Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Sep 1921, p. 5

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TURDAY, SEFT. 10. 1021. iE DAILY BRITIS SH 'WHIG. CHOICE WESTERN MEATS ad COOKED MEATS 282 Princess Street -- FOR MOVING OF Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and | Cartage of every description-- Kingston Transfer Co. Prone 377. DAVID SCOTT Plumber Piombiag a Gas Work a special. ty. All work. guaranteed. 1458 Frontenac Street, DR.A.W. WINNETT D iNTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johasun and Wellington Streets Phone 364 Dr. Waugh Dentist Phone 1277, 153 Wellington Street. | Address || 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Angrove's Repairs Seales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, | - Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, etc. We | de repair work right and guarantee | satisfaction. 187 WELLINGTON STREET [WATTS | People's Florist 177 Wellington street, Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order, Phone 1763. Res, 1137. -- | | | W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOOK. COAL Choicest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by un. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 IN MONUMENTS AND CEME- TERY LETTERING J. E. Mullen 161 FRONTENAC STREET siarmaiade, Marmalade, » Jelly. We alse have a full dine ot other renable makes of Murma- lades, Jam and apie for snie a Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King Se. oo Sireeta > FOR SALE _ 100 acres, about 12 miles from the city. Fair price. W. H. GODWIN HIS LIFE RUINED BY DYSPEPSIA Until Hé Tried "FRUIT-A-TIVES" The Wonderful Fruit Medicine MR. FRANK HALL Wyevale, Ontario. "For some two years, I was a sufferer from Chronic Constipation and Dyspepsia, I tried every remedy I heard of without any success, until the wife of a local merchant recommended 'Fruisa-tives'. I procured a box of 'Fruit-a-tives' and began the.treatment, and my éondition commenced to improve immediately. ¥ The Dyspepsia ceased to be the burden of my life as it had been, and I was freed of Constipation. I feel that I owe a great debt to "Fruit-a-tives' for the benefit I derived from them." FRANK HALL. B80c.a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruita-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. | 21 Main Street. BUILDING? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son | Phone 1670. np IL ET Th Sk jo Bi [gh i TAXI FOR HIRE Special prices for out- of-town trips. G. C. MILLARD 30 Main Street Phone 235 Iw. sore muscles Whether they come from bruises or over- work, sore muscles will quickly yield to the soothing effect of c Absorbine, Jr. Rub briskly into the mus- cles a few drops of Absor- bine, Jr, and the inflam- mation which caused the pain will quickly disap- pear--and with it the pain. Keep a bottle on hand and be prepared for emer- gencies. $1.25 a bottle at most druggists! W. F. YOUNG, Ine. 344 St. Paul St., Montreal ie ETT] FOR SALE GOON, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta Phope 67. oar , fied | course, | zens are given an | provement the paving of the square | will be. Many are the favorable com- | | ments made Ideal Fountain Pen There is only one 'Ideal Fountain Pen known the world over for satisfaction, service and style. We have just the size you want and a point to suit you in any style. We" carry a full stock and ask you to come in and make your se-. lection now. Every scholar and student should carry an "Ideal" Pen to school and college. For sale by M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist. Phone 82. i F Kingston and Vicinity Accepted as Nurse-in-training. Miss Flossie Storey, Napanee, has been accepted as nurse-in-training at' the Kingston General Hospital, and will énter the Training School yin the spring... Enters Hospital to Train, Miss Frances Coleman, daughter of Rev. J. HA H. Coleman, Napanee, formerly of Kingston, has entered St. John's Hospital, Toronto, to train for a nurse, Coming to Kingston, The tug Mary P. Hall, which was released near Cornwall, has been re- paired in the dock at Cornwall and left' with the tug Frontenac on Fri- day afternoon for Kingston. If a Man ¢ Has a house to sell, a ear to rent, ia lot to trade or a mouse trap .to exchange and will tell it in a classi- advertisement someone will come for that thing even from the furthermost corners of your town. Mariners Return. Some of the Kingston men, who have been employed on the steamer Midland City, which was formerly the steamer America, have returned to the city the steamer having been laid up for the season. Twenty- y-Eight in Fifth Form. The attendance at the fifth form at the collegiate has taken a jump this year twenty-eight students taking the The raising of the standards of entrance to the faculties of science from a junior matriculation to a sen- ior certificate is given as one of the reasons. Theatrical Title Collection, The local theatre-goers have this week been treated to a rare collection of titles of the various theatres in the city. which were seen on screen and stage gave an indication of the wide range of subjects treated. But one knows there is a lot more in a play or picture tHan. its title. Market Square Pavement, With one section of the paving of the market square, finished, the citi- idea of the im- on the rapidity with which the job! is being pushed along, | and the excellent appearance of the | finished par's. Milk Producers to Meet. A meeting of the Kingston and dis- | trict milk producers has been called for Saturday afternoon for the pur- pose of considering the milk supply and to fix the wholesale and retail price of milk for the winter months beginning October 1st. There was a slight considerable drop in produc- tion in July, but an improvement | was observable after the heavy rains. | The dairy industry hus not suffered through the season, as prices of butter, cream and cheese have held. up well. The closing of condensories in different localities any loss | has released milk for general con- sumption, so that as the demands of the ice cream makers fal] off, there will be no shortage in milk supply. Kingston Boys Arrested, The Napanee Beaver says: Seven Kingston youths, Kenneth Turcotte, the attractions playing | | this reflects credit upoa the officers | {and members of Belleville camp goes | without saying. as every- | 15 years old; Edward Stanford, 14 vears; Wm. Stevens, 15 years; Geo Prager, 14 years; Patrick Corrisan, 16 years; Wm. Corrigan and William Clark, 18 years, were found wander- morning. Constable G on Monday and Stanford, and after a spell in. the trate Rankin, given a lecture and or- dered back to Kingston. The other boys had in the meantime beat 'it | down the track towards home. Tur- cotte was one of the lads previously arrested in Napanee for stealing. To Reside in Winnipeg. A, E. Weller, Kingston townsliip, announces that he is about to leave and take up his residence in Winni- peg. This news ig received with deep regret 'by his many friends, especially enac, Mr. Welle has been secretary U.F.0. Co-operative Company .since their organization more than three vears ago and has given unstintingly of his time and talents to the pro- motion of'the cause of the farmers of his county. He was als, a direc- dustrial Fair Association. Mr. Wel- ler operated a farm on the Portland road and was universally held in high esteem for h's integrity and many other fine qualities of mind heart. He will be a great loss to the farmers' political Frontenac in tions. Kingston Won Prizes, The Canadian Woodman has the following of interest: "The Junior Camp of the Canadian jurisdiction | wins the silk flag in the spring con- | test ,with a total of 00 for the three | months, .ending June 30th. That | This camp was in- | stituted in February of this year, |! under the influence of Deputy Con- | | sul Sovereign W. P. Chard, who ! later hauled over his well-establish- | ed camp to Deputy Consul Sovereign | Jas. Fegg, Kingston. Sovereign Fegg has been a Woodman for many years, have originally joined Sherwood Forest Camp at Peterboro, later re- moving to Kingston, where he assist- ed in the instituting of Kingston | Camp, which. has grown to be a strong component branch of our order . Sovereign Fegg was elected | clerk of Kingston Camp at its incep- | | tion, and continued to hold that of- fice until Janyary first of this year. (Copyright, 1921. In several western cities THE YOUNG-OLD MEN By CHARLIS GRANT MILLER All Rights Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) "young-old" men have formed an organ-| ization that may become nation-wide in its scope, for (he purpose of securing employment for men who have passed their prime. This is decidedly the day of young men, and the man who has passed | middle life without having laid up a competency or mastered some! special line 'of work is at a dreadful disadvantage. But it has always been so. And age, now, as always, is not so mioh] a matter of years as of declining enthusiasm. We have seen men or whose strong shoulders rests the burden of his teeth without any trouble what- nine decades, seven, eight apd sometimes of spirit and Strength which comes done and the vision fulfilled: The great work of the ures are made by young men. It that count in the business world as full of the unwasted power| from freshness and joy in the work! -® world is being done and always has been! mild but thorough laxative which done by men of middle life and more, Four-fifths of the business fail-! is ripened experience and judgment in any other. In physical work the older man may be outclassed by the younger one; hut in lines of work calling for skill, older man has the er steadiness and reliability the There is something seriously wrong. with an economic system that finds a man useless at fifty. ------------------ SLEEP sleep? ous system. It is a danger to develop. teed Safe and Sure. Sold in Kingston by Mahood's Drug Store Oh! what a wonderful word tha! is! Can ydu do it? That is, drop off into a good sound refreshing If you are unable to, there is something wrong with your nerv- Nervous prostration, melanchdh nervous dyspepsia are only a few the serious maladies that are lisble DR. MILES' NERVINE---$I. 20 will soothe the irritated and over strained nerves. Just one or two doses helps Nature to restore to their normal functions. Gu rm signal. ing around the*streets of Napanee | Greer caught two of them, Tufcotte | coop they were brought before Magis- | among the United Farmers of Front- | of the U.F.O. political party and the | tor of the Kingston Agricultural In- | and | organizations of | e coming federal elec- | He accepted the position of deputy | consul of the Woodmen of the World | {in November, 1920 und his thus far has been of an up-building nature, success in % spring eampaign." - ap ------ "Work at the New Rink. | Mote ofthe equipment has arriv- | ed for moving the curling rink and | temporarily. mova] of the houses on Arch street | is going on as fast ag possible. The double house is now being moved up the street and the brick house xhich being 'razed is nearly all/down. In pulling these houses down sev- eral near accidents have occurred. { When one of the walls fell a work- man was almost pinned beneath the debris but. fergunately he was able to get into a"hole and thus eave { himself from serious injuries al- though he received some bruises about one shoulder that was expos- ed. The steel company workmen will do quick work as soon as they | arrive as the steel frames and sup- | ports are being made at the factory {and wil! be all ready to bolt and rivet together, As fast as the ground |is cleared, holes for the concrete bases for the supports are being | dug | Minnes-Bryson Wedding. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Ottawa, was the scene of a pretty and interesting wedding Thursday at 2 p.m., that of Miss Jessie Henderson Bryson, daughter of the late' Mr. and | | st Mrs. Charles Bryson, to Arnott James | Minnes, M.C., only son of Mr. and | Mrs. James A Minnes, Kingston. | Rev. G. D. Kilpatrick officiated. The | bride was attended by Miss Marjory | Mines, as bridesmaid. | tin, Toronto, was best man, Redmond | | Code, Ottawa, and Mr. Frank Smythe, | Kingston, acted as ushers. The | bride wore a charming Parisien gown | of jvory crepe de chene with panels, embroidered in silver. Mrs. Minnes, mother of the groom, | in grey Canton crepe, with black hat | with feather trimming. Following | the ceremony ah informal reception | was held at the home of the bride. | Mr. and Mrs. Minnes later left for | New York | tailored suit with a navy hat. ston, Mr. and. Mrs. James Minnes, W, T. | Minnes, Garnet Minnes, Mr. and Mrs. | A. Strachan, all of Kingston; Mr. and | Mrs. T. B. Caldwell, Perth; Mrs. Pat- | terson, Kingston, THE HORTICULTURAL SHOW. To Be Held Tuesday and Wednesday of Next Week. Kingston Horticultural Society is holding its annual show in the island market, city buildings, The exhibition will Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock and will continue until Wednesday night. The doors will open each day at two o'clock and seven o'clock. exhibition all kinds and vegetables is*promised for this year, and the show should live up to its previous fine records. As usual, the island market will be a mass of cut flowers, growing piants, vegetables and fruits of the | finest kind, grown in this district | by experts and some very fine speci- | mens wil be on display. A charge of twenty-five cents will be made for adults and fifteen cents [for children- and the show will be fully worth it. - The society has not a | very large membership, but always | puts on a fine exhibition which is a | credit to it. !| WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT BABY'S OWN TABLETS W. Beesley, Mille Roche, writes: "I have used Baby's {Own Tablets for 'the past eight months and would not be without them. I used them for indigestion | and teething and my baby is cutting Mrs. | Ont., {ever. I can highly recommend the i Tablets to other mothers." What | Mrs. Beesley says thousands-of other | | mothers say. The Tablets are a regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus driving out: com- stipation and indigestion and making teething easy. They are. sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. _NAPANEE FAIR, Will be Held on Sept. 13th, 14th and 15th. If you wish to spend a pleasant day's outing, why not take in this fair? There is not a Fair ground in Can- ada to compare with Napanee for comfort and pleasure. The grounds are beautifully shad- ed, the buildings are all new. $4,000 has been expended on the stock barn since last year: it is now 190 x 66 eet, with fifty new beautiful stalls for horses, besides the space for cattle, $1,500 in purses for races. There will be a trotting and running race each day. Fifteen runners are entered already. Benson's New York Midway, one of the cleanest Midways ever in Can- ada. May Collier makes a high dive of 90 feet into a tank of water every afternoon and evening. This is a free act. This Midway carries its own Italian band. High class baseball daily. The " Havana Red Sox play ball every day, the first day with the Ponies of King- ston, secomd day with Verona, third work | We congratulate him on his | inning first prize in the | the property of the curling club in ! | the form of stones, chairs and lockers | | are being moved into the gymnasium | The work on the re- Irving Mar- | James | was The bride travelled in a | On | their return they will reside in King- | The out-of-town guests were: | next week. | commence on | A fine | of flowers and plants of | } | We are not looking for any reduction in the price of Coal. Now is a good time to lay in a supply for next winter, S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415, - to a Dinner AT THE GRAND CAFE Bring in your family and let them enjoy the service and surroundings of King- ston's best Restaurant. Grand Cafe PETER LEE, PROP. 222 Princess Street - - Two Doors Above Opera House Phone 1843. ni I i HATHA Lm | a OTHERS ARE MAXOTIRED WHY NOT YOU? - EASTERN CANADA MAX OTIRE RUBBER CO, A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2050. } SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 1355. UPTOWN OFFICE--McGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY | } « New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at --$35.00 --' | TWEDDELL'S .31 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) 7 © . | © 2 day with Tweed. - Tuesday evening there will he a Buby $how in the palace, Wednes- ay 'evening concert. Harold Jarvis. o-night STOCKINGS FOR ALL THE FAMILY Children's Hose in colton; lisle and wool at 25c¢, 35c¢, 40c, 50c. 60c. pair he Boys' Wool Golf Hose, in assorted colors with pretty pattern tops. Women's Cotton, Silk and Wool Stockings, a big assortment at popu- lar prices. Men's Heavy Cotton Cashmere and Heather Wool Socks, at 25¢, 33, 50c, and 75c a pair. W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191, The Waldron Store. troit, the famous tenor, and J. meron, entertainer, Toronto, wil take part. Thursday night a hig dance in the armorfes.

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