Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Aug 1921, p. 8

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* TH E DAILY BRITISH WHICG. AUBSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1921," : Pi ee -- al ui - Lk T " Interesting Features del Za d ME Ee EF A Half-Million Hungry Children There may be one in your home. He has "plenty to eat" --buthis food lacks the tissue- building elements that are needed by growing children. The foods that have no real food value generally cost the most,' = iredded a viiCa is the best food forgrowing children because it is all food and is prepared in a digestible form. A noted phy- sician says there are a half-million under-nourished children in our country. Shredded Wheat, builds robust, sturdy youngters. u¥ Sh Gh CR UE WE vv Two Biscuits with milk makeanour- ishing, satisfying meal and cost but a few cents. Delicious with raisins, prunes, sliced bananas, peaches or other fruits, 4 Nog of rt Rate hao, He Sh SNe TN gion Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. - Foods are specially prepared for babies. & A baby's medicina "1s even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups ase not interchangeable. ,. It was the need of i a-remedy for'the common ailments of Infants and Children i that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, - and no claim has been made for i¢ that its use for over 30 Years has not provea.r ST.ORIA? 4 wy ow \ " : {is CA at harmless "substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, ha Castorialis Drops and Soothing: Syrups. It . is pleasant. += It contains neither . Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. . Its age is its\guarantee, For : more ; than" thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and + Diarrhoea; { allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, -aide the assimilation of Food; giving i healthy and {natural sleep. The Children's Comfort--The Mother's Friend. + SENUINE. CAST.O RIA AiLways ~ Bears the Signature 'of +* " { * er': e For! Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY 3 NENA ri | HOMENAKING HELPS A RESTAURANT Come in and enjoy your meals with us. thing you like served as you respect.' Dainty Restaurant 88 PRINCESS STREET THAT WILL PLEASE YoU Our Restaurant is NEW and UP-TO-DATE in every Everys would like it. CHARM TEAS BLUE PACKAGE BLACK "ieriieie...25c. PER PACKAGR RED PACKAGE BLACK ............30c. | GREEN PACKAGE JAPAN... ........30c. '| THESE ARE THE BEST VALUES ON THE MARKET, PER PACKAGE PER PACKAGE d formations are stated to be & to the presence of dust in the the particles of dust acting as _eéntres of condensation for the for- The old world has not changed much. The moth still seeks the 'INDIANS RECEIVE FREEDOM OF THE CITY OF LONDON. aa aN - The picture shows a group gathered outside the Guildhall after the recent ceremony at dia were given a welcome to the British capital. The Lord which the delegates from Ir Mayor and the Lady Mayoress are Kutgation. "Everything About the House Helps to Make the Home." By WANDA BARTON a wl Here Are Some Interesting Sugges- tions for Labor Day Parties. Labor Day is the last holiday of the summer season that is celabrated generally. The vacation crowds do not lack for amusement, but it i{s the stay-at-homes who cannot get away who are looking for suggestions which may enhance the pleasuers of the holiday, An old-fashioned barn dance ney- er loses its charm, no matter how modernized it may have become as to its dance music. If there is an available barn it should be swept and aired, then decorated with corn- stalks, goldenrod and pumpkin lan- terns, If the light is insufficient, use a few barn lanterns with red chim- neys, or cover them with red crepe paper, Aprons and bandanna headdresses for the women, with , neckties to match for their escorts, add a hote of gayety to the color scheme. Cover boxes and benches 'with red calico for seats, as no furniture should be allowed. If the music is modern, hide the musicians; if old-fashioned, costume them to carry out the idea. The re- freshments should be served on an Improvised table in the open. This is half of the fun. They may consist of cold meats, hot biscuits, honey, at the readers' right and n | Ce Er STOP THE PAIN Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatic, Backache, Sciatic and Ovarian Pains. One or two DR. MILES' ANTI-PAIN PILLS and the pain is gone. Guar- anteed safe and sure. Price 30c. old in Kingston by Mahood's Drug AAA A A DR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS FOR WOMEN'S AILMENTS 25 years Standard for Delayed and Painful Menstruation. Sealed Tin package only, all Druggists or direct by mail: Price $2.00. Knickerbocker Remedy Co., 71 E. Front St., To- ronto, Canada. The wonderfully refined, pearly - white complexion rendered, brings back the appearance of youth. Re sults are instant. Highly antiseptic. Exerts a softand soothing action. Over 75 years in use: Send 15 c. for Trial Stze FERD. T. HOPKINS & SON Montreal Gouraud's Oriental Cream cheese, coffee, baked potatoes and en custard and sponge cake. of amusement possible for those on the seashore. Thé party on the beach gathers driftwood and kindles a big fire, then all sit around it and tell stories while the fire burns. While this is going on a shore supper is in preparation, and is-served on a rude- ly arranged jpicnic table near the fire. Steamed clams, boiled lobster, corn, coffee, potato salad and lettuce sand- wiches are usually served. Water- melon or berry pie is served for des- ert. For those who are in the country, a corn roast is always a jolly ex- cuse for a gathering of friends. While the meal is being prepared a dance* may be'held on the lawns or porch- es. Corn, potatoes, chicken and squab may be roasted on a properly constructed fire outdoors, built like a clambake oven over and under the stones, or the foods may be cooked indoors, For persons in cities who are tired y Horlick's A safe milk diet, better than cow's milk alone. Contains rich milk end malted grain extract. Bav% 3 # = rm me Volo (772 NIRA INS EVAPORATED flame and fool men still fall for the vamps just as they did in the begin- ning. boiled corn. This is followed by froz- | A driftwood party is another form 1 of the conventional amusements, a dinner at a restaurant of a national- {ity little known may prove interest- ing, Not the usual Italian or French eating places, but some more unusual ones, such as Syrian, Japanese, Ar- menian or Bohemian, A "bite" party is rather a new ter leaving the museum they were each given a doughnut from a basket. Then they moved on to the next ous old house. Here they were given idea, and was tried out in a success" ful manner not very long ago. The party started at a givén point, visit. ing a small museum of interest. Af- "stunt," which was visiting a fam- ear them are the Mabarso of Imagine the brain to be like a firm oval of moulded jelly. Then imagine a bundle of delicate thread- like projections. hanging from the middle of this oval. Place this quiv- ering mass on a celluloid plate, hav- ing dozens of holes in its central part. Pass one of the threads through each hole and imagine it to be one of the smelling nerves. Now you know the relation of tho sieve-like "ethmoid bone." outer portions of the smelling appar- atus to the brain. Do you see why a violept fall on the head may result in the loss of the sense of smell? Tha blow may cause the jelly-like sub- stance of the brain to move on the underlying plate--the ethmoid bone --just enough to shear off every ol- factory fibre. When once these deii- cate nerves are cut the sense of smell is lost forever, Fortunately, this sort of accident is not common, although the advent of the automobile and the conse- quent increase in street "accidents make it an all too frequent compli- cation of modeérn life. Among the other causes for loss of smell are constitutional diseases. In every such dase a careful exa- mination of the blood should be made. Ordinarily, the cause for this dis- ability is found dn the nose itsell. Chronic nasal catarrh is the great factor. In one' form of this disease there is marked thickening of the mucous membrane, causing the | smelling bulbs to be buried so deep- ly as not to respond to the ordinary stimulus. In anqther form of catarrh, thick. foul-smelling crusts of mucus, blood and pus form in the nasal cavities. They plug up the space and prevent | normal function. { If you have lost the sense of | smell, or if your power to smell is | weakened or in any way perverted. { You require the attention of a nose specialist. He will decide whether treatment or operation is necessary. Needless to say, if the loss of smell is due to the shearing off of the ol- factory nerves there is no use spend- ing money for medicine or trea:- ment. But there will be an improvement in your case if "take #t" in time. Only a careful examination by a nosa specialist, however, can determine this. a Beer export to the United States has resumed at Windsor, many ship- ments in the last forty-eight hours having left the wharves without in- terference from license department officers. ICE CREAM AS DESSERT and For a nice dessert at small cost order MASOUD'S ICE CREAM wu will be delighted with its rich flavor and nourishing effects. Ask for it at the Stores or order it ' direct. 238 Princess St. Arr MASOUD'S Phone 980 Kingston, Ont. Thursday, Sept. Ist--Popular §0c. Children 26c. afternoon trip to Clayton, Home early. Saturday, Sept. 3rd--Regular trip to Alexandria Bay, Sunday, Sept. 4th--Regular trip to Alexandria Bay, Monday, Sept. Sth--Labor Day, Special Bay, stopping at Gananoque in both directions. Four hours in Gananoque, one hour at Alexandria Bay. Boat Leaves Foot of Brock street, PLEASANT WATER TRIPS STR. ST. LAWRENCE Wednesday, August 3ist--Regular run to Picton, 10 am. Fare 75¢. 2.00 pm. Fare 2.00 pm. Fare T5c. 2.00 pm. Fare 75c. trip down the river to Alexandria Leave 2.00 p.m. Fare 75c. Fast time, Stepping Stone an operation of any kind. longed, and conditions. REDMAC worn, tired, no ambition, supply you. CHILEAN STUDENT KILLS WEALTHY YOUNG MAN Had Dispute Over Dance--So- ciety Girl Resented Chile an's Attentions. -- New York, Aug. 29.--The unwel- come ballroom attentions of Salva- dore Laborde, a young Chilean stu- dent at Cornel] university, to Mrs. J. 8. Stuphen, Jr., the pretty wife of one of the heirs to the great Stuphen estate, led to the death of Cecil Ar- thur, aged thirty-four, wealthy young society man of New York yesterday, The trouble arose at a masquerade ball. Arthur was dancing with Mrs. Stuphen when the Chilean, taking advantage of the surroundings and the liberty of a masked ball, attempt- ed to "cut in" on the dance and in- Sisted Mrs. Stuphen dance with him. She objected and Arthur told the Chilean to quit annoying her. Mrs. Stuphen also requested the Chilean to let her alone and he left the dan- work is far more congenial, yi made thoroughly happy meantime. No more indigestion, sour stomach; you can eat whatever you like; you will be free from all stomach trouble, rheumatism and all rheumatic will put you on your Preservation of the Arteriesis the to a Long Life 3 Redmac--The Wonderful Tonic--Is The Elixir of Life. This is now an established fact--the preservation of youth and the pendent upon the success with which a remedy can active through the strenuousness of present day existence, The remedy is perfectly natural and simple, without the necessity of MEDICAL TESTIMONY will vouch for the genuineness of REDMAC, the great restorative Tonic, reports as follows: € use of the sane increases the de- outhfulness and longevity pro- feet. If you are feeling care- get a bottle of REDMAC--your druggist will Every bottle has the hexd of an Indian Chief on it. Sold in Kingston by Sargent's Drug Store. . cing floor in a mad fury, Later he encountered Arthur in the grillroom, He was accompanied by two Cubans. Laborde, without warning, is said to have struck Ar- thur and he fell to the cement floor, fracturing his skull. Arthur was rushed to the Ann May hospital at Spring lake, where he died. NEED NOT BE A FARMER. U.F.0. Will Support Liberal in North Oxford if Views are "Right." Woodstock, Aug. 29. --There is a noseibility that there may not be a U.F.0. candidate in the coming pro- vincial election in North Oxford, A prominent member of the U.F.O. ex- ecutive, when interviewed on Satur- day sald if the Liberals selected a candidate who would be acceptable to the U.F.O. for example, a man of the same type as the late John A. . Calder, the U.F.0. would not place a man in the field but would swing in behind the Liberal nominee, He Would not say who would be an ac- ceptable candidate, but he would have to be one who would not be antagonistic to the U.F.O. govern ment, cookies as théy left the porch. They stopped at several places of interest, walking and riding, always following the leader, who never failed to pro- vide the "bite." At last they reached a restaurant where a simple dinner was served. Then they journeyed on to a place reserved for them to dance, and when they broke up they had a final bite before separating.' Every one remarked that they felt very little fatigue after the strenu- ous trip, owing to the bites which kept up their strength by the way. ------------------ YOUR HEALTH What Science Can Do For Loss of Sense of Smell. (By Royal S. Copeland, M.D. Commissioner of Health, New York City.) to To give us the power to see, hear taste and smell, Nature has provided special' nerves. : 'The merves of smelling are called the 'olfactory merves." The outer' ends of these nerves are found in the nasal tissues, especially in the mucous membrane overlying the up- per part of the nasal septum--ihe partition: between the two sides of the nose. | There are endless numbers of these nerves and they run to the brain by Passing through the holes on the A:Paradox: It takes ovens of 500° of heat to make this - cooling breakfast dish-- Beng Post Toasties 'Also it's a cold fact Ghat unless you sy "Post Toastics™ to your grocer you're liable to get ordinary Corn Flakes.

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