> Sy "HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG\ ha ' PT. 3, 1923¢=------, ===}; ADEE NT GUD IGDENTS OF TIE DN [es [rapper to Wearer The Rex Stock Company Opens Racy Local News and Items of Fi aa ow # -----n | : FINE CANADIAN FURS a Three Days' Engage= General Public Interest. | 1 3 al Uo ' ment Here. Try Chadwick's coal. Prone 67. £ 3 --_ . avm-------- September has five Thursdays and FUR COATS "The Man, Who Owned Broad- Fridaye. | . ray ¢ comedy iw four acts, | pianog tuned. Phone 1544, C. W. | mn pr 1 the Rex Stock Company, { Lindsay, Limited - * d ted a big house at the Grand Mr. and Mrs. Allison Martin, Yar- ' : . PERSIAN LAMB ro-tiouso 08. Thursday. Veni ier were-imwhe cioy-om-omtay: A ole N.. : -- , win : From ing of the curtain in tas / This 'newspaper never contains an HUDSON SEAL. | first a o tie close of the fourth, it | gqcertisement that ie not important | | aming success, and there |y ..q..o : ALASKA SEAL { was not a d il moment, for betwsen The name of H. M. Mowat, M.P., 1s | the acts the tension of the audience |, .nyaned 46 an appointes to the Su- | 7 feature vaudeville | 0000 Court Bench of Ontario. or | ea aay more and Willisms, ive Miss Rita Ready, Deseronto, wag IK ing and dancing artists, a ® | in Kingston attending a reception of _-- = Ian aT, Park Kidd eu hain novices at the Houses of Providence. . - > Wisi a NGS: I Tons "TAG ie Hovdon| od, Suiine, las0 tupes, erders All the HITS from "THE LAST WALTZ" -- regular v Moon." ., | Phone 564w. rice 50c. Cate ssn vanes . THREE FOR 1.00 EXCLUSIVE CLOTH COATS | 'The Man W Sound Broadvm Watch for the full programme of P each, are $ . revealed a S ¢ ex Sne ve, ic c : . - 3 3 Fur trimmed---made to special order. mei of rare APTLY, Wis Seon [Lori tor Liber Day plesi: at Lake This number is now being played in every theatre in bs > {as Jeckson Joues in the title role, a | 5 go Martin, Syracuse, N.Y., re- the city, / y { character he istained throughou turned home Monday after spending : : | with consummate skill. His personal. the past tires weeks with his brother ( a ow inating one, but BIZ | op 4po 510 pome-stead near Yarker. -- ---- | h, was an snqualitics If you are/ not sure what sort of PN 9 ® success. William Yule, a former 4 A thing to pufchase, study the adver- boy, son of James Yuls, g p ¥ Kingston tisement d hat oth 1 149 to 1 57, BROCK STREET, wy has won recognition as an actor, ie. 2nd See What otwer people : ta} i of | gives a finished interpretation of} = py. 0 "4, ote gtantdrd, Conn., and | "smi ey anna 4 tarot | w--" ere Rankin, the b : oH Noam Misha | Percy Hogle, Watertown, N.Y., spent | / { 'HE COI : EGE BOOK S } ORE ---- een. . {is the wily ahs Persiste a 3 Cote | 12st Tuesday with their brother, a in tion lawyer, 1 e; MOE Ia | portrays the typical New England |! ae and fruit Open Nights Phone 919 rank ind ee N x Pa 5 B | . ? . JE ae ast! PIR Jo hie Jaesids, Ottawa, is dead aged eighty- : : | ever-prese recoc {nin ; y 1 Y 1 1 [Sous to do. freat. things somo day, |1i.years, Fe was father of Hts Our prices on Sheet Music are lower than anywhere else in Canada. Charies Hannah 18 S063 as Higned Worth-while stores always adver- > ifactory labor spokesman, al | | liam Wrenn as Wallace Sr, head of a | Hise. Bomelitar 1A! when piansing ; certising fir But the Rex' Pping exp * orth- big advertising 5 W for aniate | while stores always advertise! Stock Company 1s y v t Ta oI toy arate: Katherine Van-| C. E. B. Price, Brockville, leaves 3 any rmplt in the charac. 4° end of September to accept a Esse scored a iri | position as organist at St. Paul's sor Tons sign- | ter of the unscrupulous and desig | Presbyterian church, Peterboro, be , 3 oe |ing Mrs. Gerard, while the beautiful | ; . : ; {Zana Veughn and Gloria Machan A Saseoe Gojt 2a County ke provide the love scenes that are the | co be ee Srean zed. Grounds ; {happy climax to embarrassing en- | 2'e been purc ased along the river as and running back to the Kingston ; road. a -- gry |tanglements. May Marsh as Mrs. IQ iene Park as 'Lis- Spottswood ard Gene Pa 3 The clearing house returns for the of DANCE NUMBERS beth complete the cast. week ending Sept. 1 Sy x OD e acts Rex Snelgrove | o g Sept. 1st as announced . Ilo, a Voice From Mummy Land, Fox Trot--Ye Melody Men I - os Splon {by W.-B. Brown, manager of the Stolen Kisses, Fox Trot--Diamond Trio . ..... .216817--$1.00 did reception given "The Man Who | Kingston Clearing House were $638,- ) One Step--Van Eps Quartet ,.% ......ounu....216316 Owned Broadway" on it first appears | °" 295. : - Xn My Wippy Canoe, Waltz--Diamond Trio ... ; $1.00 ance. and announced that it would | Leaman Smith, formerly of King- . Te . jan cated Friday and Saturday. | ston, has purchased from the estate : : - + » 18770° poz ' jof J. M. McLennan, Brockville, the | with a ecial matinee on Saturday. Y ' $1.00 [ui LE Sompany witls pro- | ce cream and ontestionery business : VOCAL RECORDS | viding the most popular comedies, | "POWR as the Brock Tea Room. : : : "of P Levis James . Sola meen 216319 | with star casts i: making an experi- by Dn August Zen the Glebe Pree: Special Line of Heavy, All Wool Serge--in a beautiful shade of _ Mother 'earl . eens es 2168 'back to pre-war prices" |Dbyterian church, Ot:awa, by Rev. You Made Mo Forget How to Cry, Charles Harrison .. . $1.00 et is bu thirty | corte, | Wesley Mogaw, Florence May Ewing, Navy and Black. Fast color. ........... . Saturday, $1.00 a yard Molly on a Trolley, Billy Jones...... .... rita (216815 | with a few fifty-cent seats. 'This is | Carleton Place, and Milford Parkin- Emaline, Billy Jones and Crescent Trio none eee. 840 I a Fe a ir 12 (som Luwson, Kiosston, Mere terme. A big range of Fancy Coatings in good shades of Heather mix- Marie, My Girl--Hughes Macklin Sarees as ins iree. 2160308 | make the break in prices to the low Dress up Boys--See our range of . Mother O'Mine--Hughes Macklin ...,..... ; $1.00 {1evels, and the popularity of the |DOYS' suits, $6.50, $7.50 'and 39; tures, in Browns, Greens and Blues . ...... -Saturday, $2.00 yard sain lemmas sos , best value in city. Made-to-measure | vas s by the prea- . . . Learn to Smile--John McCOrMACK yumm... . ..64982--$1.25 OTE a ao on Thiiedsy |SUits 1h Scotch tweed, fegular valse 200 yards of Fancy Plaid Dress Geods in medium and dark 2 0 $45, for $35 a suit. Prevost, Brock : 3 [RB wi Owed Broadway treet Toe colors; splendid for Children's Dresses ........ . . Saturday 50c. yard {is a mirth-producing side-spli'ting | Miss Board, Watertown, N.Y., who . . v ie 4 . ; M AHOOD BI ROS. ai: one in waiah Rex Saclgrove (Has been entertained during her two Just in--Black and White Check Suiting--54 inches wide: good . | is t his best, and no patrons | Weeks' 'visit in the city, was the : . "THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA" I OR Et haa T] suest of honor at a Jol por iv heavy weight; regular $1.50 .................. . Saturday, 98¢c. yard to see it Friday or Saturday will be a Tuesday Svesiar at the home of $ inted, er cousin, Mrs, Charles Quick, 451 1 disappoin on Division street. Twenty-two people SCHOOL HOSIERY \ sat down to supper. Miss Board left a ne Thursday for Montreal oF a weer ~~ A big range of Children's Schopl Stockings in all the best TEA WILL Bi IN MARINE 1, viet with 2 cousin. fu. thas ity. makes--all marked at special low prices for school opening. or Sale I | : 48000--rrame nouse, rooms, [i(ll ADVANCE [|i on ries Sin «corpo ot soni | 5, Saturday Cas Bargains: BOYS' WOOL JERSEYS | | ene po pt | | v 3 | At Taylor & Hamilton' . x B. and C,, summer kitchen, I : {for' the city and is discharging at. , go "\o' ¢ A iy : y 3 | stable, garage, poultry house, fII[l Get eur sups1 at the towent [[f| Crawtora's whart. or 10 SLOT ei aicd Wash bol Just received a full range of Boys' All-Wool Jerseys: in all acetylene gas plant, about 2 [iil] Price. :..35c. 1b, 3 ibs. for $1.00 [I| The tug Thomson arrived from Yanited Vash bom: Fda oo a: had 1s; acres of land, 7 miles from [| 800 tins Sardines 8 tor 18e. [f|| Oswego With the barge Cobourg.) .. nN, 'g copper wash boilers for Shades, al. sizes, 3 ety. =f Sas Ill] 250 tan Crinco (10)... 340 [fl{i0nded with coal fo Mon fron. clear- | $4 each; three No. 9 copper wash street, cement ll inest Belleville Butter FER 'The schooner Horace ? . boilers for $4.50 each; twelve 12- a ig |ed for Oswego on Friday. block, 9 rooms, H. W. fur- Catsup (large) |" The steamer City of Ottawa pass- ping aluminum kettles for $1.75 nace, H. W. floors, electric --- Salmon (%s) .........,.3 for 27e. |ll! ca down to Montreal Thursday even- HH if Mathew's Pure Lard ........20¢. | ing. tight, a, : J Corn Syrup (28) ....n.......10e The steamer Kingston down and ewman aw 0 ncess street, brick,. ji ji @ 5 Be +A Extra Fine Rice - fH up to-day. "The Hat Store" oo | " , HW. floors, B. and HI] - Gord Dust Corn Meal 6 for 23c. The tug Thompson cleared for Os- CAH. "A. 'furnace, electric fii li Large Oranges .......40¢. dosen ||| ¥ O50 Thursday. jad, gas. I] - ! The steamer Brockville is due in ° . Kingston's Carpet Warehouse - | fH Save the Difference" | port Friday from bay ports, and next { ENERAL INSURANCE | I { week will go into the Davis drydock 0 day d S Tg SRE and So1q Hi 9 | for general repairs. The steamer St. - Wil en a) | Lawrence will take over its route. ' 5 d ll it | > | "The St. Lawrence cleared for NEW FALL STYLES ARE -- The McCnnn Agency | South Bay Friday to pick up a cargo ADJUTANT AND MRS. SMITH cam amp canme [GL foi or Ble suhue | REAL ESTATE #6 Broex st. [i|l ALFRED and PRINCESS ss, The steamer Buena iste Vieares Review Friendships at the Salvation Friday for Picton to get a cargo o > Army Citadel. . : | canned goods for the Kingston Navi- > Adjutant A: yy Smith and Mrs. NO. 229 EARL S I REET IAB wi: so ato" the spss snd cummed Sa) im (Between Barrie and Division Streets) = a ey EEE Es --_-- ston for seven years in the Salvation --= | goods trade for this company. ) { i ; Army work snd who for the past IS FOR SALE. -- two years have been in Ottawa with al : : . 3 No. 1 corps there, conducted the ser- This is a cement clad dwelling (detached) PEOPLE ARE GLAD vices at the Salvation Army citadel | with 7 rooms, B. and C. separate, electric light oT : , B. . separate, electric light, yo HAVE ELECTION / Taaroaar ee ly ana|| gas and good yard. Possession Sept. 20th. Judging by the Manner in stopped off in Kingston on their way Price $3,000. / back from a Salvation Army rest Which the News Was | / camp at Jackson's Point on Lake Received. N / Simcoe. Adjutant G. T. and Mrs. E. W. MULLIN & SON i - \ Goodhew of the local corps were also Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate Judging by the expressions of : > at the camp for three weeks and re- Cor. Jobmsom amd Division Streets. « « - Phones 539w and 539J. opinion given around the city on turned home last week. Friday morning, the announcement ahe new Fall Hats are here The service last evening was con- of Premier Meighen at London, Ont., and when Labor Day arrives it's ducted by Adjutant Smith, and Mrs. on Thursday night, that there would generally about time to discard Smith sang a solo. The officers were be an election before the ner year, the Summer Straw or Panama. greeted by a goodly eudience, who has been received with general fa- As usual, we are showing a were glad to welcome them back to 4 9 vor. wonderful variety of shades their old charge. The occasion was £ HILDREN S A large number of citizens anxi- and shapes -- all from the one for special music from the bana ously awaited the result on Thurs- , and songsters, day night, but owing to the fact that |g "Oa best makers, such as Christy, Hawes, Borsalino, Pic- London is working on the old time, Opening of the Robert Meek School. SCHOOL SHOES cadilly and others. The Collegiate Institute and pub- : It was about eleven o'clock, Kings-|® ton time, before the premier's an- lic schools will reopen on Tuesday ' 3 4 3 : nouncement was received here. Cloth Hats for fall will also 8! morning, Sept. 6th. The formal op- Featuring Now, All 8cig Jeatiser Show at New Prices--Better The Whig secured a special bulle- have a big call----very reason. ening of the Robert Meek school, sit- 4 ic tin from the Canadian Press at To- able in price, as are also uated on the corner of Bagot and BOYS' GUN METAL LACE BOOTS---sizes 1 to 51%; ronto, at this hour, and the news new Fall Caps. : Dufferin streets, will take place on regular $5.00 value; all sizes $2.95 was given to the anxious ones who Fe 2 the same day at 2.30 p.m. Principal YOUTHS' BOX C 1 : Semigen did not mind staying up-late for the 44 Taylor and Dr. Ross, M.P.P., will be 9 11 to Ai SAL» SOL D LEATHER BOOT nes $2.50 news. ? New Soft Felts . .$2.50 to $8.00 among the speakers, At the conclus- NEW nies On Friday morning the Whigs |W ney stiff Hats . $8.00 to $7.50 J} | fons of the proceedings the ladies of MISSES' HIGH TOP LACE BOOTS--sizes 11 to 2; all telephones were kept buzsing an- ¢ 5 the Home and School! Club will serve sizes; now 4 swering queries about the announce- New Cloth Hats . . .$2.50 to $4. refreshments. The public are cordial- CHILDREN'S BOOTS---sizes 8 to 1014. Big specials ment made by Premier Meighen. ly invited to attend. : At . «o- BL75, $2.00, $2.25 to $3.00 New Fall ....81.50 to $8 -------- r Cape "BRING THE CHILDREN HERE TO BE FITTED" Hn " Et A Hat bought here means a season of content. See our complete assortment of new shapes. Pri are lower this fall. os We Sell every best make, including the celebrated Borsa- Hino, for which we are the Kingston Agents. i ; P.W.O.R. Pienic. : Peaches--Peaches, BROS Spend Labor Day at Brophy's Crawford, Elberta, No. 1 peaches, e \ Point. P.W.O. Regimental picale. only $1.26 per large basket. Hender- |B} Leave city 10.30, 1.30 and 3.00. Y son's Grocery. . Str. Wolfe Islander, Sports, music, . \ -------------- » o dancing. Ki Peaches, large basket. No. 1 qual- 189 Princess Street | Phone ------ ity, $1.25, at Henderson's Grocery, . 2210, August had no frost, after all, Brock street, - / { ' EEA TT &-