Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Sep 1921, p. 5

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FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, 1921. = CHOICE WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS _ McGEEIN'S | Phone 1182 282 Princess Street \ BUIL -- ---------- FOR MOVING OF Freight, Fugniture, Safes, Planos and Cartage of every gescription-- Kingston Transfer Co. Phone 877. 153 Wellington Street. DAVID SCOTT Plumber Piambing and Gas Work a apecial. ty. All work guaranteed. ddregy 145 Frontemae Street. Phone 1277, DR.A.W. WINNETT D.INTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnsun and Wellington Streets Phone 363 Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Angrove's Repair; Scal Talking Machines, Bicycles Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, etc. We J ir work right and guaramtee satisfaction, 197 WELLINGTON STREET Anat WATTS o ; People's + Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res., 1137, mt | DING? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 2! Main Street. Phome 1670. I' Furniture--Freight--DBaggage TRANSFER Phone 1776J | A oY THE DAILY -BRITIS H iH WHIG. \. Kingston and Vicinity eo Are You on Your Way To insert an ad in our classified columns? Somebody is searching im- patiently for that property you are S. WHITEMAN 210 QUEEN. STREET r-------------- s « FOR SCALDS, CUTS AND BRUISES, FOR COLDS, COUGHS AND BRON CHIAL AFFLICTIONS, FOR STIFF MUSCLES, SPRAINS AND STRAINS AND NUMEROUS OTHER AILMENTS COMMON TO MAN AND BEAST, THERE #8 NOTHING SUPERIOR TO THAT OLD "TRIED AND RELIABLE REMEDY, D® THOMAS' |ECLECTRIC OlL ats Nt lA PATTON'S | DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty | Phone 2i4. 3490 Princess St DRE SSMAKER MADE WELL Followed a Neighbor's Advice and Took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Vernon, Tex.-- " For three years I suffered untold agony each month with ins in my sides. found only tem- porary relief in doctor's medicine or anything else I took until my husband saw an advertisement of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. 1 men- tioned it to a neighbor and she told me she had taken it with good results and ad- vised me to try it. I was then in bed t of the time and my doctor said would have to be operated on, but we decided to uy the Vegetable Compound and I also used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash. I am a dressmaker and am now able to go about my work and do my housework .besides. You are welcome to use this letter as a testimonial as I am always glad to speak a word for your medicine."-- Mrs. W. MA. STEPHENS, 1108 N. Commerce St., Vernon, Tex. Dressmakers when overworked are prone to such ailments and should profit by Mrs. Stephens' experience and try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound. It contains no nare cotics or harmful drugs, | up-to-date lodge room wishing you could sell. "Ay, There's the Rub--" Sign in repairer's window Reads, "Kids cleaned, 15 cents." Which seems from nurse's viewpoint A modest recompenspg. Ile Hunters of Opportunities, | Are abroad in our city: They are armed with the classified columns of this paper. If you have anything of interest, tell'them in a classified aay Glad To Go There, You'll always be glad you visited the store that advertised. Because you will always find just what you want and it is such a saving in time and energy. | "~4 School Teacher Married. Miss Edith E. Dolan, Carleton cessation { Place, for some yers a member of the Renfrew public schoo! staff, has | become the wife of Frank R. Dunn,' of Renfrew. The marriage took place jon Aug, 23rd. A Clergymaa Inducted. Rev. A. R. Gibson, B.A., Revel-| stoke, B.C., has accepted the call to! the pastorate of St. Andrew's church, | | Carleton Place, succeeding Rev. J.| J. Monds. Mr. Gibson was inducted | this Friday evening. i Pleasant Water Trips. If you are planning to spend a day on.the water consult our bul- letin nf pleasant water trips, publisi- ed in this paper everyday on the commodious str. S:. | Lawrence. No over crowding. Some place to go! Purchased for a Hall. | The North Augusta Masons have | purchased the C. H. Reid property | and will convert.the store building | and residence adjoining it into an and public hall, Broke His Arm. J. Chilton, Toronto, who is visit- ing in the city, had his arm broken | while cranking his car Thursday &af-| ternoon. He was attended by Dr. | H. A. Boyce and 'taken to the Gen- | eral Hospital for treatment, Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Storey, Brock- ville, anonunce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth (Bes- sie) to Douglas Seaman Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cole, Ottawa, the marriage to take place the middle of September. . Motored to Kingston. M. Salmon and Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes, Smith's Falls, motored to Kingston to be present at the ceremony of the taking of her final vows of Sister M. Celina Nagle), formerly of Smith's Falls, at the House of Providence. Hve Been Accepted. | consolidated school at Mallorytown Mrs. S. W. Norton, who has always | hardships, but were always cheerful | resided in the village, The grand- and hospitable to those in need. father was an ardent temperance -- - worker and his funeral was under the Archdeacon Bliss a Sufferer. | a 8 f Temperance, Archdeacon Bliss, rector of St. = oo ee Joh Er OHuTeD, SMITHS Falls, tovk iH A Relieving Officer, on Friday. 'The jllness was diag- S. Valleau, Deseronto, who hag |P0sed as appendicitis, and on Sun- | officer at |day evening, when .it was seen that He will |8n operation could not be avoided, | the patient ws removed from the rec-| | tory to the Public Hospital Fol- | | lowing the operation good progress Presented Many Gifts. {has been made. The large majority i Recently a number of friends and |-0f the archdeacon's. parishioners | A. been relieving customs Brighton is home again. leave. on a similar mission this week for Aulisville, Ont, neighbors gathered at the home of | learned of the serious nature of his) Mr. and Mrs. Ray F. Perry, Morven, | Sickness in St. John's church, when | and presented Mr. and Mrs. William | intimation ws given by the Rev. J.| H. Ford with a variety of presents. | F- Morris, who came -down from his | een, summer-home on Rideau Lake to | To Be School Principal. takes the services for the day, Mr. J. R. Balfour is leaving Smith's | MOrris, who is a son of Councillor | Falls this week for Almonte where [20d Mrs. Morris and rector of St.| he will take over his new duties as | Clement's church, Verdun, was heard | principal of Almonte public school. in helpful, inspiring messages. He has purchased a home there and 1 3 will move his family from Smith's | Successful Ice Cream Season, Falls during the month of Septem-| his summer has seen the now ber. | familiar 'ice cream man" appear on [the streets. of the city in greater | {numbers, and from appearances all | | have had a successful season. At {all hours of the day and evening the | {sound of a bell attracts crowds of | Opening of New School. The formal opening of the fine new will take place at 3 p.m. Labor Day. | A number of short addresses by men | children to the street or to their | representative of the public and ed-: mothers for a nickel for an Ice | ucational life of the province will be | Cream cone The Dseball games| given. Afterwards luncheon will be | have also proved an attraction point | served by the Women's Institute, |for the ice cream vendors and at) | every game a number are parked on Late Mrs. Katherine Dignem. | Mrs. Katherine Dignem passed -laway at Watertown, N.Y, on Wed- |nesday. The deceased was the wi- {dow of the late Frederick Duford. | Surviving are three daughters and | Park avenue and profit as a result | {of the appetites of the fans. Many | youngsters have picked up a few] icents of spending money selling [cones in the crowd and incidently | getting in the view of the indignant | (one son, (Mary spectators. It would appear as| though the ice cream men were to| be a permanent and popular fixture | in the city. one sister, Roney, Detroit, Mich., ther, Thomas land. Mrs. Henry and one bro- Dignem, Wolfe Is- Engagements Announced. Mr, and Mrs. Willlam H, Timleck, Brockville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Jessie Irene, to George E. Ballance, the marriage to take place in September, Mrs. Robert Stitt, Brockville, an- nounces the engagement of her daughter, Bertha Elena, to Frank McVey Evans, son of John Evans, Toronto. The marriage is to take place the middle of September. Miss Bessie Remembered. Miss Bessie Hopkins was the re- cipient of a neat and serviceable club bag, when' a number of her young fr'ends gathered to'bid her fareweil at the home of Mrs. J. G. Edwards, Lindsay, Ont. Miss Hopkins, accom- panied by her mother, Mrs. Jamas Hopkins leaves for New Westmin- ster, where she will take a position in the Bank of Commerce. James Hopkins, who #8 a brother of Judge Hopkins, Cayuga, wen: west some time ago. AT THE DANCE Nell: I'm afraid I'm losing color terribly, Belle. Belle: You are perspiring a good deal, my dear. ' Married Seventy-Three Years Ago. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Brooks, Rol- and, Manitoba, who on Monday cele- brated the seventy-third anniversary of their wedding day, are both still i --==RY Drain Tile 'CLAY TILE FOR DRAINING | FARM LANDS 3 : N | | RB! S. ANGLIN & CO. Ww dworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Welling.ion Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1413. MEALS PREPARED AS DESIRED Come in and have a meal with us. You will be more than pleased for so doing, for we prepare your order as desired. Our prices are very rea- sonable. Grand Cafe PROP, Two Doors Above Opera House PETER LEE, 222 Princess Street Phone 1843. OTHERS ARE MAXOTIRED WHY NOT YOU ? EASTERN CANADA MAX OTIRE RUBBER CO, A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2080. + SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE--McGALL'S CIGAR STORE @s PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lewer Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 ---- Miss Mary I. MacLean, Harper, busying themselves with their daily and Miss Eva E, Grant, Westport, | tasks. They were born in Ontario and {having served the probation term of | have lived under four British mon- {three months and having passed their | archs. During their early married life | examinations, have been accepted as they lived on the old homestead near | nurses-in-training at Smith's Falls | Ameliasburg, Ont. Later they moved W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION -BLOUK. Pr AA) COAL Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by Ra.) BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 "REDUCED PRICES IN, MONUMENTS AND CEME- TERY LETTERING J. E. Mullen 161 FRONTENAC STREET Phone 1417. Wagstaff', tinge: slarmaisde, Wagstai'y (incapple Marmalade, Wagsiaf's Bramble Jelly. We 8lso have a full line of ' other xeilable makes of Marma- lades, Jam ana Jellies fur sale wii ' Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Streets License No. 0-27149 Ph 1844. ' 100 acres, about 12 miles from the city. Fair price. \. W. H. GODWIN & SON [Real Estate and Insurance ih el: Street. Phone 424, Have you sufficient Life Assurance? Let me quote you figures. S. Roughton 60 Brock Street KINGSTON Phone 610. a BOYS OUTFIT At Reasonable Prices Boys' Tweed Suits, all shades, latest styles--8$8.00, $9.00 and $12.00. Boys' Single Bloomers, all colors--$1.50, $2.00, $2.30 and $3.00. Boys' Suspenders--335c. and 50¢. Boys' Shirts-- different' pat- ors. Price 81.00, $1.25 and Boys' Caps--$1.00, Boys' Belts--30c. Boys' Stockings--33c., and 63c. r . 0¢ Boys' good, serviceable Boots --=price $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. I. ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET The greatest pilgrimages "to the Holy Land are undertaken by the Russians. It is estimated that, in normal times, between 20,000 and 40,000 Russians visit Palestine every year. ' Tasmania is famous for its large aooles, : | Public Hospital, Body Arrived Home. The remains of George H. Ash- wood, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Ash- wood, 480 Ford street, Ogdensburg, N.Y., who died in the war arrived from Hoboken. The burial will be with full military honors. His sister, Mrs. Diana Easter, resides in King- ston. F. F. Pardee's Forebears, It might be interesting to some to know that F, F. Pardee's grandfath- ed and grandmother are buried in the Presbyterian cemetery, North Au- gusta. His father and several broth- ers and sisters were born there, one | to Brighton, Ont, and in 1889 came of whom still lives on the person of west, settling on the homestead near Roland. Here they took up tasks of - 7 t ioneers, endurin many | Be arly 7) 2 3 THAT'S FAIR "It's awfully rude to flirt with False Teeth Held ivi ic Fimly in Place "I'l apologize to him after I'm By WILSON'S COREGA Now selling in CANADA at 45¢. 75¢. $1.25 i Ask your Dentist or Druggist : Buy the $1.25 size--it contains 5% times more than the 4bc. size. COREGA CHEMICAL COMPANY Cleveland, U.S.A Clary" 'a BUT FULL OF PUSH "Though established for years, hie business is still an infant in. dustry. "What does he do?" "Makes baby-carriages® d SW "CHEEK BY JOowL" Miss Peachblow: Toddle with you! | must say | like your cheek. Mr. Misfeet: And | like yours, That's why | asked you. TOIL REWARDED " THE. WC Opera House "« BLACK At the Gri day, Sept. 5th, Wednesday, | WORLD'S GREATEST MAG with "special meatinees 'on. Labor Da Thurston: You keep a wonder. fully neat cellar. Do you do all your own work down here? N, on- 7 fand for three days, starting and | have to have visiting it ¥ See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at ~--$35.00 --- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St, (One door below Randolph Hotel) For , Saturday ° NEW WOOL SWEATERS AND WRAPS-- For women's wear. Beautiful styles in the very newest col- ors, at the new low prices. NEW FLANNELS-- For Jumper Dresses and Mid- dies--a big variety of colors to choose from. All pure wool, at corre caren; $1.25 a yard W. N. Phone 191. rr. All the inbabiiants of Obota smok2 tobacco Roman sculptors used the . motive in all their 'art work, the on There are 220,000,000 Moham-| variety being in fhe quality of ext ton, 4 BE ' wo

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