Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Sep 1921, p. 2

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Tn « \ THE DAILY BRIT . FRIDAY, SEPT. 9, 1921, 5 -- eee se A ---------- x ALY riSH_WHIG. 1 "LARS" AT THE CRAND INCIDENTS OF THE DAY feng News of the Latest in Sheet 'Music at Lowest Prices All 40c., 50c. and 60c. Numbers . ...:...3 for $1.00 "THE LAST WALTZ" by Oscar Strauss, composer of Merry Widow and The Chocolate Sol- dier. Alan Dal®, Musical Critic of the N. ¥. American says this play will run in New York City for four or five years. The hits are: -- --The Last Waltz --Next Dance With You --Live For To-day --The Charming Ladies ~The Whip Hand LATEST NEW YORK SUMMER HITS | ain't We Got Fun, Angels, All By Myself, Absence, Always (Al Jolson's Latest), Baby Face, In Blue Bird Land, Cho Cho San, Carolina Lullaby, Crooning, Cherie, Do You Ever Think of Me, Down at the Old Swimming Hole, Dream Kiss Waltz, Fancies, Humming, Honolulu Honey, Hugs and Kisses, I Found a Rose in the Devils Gardbn, Waiting For Ships That Never Come In, Listening, Love Bird, Lord Byng, Canada Welcome You, Love's Ship, Mississippi Cradle, Mon Homme, Ma He's Kissing Me, Moonlight, Mimi, Mello Cello, Peggy O'Neill, Pucker Up and Whistle, Rosie, I Call You Sunshine, Sweetheart, Ti-O-San, Toddle, Wandering Home, Wyoming, Where the Lazy Mississippl Flows, Whisp- ering, Wang-Wang Blues. : From Trapper to Wearer Big House Saw Splendid Stock Racy Local News and Items of Company Play on Thurs= General Public Interest. , day Evening. | T¥y 'Chadwick's coal. Prone 67. | - icra is tog ea Pianos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W i delight! comedy, pre- || indsay, Limited sr | ; sent by ihe Rex. Stogk Company, | ab 3 ) 4 : : ns jdrew a capacity house-at the Grand . Prot. J. M.. Macdonald, Stuart: treet, went to Toronto to-gay. Mr received at Phone 564w. The city fathers are still on day- : light saving time, as the clock in the elgrove as Dave, and Billy | counci; ch % . r as Buek, the aroh-conspira. | SRR * amber has Jot been turned ven io extreme measures by| yy gp, McCrum, Earl street, | ] : Bost. SoROFtuity to | who has been critically {ll in the Gen- a Fi y =4 ¥oingker ig | eral hospital, is reported as showing t with ~ Ia yay yp * | steady improvement. { ot deacs ard a pelos sad F. G. Wallace, president of the 38 suceens ih Sasistane ie | Canadian Locomotive' Company, left | | whom they. fall in love, and what was ape bast Friday ToTRIng Tor | oly to prove disast t : iS = . Hk Si 3 en i gis The Kingston Horticultural Exhi- : Will mF Mitchell as Sorry sha bition of fruit, vegetables and flow- | ep : NM haiy | TS ODE 13th, in the . J. Cole, the law oi | TS ODEns on Tuesday, : i AJ co he lay or sary Out their Island Market, city buildings. {while W n Yule is seen in tue! The Kingston Horticultural Exhi- | $65--$75--$100 {double characters of the landlord | Pition of fruit, vegetables and flow- ) and the detective. In both of them |©TS OoPens on Tuesday, 13th, in the he is a wonderful Success 1 made | Island Market, city buildings, 149 to 157 BROCK STREET a "Bit" w oe Ch th the audience. Charles| Every day the classified ad. coi- | Hanndh does fine acting as the office | ng dist a number of "used things" fman, K nm VanEsse, who made | that would juSWer your purpose ae [such a success of the part of Mrs [Well as a new article. {Gerard in. "The Man Who Owned Mrs. William R. Mackintosh, 42 L. Broadway", is the landlady in | Bagot street, wishes the Whig to an- TH "Liars" and with William Yule, as |Hounce that she is not the Mrs. Wm. the landlord, won repeated applauce. | McIntosh advertised by her husband Open Nights, Phone 919. House on Thursday evening. | second triumph by Rex and | llent company of artists who | a2 warm place in the affec- tha patrons of the Grand. | Swaine, piano tuner, orders | 100 Clergy street w Beautiful, dark, natural Fisher skins -- made' up full animal style; finished with head, tail and paws; fur both sides: 'choker style. : ' --Baby In Love LOWEST IN CANADA PRICES IN LATEST SHEET MUSIC seen as Emma, | In the Whig on Thursday. Gloria Machan as.Anna and the beau- A particularly brilliant display of tiful Zana Vaughn as Norma. northern lights was visible in the sky "Liars" is a humorous and enter- | Wednesday evening, The Aurorf Bor- taining comedy, and is produced in a | ealis is taken as an indication of ap- most highly finished manner by the | proaching cooler weather and frost. Rex Stock Company. Opening with a| Dress up Boys--See our range of bo~rding louse scene it comes to a | boys' suits, $6.50, $7.50 and $9: dramatic climax in the fourth act af- | best value in city. Made-to-measure ter a series of startling events. Be- suits in Scotch tweed, regular value, tween the acts, superior vaudeville is | $45, for $35 a suit. Prevost, Brock put on, the Park Kiddies were d>- street, lightful in their songs and dances. Mr. and Mrs. 'Hiram Walker, of Rex Snelgrove announced that | Yarker, have returned home after "Liais" would be put on Friday and | three months' visit with friends in { Saturday with « bargain matinee | Western Ontario and in several | | 8>*urday He thanked the audience |towns and cities in Michigan. {for the warm reception given him | Take the palace steamer Waubiz | {and his troop on their second ap-|for a tour of the islands every Sun- | | pearance and promised that during day throughout September, leaving | | the week opening on Sept. 19th, afoot of Brock street 1.15 p.m. One series of great atiractions would be half hour in Cape Vincent. Making {seen at the Grand. He was applaud- | regular train connections for all N.Y. | ed at the conclusion of his address. | points. Fare return, 75¢. Phone 2195, | The Rex Stock Company is the first | Rockport Navigation Go., Ltd. {important company to put on high | class comedies at pre-war prices and |the popularity of the movement was Hazel Williams is Coats,Coats, Coats ~ We have just the smart, new Coat that you have been locking for. A big range to choose from in Bolivia, Suedine, Dovetine, One Kiss A wonderful new Fox Trot ablaze with color and full of a glorious rhythm, played by the Melody Men. You're the Sweetest Girl (in All the World) is also a pumber that makes 8 delightful Fox Trot, as played by the Diamond Trio on His Master's Voice D.S. Record 216218 ... no. wi von on we $1.00 Peggy O'Niel--Waltz--The Melody Men Letter of Appreciation, } rachti 5. 216314 The yachting committee of the re Vamping Rose--Fox Trot--Van Eps Quartette ... $1.00 216316 $1.00 216277 $1.00 Dixie--One Step--Van Eps Quartette In My Tippy Canoe--Waltz--Diamond Trio Do You Ever Think of Me--Fox Trot--Rega Orch. Cuban Eyes--Tox Trot--Venetian Garden Orch. - MAHOOD BROS. "THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA" |For Sale Se ross: gan 98.500--palr stone houses, Syden= am street, § rooms. electric Finest Belleville Creamery 40c 1b, Extra fine Rice 5 Ibs. 20e. Rolled Oats Canned Pineapple, per tin ..2%e. Mathews Pure Lard Cree C18) vio yiiiviiiiiii, 23e. Castile Soap ...... Fancy Cakes Eddy's Matches .. 'Plenic Sardines light, gas, rnace (one). i $3,500_--Village of Cataraqui -- rick; 9 ; of : A. furnace; nt ; bar and garage; lot about 880x100. $3,500-William Street; stone; 7 rooms and bath. building lot, Beverly St; 380x129; sewer, water and gas. GENERAL INSURANCR A Bends Bought and Sola RH. Waddell The McCann Agency Phones 322-896, "SAVE THE DIFFERENCE» Cullen's CASH AND CARRY 86 Brock St. ALFRED and PRINCESS STS, NIH A Hat bought here means a season of content. : See our complete assortment of new shapes. Prices are lower this fall. ; \ . We sell every best make, Including the celebrated Borsa- | Mmo, for which we are the Kingston Agents. : © EM shown by a crowded house, LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN First Meeting of the Fall Sea- son Was Held on Thursday. I The first meeting for the autumn of the Local Council of Women, was held in the council chamber on Thursday afteinoon, the president in the chair. A petition has been sent: to the members of the Local Council for signature, asking the prime minister that Mrs. Emily F. Murphy be ap- pointed to the senate, that the sail senate may be the better qualified to consider matters concerning .the in- terests, of the women and children | of Canada. The petition was signal by tiie members present. Mrs. Emliy Murphy is better known to the pub- lic as Janey Canuck, the author of many delightful stories of Canadien life. She was educated at Bishop | Strachan's school, Toronto, but mory- ed to the west after her marriage. | She is a police magistrate and judge of the juvenile court in Alberta, and a vice-president of the Social Ser- vice Council of Canada, as well as holding many other positions of na- tional importance. A communication was read from the national corresponding secretary, regarding the year book, of 1921, and also informing the local councils that Lady Byng of Vimy has consent. ed to become honorary president of the L.C.W. Mrs. Charles Wright, the travellers' aid, gave an interas:- ing report of her increasing work. The cards placed in the railway sta- tions, had, she said, brought many more people to seek her aid and now that it was known that Kingston had a travellers' aid, leiters were re- ceived from outside places, com- mending young or feeble persons ta he: care. In June she had assisted 120 travellers, in July 186, and in August 124. Some of these wera young girls coming to work in King- ston, and others were invalids on their way to the hocpital. Mrs. Wright's work called forth much ap- preciafion » by the council. Miss Root, the social service worker, said little had been accomplished during the summer, but she hoped for bet- ter thing as the autumn began. - Miss Mowat read the report of the meeting of the National Council at Calgary in June, written by Miss Charlotte Whitton, who, in the ah- sence of the president and delegate, represented Kingston's loeal © coun- oil. hensive one and the work accomp- Hshed and outlined is "ruly marvel- lous, another evidence of the great influence of the National Council on Canada's national life, Approves Action. : The Trades and Labor Council has approved the action of the legislative committee - in recommending the placing of a candidate in the field for the coming federal election. Haste makes waste, The woman who is in too much of a hurry to read the store' advertisements - S much waste in the course of a ypar. The same rule applies to the men. Mrs. Vivian Sylver and Master Ar- nold Syiver have been moved to their home after being confined to the Gen- E eral hospital, i At 8.20 on Thursday night the bri- { The report was & most compre- || cent regatta held in Belleville are in | receipt of the following letter from Victor A. Minnes, of Kingston: "The fieet arrived home on Saturday after a most enjoyable run from Belleville. The ¢rews one and all voted the trip a wonderful success and the hospital- ity and Kindness of the Belleville yachting enthusiasts unexcelled, We all enjoyed every mintite of our stay with you and on behalf of the crew of the Kathleen, I want to thank you for your kindness and trouble in looking after our comfort and enjoy- ment. I am sorry that I was not able to thank you personally before we left. We al] hope that we will have another opportunity. of racing at Belleville next year and that on that occasion the Belleville fleet will be a reality and give the boats of other clubs a run for their money. With all good wishes for the success of the Bay of'Quinte Yacht Club, and many thanks to you for your kindness." Pp ---- Firemen at the Dump, The Bagot street dump is still the "hoodoo" for the Kingston firemen. gade was given a call for a fire at the dump and six hundred feet of hose was used. "The Hat Store" It's time now to * " the old Straw or Panama snd put on a new nobby Felt Hat. 'We are showing a wohderful variety of the newest shapes and shades--all imported di- rect from the world's best mak. ers for our wholesale and re- tail trade, ; ' The new prices also make them more interesting, running for good Fur Felt Hats mostly from $2.50 to $5.00. NEW CAPS It wou be pretty hard to find a better range of Caps than we show for both Men and Boys shasta s us a T5010 52.00 "WE HAT EVERYBODY" HAL ARE) Special for Satu ette remnants--from 15¢c. WHITE F LANNELETTE, 15c. Saturday .............15¢c. yd. Beearly! Newman & Shaw Blanket Cloth and Velours in plain and fur- trimmed styles. Moderately priced, from-- $12.50 up. FALL SUITS New arrivals in Misses' and Ladies' Fall Suits every day. Smart styles in Tricotines and Ve- lour with fur trimming. Priced very low at-- $40.00 rday--a big mill shipment of White Flannel- one to 8 yd. lengths--beautiful firm quality-- Kingston's Carpet Warehouse -" TWO AUTOS STOLEN. The Police Notified of Thefts From Outside Places, The police department received the description of two automobiles and a horse and buggy stolen recently. At Smith's Falls a Chevrolbt car owned by W. R. Ballantyne, containing a Brownie camera, a. gray and brown coat and otter driving gloves, was 8! ~The car carried Ontario li- cense number 150-560, At Brant- ford a Ford 1916 model has been stolen. The license number is 95-837 and the seérial number is 32457. A double barrel Ithaca shotgun, No. 12 gauge, was also stolen. Chief of police Fred Nichols, Car- leton Place, reports the theft of a black mare, black box buggy, and nickel trimmed harness, The outfit ig valued at $300 and a reward is of- fered for its recovery. How Hg Broke the News. A fondness for backing an occas- ional winner was one of Bill's weak- nesses; that his selection didn't al- ways come home first couldn't be blamed on him. After a certain race he got home rather later than usual, to be met at door by his wife, her 'face distorted with rage. He knew the signs, and sank into & chair, con- tent to wait till the ¢louds had rolled by. When at last she had to. pause for want of breath, he remarked cas- | ually: "I say, Nel, ye likes to 'ear ©' people winnin' 16ts 0' money, don't yer?" Visions of new hats and even a4 dress floated sefore her dazzled €yes, so the woman forced a smile to her lips and replied: *"That I do. Tell me about it." "Weil," hesaid, as she nestled close to him, "a bookmak- er's been an' gorn an' won al] me wages this week." A ------------------ At least one of the want ads. in to-day's paper should concern YOU! The man with moderate means should avoid the "fast class" socially. BY Nr ---- DO YOUR BUYING BEFORE THE RUSH $3,600--Clergy St.----Semi-detached brick. $4,800--Barrie St.--Frame; hot water heating $3,550--Brock St.--Semi-detached brick. $3,250---Brock, St.~Brick; elsvvic liche $2,850--Clergy St. W.--Double brio. $2,150--Union St.--Bungalow; electric lig. Building Lots in all parts of the City. + Complete list at Office. E. W. MULLIN & SON Buyers and Sellers of Real Estatn Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. « « - Phones 530w and 5883, MEN'S BOOTS $4.95 COMBINE STYLE AND DURABILITY Every pair with Goodyear Welted Soles, Blucher or . Lace Models--in sha ~----Brown Bluchers, wide toes, with rubber heels =--Rlack Bluchers, wide toes, with rubber heels. e--Brown Bals--narrow toes. ~----Brown Bals, meduim toes, fubber heels =----Black Lace Boots, medium toes. ----Black Lace Boots--narrow toes. "SEE THESE SHOES IN QUR WINDOW" Bp ire

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