SATURDAY, SEPT. 10, 19% : » THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. In the World of Sport . | meme om rr ~~ ----4 Smooth As Satin: 'The Durham-Duplex Razor shaves with the correct diagonal stroke, taking the beard off SPD clean and leaving the skin smooth as satin. Durham-Dupléx, blades are made of the finest LITTLE BITS ; Swedish steel, oil tempered, hollow ground, dou- ho I : : E ble-edged and keen. A stropping attachment He oh ; ; yo dike E keeps them so. EET because we're quiet doesn't $ we thnewerare dead nor THAT We |= |= = a Aa : | i " re et given up 'the idea of a city : Sa, (URHAM = (UPLEX) league in Kingston. ; X% : ; : i = a BN : BEL The Practical Safety Razop Standard set, conssung of rasor, safety guard, three doubles Toronto will no doubt whip a edged blades, in a heat ivéry rowd into shape, however. 4 Fas , 3 N A ne alia Tnpiete: Other * Clements, who played on : Tn oe 3 Made in Canada by the Whenever you have a RE Da hi DURHAM-DUPLEX RAZOR Ce., Limited, Toronto . . 1 1is intenti turning { Columbia Vacation Model i Ottave Rr Ri oo : a Te VJ) Fedtives Grafonola along! That's | Athtetics, of the Montreal City { BR SARNEGBD Terese, Jersey City, Shaild, Pars the answer who played four games here nmer, have been put out of inning in the league by Cres- ts. Now we'd like to see Cres- | cents, n, Mackenzie, Earle, Wallace | Sullivan will be missed by To- | University rugby team this When three's not a crowd | Watertown K. of C. team plays | Ponies here this afternoon and the | [ big question is, who will pitch for | | them? "Ted" Gallagher was their | moundman on more than one occa- | sion this eeason, Carl Mays won his twenty-third | game of the season when he turned | | back Hughey Duffy's stalwarts in the | | opening tussel on Thursday, while the second game was a pitching duel BEDS, SPRINGS, MATTRESSES Special prices for this week :-- Felt Mattresses--reg. price $12, for $8.50 Felt Mattreses--reg. price $14, for $11.00 There are three of these vacation models, all of which have ample 1 between Pennock and Harper, Ruth tone volume for dancing. Come | pry ue the duel when he bust the | in. See them. Hear them. ball on the nose, sending Peckin- paugh home ahead of him, EASY TERMS, TOO. | WOMEN FAILED TO SWIM CHANNEL. Rn The figure on the right is Mrs. Arthur Hamilton. who has " ; ranada Wala : Von Hh { "Rell" Batsone will coach the Ex- : 5 , Te DD. 4 A J ) : SIDE ae rad car the latest, "Lord Bysg, Canada Welcomes You, In] velsior Junior O.R.F.U. team this | received a lot of unpleasant notoriety in England by reason Stare Open Till 10.30 pan. Sxtarday | season, and last night had the squad | of her claim that on August 20th she got within four miles of GET THE HABIT--" FOR RECORDS TRY TREADGOLD'S FIRST." { at-work at High Park. Another prac- success in swimming the channel. She told of encountering a { tice will be held Saturday afternoon, | ¢.} 0] of porpoises during her attempt, but her failure to pro- hg | 1 ini 10 { when all players desiring to join a . > ERP ar fos as jecte "Ss i i TREADGOLD SPOR I ING | ast junior team should turn out. | duGe witnesses to her feat has subjected Mrs. Hamilton to a / | Among those asked to turn out, B.|lot of criticism. Standing with Mrs. Hamilton is Miss Nora { Briton, Thompson, Sinclair, Brooks | Forbes, who also attempted the long swim, but lasted only a GOODS CO [ and Humma are asked to take notice. | few hours. » | -- Ps ns BICYCLES--FISHING TACKLE--PHONOGRAPHS--CAMERAS. Bout Was a Farce, | tract by giving a poor boxing exhibi- We'll Soon Know. 88 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 529. Opinion of Tex Rickard | tion Labor Day in his bouf with Mixer Mitchell, the schoolboy "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" Johnny - Wilson, middleweight | Bryan Downey, Cleveland, heard Tex | lightweight of Syracuse, has come champion, summoned by the New | Rickard, the promoter, testify that | ar, i" «i Buin | he considered the fight a fare Rick- : - | Jersey Boxing Commission Friday to | 5 g e. Ric -- | face charges that he broke his con- | ard said he thought Wilson "a dis- On the Marriage Day. | grace to the game," and that he Marshall Mattresses--best mattress made-- Green, White, Red Label Mattress, Special prices on Springs and Beds R. J. Reid THE LEADING UNDERTAKER 230-234 PRINCESS STREET Phone 577. Romance usually ceases, and 'his- FURS Choice Assortment of -- HUDSON SEAL, | Sure Protection For You While You Travel { You may find the water bad, some | poorly cooked food may excite trouble, a draught from a car win- dow may give you an ache or pain-- |a cold room or damp. sheets may cause rheumatic -twinges. , Remem- ber this--any pain that is caused by congestion yields rapidly to Nervi- Ine. When your stomach is sour and upset, just try the magical ef- fect of twenty drops of Nerviline in sweetened water. If cramps waken you in the dead of night, Nerviline will fix those awful cramps in a should be ruled out of the ring for ife, declared that if he had known of a | precedent in championshin encoun- {ters he would have "thrown both men: out of the ring in the fifth round." He said he believed both fought honestly, but neither knew how to fight. Rickard contended thet Wilson did not box as well as he could, judging from his bout with Mike O'Dowd last winter, in which the Boston battler defended his title successfully, He notified the commission that he had Jim Savage, who refereed the bout, tory begins, and sore corns begin to go when "Putnam's" is applied. It takes out corns, roots, branches, stems--no trace of a single corn left after Putnam's Pajnless .Corn Ex- tractor has done its work, 25¢ at all dealers. Refuse a-substitute. te the front in splendid fashion, but critics seem to think that a mistake was made in matching him with Rocky Kansas. The Buffalo light- weight is the second best in his class and there were plenty of other good boys to give Mitchell an argument mn, without asking him to meet such a rugged boxer as Rocky so early in his career, Charlie Huck, Mitchell's manager, feels that he made no mis- take in agreeing to the match, and Charlie should know, as he has sedn Kansas box a number of times. MASTER MASON PLUG SMOKING to release the money, which it order Smoke ed held pending the hearing, £5 good Tobacco" : = § Boxing Commissioner McNair, who ) brought the charges, said he heard or ¥ t Wilson's seconds counsel him to con- yA tinue keeping away from Downey and z . - = 2 not to lead. Wilson denied this. The "a ; . hearing was adjourned until Tuesday oN a 3 " = = =® Sd Og N, nurry. Keep a 35 cent. bottle of Nerviline in hand--always. A deposited Wilson's share of.the Labor Day purse, $35,000, and it would be available if the commission declined BEAVER AND SABLE Gourdier's BROCK STREET to allow Wilson and his manager {ime Its use marks you as | to obtain counsel, a judge of tobacco -------------- MISS ALEXA STERLING. To Compete. in Canadian Ladies Golf, ing Event, B. L. Anderson, secretary of the Royal Canadian Golf Association, re- ceived a wire from W. P, Vanderpool, New York, secretary of the United States Golf Association, Thursday making entry for Miss Alexa Stirling in the Canadian ladies' championship > to be held at Rivermead Golf Club, reasons a enty, aside Ottawa, Sept. 19th to 24th. Miss XN J : A from the real pipe en- Stirling is the present lady cham- ] PH rH . 07, WA * pion of Canada and thc United States, " / NY 7 ) ent he gets from but will have to dispose of Misk Cecil W777 WN Re \ aster I h Leitch, - English lady champion, in A 4 4 3 Mason. ere defending her Canadian title this 1s no waste: there 8 year. no loss of flavor: and - - there's the satisfying Completing a 145-mile swim begun econom i | at Albany last Friday, Mise Millo S ge Z ; vy. the big Cude, 22-years-old, arrived at Bat- AAI 24x Master ason plug 1s M | tery Park, New York, at 10.57 o'clock high quality tobacco at the rock bottom pri Friday morning, A launch and a The Big Plug 20¢ ---- -- -- == --r-- NEW FALL SHOES NOW BEING SHOWN Women's Mahogany and Black Calf Baddle Strap Oxfords, with sewn extension soles $6 50 «Cuban or Military Heels ..... a . Women's Mahogany Calf Two Strap Pumps--Cuban heels ,,..... Cane [sess seswsnne escsasarene HE man who smokes the big plug has Women's and Growing Girls' Mahogany Call---two strap pumps Wess sssssssssshect Sav osimmas ta re mm---- Some Swim, '. All the newest styles at most reasonable prices. Numerous styles and lasts to choose from. Call in! See for yourself! rowboat accompanied her down the | Hudson and she slept and ate aboard | the launch. She left Albany at 9.20 | o'clock last Friday morning and i-eavered, including detours; approxi- | mately 1563 miles. She was in the water 63 hours, 35 minutes. > a § 3 : & Wellwood J : 3B 2 Y re ; : WELL OF ALL THINGS RE SL TOU £0 RIGHT 0C wi TO - Custom Tailors 15 A LETTER FROM THE BANG THE PIAMG COMPANY AND ; . : i COMPANY « THEY SAY THEY CAN'T INSIST OR THEM SENDING Own Material Made Up. DELIVER MY PIANO. TODAY - --t (ADF | Prices right. PROFESSOR CLEF 14 COMING } 80 MONTREAL STREET TONIGHT TO ING - | MUST Two doors from King Edward Theatre FOR SALE . pood second - baud umber, Corrugate ~ Sheet Steel and other building materials. '. kL Cohen & Co. BY GEORGE McMANUS 17'S NO OBE TALWIN' Enea : WELL HERE'S TEN OOLLARS - BE DURE. YOU DON'T CHANGE "YOUR, MIND = --- THERE'S NO CHANCE OF DELIVERIN' T PIANO "TODAY . ney