Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Sep 1921, p. 14

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» THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG! = FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, 1021. -- -- TO JUL FOR NE NONTES 2 HE PEOPLE'S FORUM | & | |asumsaoe Ee. Ago. THE ENGLISH-AMERICAN COMEDIAN | -- NX MR. REX SNELGROVE, and the Original REX STOCK COMPANY | {| An aftermath of the dlisappear- Presenting a delightful 'comedy in four acts 5 {ance of a pair of binoculars belong- " é | .. 2. i % SED ADVERTISING RATES: TEACHERS WANTED. : FOR SALE - ling to James McGuire, Union street; z "MAN "WHO OWNED . BROADWAY" AS. a word. Bach con | was ard in the ¢ 1 . 'na QUALIFIED PROTESTANT "reed . FOU, AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, CANOES. | pera i rd 1 : police court on | . for S. 8. No. 4, Stor : ND { Phone'sil. ¥ W. C | ¥riday Born.ag: when John Gallagh- . A scenic production with Vaudeville Between Acts. i EDNESDAY EVENING, ON ! | er, a well-known young man around PYRE d - = } ; e above rat ! > Tari st, en oy tas, PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD| 0. =~ oo o_o sentenced to 'nine PRICES: --10-20-30¢.; a few at 50c. Mat.: 10¢. and 2d¢, i Lo When ohareay ite Io a 1 PE Char eens | a bird brooch. Owner furniture Apply 76 Frontenac a / ei deiing : _. | TEACHER FOR S. S. NO. 8, DENBIGH. ; e call at 1 Couper Bt. Street North. | months in jail for the theft of the . Duties to commence Sept. 1st, 1921 A Cal's WHITE COAT AT ants' Bunk. .Owner WHITE WICKER BABY CARRIAGE; 8lasses. 3 CL y atin salary and Xperi- ie 2 H y . HELP WANTED ARH En tae Nay Ravn alle Owner good condition. Apply 86 Brock| In October, 1918, Mr. McGuire GRAND | visor TOOK. Ari Vennachar, Ont. Whig Office, Street. Phone 328. | was out in his car and attended a DAY e 3 Ts ® ' R A N N N TONIGHT and Saturday ton. Sdlary Phone 811. W. Cooke, Ci APPLY MRS. W, F. NICKLE, IN O'CUNNUIK'S LADIES' EX- ' DA NE _13y Bar] Stree; 7 QUALIFIED TEACHER WANTED FOR | clusive Heady-to-wear store, TEN CLEVELAND BICYCLES, GOOD party at a home on University Aven- STARTING MATINEE _" 8. " mr ---- S. No. 16, Portland townsh a pair of Nose Glasses. kind- as new. Geo. Palmer, corner o | ue. He left his car in front of the KITCHEN AND DINING ROOM GIRL. Salary offered $900.00 per annu er. Can have same at this | Bagot and Queen. house. A week later, when he had AUGUSTUS PITOU INC. PRESENTS AN ENTERTAINMENT Apply Ruyal Hotel. estant preferred. For partic : - iE ; WHITE ENGLISH BABY CARRIAGE; ,...cion to use sume tools for bis ' THAT IS DIFFERENT rs, 'apply G. F. Storms, Secretary, BOYS COAT ON SYDENMAM ] GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY MRS, 'ergna, Ont. : Road. For particulars please used only five months. Price $20. i ~ Jas. Held, 236 Princess Street. RN ee e 1109 p23. Apply 24 Garrett Street. car, he found that they were missing, phon rue, RONG - - SMART LAD FOR DELIVERY, MORN. POSITION WANTED, A HN Nn oxaLy bE. FOX TERRIER, ABOUT Two |@iS0 a pair of binoculars. He report * Ing only. Apply 272 Princess St. { ner may have same by | months old; ood. family pet. Ap-|ed-the matter to the police, but time 4 EX -- WANTED, POSITION BY EXPERT cali'ng at the abuve address ply 115 er Teel. passed and the owner said good-bye AN PERIENCIL GENERAL MA, gardener; furnish first-class refer-| and paying charges. s TON KW IVE, | to the glasses, but on Saturday affer- Aply urs, Best, 14¢ Lower Alber: SMALL SUM Ox MONEY. A FORD TON TRUCK, WORM DRIVE, | to glasses, y Stree! - ences 1rrom leadin est lishments p, 3 2, 1 : 3 in old country and Canada. appre] ir may have same or of Bah Snap. Jeo. Palmer, |ngop last, on going into a local shop, ---- ] vor. of B d ; ; A } ! » WANTED, A MAID ¥OR GENERAL|_ Box B-2 -whig. = °° "7 i haf he was given a great surprise, for ii: . WO HD S MAS = Housework, Apply at 172 Johnson N TLE DAVENPORT, KITCHEN RANGE, 1 is missin - Clothes Wringer, solid Oak hall- there he found h ssing binocul . y » + 3 i I Stree WANTED GENERAL | rack, ete. Apply 158 Frontenac St. |ars, They had been brought to: the | | DINING ROOM GIRL. APPLY IM- | p 0 BE &i i ' ; / rR SI Hotel, Princess | PRIVATE GARAGE FOR ONE CAR.| Ve Sa 3 FRAME BUILDING, SUITABLE FOR shop to undergo repairs. The police ~ Btreet. Apply Box L.M.A., Whig Office. | . camping or poultry house; size 10 x | were. notified, and later it was found 7. Apply 47 Ellerbeck street. that John Gallagher had sold the FORTY FEET OF CHICKEN WIRE, 3| glasses to a Kingston man for §5. . i. , a feet wide. Apply to Sexton St This man had taken the glasses to ENTERTAINING--MYST IFYING--AMUSING! ATT TTT eee. | George's Hall, Wellington Street, o n See the Most Amazing Performance on Earth--Sawing a Woman in Two WOMAN TO DO WASHING AND| PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE NEAR | Wishing Lo resco tae owner may city. ' the shop for repairs. In F View of the Audience. | , § a , N T . . ih sip i PRICES :--Monday Matinee and All Evenings 25e. to $1.00 cleanin 0 Apartment city buildings wanted by m hant uO su Ly reporung the lacis te | t Jaintiff identified the glasses 8 bk x y 717 Tiviniche J loncer Ap . Apply Box L.M.A., Whig Office. Lhe Drish Whig. 'Lue adver: | 'BOWSER GASOLINE PUMP AND| Ihe DP : Bargain Matinee Wednesday, 5c. and 30c. Seat sale Friday. | A CAPABLE GENERAL SERVANT, 1 INT SMALL FARM WITHIN TEN | FULNL ARTICLES 'ADVER. | Aprly to. Mrs. Skelton, 138 Lower miles of Kingston. Apply Box M-11, IISED FREE, A Whig onice. bert street. 3 Anyone funding anything ang | Lscment will be printed fa tails tank; tank contains 240 gal; pump |as his property, and said that before |»~~nrr-- AAA mit BAKER 7T0 RUN sHOp|AT ONCE, BY YOUNG LADY, A SINGLE culumn Iree of coarge. 1 gal cap. Apply G. A. Cooper, En-| inspecting them in the store, he had : ' PLAYING while owner is away. Write W. J. room, with or without board, near "Found articles" aves got In- terprise. iy the shopkeeper description NOW PL. 2 * Haggarty, Tamworth, Ont. Collegiate Institute. Box X-31, co cluue 10st 4ugs, cattie, norses, given ;3I0piteeper a O I 3 The Star That Never Disappoints The whig. etc. Inese, IL lust, may ve ad- A FORD ROADSTER, oii? NODEL, The citizen who paid Gallagher $5 | ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN WOMAN FOR PLAIN COOKING, MAY Veirudsed tor in the "Lost" column, | starter, shock absorbers; in Al con- : rs} | Sleep home If preferred; good pay; | HOOF REPAIRING -- HOW ABOUT : | dition. Apply 8% York or phone] for the glasses gave evidence, This} in "PLEASURE glve reference. Box O-7. Whig. your root? Does it need repairing: bree | 2279w. witness said that Gallagher had told i " | | SEEKERS | A charming story of young people and young ideas, in which the realiza- | | WANTED, A GIRL OR WOMAN FOR card to F. Coventry, 5 Barrack St, |=------------ =m | TWENTY MH. P. MASSEY-HARR1s| him that he had bought the glasses 'housework. Apply to Mrs. John- Gasoline Engine; in excellent con-| from a man who was sailing on a We use Argus Hoof-proof. Drop a | son 20 Alwington Avenue, corner| ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER iat, SMALL STRAYED | fen Ami; Geoige Matihews, me Shan Sanat ls Snticipation 'of - i | boat. { - The accused gave evidence and ad- | NEXT WE NAOMI CHILDERS in "COURAC HANt AX oHAY ORDERS TAKEN | 110d selling the glasses to. the citi- non SoS! house with stable and chicken | Battersea. house; suburban district preferre J. | Heat pad in advance. Apply W. | ri) :, np 1 . Johasun, Toronto stre at, city. on premises o . . nw . «3 at my office, 33 Brock Street. Phone . general housework; one who can = 3 K. No. 5, ningston. uUwner may | 203 for first quality alfalfa hay at|zen for $5 about three years ago. He Sleep at home preferred. Apply to ANTE 5 v - -- 'e § s Bb EXPENSES 37% 0 . 2G Mrs. Prevost, 113 Earl Street. » ANTYED July Saal aT Mon. -- Nave same by paying expenses. =i $28.00 per ton. E.G. Dennee. said he bought them from a man at | red | - -- i 4 1arm and dwelling house in city MOTOR SKIFF, 23 FE. LONG, 2 CYL: |the foot of Princess street and paid Teall SL SEKEEPER WANTED Smbintd, ov Will take $3,000 on the FOR SALE. engine; first class running" orier. the man $3 re Gl . arm and $1,500 on the house. Also two oat-houses. Apply r : | ed Pak and Beto wer ma CRITONL AY AIREDALE DOG, KIND, AND GOOD! George Matthews, Battersea The police records were produced Th M 2 % 4 vi eli add -- oy 2 in October M UPHOLSTERING, Kingston, unt | GENUINE GRAPMONOLA AMD TEN = they Suowed thot reporied The | e Mystery Man must ) . . 2C* Sy o 2.50. Mr. ] { 3 X I N OVER 25 YEARS OF AGE, NG. Selections; your own choice, 42.5 * { G ORIA FIVE Nu YER 25) for advertising | mem------ | ree CAMRIAGE IN GOOD hems 31 sash; 35 per month, Sgt: | theft of the glasses and other articl- be approached in this 8nd sales work. Apply between || YALL OR DROP A CARD T0 wo J. Oy Wahgoasonable price. Apply _ R952), LMM ied Mg) rrincem St les bom his cir. Constable James t Lake O 1 ie Ahm. Roum 1, 34 Brock street, Jayine, Uphoisterer, 71s Bagot ot, 236 Wellingion Sireel, | NEW SEVEN-ROOMED SEMI-BUNG AZ| tte: cived the report of the | nanner a ake ntario 3 AN ON agston. - ANT we hzrawona Taell SEReW Le PEIN S| Cotter receive B re | 88 Fe Wi AJAROLD FUR YOUR UP-{ ONE FORD TRUCK, ONE INDIAN MO- low; hardwood floors throughout; | d msde entry. Constable | Park, on Labor Day:--- IN THE" 5 Bolstering and general repairing tor cycle, one lxcelsior motorcycle; as hd slectricuys furnace; gar theft, an made i evidence | *"B ' d : " T : 3 eave orders at ur drop a ca shes r :K sale. Apply Geurge : J. mo y eyery re-| Cotter was called and gave evi FPR betIE rt 104 Clergy street, © © "4rd lo Muller, 371-303 King si Lhome|_ SPect" Apply 520 Albert Street. [to this effect eg your pardon, Sir, " 1032w. i tar i : " 1 ; WANTED COVERED BUTTONS MADE -- | A FURNISHED FLAT IN GOOD Lo-; The plaintiff said he had paid $78 | are you the mysterious ERE 3 , S HADE TO OR- WE SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS OF) cality heated with hot water, light- | He had d th | er in a popular a and | WE SE 2 A ¢ ¥. aeale t o , i as e ad use em . y ni Finishers. Apply to John Urbs ering any Ba a gizes. musical justruments, aso cioth. | ed with electricity, consisting ot| for the glasses. ; % bi Mr. Coal of the Trades eKay, Ltd. y Goodridge, 24% University ing and furniture. Call and get cur kitchen, living room, bedroom | for seven years and had no trouble EE. J. . "" vi eS. . 2859 bP ce study, balcony qd f ele- | in 5 d I b PPR SLIOPILIDS Avenue, prices. lL. Routoara, 289 I Fincess| study, or Be oile-| in identifying them. an apor Council? A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH habits. Apply b% Brock Street,| ELINOR GLYN Bring the Kiddies to see sireel. Phone 17:3. J"L. Whiting conducted the pro- MUTT & JEFF FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN- VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE OR mo |S°Cution and Ambrose Shea appeared . AD New Pathe Serial AL I FAR) SALE whe MAKE MONEY HOME---$15 TO $60 ished; guns, gramaph : -| WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF . W ante paia any your spard time paired ys Ps as, te, good second hand furniture and rent, 208 acres, fishing lake, never-| for the accused, Ta gry IE AVENGING ARROW? 'writing showearis for us. No can Stanton & Sleeuh, 35 Princess Se. SICVes. Any person having stoves failing well, bank bars for 30 cows; r-- EVERY THING WITH RUTH ROWLAND ing. We Instruct and supply ere 84C furniture to dispose of, we wii} rame house; cemen cellar; 5 a} ; . TR A CIE Th er teeters YOU with work West. Ang os Shin Lay highest prices. J. Thompson Coles prom Kingston. Apply 11¢| Business between Bulgaria and the a--/214 Prine: BACK TO PRE-WAR. PRICES card Service, 17 Colborne Building, CHIROPRACTIC 333 Princess street. Pnone 1600w. Colborne Street. United States has made great strides X Toronto. i . recently in spite of the depreciation ORF BRRiiR Linens 0 CITY LOT, 60 FEET FRONTAGE; 117 | of Bulgari y. Petroleum lead 5 MBE p, 7| of Bulgarian money. Tr s BE at or Ach LELIABLE _ SALES| Wi. A. MARCELIS, D.C, Pa. C, Cor.| CCREXOR SUMMLR U3: I SHEAPEST feet deep: for cash 3225.00. 'Also|( CD : ith commierce WARWICK BROS. w--agent for each unrepresented coun- ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 2nd livering 1-4 tous ai $2.50; % tons Incubator, 140 egg, and two brood-| in Bulg ' Ask Your Grocer i or territory. Exclusive selling floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, , or a full ton at $9.00, ers; hot water heated. Only used American oil practically monopoliz- : rig! . ------ at $4.0 y 3 y ; 3 hts; good pay to energetic rep- Ont. Consultation free. Tel 8 , once. Cawson, 248 Concession St. : Ww ya pool pay Boney 18 vain. Sond. Honea a huon free. 7 elepnone Phone 161lm. W. C. Bruton, near Victoria Street. ing the Bulgarian market. | . KENT MACNEE FOR shies, te Hie. Pelham Nursery Co. = Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock and oronto, . : TWO HAND MADE WREATHS, ONE ip ' King Streets. Phone 701 or 13274. ' T= T= | DR. GEO. ¥. LUCY, DR. JENNIE A, of feathers and one of wool. For Lager eTED SReAN ar TO rLxT. General Insurance Agency WAGSTAFFE S or Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and inspection please call at James SC. yr : 0 WANT A COMMERCIAL TRAVEL- Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot street. Reds Rr by ars, Ames Jeheol or you Also an harmon- FURNISHED ROOMS OF 357 JOHNSON | Writing: --Automobile, Fire, Accident, ler, living at Kingston, to sell at a Telephone 943. Hours 9 to 12 am. cess street, or 152 Ordnance Nt. sale. ADRly Goorse whan quick street. .Speclal terms to perma-| Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, etc. PURE FRUIT commission boots and shoes whole- 1 toband 7 to 9 pm. Spinal ager Griffin Theatr . nent roomers. Representing Only Reliable Companies. wr 3 is useless to juaks apbliL anaiysis and consultation free. ger hn . tion if you have no e require tesidential calls by appointment. { SALE OF MILLINEAY GOODS, CON- N-ROOMED HOUSE; B. AND Cj 3 JAMS AND MARMALADR perience. Address by letter to re nee sisting of Malines, Veiling, Straw E OF USED BICYCLES, VDE gas for cooking. Possession Oct.| ML " FoR SALE B v * D. I, 29 Ave. Reneaud, Quebec, o » 2 TANDEM 1 Whig. FINE BRICK RESIDENCE, NO, 1x3 Braids, rlowers, Ribbons, a few ye v o st. Apply Box T-29, # " i ' < LEGAL atraw shapes. ane chiens pio¥ bicyeles, 1 Crescent of in, frame, 3 - Ww Nam Street, containing 1211 Sold in 12 and 16 oz. Glass Pots Apply 112 Lower William Street Si riands, 39 Mel DST 2s Fr 1., i| FIRSTCLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; Jooms, electric Ughting; hot wate: and 2, 4 and 7 1b gold lined tins CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. ies an MONS Bia all improvements; centrally locat- sating; large lot with garage; one ' ArT three brett ee ers and Solicitors, 7 .Clarence FARM AND FARM STOCK OF HARRY 1-373 King street. Phone ed.' Apply 243 University Ave. Nous: is I eatigne ln, the Pay. E street, ngston. A. B. Cunning-| FA A FAR) '0C THA 5 : TRB se 8 or fine re WANTED ham, Cyril M. Smith, a J. Slieeth, centre of lot five, in con- GARAGE, NEAR, Conse SEEN ey i oe re. ] v cession eight, Storrington. For an ago pply D. G. y, i el Pie ' AE S8llorésses. Apply to John Mc- #| AMBROSE SHEA, B.A. BARRISTER price and particulars, apply = at R. 1, Kingston. Phone 1100 r 22. 14 particulars apply to D.'A. Cays Kay Company, Limited. and Solicitor, Law office, corner of premises. Harry J. Sleeth, owner, : . : 4 - & En - x 2 ISE, | "re : King and Brock, over Hoyal Bank. battersea, Qnt. | A NINE ROOMED STONE JOUSE, Te ru --y 'ee n t n. Pha 1999. ap { 146 Montreal St, all improvements. FOLK SALE -- +944 $2442 40 oe = No 0 joan. Phage 1393 USED CARS AND TRU CKS, EXHIBI. USImess or e Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant April a . FARM OF 100 ACRES, NOW s Come PAINTING AND PAYER HANGING BITION AND SALE COAL, WOOD AND BUILDERS' i ne pam Ds pomEaeat sit 2 h LO. Al L uated in wnship of K t 7 an) TNEE--MEN 86-10 DAILY, 3 | Begin Friday (To-day). Make an ofter, SUPPLIES | "TWO STORES, NOS. 42 AND 44, PRIN Concession: Faun, OL Jeingeion, yeh Auto BE oes Ng Phi WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR| \Dandler Touring, good as new. a cess Street, and ldrge garage at in Al condition; good frame barn GOOD, CLEAN coA month Tr LJoursg $30; one Paperhanging one, urop a card o Ford Coupe 1920. Established 1890, rear. Possession November 1st. with' fine stabling; best of wath , CLEA) OAL. ractor Course $60; Pp Ford Touring 1918, { Apply 249 Brock Street. and telephone 'ther fa or Blenty NY to finish for the A. Mounteer, 84 Arch street. Ford Touring 1913 Located In the City of Kings- { ang gleinone: Diher Terms for h ul Hemphill Bros, Auto ATT Pord Touring isi. ' ton. The propert 3 0 PAR ENT, FIVE S Street." FY. A Lays, 57 Broc * Rt 1 I 8 19 property consists of | APARTMENT, FIVE ROOMS, BATH Street. Ww. Fraction School. 163 King st., PAINTING AND PAPER MANGING --J, Ford Touring 1% two brick stores with dwelling | room and balcony; near City park. | ree a ad WIC ' $tio up. Can. 10, aud room Flanagan, Painter and Decorator | Xord Light Truck. above, coal sheds, etc. First class Possession Sept. 1st. Also garage. | 8 Pp. or write. Estimates freely given Metalli Ford Ton Truck (worm-drive) jrage in eon dime, zement, Plas | Apply 126 Bagot street. THOMAS COPLEY " 8 4 h ao udhope Touring. er ¢ enerai supplies for - - New local : Bold letters for store and J oftice Mitchell Heavy ruck. building traues. Owner retiring || --ROOM APARTMENT, ALL CONVENI. Telephone 987 : toh Phone 1432 . Indian Motorcycle owing to ill-health. For infor- ences, electric light, gas range. Ap- 5 . Corner Ontury a BUNS tp Cleveland Bicyele. milion Apply DA. Says or Wil- | ply between 3 and 7 p.m. at 313 Want Rania and West Sta. 0% " Drury, Kingston. University Avenue or phone 2w. y one 67, kof ARCHITECT GEO, A. PALMER, " uaranteed or money re Licensed Dealer. ee | UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOM ON Need floors uf a. All orders | | 1 h lica mus PAGE AND WARRINGTON, REGIS-| Cor. Bagot and Queen - pj BR { ground floor; suitable for one or]? Ve Prompt attention. Shop ~-- financiall responsible. 1; "t = tered architects, 199 Yonge Street, Open evenings to 10 ue nv DEST TS heroonsl Sheets Hehe And Nee St Sheet. reas 3 Toronto. - ---- of kitche sired. 5 Or OAT E------------ * looking ne peniiioodyb de pendent, ronte DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE street, Discovery of a rare and valuable 1 ry Here First Da oRaIDIM Ios, th ! PLANS-SURVEY S-SESTIMATES =x MOTOR BICYCLE OUTFIT, ELECTRI- 208 Princess Street. IPhone 652w. THREE-ROOM APARTMENT, FURN.|SPecimen of a carnivorious dinosaur, ra S. Scott, B.A., c. em. Eng. [ equipped, 1921 Bri -8 DIE AD A aS ------------ - : Le i : a, R& c Inst. 123 King Street. Phone 1639. ton Yo Wheel and Ey ua Dus. SPARKS Jap SPARKS, LEN. ished for housekeeping; near tars; Nien has become extinct, according King Quality Briars ........$1.28 hy pn x . tists, ellington street, uv. or 6 months; terms mos 8. 8 = | LO conservy vi : Y fee, 651 Queen Street East, 1... ---- ro BRE ar fudiaj Bicycle. Everything in Carnovsky's. Phone S460 Cob ver pie Dn eT ee UT ative estimates, 3,000,000 | Photo Cigarette Case trraeae J60 ¥ Bets, "Marans naar LARCH. ADply Treadgold's. or Sei Lk SIL. Whig Office. Years ago, was recently made by Dr. | Real Rubber Pouches . ....... .50 FANCY GOODS, corner of Brock and Wellington -- -- | on. Ran i aLLAY, DENTIST: 5 FURNISHED NINE-ROOMED HOUSE J. A. Allan, a member of the Univer- | Colgate Shaving Stick ...... S50 do CHIN + NE 4 ¥ SETTER ce 8 . TY 3 en | ¥ NI 0 NE- ISK, . , , >, - streets, -- M Al NET : fRLOR tor TES, evenings by appointment. Pp hardwood floors; electr!c light; hot sity of Albérta vertebrate palaeont- Colgate's Tooth Paste-. ..... 33 . , , NG | === ; So ' Tooth Brush--Bargain: . ; He araion, kaif FICOT EDGING, AC- | FURNITURE FINISHING tension ladder, wheelbarrow, gare DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, UAS Rb. air furnace; nice lawn and garden. ological field party, operating on Ealns 13 3 ou: on. kn den seals, coal oll he : Apply 44 Collingwood Street, org : y Latest Magazines--Choice Cigars rs 9 to 5. Mrs. B.A. Card, | bath. laundry Bove. Toot Snore sumed practice at $2 Princess St. phone 2312W. : Sand Creek, eight miles northeast of 8 rrace, Montreal -:.| CALL on bop A CARD TO W, DRIS- street. Evenings. rer Bunk of Nuva Scotia. Phone nr -- Patricia, Alta, opposite Artillery Park. coli, 23 John street. 602J. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, ELEC- ac er oa Y. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, ere, a tric light: gas; hot water; 138 King | Getting, sunburnt eyelashes dyed + a PERSONAL A street, near City Park. Also well dark while you wait is the latest 269 PRINCESS STREET New.elt mattions. $5.00. furnished 'bed. sitting "room, *. With! trix of Brooklyn girls. A beauty Phone 1283F . fire place. Telephone 931, ER : MATRIMONIAL AND PASTIME rlo s Coal of the Very Highest Grade; Properly Springs, 3-4 and full size, $3.50. Circle. Pamphiets 5c. No stamps. | TWO, THREE OR FOUR UNFURNIS. | Parlor near Borough Hall which does "The Busy News Stand" : the job in 15 Iron Beds with brass rails, $4, $1. Remailed sealed. Box 14, Isher- ed rooms on bath room fat; suit. | the J 15 minutes for 50 cents 1 EA, min, » 2 able for light housekeeping; gas for | is doing a sure fire business "giving Tio who Lo doing Sohne gy y v cooking and lMghting. Apply 36]. e g can al Prepared and Delivered Anywhere. Bison, Sr Gnnges with ovens, A, und MAIR, MOLES, WARTS, ®IRTH- Clergy street West. Phone 109s. | Settings to the eyes." Ways find helpers, marks, skin cancers, scars, ete, re- aN F - GOOD DRY WOOD Several Planos $45.00 and $65.00. moved permanently, Satisfactory | FOR RENT, SEPT. 1st, A id glasses ltted and furmished after artly furnished house; 8 rooms; I Oak Buffet $25.00. others have failed. Goitre removed, "desirable locality; references re ; E 85 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. [ quired. Address F. 309 Colling- . Li it We buy all kinds of furniture. Take oye, dar. Nose, Throat "Skin. 'woad street, - 2 Zot Street. one . : % v' Ee rE STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, k ames . 0., mi b LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP avay, airy rooms; your own lock SIGNS and key. Frost's City Storage, 199- : wh Phoue 1040w. B07 Princess Street. 306 Queen St." Phone 526; res. 989w. ~~ Foot of Johnson St. -------- SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, -- " - 2 y' oy on larg# or small, Posters, Showecards, | FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR BATEMANS REAL ESTATE. displays a specialty, by" Shaw at 213 light housekeeping; modern im- FOR SALE Princess Street. provements. Apply Pioneer Apart. -- ments, 212 Division Street. Phone FOR SALE, NORTH END, FRAME ms ; : : SIN PPORTU) " house; 5 rooms; large lot: a great BU INESS OPPORPUNITIES, YOUR ROOM ANTMENT, aD i a y ee snap for an immediate sale. | You Take Your Watch -- FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BEST GO- Stove. Bester. romincrato mls ofan "OL stove, heater. refrigerator, modern AR , . . * $3000--FRAME HOUSE; GOOD CONDI- ing business hotels; vicinity King- 1 p . Appl, ite - . blacksmith to have it red? Not quite, tion; B. and C.; electric lights; govd ston; general and Summer trade. surance Office, 230 Bagor prec.) y a bi Hi h k lot; for quick buyer. Everything in first class order. ! would look for th t.watch maker. -- Owner retiring on account of Ii-| FURNISHED BUNGALOW OF SEVEN ; . you . > bile. We have SLT00--FOR TWO FRAME HOUSES; 4 health. Apply Box R-1. Whig. rooms, Bot water furnace. electric ; I same applies to an automo . and 5 rooms; lot §6x132. North end. ght, gas for cooking; a fully mod- . ~ ern house and well furnished. Pos- wl ; J-- FINANCIAL > proper equipment and the right class of S000 vnANE: 4 WOONS, NEW; B. a : Aency. 35 Broek Bereet. C0! ~ "FB 50" TOURING CAR Ia iece of mechanical pil ; - to do. the proper Pigs Avinced : C. SEMLDETACHED, Six! STRANGE & On TY Suma NCE ONE LARGE OR TWO is the leader in medium-priced cars. It has everything : Try our pl an convin . rooms; B. and C.; dewn towa, the most unfurnished rooms; newly decorat- ace pag Snare eempanius. pr ed; hot 'water heating, clecitic in the way of power, 1doks, size and durability that ears End of Wellington St. $6.500--BRICK; 10 ROOMS; LATEST OpPOBite the Post oice. lights; gas for cooking. Apply 3% selling Tor $1,000.00 more have. DRY DOCK C0. East pion ROOM Bagot street, two blocks from Prin- We are pleased to announce to intending pufchasers that 3 -- FRONTENAC LOAX AND INVEST. $3400--BRICK: SEMI-DETACHED; ; incorporated 1861. = : Wi P. Nickle, K.C - A meng. ¥ooms; ho! water heating; side en- President, La ; viee- | RUILDING, NO. 15, MONTREAL ST. . ' tion Sales trance; right of way. resident, Cunningham. Next Sergant"s Drug Store: suitable $ 1 500 00 -- Et nc tia mites dns fr peta Aer . . ropertie e tenants. Ap- the best auctioneer in Kingston. RICK: SIX ROOMS; THREE- benturés; mortgages purchased: ply to H. J. Ryan, corner ef John- Com pped, delivered Iam me prove it. Bloc ath: hot air; hw. floors investment bonds for sale: deposics son and Saar et Phone Completely equi " vered Kingston . t 8 ' Tecelved and Interest allow. R. 1146 or Dr. E. Ryan, Rockwood . 08) Make . . er C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- Hospital. HEVROLET BEDFORD The Auctioneer HOUSES TO RENT---FURNISHED OR ence street. Kingston. a : O SALES' AND SERVICE unfurnished. mp acne a oa woo HEEL BAWDEN & EDWARDS ING use, good condition; 2 ros od Ff pagsy w. JOHNSON, AT.CM,, TEACH h CARPENTER table; well watered; 14 miles from er of Violln asd Piano. Pupils pre-| ed. BR 39 MONTREAL STREET ? . PHONE 400. WANT THE CARPENTER Kingston, z pares for examinations. Studio: tal $50 r A WHEN EY AS Tnirs 212 BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE 07 CollingWood Street, near John- + ITaiveraity Avenna Phona i3itw. 155 Welllaxton Street. Minus: san. Phone 2319w. at the new prices we have the best car for the least money

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