Blizabeth Hollenbeck,* Cape Vincent, N.Y., and. Nelson J. Cox, Mannsville, N.Y., were married at Watertown, N.Y., August 25th, by Rev. Charles T. Raynor, at the chap- | el of the Trinity Episcopal churoh, Cape Vincent, N.Y. Engagement Announced, Dr. and Mrs, J. F. Ward, Trenton, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Anita, to Fred. M. Shearer, only son of the late R. A. Shearer, ex-M.P.P., Cornwall, and Mrs, Shearer. The marriage is to take place in September, -- The Market Report, In a letter received from London, England, office of the Salada Tea Co., the information is given that some tea hag .been moving to Germany, Poland and Russia. It looks as it Russia would take quite a steady quantity of common tea for financ- fal arrangements seem to be work- ing satisfactorily, ----e Have Cut Wages, Members of the carpenters' union of Renfrew have voluntarily decided to reduce the scale of wages 10¢ per hour, making the minimum b56¢c. The new schedule takes effect September 1st and remains in force until Ap- ril 1st. Building material in that per cent. and revival of building is now looked for, To Train for Nurses, Miss Jessie M. Gould, for some time assistant at Dr. A. H. Mabee's dental parlor, Gananoque, has resign- ed her position there and purposes leaving for Brooklyn, N.Y., where she will enter the Methodist Episcopal Hospital for a course in traifing as a nurse. Two other young ladies are leaving with the same object and for the same purpose with her, Misses Marian Round and Minerva Meggs, -- A Daughter is Il. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Smith and family have returned to Smith's Falls after an outing at their sum- mer home near Portland. One of the family--the daughter--was brought home showing symptoms of typhoid fever, and she has since been under treatment in the Public hos- pital, with the ailment not as yet definitely diagnosed. -------- Gananoque Separate School, The new separate school at Gana- Winter. She was {ll but a few days. | A husband and two children are be- | reft of a loving wife and a very at- | fectionate mother, The bereaved fa- mily Hved in Langdon close to the father's home. -- Calvary Tlower Sunday, Sunday was observed as flower Sunday at Calvary Congregational | church. There was a good attendance | at both services. The flowers were | many and beautiful, In the morning Rev. A. F, Brown took as hig topic, "The Flower Garden," comparing the lives of different people with that of the flowers, Miss Serena Woodruff, Savannah, Georgia, sang very sweet- ly during the offering, and Messrs. Waddington and Allen after the ser- mon. In. the evening the topic was "The Ground Work of Salvation." Brrr ncn ann Ait | STROUD'S TEA | The taste is the test. Let Cuticu ra Be Your First Thought Always When the first signs of Dimples, redness, or appear; smear wi Caticura Ointment to soothe" and heal, then bathe with Cuticura np and hot water to cleanse and Jurily, ally dust on the refreshing Cuticura Talcum, a deli- ately medicated xquisit ly scented pow. er, or y toilet ra es Much toprevent Shinran pi A GENTLE WAY TO END CORNS The Modern Method, Scientific, Easy, Quick and Sure «_ The old corn enders were harsh, €rude and uncertain, They came into disrepute. hen a world-famed laboratory created a new method, and millions have adopted it. The new way is Blue-jay--liquid or plaster. One applies it by a touch. The pain stops instantly, and soon the wholé corn loosens and comes out. To pare a corn and keep it now is folly. Stop it the moment it ap- pears. Remove it in this gentle way, Watch one. corn go when Blue- jay is applied. You will let it deal with all corns after that. - « Send to the drug store now, ¥ Liquid or Plaster lue-jay Stops Pain Instantly Ends Corns Quickly | . * noque is nearing completion; extra Nm A, FIRE BUT NO MEAT By CHARLES GRANT MILLER All Rights Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) (Copyright, 1921, Seen . An old women who was found that she might be without means to her room and even her stairway wer: found dying at last because she had She had a good lamp, but had had no oil. ' Maybe this pathetic situation greater or less degree of insanity. But this poor wom the rest of us wh much real sanity in the world. It all of us who so worry and strive to neglect things of real importance balanced, the lunatic asylums would The man call , if such misdirected PY the padded cell. If all men whe strive feverishly forget the simple little pu Dass as rich and great and brilliant the poor woman w What is a gr human sympathy and the spirit of of these but a lamp without oil? -Many a man and woman enough means for bo untiful heart hunger, the things "but let starving in New York had long feared cook her meals, with its tragical ending was due to a an's hallucinations were so like many of those of 0 pass as sane that the be badly overcrowded. purpose were held to be evidence ot in- ho bad a lamp but never eat fortune or high position or sacrifice and helpfylness--what is any have anxiously provided themselves with far which nourish the soul, She had a stove, and e filled with firewood. But she was nothing to ook. : long been without light because she question is whether there is very over purposes not worth while as were to be considered mentally un- for wealth or position or fame, and are nce to the soul, are to then how may we pronounce insane any ofl? * brilliant talent, without I and beneficient human usefulness to their lives starve because they have sy t | cided to put into effect throughout | | its entire staff a ten per cent. cut in | | grocer bought three bushels of pota- | brick walls are going up fast and this The anthem, "Only Thine" was sung by the choir, The flowers were sent'! to the sick people .of the congrega- tion add to the General hospital, | ------------ Also Cut the Wiges. As in the casevof the Pembroke Lumber Company, the Colonia] Lum- | ber Company of that town has de- wages. In a eircular sent out to em- ployees it is pointed out that the | mill is actually operating this year at a loss, and that rather than close down a general reduction has been SILOS If you need a SILO, see us before pur- chasing elsewhere. e can give you what you want and save you money. 'Write for circular: - S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Well Bireets, ington KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66, Factory Rhone 1415, decided upon, res Short-Weight Potatoes. On Saturday's market a local toes in three bags and when he took them to his store he found that they were light, weight. He took them to the market scales, and when they were weighed by Market Clerk Wil- liam McCammon they were seen to weigh 127 Ibs. instead of 180 Ibs. | The potatoes were confiscated and | sent to the Old People's Home. A lady came and paid the grocer, who has yet to find the farmer who short-weighted him. Has Steel Work Completed. The new Regent Theatre in Picton is being rapidly pushed to comple- | tion. The erection of the steel frame | was finished last week and masons and carpenters are now busy. The THE RESTAURANT THAT HAS. THE GOOD THINGS Come in and have comfort while enjoying a good meal. You will find we have the things you like served by competent staff. ; Grand Cafe PETER LEE, PROP. Two Doors Above Opera House er 222 Princess Street Phone 1843. week will see them completed with the exception of the tower. The car- penters are working on the root ot the auditorium and already the raf- ters and other roof timbess are plac- ed. Mr. Cook expects to have the auditorium enclosed in a few weeks and ready for use. ---- Picton Public School Staff, a, nn, OTHERS ARE MAXOTIRES WHY NOT YOU » EASTERN CANADA MAX A. NEAL, Manager OTIRE RUBBER CO, ° 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2050. * Teachers for the Picton public school have been engaged by the | school board as follows: Kindergarten, Miss Alice Robin- son, Prescott; Grade H., Miss Char- lotte Sheeley, Clinton; Grade G., Miss Florence Ballance, Selby; Grade F., Miss Hazel Thompsongicton; Grade E., Miss Bessie A. Clark) Mountain; | Grade C., Miss Christine Morton; Ai- | sia Cralg; Grade B., Miss C. Hull, | Glenora; Grade A., Miss I. Dunkley, Picton. Ward School-----Miss Katherine C. SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS. SOWARDS PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE--Mc GALL'S CIGAR STORE g PHONE 811. Howleson, Guelph ;Senior Dept, Mrs. M. Todd, Picton, ------ Wants The Fair Backed. "Bob" BusheM, who has been visit- ing Utica cnd northern New York roints, would like to wee local muni- cipal bodies back the Kingston fair as Ottawa official bodies support their exhibition. The executive of- ficers of the Central Council of the Ottawa Municipal Associutions pat on a boosting tour for the Ottawa ex- | hibition on Saturday, August 20th, | visiting Carleton Place, Perth, and Smith's Falls in motors. There were about sixty ladies and gentlemen in the party, headed by Mayor Plant. They invited the n.ayors and lead- ing citizens to banquets at the hotels and in speeches following the feast- ing boomed Ottawa's great fall event. Mr. Bushell would like to see something of this nature attempted by the Kingston officials. - Steamer Carried Ten Cars. The steamer Waubic has a large capacity for carrying cars to Capa Vincent and that was taxed to the limit Monday afternoon when ten large autos were taken on the popu- lar route for tourists. After nine cars had been put on, a small space was left on the bow area, and rather than be left to wait over for the morning boat, an American tour- ist asked to have his large Buick car boarded. The officials told him if he could get the machine on board they would be only too glad PIN A gn, ~ SOWARDS COAL COMPANY. ii mm, New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 ~~ ~ See our fine quality Blue Serge Sui --$35.00 ---, TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St, . (One door below Randolph Hotel), ts at | to take it on this trip. So after much close work the long car was squeezed in until one rear wheel and a part of the otlier were just on board. So with about three feet of the car pro- Jecting the boat steamed out five minutes late. As-the auto was well secured the Americans were greatly pleased that they were able to gut Passage across. The captain of the boat again showed a commendable spirit when hé pulled back to dhe wharf after backing 'out, and picked up a tardy passenger, I ------------------ Worn emery paper should never be thrown away. Instead, place the used paper in @ warm oven {or a few minutes and much of its former rough surface will be restored. ASPIRIN "Bayer" is only Genulne \ \ Warning! It's criminal to take a chance on any substitute for genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," prescrib- > by physicians for twenty-one years @ proved safe by millions, ' Unless you see the name "Bayer" on pack- Age or on tablets you are not getting at all. In every Bayer patk~ for Colds, Head- sll larger packages. Made in Can- ada. Aspirin is the trade mark (reg- istered in Canada), of Bayer Manu- facture of Mon salicy licacid, eat of {duke was Edward, the Black Prince, created Duke of Cornwall in 1337. Everything For the Bath Room BATH TOWELS-- in White and colors: good, sizes, from ... . .18ec. to $2.00 BATH SHEETS tra large sizes, HUCK TOWELS-- : With hemmed and hemstitched ends, from ........25¢. to $1.25 BATH MATS-- : in a big variety of colours, from $1.50 to $5.00. FACE CLOTHS-- With Pink and Blue borders. 'W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191, The Waldron Store. large each EIN eee In Great Britain, duke Is the high- "Gen. Tom Thumb," the famous dwart, who was 31 inches high, map ried a wife who was only one incl taller, em 4 Sg) « title of nobility. The first English

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